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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
South District
Hide, Alex, Hector, Akane, Helva, Zulin
This new joint Hitoshi had found was quite a treat as he enjoyed his time on the party boat getting a buzz on and dancing to the music being blasted with a new wave hardcore style. The younger generation sure new how to ramp up the tunes to a new level as he had found himself jamming harder than ever before. He was older than most of the party-going age on board but that didn't mean he had forgotten how to murder a dance floor. He was no stranger to the groove, and yet he found his groove suddenly ruined with an unexpected commotion that interrupted the ongoing festivities on board.

“Dammit, what now? The beat was about to drop!” Hitoshi grumbled with annoyance as the onboard crowd turned their attention elsewhere. Yet it was hard to see what exactly was going on or to see where the action was due to just how packed the venue was. It was as stifling as a can of sardines as Hitoshi tried his best to squeeze through and push through and get topside to see what was going on. Although slightly inebriated he could still focus well enough to figure out what was going on from a distance as he hopped up trying to get a glimpse. Someone was crashing the party in a very rude way and the situation was escalating until the party poopers departed as swiftly as they arrived.

Hitoshi was almost relieved he could get back to partying until he got a good look at who exactly had been the culprits. “Fuck.” Hitoshi muttered as he realized it was his fellow Phoenixes here for some reason, which warranted some prodding around into something that probably wasn't his business in the first place. As soon as they left, Hitoshi barged as fast as he could through the crowd, gently pushing people aside as he struggled to get off the boat. "Dammit dammit dammit, move! Outta the way!" he shouted as he finally reached the railing but by then they had practically all departed.

Save for Zulin, who was nearby as Hitoshi now focused on getting info out. "Oi oi, what's happenin'?" he asked as he approached Zulin, "Why are Alex and other Phoenixes up here in this joint?"

Interactions: Peckinou Peckinou (Zulin)

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Kasumi Katsura - Azure Dragons - Veteran [CS LINK]
Scene - Dragons Arc 1 | Scene 3: Eye of Providence
Location - Dragon HQ, Outside
Mentions/Interactions - Yo Saiwa ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ), Meirin Azuza ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel ) , Kaneko Kazue ( azenva azenva )

Kasumi blinked. And in that second, Yo was suddenly in front of her.

Out of shock, she stared up at the Queen of the Dragons. It wasn't until she spoke up that Kasumi broke out of her trance. She quickly recovered herself, taking a breath and releasing it as she straightened herself out. Nodding, Kasumi quickly moved to cover, back towards the HQ entrance, allowing Yo to refocus her attention and create a wall of ice, blocking the rest of the bullets hailing down on the group.

Kasumi watched as Yo moved to avoid any of the bullets that punched through the ice wall. She couldn't help but continue to stare, this time in amazement. Kasumi wasn't like her sister, or any of the more battle-hardened members of the Dragons. It was uncommon for her to out on field assignments, and if she did it was usually with Kanna. Most of the time, Kasumi relied on Kanna to guide them, but this time she was on her own.

She took a deep breath, but before she could move back out, her phone buzzed. Kasumi quickly pulled it out, looking at the screen. It was a message from Isaiah, the gang's Ace. Her eyes moved back and forth as Kasumi read through it. She knew that a group was sent to the Pleasure District to investigate the death of someone, but she didn't know the exact details. Kasumi relaxed a little, now knowing that 'Sleeping Giant', otherwise known as Meirin, was on her way to investigate the gunshots. Then she got to the section mentioning the cell phone. Isaiah was asking if Kasumi could use her potential on a phone to read its data.

Kasumi dug into her memory briefly, recalling where Isaiah's group was.

Paradise...Forever. Thats where they are.

She looked down at her phone, and her vision begun to change as she entered the network again. Kasumi quickly navigated to the establishment, but her brow furrowed slightly. There were a bunch of data streams going in and out, probably because there were other cell phones in the building. She couldn't figure out which one Isaiah was referring to.

Kasumi quickly backed out and returned to normal, blinking a couple times. Looking around, she was still safe behind her cover. She needed to ask Isaiah what the phone number of the cell phone was, or go there in person.

Her fingers moved to the keyboard, beginning to type up a response. But before she could, her phone rang. This time, someone was calling. The caller ID was Meirin. Kasumi answered, bringing the phone up to her ear. She couldn't get a word out before Meirin quickly spoke up, asking what was going on.

"M-Meirin! Um, we were shot at from somewhere, not entirely sure where it came from. Everyone is alright, Yo made a wall to protect us, but some of the bullets are still punching through. Whatever they're using, its powerful."

Kasumi peaked out of her cover, checking on Kazue and Yo.

"I saw Isaiah's message. Something about a phone he wanted me to look at. I can definitely do that, but not remotely unless I know the phone number. Otherwise, I'd have to go there physically."

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Kazue Kaneko
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Eye of Providence]
Dragons’ Surveillance Room, East District
Eye of Providence

After yet another sprint that felt like eons, Kazue was finally at the entrance to HQ. Again.

It would be a bit tricky to check Kasumi for injuries, considering the situation—and that Kazue still hadn’t been informed of what exact issue had caused her to be summoned to HQ in the first place, besides “an injury”. Any description of the event would have helped.

Annoyances set aside, Kazue peeked out from the door to get a better view on what was happening outside after using her Potential on herself. Scanning the chaos for her intended patient, Kazue spotted Kasumi near the outer entrance. There was also that big wall of ice from Yo currently cracking apart under the guns. That was probably important.

One thing at a time. Assuming Yo wouldn’t attempt a counter attack against the cannons currently causing the ground to resemble the Moon, Kazue fired off a shot affected by her Potential at the Queen to boost her defenses. Kasumi appeared to be a bit busy with her phone. Hopefully a gunshot going off right next to her wouldn’t be a nuisance to whoever was on the other end of the line. Or have caused Kasumi a tiny bit of permanent hearing loss … maybe using a gun to deliver heals wasn’t a great idea.

Anyways. Next order of business.

“Cipher! Get inside!”

Kazue was fairly certain that sitting outside, with minimal cover, was not a good idea for the mysteriously injured Kasumi, who didn’t have the most defensively oriented Potential. If she didn’t or couldn’t hear, Kazue could always physically drag her inside. She would still be waiting a little bit longer to finally profile the injury in either case, thanks to the phone call.

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CS Link
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 1 [From the Ashes]
Phoenix HQ, South District
Lyric, Yong-Yut, Ziz, Bernardo, Boltius
<<< Remember

The red haired man presented himself as Bolt...Draken's brother, Boltius! Charlie knew about him, Vulken had mentioned him a fair amount of times, often referring to his "sister" in a belittling manner, yet always having a sincere smile on his face whenever he did. Charlie was about to comment on it, but since Boltius just said to not refer to him as such, he decided to keep it to himself instead. While hesistant Lyric seemed to have agreed to the idea, so she left the two with words of warning but also slight encouragement, in response Charlie nodded enthusiastically at his leader, feeling grateful of her concerns about their safety.

