New Version of Anathema

Yes. Failing that, I'd like to buy my way in to your "select group".
Now *that* is an interesting thought.

"Become an Anathema Beta Tester for a dollar a day!"

or maybe even

"Pay a buck a day to keep the bugs away!"

I'm waiting for your opening bid.
Ok. In return for the use of your software, I'll allow you use of my website. We can trade days on a 1:1 basis.
Uteck, thanks for your constant efforts to keep the equipment in the latest released state. You help me make sure thinks aren't more broken than absolutely necessary.
UrsKR said:
Uteck, thanks for your constant efforts to keep the equipment in the latest released state. You help me make sure thinks aren't more broken than absolutely necessary.
Now I feel bad about not spending more time testing things.  But so far it seems things are working fine in the latest version.  I'll have to make some time to add items from the last few books to the equipment database, but I keep reading them when ever I pick them up.
You're having a problem with the current release? Off hand I'd guess that you need to install Java 1.6, downloadable from

If that's not the problem, could you disclose some further details?

[EDIT: Current as of this post is 1.1.1]
Wake up, folks, we're here.

Anathema 1.2, fully loaded with Dragon-Blooded, coming to a computer near you as soon as you hit "Download".

I've spent the last 2 months dealing with everything you have come to expect from a newly added character type, and I hope that there are less bugs than last time we met.

Some of you will probably be unenthused about the lack of Monk-ey stuff or Lookshyans. Just know that I know that they are missing.

We'll deal with stuff of general interest* next, and have add some more DBs on the way.

Lunars are in the works, but they will take time. We are better prepared than we were with Dragon-Blooded, but what we make up in preparation, we lose to the changes the new book wrought.

If you're the martial-artsy type, check out Jontu over there has dealt with the Scroll of the Monk, and is eager to share.

Download here and Enjoy Anathema. Tailored files for Windows and Mac

will follow soon.


P.S.: Kudos to Sandra, Flagg and Jontu for spotting what I missed.

*to at least two people I know

[From this post onward, current means 1.2]
Yeah, upgrading should be no problem.

Solfi, for specifics have a look at the development page on our homepage, then ask again. Hint: People have been asking for it for ages.
... The opening of the Charm-system! WAI! WAI! WAI!  :shock:   :D  :shock: *glee*

Yeah, that's the big one. On a Charm-related note though; Suppose you have such a *large* Charm-tree that it is not normally covered by one screen in the default resolution, I see you still don't allow for scrolling Charm-tree graphics. Anathema instead (imperfectly) rescales the Charm-tree so that it fits the screen anyway. Given a large enough Charm-tree, that's not going to be pretty, as the writing becomes to small to see.

I'm guessing this is a design decision based on the fact that there simply are no trees that large. Yet. Especially if you are going to let in user-made content, that might become an issue. Also; Are you considering making the Charms in the graph clickable, and allow for a 'detailed Charm-description'-screen? (for the same reasons).

Anywho, I'm gonna go tinkering with Anathema for a bit before I'm off... cheers.
Solfi said:
I'm guessing this is a design decision based on the fact that there simply are no trees that large.
Wait until Lunar trees are added. Some of those trees have a layer of post-Excellency charms twenty or more nodes across.

For the solar trees, the issue could be mitigated quite a bit by moving the nodes closer together.

Also, Mac version tonight sometime.
as I said; ... yet. :)

Still, I am thoroughly enjoying this release, though I had a bit of a time finding the available plugins (the Scroll of the Monk one, and uteck's Equipment list...).
Actually, I'm quite proud of the fact that I was able to replace the scrolling Charm cascades with scaling ones. I suppose you never dealt with 1E Lunars, otherwise you'd know that there are some large cascades already in the program.

Try your mousewheel to rescale.

And please tell me what's imperfect with the current auto-scaling, I'll gladly improve it if possible.

I totally miss your point about making the Charm graph (in cascade browsing-mode, I assume) clickable. What's there to click, and for what reasons?

And... what? It says "Charm descriptions" right on top of the list! :)
The scaling is very nice. And works correctly. I should not have written that being as tired as I was. It's the manual rescaling I have a problem with, because there is no option to scroll.

To exemplify using the [1E] Lunar Charm-set you mention, when browsing the Perception-cascade, it is so wide as to make the Charm text too small to read. Of course you can see what it says by mouse-over, but this is still a loss in overview.

Using the mousewheel to rescale is mostly useless as it only does so towards/from the center of the picture, with no possibility of scrolling to focus on the actual tree. A scrollbar would be nice, or (and this would be my preference) the option of pulling the picture by right-clicking (as an aside, right-clicking and pulling up or down is also a a way of manually re-scaling ATM).

On the subject of 'clickability', I meant clicking the actual Charms, to get to a description of the Charm, more along the lines of the Equipment databaser viewer ... It's not that important, the question stems in my own annoyances with mouse-over info (it's good to have, but I prefer it as a secondary means of collecting information).

... Yes, I noted it said Charm descriptions at the top of the Development-list :) , I was curious as to how you were thinking of implementing it.
Right-click re-centers the cascade on the point you clicked.

I know the control system is sub-optimal, feel free to suggest improvements.

Unfortunately, Sandra ripped the Charm Description feature from my loving hands just this past Sunday, so I can't say what'll be there and what won't. Her plans seem to differ from mine, so I guess I'll either add to it once she's done or... or ... well, we'll see.

Presenting the Charm Info in a different way is a good idea, one I've been toying with for a while.
Well, that certainly helps, but I do feel a drag-based interface would be much more intuitive. And with either the current method, or the one I propose in place, scrollbars would still be useful, unless there's a compelling reason to *not* have them. Though they certainly wouldn't be *necessary* they would be a nice addition, if only to serve as an indicator of how far to the left/right in the tree you happen to be scrolled in any give (zoomed in) instance.

Oh yeah, and I noted there's as of yet no stat for 'Overwhelming' in the Equipment DB, but I'm guessing that is already on the future feature-list somewhere...

I'm eager to see what you guys come up with... if there's anything I can do to help, give me a shout.
Scrollbars I perceive as ugly, so they won't happen. They are nasty to work with at that, since they arbitrarily decrease the available space on the canvas.

I like the small window showing your surroundings in Google maps, but I think such a feat is hardly worth pulling of if we could have Lunars in the same time frame. Then again... I'll have a look.

As for a (left-)drag-based interface, that's what the majority of the people I consulted on this topic proposed.

Yup. The drag-thing would be the most significant improvement in the context anyways. The reason why I suggest a *right*-click drag, was to allow the suggested Detailed Charm view to be activated by left-click.

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