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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn slowly sat up, her lags a little stiff from the way she slept and an aching pain in her hips. "Remind me..not to lay like that ever again." She said as she slowly but surely moved her legs around, wincing here and there.
He nodded to her. "Alright." He said to her as he sat up as well and ran a hand through his hair tiredly
Dom shook his head in negative way. "I literally like it Raw or half cook I guess." He scratched his head while looking at her.

"Ill half cook it then." She said as she went back into the kitchen to cook
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He nodded to her. "Alright." He said to her as he sat up as well and ran a hand through his hair tiredly

Acelynn rubbed her eyes, then glanced at the time. "Fuck!" She cursed and scrambled to get off him, but feel to the ground with a loud thud. "Ow.."
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn rubbed her eyes, then glanced at the time. "Fuck!" She cursed and scrambled to get off him, but feel to the ground with a loud thud. "Ow.."
River sighed then got out of bed and picked her up. "What?" He asked her curiously
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ill half cook it then." She said as she went back into the kitchen to cook

Dom nodded at her. He didn't mind if she wanted to cook him that, it wasnt bothersome at all. He could had said something else but decided to shut his mouth.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River sighed then got out of bed and picked her up. "What?" He asked her curiously

Acelynn pointed to the barely even started canvas drawing of a dragon. "That's due before midnight. It's 8:30 River.." She muttered with a deep sigh.
Dom nodded at her. He didn't mind if she wanted to cook him that, it wasnt bothersome at all. He could had said something else but decided to shut his mouth.

She started to hum happily as she cooked

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn pointed to the barely even started canvas drawing of a dragon. "That's due before midnight. It's 8:30 River.." She muttered with a deep sigh.
"So. You can finish that." He said to her
Dom watched her as she cooked. The only person who ever cooked to him was Darlene and that old hag was super troublesome. She was strick and liked for others to follow the rules, which he disliked to do. He was really upset when she died. He wouldn't sleep for a whole month after that and went into depression but if Ryan wasn't there, he wouldn't be the Dom who he was now. @Daniel reaving
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She started to hum happily as she cooked
"So. You can finish that." He said to her

Acelynn narrowed her eyes at him. "Maybe.." She mumbled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before regretfully leaving his arms and getting her art supplies from her backpack. "Wanna help?"
Dom watched her as she cooked. The only person who ever cooked to him was Darlene and that old hag was super troublesome. She was strick and liked for others to follow the rules, which he disliked to do. He was really upset when she died. He wouldn't sleep for a whole month after that and went into depression but if Ryan wasn't there, he wouldn't be the Dom who he was now. @Daniel reaving
She smiled as she cooked not knowing he was watching her. She was happy now. Happy she had him.

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn narrowed her eyes at him. "Maybe.." She mumbled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before regretfully leaving his arms and getting her art supplies from her backpack. "Wanna help?"
"Ive never done anything artsy." He said to her truthfully as he watched her pull she suplies out
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled as she cooked not knowing he was watching her. She was happy now. Happy she had him.
"Ive never done anything artsy." He said to her truthfully as he watched her pull she suplies out

Acelynn sat down in front of her canvas and got to work making the background for the dragon. "I did not expect that answer from you." She said as she drew away, using her magic to make the other drawing pencils float so she could easily grab one and switch it out.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn sat down in front of her canvas and got to work making the background for the dragon. "I did not expect that answer from you." She said as she drew away, using her magic to make the other drawing pencils float so she could easily grab one and switch it out.
"Why?" He asked as he sat down next to her and slid his arms around her waist
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Why?" He asked as he sat down next to her and slid his arms around her waist

Acelynn smiled a bit as he wrapped his arms around her. "I dunno. You seem like the artsy type. I mean..you did quote me poetry when we first met. Which by the way was the best way to get to my heart." She said with a small giggle. "I'm a sucker for poetry~"
Dom leaned his head on the couch looking at the ceiling. He wanted to close his eyes but that would be rude to her. He really didn't like being rude to anyone at all. @Daniel reaving
She walked out about five muinets later with a barely cooked stake and smiled. "Here!" She said happily as she set it infront of him

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn smiled a bit as he wrapped his arms around her. "I dunno. You seem like the artsy type. I mean..you did quote me poetry when we first met. Which by the way was the best way to get to my heart." She said with a small giggle. "I'm a sucker for poetry~"
"I quoted poetry that humans had maid in the mideval times about my kind." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She walked out about five muinets later with a barely cooked stake and smiled. "Here!" She said happily as she set it infront of him
"I quoted poetry that humans had maid in the mideval times about my kind." He said to her

"Well it was quite nice." Acelynn responded as she drew, the drawing coming together bit by bit.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"If you say so." He said before he gently put a kiss to her neck as she worked

Acelynn shivered a bit as goosebumps spread across her body from the neck kiss. "I do say so." She said and stopped drawing long enough to plant a kiss on his cheek then get back to it.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn shivered a bit as goosebumps spread across her body from the neck kiss. "I do say so." She said and stopped drawing long enough to plant a kiss on his cheek then get back to it.
He barely let a smile onto his face as he reste his chin on her shoulder after she kisse his cheek and watched her work
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]He barely let a smile onto his face as he reste his chin on her shoulder after she kisse his cheek and watched her work

Acelynn drew on, occasionally glancing at River. "Enjoying the show?" She teased at him as she was putting on the finishing touches to the artwork before her.
Dom nodded at her and thanked her. "Thanks." It actually looked good but It was missing the blood. @Daniel reaving
"Im sorry theres no blood but its not exactly something i can go shopping for. I mean i could give you my blood but i dont know if youd want that." She said to him

xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn drew on, occasionally glancing at River. "Enjoying the show?" She teased at him as she was putting on the finishing touches to the artwork before her.
"Yes i am." He said as he watched her paint and finish it up
Dom eyes narrowed as she said that. Did she just read his mind? 'Red alert red alert, someone knew what he was thinking' that was something he was yelling to himself inside his head while outside he only had his eyes narrowed. "No its alright, but thanks." @Daniel reaving
Sazabi said:
Xionis entered the new classroom he would be over. He sighed over its ill maintained state. Desks were falling apart, the supplies were low and a mess. In all it wasn't fit.
A red aura covered his hands, dancing almost like flames as he began murmuring. Slowly the room darkened to pitch black then seconds later returned to normal.

The room now was covered in motifs and paintings of all styles from around the world. Easels and Desks lined the room in an almost amphitheater style seating. Supplies restocked and brand new.

With a slight feeling of elation he finally took his place at the chalk board. Picking up several different colored prices of chalk he began drawing bringing the design in his head to life.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella sat there coiled up around her self infront of a half done painting with paint on her shirt and some on her cheek. A paint brush held losely in one hand as she selpt infront of an esile of hers that had the beautiful half done painting of a valley of flowers and a sunset her and a friend had been painting before her friend had left her to go study. She slept peacfully in her position being cooled around her self to keep her up right

Hi so i had replyed to your post so i can help get you into the story ^-^
A black limo pulled up to the school gates and a door opened as a man got out a cold ruthless look on his face before he turned to the car and helped a girl out. The girl wore a dark purple dress with to long of sleeves and straps wrapped around her body in a decorative way, a flower adorned her hair. Her face was wrapped in bandages up to the bridge of her nose and a black blinder covered her eyes from the world giving off a sinister look as the man gently took her hand as the car drive off. "Ready my lady?" The man asked the girl as she nodded then he gently started to lead her inside of the school yard as the face covered girl walked with him contently waiting for something to happen (the man is just an npc by the way)


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