Barely a second later Boltius patted Charlie's shoulder and sprinted towards the direction that Zombie had specified. Charlie quickly followed behind, while at the same time awkwardly attempting to untie his jacket from his waist and putting it back on. Since today he headed to HQ for construction work, he had decided to leave his trusty metal pipe home, therefore it was better for him to wear his jacket right now as his back-up weapons were in it.

As they ran through the ruined and poorly-lit streets of the entertainment district, Boltius brought up the topic of the butterflies that carried Quetzal's body. Culminating in him stopping suddenly and asking an unexpected question in a rather agitated tone.

"W-Well, it is true that butterflies are more active during the day, they tend to go to hide and sleep at night." Charlie pondered for a minute, giving what his partner asked a proper thought.

"We might be following a meaningless clue but... If we are dealing with actual butterflies being manipulated instead of just a creation from the killer's potential, then they'd most likely be in the closest natural area, like a nearby park or copse." Charlie looked around the streets, the confused look in his face clearly showing that he was not confident in knowing where such locations could be in the proximity. "I'm still not very familiar with this area, so maybe you know of a place like that around here? Maybe if we are really lucky we could find some kind of clue if we find the butterflies, IF they are actual butterflies, that is."

Truth is that Charlie was not terribly confident in this idea, the chances of actually being useful were little, but as bitter as it was to admit, there wasn't that much that the two of them could do with the little information they had other than to just scout the area looking for a culprit...But what could a culprit even look like? they knew absolutely nothing about them. Indeed, this foolish search for butterflies was their best, if not the only bet right now.

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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
Pleasure District, East District
Reveler, Isaiah, Meirin, Robin
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]

Kairong studied the man's appearance, the same one that Robin had used prior. "Hm, you must be the real Silver." Kairong clasped his hands behind his back and bowed slightly. "You will forgive an old man like me to not be able to bend as willingly as a bamboo shoot will."

"I fear there is nothing you can help me with. I have neither the patience nor energy to entertain ladies, and I am sure my other colleagues have already gone their own ways to seek out their own answers. As it stands, I am here simply--" he made an effort to make an effort to sit down comfortably on a chair with a soft grunt, "here simply to observe and take in the beauty of this establishment." His gaze drifted away from the manager and towards the rest of the building. Even though he had already taken in the sight earlier, he was still in awe of the architecture. He regretted, perhaps, that in his youth, he had never stopped to smell the roses, to take in the sights, and when he had a family of his own to care for, he paid even less attention to anyone else but his children and his wife. "My name is of no consequence. I am but an old chaperone to the youth running about the place, trying to find the one who murdered an associate of theirs. I cannot say I know the man myself, but it really is a pity. A flame, snuffed out so early. Though I suppose someone like him burns hotly. A little too hotly, perhaps, and someone was quite uncomfortable with the heat. Enough to blow it out."

He gave a soft, solemn, and dark chuckle. "Master Silver, is it not?" He addressed the manager directly, but made no effort to even shift his gaze towards him, instead continuing to draw in the sights around him, "Master Silver, I am here to deliver justice." His tone shifted to one of cold, emptiness. "I may not know the deceased personally, and my place here is coming to a close, but you must understand. The Dragon may be kind, but it will not take its brood, no matter how uncouth and unruly they may be, to be slaughtered lying down. Anything you know, anything your...girls know, would be appreciated." He leaned back on his chair with a sigh. "I have heard of certain members of the brood to be boorish and rude to the ladies, and I empathise. Such behaviour cannot be tolerated, and I will see to it personally that we mete out fitting punishment to any who will act as such within your establishment, as well as any others. So please," Kairong finally lowered his obscured gaze onto Silver, "I would be most grateful if you have anything else at all to tell my colleagues, if not me."

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  • scene...

    from the ashes


Vulken's Little Bro

<<< Remember

Boltius found it unbelievable that he never learned about butterflies in school. Or did he?

Within the seconds before Charlie responded to him, he developed a pensive expression as he tried to walk in the past, looking for any inkling of remembrance.

"W-Well," Charlie started.

Boltius left his thoughts to listen as Charlie continued.

"-it is true that butterflies are more active during the day, they tend to go to hide and sleep at night."

"Uh-huh," Boltius nodded, wordlessly urging the other to tell him more. And she did, also introducing a theory that Boltius hadn't thought of--that the butterflies in question might not be natural. Rather, there was the possibility that they were a product of someone's Potential.

"I'm still not very familiar with this area," said the rookie, and Boltius gave a curious tilt of his head. He waited until Charlie was finished speaking before asking the question, "Are you not from here?"

The intense furrowing of his eyebrows had finally relaxed in this moment of mindful discussion, for it was distracting him from the image of Nina's corpse, and finally, with a clear mind, Boltius noticed the other's attractiveness.

Tempting as it was to voice his feelings, he focused back on the issue at hand, literally swatting away any cheesy pick-up lines or compliments fluttering about his head. "Not the time!" he blurted aloud.

"I do know of a place, but Zombie said the butterflies scattered. . . Uh, but I don't really. . ." Boltius looked off to the side, pressing his ten fingers together at his chest in an awkward fashion. "I don't really know what to draw from that," he said.

Even as a kid, he was never good at solving problems. He'd always resorted to righteous violence, as he saw it; violence for the sake of others. When he saw someone in a bind, he could never produce a solid argument in their defense, and so his fists became the default solution when his offenders would puzzle him with complex psychological justifications. Perhaps that's why everyone liked him so much. He rushed into what they weren't willing to.

But right now, here he stood before an impressionable rookie--not to mention a gorgeous one--and he was making himself out to be an utter fool.

Though inappropriate regarding the circumstance, he wanted to impress her.

That's when it hit him, and his eyes gaped wide with visible realization. "Wait, I've got it!" he yelled!

"So, if the butterflies split up, they've gotta meet back up somewhere, right!? And since butterflies fly, we should just move to higher ground, travel the rooftops!- Wait... It's kinda dark. We won't be able to see'em... Hold on, let me just-" On that note, Boltius removed his cellphone from his front right pocket and located Muskrat in his contacts, clicked Call, then pressed the device to his ear and waited.

While doing so, he decided not to waste any time. He snapped his fingers at Charlie, beckoning her to follow, and continued in the direction they'd originally been running. "Let's ask around! If someone directs us toward the nearest natural location, like you said, then we know what's up! If not, we just keep following the trail laid out for us!... I'm callin' Muskrat..."

