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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*


Kat had finally put all of her stuff into her dorm. Kat looked around and noticed these dorms weren't that bad. She looked at the clock, luckily she still had time to head back to math. Kat left her dorm and closed the door behind her. After a while of walking Kat finally made her way back to Math clas. She had somehow came before they started the lesson.


Seeing that he didn't have a fever and his breathing was even, Kathlianna sighed and covered him with a blanket. She laid back down on the bed and picked her book up, going back to reading.

@Chief Shiro
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Liz wandered into the school. She was much younger than most of the other kids and smaller obviously. She stayed in her Wolf form for the time being and looked for her master since she was told to meet her here. Despite being incredibly smart for her age, she could barely tie her own shoes or get dressed without a little help.
NightCasterZ said:
Liz wandered into the school. She was much younger than most of the other kids and smaller obviously. She stayed in her Wolf form for the time being and looked for her master since she was told to meet her here. Despite being incredibly smart for her age, she could barely tie her own shoes or get dressed without a little help.
Action Redmund aimlessly wandered. the school. If anyone asked, he was patrolling, but in truth he had no idea where his dorm was. His big metal face warmed up however when he saw a large grey dog thing wandering the school with him. "DOooOG!" He shouted in his broken metallic voice. "Hi puPPy!"
Melody left the library to find someone who should be walking around the school. "Where could she be" she then something that looked like a metal lifeforms going to a puppy who she then ran up to and said " Liz there you are I have been looking for you"
MelodyRabbit said:
Melody left the library to find someone who should be walking around the school. "Where could she be" she then something that looked like a metal lifeforms going to a puppy who she then ran up to and said " Liz there you are I have been looking for you"
The PuPpY Is LiZ!" Hello Liz! And heLlO flesHy! I am AcTioN RedmUND, grEatEst HerO of THe WoRlD!!
Melody looked at the being in front of her and the hair on her tail stood up and replied"H-h-hello there w-what do you want"
MelodyRabbit said:
Melody looked at the being in front of her and the hair on her tail stood up and replied"H-h-hello there w-what do you want"
I wAnT a MiLlIon dollARs, LaMborGini anD JeNny the TeENage RoBoT.
As the three talk, a shifty looking man

MelodyRabbit said:
Melody looked at the being in front of her and the hair on her tail stood up and replied"H-h-hello there w-what do you want"
as the three talk, a shifty looking man wearing a large bulky coat over a hoodie that obscured his face shambled up to them. His hand shaking, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handgun. "H-hands up. I-I-I want your wallets. All your valuables too. I-I'll shoot! I'll do it!"
He woke up a few hours later feeling refreshed and invigorated. He noticed that someone had drug a blanket over him and assumed it mustve been kathlianna.
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Liz cowers behind Melody due to the Robot. When the man comes, she growls from behind but is too scared to reveal herself.
Liz held tightly onto Melody, her tiny paws not bigger than her fingers. They clung onto her leg, her claws not sharp enough to hurt her but just about enough to hold onto the clothes. Her whole body was about up to Melody's knee.
NightCasterZ said:
Liz held tightly onto Melody, her tiny paws not bigger than her fingers. They clung onto her leg, her claws not sharp enough to hurt her but just about enough to hold onto the clothes. Her whole body was about up to Melody's knee.
Action doesn't turn around, but his jovial manner dissipates.

Something in his arm starts moving and a faint whirrrrrrr can be heard.

"GiRl WhO KnoWs LiZ, WhAT is ScHool PoLIcy on ViOlencE agaInSt nOn-StudeNtS? I wOuLd HaTe to Be ExpeLLed bEFore I eveN sTaRt.
Melody told the robot being "I think if it is not a student it should be fine, but I am not entirely sure why?"
MelodyRabbit said:
Melody told the robot being "I think if it is not a student it should be fine, but I am not entirely sure why?"
Despite having no lips, you swear you can see Action smile. "GoOd."

He whips around, his cloak falling off his shoulders revealing a buzz saw where his hand should be. The man panics and fires, but the bullet ricochets off of the dark grey metal that makes him off and embeds itself in a tree. "LOoK AWaY LiTtle PupPy", Action growls
In a grey blur, Action slices the hand holding the gun off. It falls and clatters against the ground. Before blood could splatter over the three action dove forward and lit the man's stump aflame in an attempt to cauterize it.

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