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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*



Dom continue laughing. "Really now?" He asked when he stopped laughing while raising his eyebrow at her.
"Yes!" She said defiantly to him as she looked at him and nodded to him confidently

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn peaks his lips. "I do say."
"Well then." He said after he pecked back
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"W-well if we were married of togethwr then yeah i guess." She said blushing more and looking away from him



Dom nodded at that. "What would you think of that?" He asked aimlessly. He wasn't sure why he asked it but whatever.


Dom nodded at that. "What would you think of that?" He asked aimlessly. He wasn't sure why he asked it but whatever.
She looked away hesitant to answer. "I-it would make me happy." She said hesitsntly. She knew he was a student and it was against the rules to love a student but the thought pleased her to much to care about the rules
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She looked away hesitant to answer. "I-it would make me happy." She said hesitsntly. She knew he was a student and it was against the rules to love a student but the thought pleased her to much to care about the rules



Dom brushed his hair away from his eye as he looked at Silith. "I guess I wouldn't mind." It was whatever to him. If she was happy, that was what mattered to him.


Dom brushed his hair away from his eye as he looked at Silith. "I guess I wouldn't mind." It was whatever to him. If she was happy, that was what mattered to him.
She blushed at hos words. "R-really?" She asked him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She blushed at hos words. "R-really?" She asked him



Dom looked at her as she blushed. "Yeah, why should I lie about that?" Was it a big deal for her.


Dom looked at her as she blushed. "Yeah, why should I lie about that?" Was it a big deal for her.
She blushed more then smiled a little. "What now then?" She asked him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She blushed more then smiled a little. "What now then?" She asked him

Dom actually didn't know what to do, so he shrugged at her question. He yawned again while looking at her. "Idk, I'm kinda sleepy again." He usually got sleepy quickly, so when he yawned, that meant he was tire and super sleepy.

Dom actually didn't know what to do, so he shrugged at her question. He yawned again while looking at her. "Idk, I'm kinda sleepy again." He usually got sleepy quickly, so when he yawned, that meant he was tire and super sleepy.

She smiled a little then walked over then gently hugged him. "You can stay here if you want or i can take you back to your dorm." She said to him

Dom shook his head as in saying no. " Nah don't worry, Its too early for that." That was true actually, it wasn't even night. He stood up and stretched before sitting back down next to her. If he didn't want to sleep, he liked to either run none stop but that was impossible right now but he didn't care.

@Daniel reaving

Dom shook his head as in saying no. " Nah don't worry, Its too early for that." That was true actually, it wasn't even night. He stood up and stretched before sitting back down next to her. If he didn't want to sleep, he liked to either run none stop but that was impossible right now but he didn't care.

@Daniel reaving
She smiled as she looked to him and nodded. "Well when that time does come you can stat here or i can take you back to your dorm." She said happily to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled as she looked to him and nodded. "Well when that time does come you can stat here or i can take you back to your dorm." She said happily to him

Dom really was starting to think that she though of him as a kid. "You're kinda calling a kid you know." He frowned because he hated being confused by being a kid. Those were really super frustrating words.

Dom really was starting to think that she though of him as a kid. "You're kinda calling a kid you know." He frowned because he hated being confused by being a kid. Those were really super frustrating words.

She giggled and hugged him. "No im not im just trying to spend as much time with you as i can now." She said to him happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She giggled and hugged him. "No im not im just trying to spend as much time with you as i can now." She said to him happily


"Really now?" Dom asked with amusement. He still didn't like being hugged but he wouldn't stop her from doing it. He rubbed his shoulder while continuing to yawn but lightly.
"Really now?" Dom asked with amusement. He still didn't like being hugged but he wouldn't stop her from doing it. He rubbed his shoulder while continuing to yawn but lightly.

She smiled and held onto him. "Thank you." She said softly as she hugged him some more before she let go and got up. "Want some food?" She asked
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled and held onto him. "Thank you." She said softly as she hugged him some more before she let go and got up. "Want some food?" She asked

Dom nodded. "Sure, if you want." He wouldn't say no to food. Maybe once 4am hits, he could go hunt for some animal blood or steal food from the hospital. Just enough that He could survive, but not enough to let others die for lack of blood transfusion.

Dom nodded. "Sure, if you want." He wouldn't say no to food. Maybe once 4am hits, he could go hunt for some animal blood or steal food from the hospital. Just enough that He could survive, but not enough to let others die for lack of blood transfusion.

She smiled then nodded as she headed to the kitchen. "What do you want?" She asked him happily

Dom didn't know what he wanted to eat. As long as it was bloody and half rare meat. He wasn't a big fan of normal food but that was what he liked to eat more than anything around humans when he lived with the Homeless.

@Daniel reaving

Dom didn't know what he wanted to eat. As long as it was bloody and half rare meat. He wasn't a big fan of normal food but that was what he liked to eat more than anything around humans when he lived with the Homeless.

@Daniel reaving
"Well?" She called to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well?" She called to him

Dom shook his shoulders. "Raw meat with blood on top of it." Why he tell her that? Because he had no idea but whatever.

Dom shook his shoulders. "Raw meat with blood on top of it." Why he tell her that? Because he had no idea but whatever.

"W-well i have a frozen stake." She said to him as she looked out of the kitchen at him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yes!" She said defiantly to him as she looked at him and nodded to him confidently
"Well then." He said after he pecked back

Acelynn slowly sat up, her lags a little stiff from the way she slept and an aching pain in her hips. "Remind me..not to lay like that ever again." She said as she slowly but surely moved her legs around, wincing here and there.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"W-well i have a frozen stake." She said to him as she looked out of the kitchen at him

Dom shook his head in negative way. "I literally like it Raw or half cook I guess." He scratched his head while looking at her.


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