New Version of Anathema

UrsKR said:
Worth quoting indeed, even more so as it reminds that I'd like to pose two questions: First, how do you generate the trees displayed in the charm trees? Albeit not crossing-free, I quite like the look of them.
Second, how *DO* I export to XML? It's probably hidden in plain sight, but anyway...
I use a package called GraphViz, specifically the dot program.  A sample dot file:

The set of all Charms in XML:
I've heard of GraphViz before, even did some experiments before writing my own stuff. Looks good in the webpage.

Samiel, if the format memesis showed us in the files linked to is the only export-format, it's not compatible with the one used by Anathema.

Which reminds me of another thing I wanted to bring up, here or elsewhere:

Has anyone ever thought of creating, documenting and advertising an "Unified Charm Source" (UCS)-format to prevent people from re-inventing the wheel everytime projects like ours are launched and to have a common base for transfer between projects?
UrsKR said:
Has anyone ever thought of creating, documenting and advertising an "Unified Charm Source" (UCS)-format to prevent people from re-inventing the wheel everytime projects like ours are launched and to have a common base for transfer between projects?

I'm building the second generation of the XML format I use to store stuff. I've used it in generating my charm tree PDFs. (Also using dot, btw).

The intent of this format is not charm only, or even Exalted only. It is meant to be used for any role-playing game. Using it is a little strange, because it assumes it will be used by software, not humans, so makes use of multiple-inheritance. This makes it really powerful, but sometimes hard to understand.

The eventual idea is to make a role-playing XML standard, with rules on exactly how this format works. It's mostly in my head right now, though.

If people want to talk about this, maybe a new thread would be a better place to do so.

I also envision a way to encode rules into the format, such that a decent Rete engine could do things like figure out all bonuses that apply to a combat roll and so on, but this is a long way off.

Also, a note on dot: it can create SVG files, as far as I know, so would probably work just fine for Anathema.
UrsKR said:
Samiel, if the format memesis showed us in the files linked to is the only export-format, it's not compatible with the one used by Anathema.
This is where the magic of XSLT comes into play.  In other words, you can take the markup from Lore 5, run it through a stylesheet, and massage it into pretty much any format you like.
I would love such a system if it required no knowledge of XML. A little script that came with or in Anathema to convert and integrate Lore5 charm submissions would be lovely.
Samiel said:
I would love such a system if it required no knowledge of XML. A little script that came with or in Anathema to convert and integrate Lore5 charm submissions would be lovely.
I would actually be fine with having Lore 5 publish an "Anathema data file" periodically, hosted on the lore5 site itself.

Update: The format looks very easy to massage Lore 5's data structures into, so I will work on something like this in the near future.
That's better, for I have no knowledge of XSLT (and including it with Anathema would open the doors for completely ridiculous demands like doing the same for Ed's illegible format.)
wordman said:
I'm building the second generation of the XML format I use to store stuff. I've used it in generating my charm tree PDFs. (Also using dot, btw).
The intent of this format is not charm only, or even Exalted only. It is meant to be used for any role-playing game. Using it is a little strange, because it assumes it will be used by software, not humans, so makes use of multiple-inheritance. This makes it really powerful, but sometimes hard to understand.
Sounds quite interesting, if far broader in scope than what I had imagined. Charms would probably be a subset thereof.
Is there already anything beyond your declaration of intent that you could show/share/discuss, or are your thoughts still to broad to have them polluted by the public? I don't think I could contribute much, but I'm interested nonetheless.

Also, a note on dot: it can create SVG files, as far as I know, so would probably work just fine for Anathema.
I can't remember why I dropped the dot approach back then. Something about the link between object and representation, I believe, or about my desire to have the trees crossing-free.
I think Anathema's custom system produces pretty decent results by now, so there's no need to switch things around.
I submitted an official bug, but I just wanted to bounce this off of everyone to make sure I'm not just being a bonehead.

In Anathema 1.1, when I'm making a Combo, if I select Spirit Cutting Attack then Hungry Tiger Technique gets grayed out, and vice versa.

They are a valid combo, right?
That might well be. At some point quite early in development I decided not to parse the text of each and every Charm for its combo-rules and instead wait for the requests to come.

If you need any further Charms that lack those annotations, please tell me.

P.S. This particular problem was already reported by another user and is fixed. It will be in upcoming v1.2.
Where are the Charms stored, and it what format?

I'd rather just hack it myself than wait for the new release.
Say, Flagg... do you have the latest version (1.1.1)?

I'm in the process of preparing 1.2, and noticed that the Spirit-Cutting Attack error was already marked as fixed for the last update.

Edit: Language.
Just in case you pay by byte, or don't want to upgrade that frequently: I hope for 1.2 to be ready by the end of the week.
Martial Arts Weapons

Okay, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can't get the MA weapons to rule off of the MA ability correctly. In the equipment database I have the MA tag enabled for the weapons, but when I create the printable pdf, the weapons are still going off the Melee ability. What am I missing?

Wonderful program, by the way. I love it and have been distributing it to my ST and Circle since I found it.
Hey Urs,

I saw an entry on your livejournal from about two weeks ago that was predicting the release of 1.2 (with 2E DB support!) tomorrow.

Still on schedule?
Yeah, nah. Halfway.

It's done and done and done, but I don't feel I've tested enough. Today, I'd rather spend some quality time on my last day off-work, and click my way through the program during the week.

I'll release somewhen this week or on the coming weekend.
Aw, come on. Release it as a beta!   :(

I wants my Dragon-Blooded!
We don't negotiate with les terroristes.

The beta has been out for a week, released a select group, but I am not yet content with the amount of testing I put in personally.

I've found several stupid errors yesterday. I'll check some more today, then call it done.
So all you want is to free the poor Anathema from the vile hands of the mislead developers?

I feel your pain. :P

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