There weren't too many pedestrians lining the walk, especially given the location, but there were a few, which meant there were enough. Boltius, still holding the phone to his ear, pointed at a woman across the street and hollered out to her, "HEY, YOU! COME HERE!" When she heard him, she flinched. But when she saw him charging toward her, she screamed and dropped. She buried her face in her knees and wrapped her hands around her head, "PLEASE, DON'T HURT ME, OH MY GOD!"

Immediately, Boltius was confused. "Wha-" He halted in the middle of the empty road before looking back at Charlie for answers once again. "What'd I do?"

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♡coded by uxie♡
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Serpents Arc 1: Scene 2 [Pumping Out The Volume]
Docks, North District
Caio, Yuto, Orion
Pumping Out The Volume

Nodding to Snake's order, Sang-Cheol was about to exit the car until Yuto suddenly jumped out of the car in a rush. A scowl immediately formed on his mouth as he took barged out of the car's door and slammed the door shut. What the hell was Yuto going to do now? A flush of frustration already blinded Sang-Cheol's mind as he watched Yuto look around. "What the hell are you doing?" To Sang-Cheol, Yuto looked like a dumb mutt looking for something to urinate on. He was going too- Wait, he should calm down. Snake told them to find a good hiding place to ambush cops. He needed to calm down.

1. 2. 3. Breath.

Looking back up at Yuto, Sang-Cheol found it was his opportunity to convince him to follow Snake's orders. "Look, I know there aren't that many areas, but-" Before he could finish his sentence, Yuto suddenly jumped up on top of the car, did a strange dance before exclaiming he was a 'boogeyman.' What the actual fuck did he witness? Sang-Cheol was speechless for a moment before another flush of anger helped him break out of his stupor. "Get the hell down from there," Sang-Cheol growled. He didn't know what kind of mental gymnastics Yuto did to decide that standing on top of the, where everybody could see him, would be a good hiding place.

Seeing that force was necessary, Sang-Cheol attempted to jump up to get up to spider-man child down from the car. "I have no idea what's going on you're mind, but we're not going to stay here! Not in a million fucking years!" Sadly enough, Sang-Cheol didn't possess the finesse of Yuto, so he struggled to get in his tunnel vision of rage. Pushing his feet further down, he jumped up to grab Yuto and drag him off the car.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
Docks, South District

Hector listened to the end of Akane's conversation before she replied to him. He nodded sternly, knowing exactly where Alex wanted him to be. "Yeah yeah I know the place, let's go." Dismissing her instructions with a shake of his head, he walked away, expecting Akane to follow. Even he knew that being rude to his ally was uncalled for though, despite the current circumstances. He stopped to look at Akane, trying to muster up the least-infuriated expression he could.

"Let's drive. It ain't far, but I'm not leaving the car back there." His attempts to be polite to Akane didn't extend to the other people around him. He spent no time waiting for the crowds to part, shouldering his way through, ignoring their protests. He was silent until they reached his car, still where he left it. Hector got in, closing the door with a slam that seemed to shake the entire vehicle. As soon as Akane was sat down, he took off, not even putting his own seatbelt on this time.

"Any news on what they've been doing? I don't suppose they've managed to figure out more than we have." The car lurched forward onto a larger road, the man behind the wheel not doing anything beyond the bare minimum to keep it from hitting anyone. The wheel was being gripped so strongly it was a miracle it didn't crumble under the force. "I guess what's important now is getting everyone regrouped. If anyone doesn't turn up here, finding them is our new priority. I'm assuming Revenant is with the others."

Hector seemed to know the route well, and it wasn't long before he was pulling up to a small restaurant, not far from the waterfront. It seemed unassuming, just a quaint pizza place (indeed containing a stone oven!) surrounded by far more ambitious shops and restaurants. Alex brought Hector there when he joined the gang, and it had been their meeting place ever since. The perfect spot to lay low in, as who would expect to find two high-ranking Phoenixes there? The pizzas were pretty great too, though business comes first today. Hector ignored the "Customers Only" sign, parking at the front. The owners knew better than to ask a known Phoenix to leave.

"Of course, they're not here yet. We don't have all fucking evening to get this sorted." Hector exited the vehicle with another door slam and lit up a cigarette. If Akane were out of the car, he'd offer her one as well. The employees inside watched them, wondering what the Phoenix Ace could be doing here, while Hector leaned against the hood of his car, waiting for the others.

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Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
The White Tiger Casino, West District
Things had gotten out of hand.

Bullets flew and people screamed. People who weren't young Alicia Morel. The girl's savior had arrived! If only the top-hat wearing hero could scrub clean from her mind the sight of a man's life draining out of a gash in his neck...

Would Mister Hat's message to the Tigers be answered? Would any help come for them tonight?..

The man in the Comedy Mask turned as Charmy swept for his legs, preternaturally clairvoyant for a man who'd not been looking in her direction before. But he was not fast enough. There was no time to do anything about it. His left leg buckled against his right as a close-eyed Charmy swept him off his feet. He landed with a thud on his backside, rolling to one side he brandished his rifle and took aim at the femme fatale who'd humbled him.

He squeezed the trigger.

Jammed. Of course it was.

Scrambling backwards and regaining his footing, the Comedy Masked Man dropped the rifle and reached for his waistline before brandishing the sidearm he'd tucked away under his jacket. This time he took aim but did not pull the trigger. Not while her eyes remained closed, anyway.

The dark-haired woman fell in the face of Cassidy's table-leg-turned-full-table assault, plummeting into the night air as the glass window began to miraculously repair itself behind her. In the same moment, the floor of the casino directly behind Cassidy began to shimmer and swirl, as the Tragedy-Masked Man emerged.

Silent as the grave, the man snuck up behind the Copy Cat Tigress before he struck, trying to swiftly loop the barrel of his rifle around her neck and pull.

Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
City Streets, West District
Things had gotten out of hand.

Whilst the dark-haired woman was distracted, shining her beacon into the night—a signal with a yet-to-be-identified meaning—the Copy-Cat Cassidy had managed to get the better of her, and knocked her over the head with some kind of cudgel that was far weightier than it had appeared mere moments before impact.

The blow knocked the woman to the floor, and it appeared that Cassidy wasn't done with her yet. From the looks of it, she meant to wallop her with a metallic baton. Rather than let this happen, however—and having witnessed the Tiger make off like a thief in the night with her mark—the smirking woman followed his lead and rolled straight over the ledge that separated the casino from the open air that hung over the streets of the West District below.

Shortly thereafter, the window sealed itself up behind her.

And down she fell.

For a few heart-stopping feet before her back and side impacted with a dull thud against something hard, something metallic... as the low hum of engine turbines filled her ears and the sheen of the reflective metal hull that had cushioned her descent came more and more into focus.

A paneled roof slid back and allowed the woman entry to the strange hovering craft before it closed up behind her. Its passenger now safely aboard, the illusory vehicle began to slowly descend to street level. The chase had begun.

