New Lunar Book

Safim said:
Halting the scarlet flow needs an miscalloneous action to heal anything. So you will always have to flurry to heal or just sit still. Rest will be the same as bruise relief method I suppose. Commit motes, shift to DBT and happy healing.
*shrugs* I was just quoting the Wiki. The former interpretation is RRimmel's interpretation, the latter is the Lunar charm writer's. *shrugs* Domino (Schaefer) suggests having HtSF as a reflexive action.
Well... think about it, the only way she could have goofed up THAT bad has to be writer's fiet. So... killed in 1e by an alchemical, and now... nearly killed in 2e by her experiment.
Sorry if this was already asked -- until I read the Charms, all the Charm-talk has kind of gone in one ear and out the other.

Halting the Scarlet Flow has a cost listed as "2+ motes". When/how would you spend more than 2 motes?
Flagg said:
Halting the Scarlet Flow has a cost listed as "2+ motes". When/how would you spend more than 2 motes?
I noticed this last night. I think what might have happened is that original the charm was two motes per health level. Then, someone brilliant changed it be "one activation heals one health level for two motes" and forgot to change the cost. Now, the stupid thing is that this is a reflexive charm, so you can just cast it over and over on the same turn anyway, so it might as well just say "two motes per health level".

I can think of a scenario where the difference would actually matter (slightly), but it is so far-fetched and stupid that it's not even worth describing.
Well, the really stupid thing is that it's a misc. action, which should make it Simple instead of Reflexive, but they're playing games with the mechanics to allow it to be used in a flurry.
*muttermuttermutter* Nice to watch my book arive in town two days ago and get up this morning to see it in philedalphia. >.< Apparently, as I've just found out, Amazon apparently managed to drop a number of my street address at some point after ordering and before shipping...and they're tying to claim that it's my fault. *growls*

I didn't change the address. I changed my last name (getting married does that if you're female and don't have a reason to not), but I didn't touch the address, and all my other shipments have arrived just fine and with the correct address...and they're trying to claim that all this is still somehow my fault. *sighs* The package they shipped two years ago arrived just fine, and I double checked it before okaying it and they still are trying to place the blame on my shoulders somehow.

Now I need to figure out how exactly to be bitchy about this so I can get my damn book...considering they apparently are going to make me re-order the thing in order to get it at all. *grumbles* At least I have a PDF of it for now so I can actually look it over until I figure out how to get my hardcopy....
Wow I would be pissed as all hell, I hate in coroerations refuse to take responsabilite for their fuck ups.
Question, I'm not sure if my reading of Moon-faced Mail is correct;

For 1 Artifact dot, you get ANY mundane armour that can change with you into DBT.

This 'mundane' armour could even be a PERFECT Super Heavy Plate armour. As it's covered by artifact and not resource-based equipment, you don't need a silly level of resource.

Am I wrong?

Sure, it's not unbreakable like normal artifact 5mm armour, but it's still a REALLY good deal for artifact armour at 1 dot. Given that it has no committment cost.

Also, Claws of the Silver Moon.

Are the bonus stats at the higher essence added on top of the base stats or do they replace them.

Case in point at essence 3, you can spend 2 more motes to get an accuracy + dexterity. Are the bonus stats now;

1) Speed +0, Accuracy + (Dexterity), Damage +(Strength)L, Defense +0, Rate +0


2) Speed +0, Accuracy + (2 + Dexterity), Damage +(Strength)L, Defense +0, Rate +0
Haku said:
For 1 Artifact dot, you get ANY mundane armour that can change with you into DBT....Am I wrong?
That is how it is written.

Haku said:
Are the bonus stats at the higher essence added on top of the base stats or do they replace them.
The phrasing is "Once a character with this Charm reaches Essence 3, she may spend two additional motes to make the claws slimmer and more needlelike, providing Accuracy +(Dexterity)." I read this as setting Accuracy to Dex, not adding Dex to Accuracy. Seems like the phrasing would be "adds her Dexterity to the claw's Accuracy" would have been the phrase if they wanted it to work like that.
wordman said:
Haku said:
For 1 Artifact dot, you get ANY mundane armour that can change with you into DBT....Am I wrong?
That is how it is written.

Haku said:
Are the bonus stats at the higher essence added on top of the base stats or do they replace them.
The phrasing is "Once a character with this Charm reaches Essence 3, she may spend two additional motes to make the claws slimmer and more needlelike, providing Accuracy +(Dexterity)." I read this as setting Accuracy to Dex, not adding Dex to Accuracy. Seems like the phrasing would be "adds her Dexterity to the claw's Accuracy" would have been the phrase if they wanted it to work like that.
Works for me.   :P
Flagg said:
Looks like they threw in a new Primordial: The Lidless Eye That Sees.
Did that make anyone else immediately think of Sauron?
That, and tripping mushrooms on the side of a mountain looking up at cellphone towers going, "Something's drawn its gaze..!"
Best line in the new lunar book, from Glance-Oration Technique, a charm that allows the lunar to communicate without actually speaking, in whatever form they are in:

This is especially useful when a Lunar fi nds human form imprudent, but wants to tell someone that a Realm legion approaches or her child is trapped in a collapsed mineshaft.
wordman said:
Best line in the new lunar book, from Glance-Oration Technique, a charm that allows the lunar to communicate without actually speaking, in whatever form they are in:
This is especially useful when a Lunar fi nds human form imprudent, but wants to tell someone that a Realm legion approaches or her child is trapped in a collapsed mineshaft.
Yeah, I got to agree there.

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