New Lunar Book

The book has the 5 caste spread for Lunars listed, I believe. Dex, Manipulation, and Wits for the Waning Moons, all three socials for the Waxing Moons, and Charisma, Perception and Intelligence for the Half Moons, with Full and No Moons as standard.
one thing I could not stand in 1E was how Lunars had to have Lore 2 just to read and write.  
My only Lunar was from Nexus (a city lunar) and therefore not a barbarian, he had a lore of 3 at char creation, but he only needed 1 to read.
Ok so I have been reading my book and matching up my 1e chracter and trying to convert him as much as possible to 2e. I think i am going to lose a little power but i don't think much. but i am gaining some serious flexability.

I get far more charms/knacks then before and I haven't even spent my built up exp. Now a question i have about the wyld mutations when you switch into DBT form. Can lets say fur which gives soak of 1b/1L stack with higher level pox that gives soak of 4b/4L?

I like the new book.
I never was too much of a fan of Lunars in 1st edition, seemed overly complicated, and not quite as powerful as the ST's companion had originally made me think...

However, I just picked up 2nd ed. Lunars, and I'm in love with em already. So freakin awesome!
so, ok, i have the wyld book, the lunar's book, and the core one too. But i simply cannot find where the heck the regen mutation is in. On the other note, halting the scarlet flow seem to be missing the part of the charm description on how it works with the fury one. So what are your thoughts in this?
The only regen mutation I've heard about is a Chimerae one. I don't have the book yet, so can't say more than that. As to Halting the Scarlet Flow, current running errata I have seen is that if you have it activated as a gift charm in DBT, you can reflexively spend the motes on the charm to heal yourself and it doesn't count as a charm use. How official it is, I can't say for sure, but it seems to be pretty accepted as a whole on the Wiki.
Balota said:
Can lets say fur which gives soak of 1b/1L stack with higher level pox that gives soak of 4b/4L?
The only thing the book says with clarity on this is that some mutations have a definite "upgrade" path, which means those do not stack; the upgrade replaces the lesser mutation. In the case of Fur, there is a definite upgrade path, which goes Fur/Feathers/Leaves pox then Thick Skin affliction. I think you can assume, therefore, that the Armored Hide blight is the logical continuation of this trend.

But i simply cannot find where the heck the regen mutation is in. On the other note' date=' halting the scarlet flow seem to be missing the part of the charm description on how it works with the fury one. So what are your thoughts in this?[/quote']
You seem convinced that there is a "regen mutation". Not sure why. As for scarlet flow, it's not Fury-OK, so it doesn't work with the fury one. For more details, see page five of this thread for my response to the last time you asked this question.
oh, i've got that impression by the fact that in !e, regen was a major aspect of Lunar powers. I also got the ideia that in the beastman knack, de description said that Lunars in this form healed better that other Exalts.  So i thought that it was covered in some book and that I missed it.

Oh, and you're right, Wordman, it is a gift, rather than a fury ok charm.
oh, i've got that impression by the fact that in !e, regen was a major aspect of Lunar powers. I also got the ideia that in the beastman knack, de description said that Lunars in this form healed better that other Exalts.  So i thought that it was covered in some book and that I missed it.

Oh, and you're right, Wordman, it is a gift, rather than a fury ok charm.
Looks like they threw in a new Primordial: The Lidless Eye That Sees.

Did that make anyone else immediately think of Sauron?
oh, i've got that impression by the fact that in !e, regen was a major aspect of Lunar powers. I also got the ideia that in the beastman knack, de description said that Lunars in this form healed better that other Exalts.  So i thought that it was covered in some book and that I missed it.
Oh, and you're right, Wordman, it is a gift, rather than a fury ok charm.
Halting the Scarlet Flow is the lunar way to get healing in DBT. No, I repeat NO mutation for non-chimaera lunar which lets them regenerate damage. Actually on page 137 of the lunars book it quite clearly states, that you need the charms like bruise relief method or halting the scarlet flow to actually heal in DBT, how much clearer can it get? BTW, this is a rhetorical question. I have the idea in the back of my head that you might deliberately not get that point.

And now please don't ask the same question again, will you? This is the second edtion, not the first.

And they heal better than other exalts. They can heal severe damage like amputated limbs etc. without magical help in DBT. Just as if it was some ordinary lethal damage. That is pretty funky already.