Titus Latken was having just the most dreadful of evenings. Since his close brush with death, the fat man held onto consciousness losely, every so often flitting in and out of lucid thought. There were flashes. Gunfire. Shouting. A sensation of falling. Falling, falling, falling...

Then a sudden—but not too sudden; not as sudden as it could've been, anyway—stop. The jolt forced Titus' eyes open. The scenery was something he recognized. They were outside the casino, street level. Why, he could see the entrance from here, its imposing White Tiger standing guard over the facade as a brigade of uniformed police officers—at least, he figured they were police—entered the building. Of course! There had been an emergency. Back-up was on the way!..

Titus closed his eyes again, exhausted from gazing through the well-lit windows at the sight of the rows upon rows of soldiers piling into the elevator lobby of the White Tiger Casino. When he opened them again he was being stuffed and buckled into the passenger seat of a car. A voice was speaking to him.

"Ezra... Is that you, m'boy..?”

Titus asked blearily. He was in shock, still, from the all the everything that had happened to him within the span of a few short hours. At least some part of Ezra's question must have jogged his memory, however, as after a long, sucking breath he said.

"Owed money to... They paid me... Swindle Tigers..!”

The confession hadn't been easy for him, and he looked as though he might have burst into tears on the spot as the pair drove, leaving the White Tiger Casino in their rearview as they headed for Markus. He might've said more, too, if not for the sudden whine of a turbine coming from above them.

The noise was all the warning the pair received before a strange looking craft materialized in the air above and behind Ezra's car—keeping easy pace with it—as a hatch on the underside of the strange craft's hull opened, and a heavy auto-cannon lowered into view.

The staccato of muzzle flashes illuminated the chilly night with the sights and sounds of machine-gun fire as the craft began unloading heavy molten slugs on the fleeing car.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 3 [Training Day]
Southeast Bridge, East District
Reika, Dimitri, Auvura, Darren, Kanna, Ruriko, Guardian, Shen

As he approached the growing mess ahead of him, still enraged, Vulken could hear a strange voice emanating from the growing cloud of hazy, dark smoke ahead of him. His anger had clouded out most of what the hidden voice had to say, but he did manage to make out a single word that immediately put him on guard.


At that moment, Vulken felt… something. It was extremely dull, but the feeling was never-ending. It felt like he was being pelted by something small and round, yet somehow still sharp. He swiftly lifted his hands to protect himself from the potentially dangerous hail of projectiles, but it didn’t take long for him to peek through a gap in his forearms and see exactly what had been striking him.


Upon this realization, Vulken’s pupils immediately constricted. Sure, he was lucky to have the privilege not to be harmed by the cylindrical metal projectiles, but even if they didn’t do anything, Vulken knew exactly what a person with a gun’s intention was.

Shooting meant killing.

As the ammunition continued to strike him, his breathing grew more and more distressed. The pain began to dull more and more as his heart raced, and the area around him began rising in temperature again. His sweat immediately evaporated under the scalding heat, erasing any trace of fear or nervousness from his expression and leaving behind pure, indifferent rage. His face twisted into an outraged scowl, and his distressed breathing slowly transitioned into heavy, furious growling.

Somebody was trying to kill him.

This wasn’t the first time Vulken had gotten this way when someone had shot at him. In fact, it was especially prevalent back when he was the Jack of the Phoenixes. Something about a bullet colliding with his skin– failing to perform its ingrained duty of taking the life of another, always managed to throw him into a deep, uncontrollable rage– no matter who the person behind the gun was.

He couldn’t afford to die. He had too many people that he cared for– too many people that he had to protect. As the gunfire continued on, multiple images flashed through Draken’s mind. His parents. His sisters. Lyric. Reika. Alex. Hector. His other Phoenixes. Yong-Yut. Boltius. He couldn’t leave them. It was his duty to keep them safe…

…And someone was trying to get in the way of that.

Immediately, a blast of scorching heat shot out in all directions. It was inaudible, due to the loud booming noise that came with the expulsion of heat, but Draken had screamed as he fully progressed into the second stage of his potential. His eyes scanned his surroundings. It hadn’t hit anyone– at least, it didn’t look like it did, but the hail of bullets that had been assaulting him finally came to an end. Good. He tried to steady his breathing, but he was still much too angry to control himself. He didn’t care about where Reika or Dimitri were– after their short little ‘training session’, he knew well enough that they were perfectly capable of handling themselves. It just meant that he could focus on reducing the person who had just threatened his life to ashes.

Then, as if on cue, Draken’s strained eyes locked onto something above him. The flowing hair, the hands behind his back– that look… He knew exactly who he was looking at.

The King of the Dragons was gazing down onto the ensuing chaos with a steeled expression. They were being attacked, and their supposed ‘ally’ was standing there, viewing everything like some kind of fucking circus? A vein poked out through the skin on Draken’s forehead as he glared at Shen, clenching his fists and crouching down, getting as low to the ground as possible. He felt his legs begin to heat up as he prepared himself for war.

Never liked you, anyway.

Then, with a ‘boom’, he launched himself into the air directly at his target, reeling his arm back as far as he could to throw a rage-filled hook wherever he could land it. He tried talking things out, but, as usual, it didn't work out. He was done talking. If the Dragons were trying to kill him, then he’d simply have to kill the Dragons first. It would be a test to see whose fire went out first, and Draken didn’t plan on burning out any time soon.

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Taigakitt Taigakitt The Prophet The Prophet Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Rantos Rantos FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Beann Beann AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
South-East Bridge, East District
Shen's attention was stolen by the sight—and sound—of a massive, violent explosion of heat and light that rocked the bridge to its very foundation. A bomb? Shen's eyes scanned the smoke and waves of heat that rolled out from the epicenter of the blast. Not a bomb. A person. Shen felt his heart flutter with some unfamiliar feeling as the heat from the blast lapped against his face.

One of the Phoenixes had spontaneously combusted, with seemingly no regard for the safety of his allies, let alone the Dragons, or worse, any innocents that remained trapped on the bridge. The situation was deteriorating rapidly into chaos, and Shen still didn't have a clue what it was that had set these dangerous events into motions... And yet, the truth was...

In this moment, he didn't need to know.

He was here to put an end to it. All of it.

That was all that mattered.

He would begin with those three, Shen thought, as he clocked each of the three Phoenixes on the bridge in turn, one after the other. He'd try to reason with them if he could—after all, they had been behaving themselves quite admirably before tonight. If not... In either case, once the Phoenixes were dealt with he'd regroup with Ruriko and Kanna and ascertain where, exactly, all of this had gone so terribly wrong. The only question that remained was where to begin.

As if on cue, Shen's eyes found the Very Combustible Man on the bridge below. He was very obviously gearing up to make a Herculean leap. Luckily Shen didn't need to strain his brain to piece together who the man's intended target was. It was a relief that this dangerous man hadn't chosen to attack Kanna, Ruri, or any of the other Dragons on the bridge. And it gave Shen something to do! But... That wasn't the point, here.

When the 'boom' came, and the Rocket-Man rocketed toward him, Shen did not move. The pace of his heartbeat did quicken, however. When was the last time..?

Like a rising sun, Vulken's heat reached Shen before his fist. Still as a statue, Shen made no attempt to avoid what seemed like an inevitable collision. How long had it been..?

Suddenly, a baseball-sized sphere of metal—one of the two that had been orbiting Shen like miniature moons all this while—intercepted Vulken's attack. As if moving of its own accord, the little orb zipped into the path of the punch to accept the blow in lieu of its master.

The collision of fist-on-metal was teeth-chattering, even at a distance. In fact, the Phoenix's fiery haymaker had nearly punched straight through the small, pancake-flat shield, leaving scorched knuckle-prints in the malleable, liquid metal.

Wasting no time, Shen flexed his fingers behind his back, and the metal orb folded inward on itself like an iron curtain, attempting to encapsulate the Phoenix's offending fist.

Shen watched on as the Phoenix, apparently undeterred, threw a second punch, this time with his opposite fist. As it had happened before, this fist, too, was met with a blanket of amorphous goop instead of flesh as the second orbiting metallic sphere had taken its cue from the first.

A sudden force of attraction between the metal on each fist attempted to drag the man's hands together in front of him.

Shen, half-expecting the Phoenix to try and kick him now that his two fists were coated in metal manacles, floated backwards and hoped that he was out of reach. In the same moment, as though bidden by some unspoken command, the liquid metal that coated Vulken's fists transmuted itself into countless sinuous, razor-thin wires that fanned out and surrounded them both. Shen flexed his fist a final time and immediately the looping metallic wires snapped taut, all in an effort to pin the man's arms to his sides and trap his legs together...

A dispassionate Shen unclasped a hand from behind his back and with it, guided Vulken back to the bridge below before following shortly thereafter, his feet touching down gingerly on the bridge for the first time since he'd arrived. Shen laid the man in his wrappings flat on his back and, with one final flick of his wrist, bolted the metal bands securely into the pavement of the bridge beneath him, drilling down into the cracked road in an attempt to keep him in place.

It wouldn't hold a man like him for long, but long enough. Hopefully.

“Stay put.” Shen implored, before setting his sights on the other two Phoenixes still in play.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
South District
A Gathering Storm
Alex was a bore, if there was one thing Zulin disliked, it was huge bores, Zulin was about ready to attack him too but they had taken Hide and ran away, how unfortunate. Zulin really didn't care about the Nina death to be honest, bird head wasn't entertaining enough to be sad over, but it would likely be fun to play with peoples the others emotions a bit. Zulin had to think about attempting to follow Alex or to stay and let Helva figure things out on her own, but before he could make the decision a person had the audacity to approach him. Oh what fun, we have a bold one. A smirk had came to their face but was instantly gone when the person began to speak, it took Zulin a moment to register why this guy was questioning him. But he soon realized, he was a phoenix upon hearing him use Alexs name so blatantly, he couldn't help but smile, originally he was going to claw someones face off then leave, but he was now amused by the Phoenix who wasn't using Codenames. So, he opted to play nice as of now and tell him in a bemused voice, in front of the crowds of people "Oh, Alex? He is just upset that one of his Sponserees died, got killed by some of the people we were chasing, all on his watch." Zulin then closed his eyes and let out a mocking disapproving tsk, doing it a few times before sighing. "I should probably get going, Alex and Reverent are both pretty grouchy about now, plus I'll probably have to hunt Alex down as of now." What a nice and chaotic day. "But anyway, sorry about crashing your fun, but it seems as I must now depart." With that Zulin turned around and waved the guy, who he now recognized as Hitoshi, off. Recongizing all these Phoenix was always a hassle, not many of them were important or fun enough to remember, but Hitoshi was one of the few guys who were a bit amusing and knew a bit about having fun.

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CS Link
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 1 [From the Ashes]
Phoenix HQ, South District
Lyric, Yong-Yut, Ziz, Bernardo, Boltius
<<< Remember

"Are you not from here?" Asked Bolt, while Charlie certainly didn't blame him as it was clearly a question without any malicious intent behind it, he could not help but feel a bit sad whenever he was asked something of a similar manner. He was at the end of the day, an outsider, someone who escaped his home and came to south district in order to leave everything behind...But the Scarlet Phoenixes deemed him worthy in the end, and received Charlie with open arms, and for that he would be forever grateful.

"Not really, came here from West District a few years ago"

Boltius's frustration was visible as the two of them struggled to come up with ideas, the fiery-haired started to show a similarly fiery attitude, one that made Charlie understand Vulken's past claims about him. But unexpectedly, he came up with the very reasonable idea of asking people around as he attempted to phone call Muskrat. Execution did not go as swimmingly as the theory, though, as Boltius proceeded to approach a woman with the tact of a bull in a china shop. Charlie's left eye twitched in disbelief, confused as to how his partner could think anyone would react fine to that. "What'd I do?" He asks, Don't judge, Charlie, I'm sure he's just feeling under pressure right now Thought the ocean-haired boy as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb.

"Let me give it shot" said Charlie as he walked towards the terrified poor woman while fixing his wrinkled jacket.

"Excuse me, Miss, I'm very sorry that we scared you but my friend here just wanted to ask a question, this may sound weird but...have you seen any butterflies around? strange, black butterflies to be specific, i'd be very thankful if you could tell us anything." Charlie was doing his best to keep as calm of a tone as possible as to not further scare that poor curled up lady.

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Tigers Arc 1, Scene 2 [Money Talks]
The White Tiger Casino, West District
Money Talks
Carmine had to pull some acrobatics to grab her pinging phone from the nightstand. Grab the other’s body with her legs, flip her over, grab her phone, read the text. It had been simple, and she was able to access the text pretty quickly. She read through it, her visage giving little away as to what it contained.

“Who’s that? One of your other lovers?” Her voice was muffled into her collarbone.

Carmine chuckled, taking the woman’s jaw firmly in her hand, squeezing it. She pulled it back as she teased, “You would love that, wouldn’t you? To get yourself all hot and bothered knowing I see other people.” Just before her lips could get any closer, she jerked away. She smirked, rising from the sheets. She heard the mattress exhale as the woman, half-dressed, lay back on it with a sigh. “It’s my boss,” Carmine explained, gathering up her things. “An emergency has come up. They need someone of my calibre to clean up a mess.” Ironically, things would end up rather messy when she arrived.

“And it can’t wait?”