Furhtermore the mutations are there to represent the animalistic features of your deadly beastman transformation... now... which animal was it again which heals swordcuts in seconds? Ah yeah, I think it was the common rules lawyer, wasn't it?
Safim said:
Furhtermore the mutations are there to represent the animalistic features of your deadly beastman transformation... now... which animal was it again which heals swordcuts in seconds? Ah yeah, I think it was the common rules lawyer, wasn't it?
While it's not "heals sword cuts in seconds", it IS a fact that lower animals regenerate and heal faster than higher animals do.  It's really not a stretch to assume that this general principle holds true in Creation, and that Lunars can tap into and enhance it with Essence.
As to the question of how Halting the Scarlet Flow works if activated as a gift when going DBT, I've now seen two differing and (insofar as I can tell) equally unofficial interpretations of how it will work. One is the aforementioned spending of motes reflexively to heal without the use of a charm.

The other seems to be a reflexive ability to heal a lethal damage once an action...which is likely the interpretation I'll use until an official errata comes out...but those seem to be the two most official interpretations. Take what you will of them. Hope these help until the official errata comes out.
Flagg said:
Looks like they threw in a new Primordial: The Lidless Eye That Sees.
Did that make anyone else immediately think of Sauron?
Yes. But then that's going to happen anytime you use Lidless Eye in anything.
I just doodled up one of my own.

The Founder.

Primordial of Essence.

They let her live for two reasons:

1.)  Kill her or any part  of her and fuck over the way Essence works.

2.)  She's a pacifist who swore to not fuck with Creation on a large scale and to protect it if needed.
I had an idea for one who was, like, Auto's sister. A passive being of order to his deliberate production. A shield to his hammer, an ear to his eye. She is the riverbank which guides the flow of mutable water. Studied how Auto made the mountain Folk, and used it to give Fair Folk a lot more freedom, the capacity for more power... so long as they do whatever she says while they're in her turf.

I had an idea for another one as well, back when we were discussing a possible "World of Dreams". Essentially, it's him, and since the Exalted weren't able to go fight him, the Maidens went and sang him to sleep before the war started, so he's been deep in slumber ever since.
Kind of reminds me of the Legend of Zelda game for the Gameboy.  The Dreamer wakes up and the world is destroyed.  Link still lives ofcourse.
memesis said:
Safim said:
Furhtermore the mutations are there to represent the animalistic features of your deadly beastman transformation... now... which animal was it again which heals swordcuts in seconds? Ah yeah, I think it was the common rules lawyer, wasn't it?
While it's not "heals sword cuts in seconds", it IS a fact that lower animals regenerate and heal faster than higher animals do.  It's really not a stretch to assume that this general principle holds true in Creation, and that Lunars can tap into and enhance it with Essence.
Yeah, all those amoeba-totem lunars can heal extremely fast ^^
Dracogryff said:
As to the question of how Halting the Scarlet Flow works if activated as a gift when going DBT, I've now seen two differing and (insofar as I can tell) equally unofficial interpretations of how it will work. One is the aforementioned spending of motes reflexively to heal without the use of a charm.
The other seems to be a reflexive ability to heal a lethal damage once an action...which is likely the interpretation I'll use until an official errata comes out...but those seem to be the two most official interpretations. Take what you will of them. Hope these help until the official errata comes out.
Halting the scarlet flow needs an miscalloneous action to heal anything. So you will always have to flurry to heal or just sit still. Rest will be the same as bruise relief method I suppose. Commit motes, shift to DBT and happy healing.
Haku said:
Oh and Ten Stripes can't seem t catch a break at all.
Catch a break?!

She's an evil fuck-up! I don't feel sorry for her ass getting killed by the Alchemicals anymore.

Also, why is she pictured walking around in Hellenistic ruins? Is that even slightly appropriate for Simenare?
Flagg said:
Haku said:
Oh and Ten Stripes can't seem t catch a break at all.
Catch a break?!

She's an evil fuck-up! I don't feel sorry for her ass getting killed by the Alchemicals anymore.

Also, why is she pictured walking around in Hellenistic ruins? Is that even slightly appropriate for Simenare?
She is not from around there.
Safim said:
She is not from around there.
Yes, but from context, the picture seems to be depicting her getting attacked on the island during the revolt. I guess they could be "First Age ruins", but there's no mention of that at all in the text.

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