“You’re quick,”
Carmine chuckled, putting on her clothing with certain leisure as if she hadn’t been called to an emergency at the casino. Carmine pulled out a wad of cash from her belongings and threw it to the woman, who eagerly caught it. “Compensation for you.”

“You’re not coming back?”
The woman asked, her eyes glued to the notes she perused with her fingers.

“I might not,” Carmine shrugged, though, turned back to the bed and leaned down towards her. “But that rarely happens. So, unless you’re busy the rest of the night…” She twirled a violet strand of hair around her finger, a serpentine smile gracing her lips, “I’ll be sure to come back and sample what I paid for.”

Violet girl scoffed, regarding her with a smirk. “You think I don’t have other clients?”

“You’ll make triple the amount with me alone than whoever you have lined up for the rest of the evening,”
Carmine winked, grabbing the last of her belongings. With a wave of her hand, she soon left the apartment, making her way to the casino.

Carmine was met with a cacophony of firing bullets and screams of casino patrons that cut to the bone. They were sounds she was all too used to hearing. Perhaps there was a time she was afraid of them, of the situation she was walking into, but that fear had been long forgotten. She tutted as she walked in through the ground floor.

“What a mess...” She murmured, shouldering past streams of frightened clientele. Broken window glass, knocked over slot machines, even glasses with a drop of wine left in them showed only but a crumb of the chaos that was unfolding here. She would have hated to see what the fuck was going upstairs in the main lobby, but she imagined that it wasn’t a lot better, given what she had seen and heard walking through the ground floor.

Carmine would find that out soon enough. She once again shifted past panicked patrons and stepped into the open elevator, thumbing a button to take her to the next floor. Though, even as the doors began to close, she noticed through the slit of the doors a number of more muscle-men making their way through the ground floor of the casino. She groaned as the elevator shut, having to stop it from ascending with another push of the button. She eyed part of the elevator, obscured in shadow as one light had fortunately decided to pack it in, just for her.

When Carmine decided to finally open the elevator again, inky tendrils stole from the shadow in the elevator, launching towards a few of the henchmen. One tendril went for the wrist of one, aiming wrap itself around it and snap it to make them drop their weapon. The other two tentacles she had would try to grab two men by their legs and sweep them off their feet, send them down to the ground.

And in the process, while the new and poor unwitting henchmen were witness to this assault by shadows, Carmine would take the opportunity to strike at another. Brandishing one of her knives, she ran out of the elevator and flung it towards the head of one of the assailants, in the hopes that it would meet its target and take them out completely. It had been a short while since she felt such a maddening rush when it came to fighting. The way her blood hammered in her head, the satisfaction of seeing enemies be subject to one’s whims.

You could say there was a great pleasure in seeing people fall to your feet. Carmine knew it best, and loved it the most.

Serpents Arc 1: Scene 3 [We'll Do It Live]

Tri, the Jack Deacon
Housing Zone 4, North District

Yuudai, Delynn, Yeona, Kisara
Mention: Taigakitt Taigakitt , Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider , @mewmilk simj26 simj26
Just when he said something cool, Tri had fur smacked onto his face. He glanced flatly at Yuudai and sighed. Well, the King could do whatever and say whatever. Always been like that. "You got it, King."

With a clumsy salute, Tri ran forward with his ax, prepared for a great battle of strength, outnumbered and outmuscled against armed police... not. The King said he couldn't get arrested. Moments before the police could charge him to the ground, Tri threw the ax, lodging it through someone's head. In one smooth motion, he jumped back to the car where the victim was piled and held out a gun to a person's head. The mother that attacked him.

"This is your doctor speaking. If anyone tries to get close, I'll blow the hostage's head off." Tri said through the megaphone again. On his now free hand, he held a little grenade. "Also if I die, I'll bring them with me."

Without shame, Tri retreated to the car and lay flat on the back seat. It couldn't be helped. Everyone else had high firepowers already. He really didn't have good equipment to, as Yuudai worded them, 'fuck some shit up'.

...or did he? Something was bulging from the front seat pocket. Tri pulled it out. He blinked.

"Huh." Maybe he could still fuck shit up.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
South District
Hide, Alex, Hector, Akane, Helva, Zulin
When Zulin explained the situation at hand, Hitoshi's eyes widened momentarily before shaking his head. "Well shit. He's gonna need help then." the disheveled man then announced as he jumped over the railing of the boat down onto the pier below. Unfortunately, his foot got caught at the end which caused him to tumble unceremoniously with a loud thud as he contacted with the ground with his back. He clutched at his back with an audible groan as he quickly stood up again, by now attracting an audience from the boat who looked down and whispered among themselves over his lack of hand-eye coordination. "Howch, dammit... I really gotta start working out again..." he commented before pointing at Zulin again, "I've got an idea where he'll be if you wanna find him so bad!" he then announced as he hobbled off before breaking into an awkward run off into the distance.

Truth be told he was just guessing, but an educated guess was better than being clueless and moping around. Hitoshi stumbled his way out onto the nearby streets and focused on finding the man of the hour. Where would you go after learning the person who sponsored you was killed? he thought to himself as the gears clanked in his head while he ran, trying to avoid bumping into the pedestrians he passed by. Well, I'd go for a beer or food to wash my feelings down... or both. Doesn't really narrow my list down. Alex was his friend, so he thought he would be able to know him on some level like that. As such he rounded a corner and almost busted down the door to a pizza place. "ALEX! YOU IN HERE?" Hitoshi yelled aloud before quickly realizing that there was two people eating here and neither of them were of the young, gang member variety.

Worse yet was the middle-aged owner who started hitting him with a broom and yelling at him to get out as he apologized profusely and fled the scene to run elsewhere. That definitely wasn't the place, as he must have been so caught up he didn't even bother to check the signage. Regardless, Hitoshi pressed on as he regained his bearings and realized the directions he needed to go. It wouldn't be too long until he caught up to him by this point.

Interactions: Peckinou Peckinou (Zulin)
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 3 [The High Life]
Albino Tiger Penthouse Suite, West District
Mark ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura ), Wonder Woman (@GrieveWriter), Callie (@Nova Anyw), Sock Collector (@Saturn_moon) Ellie ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )
The High Life
It worked. Kind of. Sort of. At the very least, most of the idiots downstairs seemed to have been confused enough by their sudden wetness to stop kicking and screaming for a moment. Well, it was probably that. Maybe. That or the vaporized turbo-LSD that had just been injected into the room's air supply.

Yulia squinted through the rain, straining her eyes to spot any worms that were still wriggling about below. The other Tigers. Marcus's awful security. A few idiots who were still going at eachother. And one fat, red jackass who had seen fit to make a beeline for the exit. Yulia shuddered at the thought. Elias already seemed to be pursuing the man, but she shuddered to think of the consequences she was going to have to deal with if she'd ruined Marcus's property and the culprit got away.

She didn't even know if he was the culprit.

But what if he was?

What if Elias caught him, and she got in trouble anyway?

Yulia shook her head, and butterflies flitted about in her stomach. She wasn't sure if she should blame the anxiety or the alcohol. Or maybe both. That was definitely not the sort of AA she wanted in her life. Yulia gritted her teeth. What did it matter? It wasn't like she had any other leads, and the man's flight from the penthouse conveniently took her in the opposite direction of Marcus's office.

She pinched her nose, took a deep breath, and then vaulted over the handrail. Yulia landed with a small splash, a thin layer of water having already formed across the floor of Marcus's penthouse. Apparently, the drainage here was pretty poor. She started to move a moment after she landed. First at a steady pace, then a brisk one and then, once she was sure she had her footing, at a jog. The only thing Yulia was more worried about than letting than man get away, was letting the man get away and slipping over like an idiot. If she was going to get kicked out of the Tigers, she didn't want to get laughed at while it happened.

Soon enough, she caught up with Elias. His stupid, smug back reeled up in front of her, and she gave it a quick tap.

"I touch him once and he's ours." She nodded at Elias's mark. "Help me get close enough to grab him, and we can both walk out of tonight as winners." She seriously hoped that he was chasing the right guy. And that he didn't know Krav Maga. And that she hadn't huffed any of Miss Wonder's happy gas on the way here.


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Rogue of the Night: Angel
In Scene: Reveler ( Mqueserasera Mqueserasera )
1643560702154.pngAt Reveler-Adonis’ request to see Swallotail’s room, Angel’s eyes darkened briefly with the thought that Angel was losing the attention she had from the man across from her, though it was quickly quashed as he mentioned that he’d give that bitch hell.

She nodded as she stood after Reveler, offering her hand for him to hold if he wanted as she led him out of the room, “I can certainly take you there. As for more information on her, Swallowtail was private. Didn’t speak much about her past or favored customers. Dunno if it was because we didn’t get along that she didn’t speak much around me.

They walked down the halls, passing Jay’s room. It seemed they were traveling to the opposite end of the brothel, furthest away from the manager’s office. The hallways were lit by lanterns hanging by tree branches on the ceiling. These tree branches stemmed from the lobby tree.

As they approached the room, some of the lanterns seemed busted and Angel stopped in front of the door. She hesitated before opening it, “I heard it’s bloody. You wouldn’t mind if I stay out here?

If and when Reveler would enter the room, there would be a notable temperature difference and the lights were currently off. Angel didn't turn on the light switch. She had been instructed to not touch anything in the room.

If the darkness would be lifted by Reveler, the first thing that could potentially be noted is the pool of partially-dried blood next to the bed. The bedding hadn't been removed yet. There were some spatters here and there, and could potentially be investigated further. The room smelled like butterfly bushes, despite the gruesome scene. There was a window in the room. The scene was left as-is just in case the police changed their mind about investigating or the Dragons came to do their own investigating. It wouldn't bode well to have just cleaned up any evidence.

"I'd be careful touching anything just in case."

GM Note: This is a scene that will need investigated. Either note in-post what your character is looking over, or DM me.

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Rogue of the Night: Black Currant
In Scene: Meirin ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel ) | Isaiah ( Lucem Lucem )​

84B15F78-0909-4BF1-815B-7574FB274676.jpegBlack Currant watched as Silver left the room, being left with all they thought was Isaiah.

As Isaiah held out the tissues, Black took one with a small grin gracing her lips and a nod of thanks.

Thank you. I’m a little nervous for everyone but I trust Silver can protect us like he always has.

While Isaiah did whatever he was doing, Black took a seat on the chair that Silver had been sitting in, their toes only barely being able to touch the floor as they rocked side to side on the rolling-chair.

As Isaiah let Black Currant recompose themselves, the quiet had helped. Though the gunshot outside hadn’t helped matters, Black wrapped their arms around themselves.

I’ve been better. This is my only home and I’d hoped death wouldn’t follow me here.” A peek into their past.

At the mention of the missing worker, their face saddened.

Swallowtail was newer here and I helped them get used to things, you know, to help ease their mind about the business. She was always happy to learn but when she got the attention of the scary man, I was a little worried and tensions between Angel and her got worse.

Black sniffled, “I am worried about her. What if he had someone kidnap her? What if she is actually dead but we haven’t found her?

Their brows furrowed, “But I can’t ask you to go find her. It’s too dangerous out there. We should let the Dragons in the lobby help…

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Pump Up The Volume
Location: Heading to the Docks
In Scene: Caio ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic ) | Sang-cheol ( Misuteeku Misuteeku ) | Yuto ( Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed )​

1643590531887.pngA familiar voice came over her radio.

Her blue eyes flickered to the light of the machine as Snake’s voice filtered through the speakers.

He was inviting her to play on the docks. With her information, Caio was the Queen. With Beast as King… an opportunity arose.

Go to HQ and sew a little chaos for the chance to learn anything new?


Go to the docks and potentially get both big leaders out of the picture today.

What a choice.

There seemed to be a threat lingering in the message. Fireworks and bridges shouldn’t mix and she didn’t want to see another bridge destroyed.

A radio came in about a pileup on the mess-of-a-bridge that city planning thought would be an amazing thing to build; the one that connected South, East and Central District. Seemed the others would have their hands full if the reporting was any indicator.

She radioed into her team, “Change of location, meet at the docks. Prepare for an ambush or hostage situation.

Directions were changed and she left Snake on read.

She radioed in again, “No sirens.

She flipped a couple switches in her vehicle, where the lights would be flashing for drivers to know to pull over, but the siren was no longer sounding. A silent approach, but she knew the Serpents weren’t dumb. If they were, they could have handled them by now.

They were getting closer to the docks.

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Rogue of the Night: Silver + Raven
Location: Paradise Forever
In Scene: Kairong ( simj26 simj26 )​

103DD418-1330-4DD7-BF58-7BDF8697A4A8.jpegA soft smile graced Silver’s expression as Kairong bowed back, apologizing for not being able to bend more, though offered no words.

Silver watched as Kairong sat down, admiring the architecture. “I am glad to hear that you enjoy the interior design.” Though he knew that wasn’t what they were actually here for. Kairong made that quite clear, blunt with his intentions. As is, also right to business.

As Silver was directly addressed once more, he stayed standing. He kept his eyes on Kairong, not letting them linger else he anger the old soul.

It is heartening to hear that justice has come today, and I would love it if the Dragons could hear our side.

He turned to Raven, “Raven, I do believe you are free to do as you please.

Raven bowed, the chains around her arms jingling with the movement. No words, but she turned and walked down one of the halls.

Silver then turned his attention back to Kairong, “I would like to comply with the Dragon’s investigation. I will only speak facts and will not wish to see the investigation lead astray. I do request that all viewpoints could be looked over before passing any judgements.

The long-haired man took a small breath, “This morning, your Dragon was found dead. He appeared to be slashed. Black Currant found him and reported him to me. I asked my staff to report to me their location and what they knew, and then told them they could also stay home. One person didn’t get back to me– Swallowtail. To the establishment, Swallowtail is missing.” Silver hesitated momentarily, as though arguing in his own mind if this was throwing a staff member under the bus. Silver worried that Swallowtail ran and hid at the sight, or worse. “The room your man was found in happened to be Swallowtail’s room.

The manager had a question of his own, but unfortunately Kairong had already confirmed that they hadn’t met. “Do you have any follow-up questions?” Silver was unsure what they already knew or what they might ask.

<<< Remember
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Lyric Ashton Crianza
Nightlife District, South District
Ziz (@OverconfidentMagi), Yong-Yut (@gxxberkit), Fixer (@GrieveWriter)
From The Ashes
<<< Remember

Where to start indeed. Its times like this that she wished that her potential had more practical applications. War was easy, cleaning up was always harder. Bastion and Zombie took to carrying Nina’s body off doing their best to not look as they did. Velvet’s inquiry into what to look for or do only revealed how much ground needed to be covered.

“Ideally I would have an answer for you. However… For now, we should look for pools of blood, feathers, or a sign of a struggle. Yon-”

Her eyes flickered to the other two who had joined them in their reconstruction efforts.

“Velvet… come on, let's head further north or northwest. We crossed enough of the southwest on the way here. Muskrat and co have the east covered. Until we get further word from Nina’s mission mates we don’t know what areas can be crossed off but they aren’t going to just sit around either.”

She brought her hammer upon her shoulder again getting ready to keep moving. The other phoenixes at the scene had worked on getting the word of mouth going for pairing off and they would have further information once an official autopsy report was given to Bastion and Zombie.

“Until we have a lead we need to be perceptive and leave nothing uncovered. Assume whatever we’ll find will already have some tracks worn away. Ziz keep people away from this area with Snow. If Snow doesn't recognize them as a Phoenix you both attack and keep each other safe. Be her eyes in the skies."

An older phoenix woman nodded along and motioned for Ziz to join their blockade.

"Fixer you can join the blockade or myself and Velvet in scouring for clues."

She began a slow walk forwards motioning with her head for them to pick a path as they started to circle the second-largest nightclub in the south seeing a crowd being rerouted by the blockade. Further north there would be residential areas until they eventually hit the water while the northwest would take them through commerce to the ruined bridge and eventually to the third-largest nightclub.

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"???, ??? District"
Yo ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ), Kasumi ( FabulousTrash FabulousTrash ), Kazue ( azenva azenva ), Meirin ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )
Eye of Providence

Babyblue was not okay. Perhaps their lure worked too well. They kept glancing all of the directions zooming in on the action as they turned. Red failed. Or succeeded? Either way, she was zooming. Blue knew it was going to be something she needed to keep her eyes on. However, when she fell Blue almost lost her in the crowd of people, as planned Red returned to an altitude she could be observed at.

Situation Changed.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Shen just fell out of the sky. Which just made their position all the more dangerous. They had to move and now. Especially with the dragons, they fired upon starting up on a defensive. It didn’t matter to her if the bullets had connected but if they had actual shields then they could gain ground. Worse yet if they ran themselves as a distraction.

Fine, it was time for a reload.

They needed cover and they needed it fast. A few moments to set each gun back up had given them the chance to start firing again. Round two of the barrage of bullets hit while they took out a phone and began texting.

“You have an incoming King visit on Ghoul, Lupine, and Monarch. Poseidon get them out of there! Red’s being surrounded, unmasked. Heading to the exit point, Last Transmission Over.”

They took a moment to slice the phone in half and take the memory card before they continued off the roof. Could never be too careful…


Below a building, a burning pile of cloth could be seen as a destroyed mask was left just to the side of the pyre.

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South District
Nearby: Hector ( WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ), Akane (@Anne Boolean)

After the insanity that was the party being crashed the teens were left in shocked silence as the Phoenixes all left including the few that were apparently already on the boat? Lavinia didn’t want to think about it long and with a quick glance at the annoyed look on Armas’s face, she had the feeling that he felt the same. They waited around a bit watching the trepidation on the faces of the partiers below.

“Can we just, leave?”

She couldn’t fault Angelo for wanting to go home at this point. Hell, she was feeling the same right about now. She forced her legs to move as she collected her megaphone back up from the ground. She heard Armas behind her dialing throwing the phone on speaker. For most, they could be left behind without consequence. This ride was meant to be a one-way play anyways.

“Hey, undock. Party’s moving to central. We’re done here.”

With that call, the remaining hesitant party-goers were told to reenter or get left behind as the ship started making its preparations to leave. Not long after the ship was moving on its slow trek to central. She lazily brought the megaphone up as she whispered into it.

"Worst Party Ever"


"Docks are clearing. Expect movement to the west"

Nightlife District, South District
Bolt ( Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean ) Charlie ( Roda the Red Roda the Red )
From The Ashes
<<< Remember

Single butterflies could mean everything or nothing. Most of the team had pretty much reached a dead fucking end as the swarm scattered under the cover of night. Still, they couldn’t give up and throw in the towel without doing all they could. Muskrat’s phone went off being only another distraction. He took the thing out of his hoodie’s pocket and flung it to her not having time to stop his scan of the skies.

“Deal with it Panda.”


She flipped the phone open and answered. Or she would have if it hadn’t screeched at her when she did.



“What the fuck?”

It was clear whoever called was the first one to shout judging by the volume of the shouts. At the very least she didn’t think she had to worry about another phoenix dying and calling to share their final moments. Still, that just made the call even weirder. Muskrat didn’t have this number saved… Fox for as much use as they were only leaned in closer to the phone.

“What'd I do?”

Oh lovely so a fool called.

“For one, you scared some woman out of her wits. I really hope there’s a goddamn reason you called cause we’re busy over here. Well Musk is…”



The frightened woman’s expression eased up as she looked up to see the two who had called her out better. She didn’t recognize the two men but seeing a clearly friendlier face helped her to ease out of the ball she had formed for herself. She was dressed in a sort of tracksuit with dust and dirt showing she was likely one of the citizens who had been working on the reconstruction in the upper areas.

“I-i… Butterflies???”

She stuttered before shouting as if she couldn’t understand why they had stopped her. Her panic hadn’t quite abated yet making it unlikely that any information she might have would be able to be easily recalled as her eyes filled with tears and her shoulders shook. She could be heard muttering lowly under her breath “calm, calm” before her breathing evened out once more.

“I-I don’t know about butterflies. No Sir N-no. W-why? W-who are you?”

She took a little step retreating and her back hit the wall behind her.

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