New Lunar Book

my question did they use those two charms from starytellers companion? you know the one that lowers your speed, and the one that increases the spead of enimies you hit?
Haven't seen them yet.  Deadly Beastman Transformation did get nerfed, though.  

In general, I find that the new book lowers the starting Lunars to more on terms with other Celestial Exalted, while giving much more emphasis on expansion.  Hell, I've flipped through their charms now, and found myself actually seeing a REASON to go for them and want to use them.  Much more emphasis on the long-term playability and desire to increase your essence to get new cool charms, as opposed to before.
Let's put it this way... I've see people who've hated Lunars in 1e (mechanically) being -EXCITED- at 2e Lunars due to their charms and fluff and looking to playing Lunars as PCs.

Also, the charms are elegant and fun.

I like the fact that Lunar Hero Style are considered to be Normal Dexterity charms. Which means that they CAN use it with Archery, Melee, and Thrown with their normal weaponary for such.

The restriction on the natural weaponary is I believe applicable only when the Lunar is using it as Martial Arts.

Think on that and look at the Hero Style Charms again.
uteck said:
my FLGS got theirs in yesterday, so I will sit at my desk pretending to work while reading it.
So far, I like how they explained the Solar/Lunar 'mate' thing.  And they used existing game mechanics too.  :shock:
I really like how they handled this too.

Every solar gets 1 faithful lunar on a spiritual level. the other 299 have no power over that lunar. I think this will come into effect in my game I'm running.

Also, I really like the factions that they have created. There's the Silver Pack which is just a term for the Lunar collective. And then there are 5 'factions' or beliefs they keep. So far I'm favoring the Wardens of Gaia, it seems very much in tune with what I like best about W:TA. They're protectors of nature. Best of all one's factions kinda dictate their beliefs when it comes to solars, and everything is very well explained right there in the book on how it was in the First Age (Since I'm kinda running a First Age into the Second age game.)

It's a Effing Awesome Book!
I agree.  I think it's well done.  My friend who's always been big on Lunars was bitching and moaning yesterday on game, due to the changes on Deadly Beastman, and *having* to take knacks now.   :roll:  In my humble viewpoint, I think the changes are overall good, because it gives the Lunars actual charm trees worth looking into, as well as room to expand.  Also, it brings starting Lunars more on a manageable level for the ST, because Deadly Beastman doesn't make them as god-awfully powerful anymore...  

Helll, I'm liking the fact now that as a Story Teller, if I beat the crap out of my PCs in a brawl 1 person isn't going to be perfectly fine half an hour later (after taking 14 lethal).  While the rest hover above a -4 for another day...  I think  the people who will honestly have the biggest problems to the Lunar books, are (like my friend) the one's who just twinked the holy hell out of them through Deadly Beastmans to maximize dice and make yourself unkillable.
It is funny to read through some of the last few pages of the first impressions thread on's forums..where one guy bitches about how the Silver Pact, renown, and Barbarians RULE stuff that he hated about 1E wasn't changed in 2E. Especially when he takes the 'Lunars want to make a society that can function without needing a Exalted in charge' as 'we made you self sufficient, bastards, so save yourself from the (insert threat of Exalted proportions here)!'  :lol:

I seriously want my book here now.... *whines* I wanna read the fluff!
*pat, pat* Love, it's in the mail. We'll just have to be patient. Isn't there something about waiting is half the battle? Sound slike the book has already conquered the 1E mediocrity of the we just have to wait 'til we have it. Then you can get all your Lunar characters up to snuff.
Having looked at the charms a bit more, I retract my earlier comments about xp costs being "stupidly expensive". I think I see the idea now. They basically got rid of of the "many charms with narrow focus" idea. Charms in general are more broad, many of which are now combinations of others in various ways. For example, the "moonsilver claw" type charms are now all one charm, that gets better (and more costly) as your Essence goes up.

It looks to me like the basic design idea is essentially to build many different types of playable lunars (not just regenerating soak monsters), and the xp cost is set so that lunars are essentially forced to focus on a particular shtick, whatever they choose that to be (and there are now a lot of viable options).
does it give any rules or limitations for MA charms?  
is it 12 experience a piece?
I looked at this and have made a house rule, in my Group that If the Lunar chooses MA as favored Ability, you can purchase the MA based Charms at the Favored cost.
Beyond that I have to say that this is a book full of win. Luna receives more Ambrosia than Sol, wisely the Celestial Bureaucracy does not keep records on how much worship Sol or Luna receive. My friends and I love the knack system, easily separates the Shape Shifting out of the Charms (no ambiguity for Eclipse/Moonshadows) and makes them intelligent examples of how the Lunar can expand their Shape Shifting bag of tricks. I am so looking forward to when I get to play a Lunar and thats not just because this book supports every form of hentai (thats just bonus)

If it's Lunar Hero Style, it's treated as normal Dexterity charms for XP spending. Otherwise, you gotta favor Martial Arts to get lowered costs.
If Sidereals get the same kind of thoughtful, comprehensive revision from 1E as Lunars have, we can expect them to be fucking brilliant. I am inexpressibly pleased with MoEP: Lunars, for the vastly improved history and culture of the Lunars as much if not more so than their Charms. Relentless Lunar Fury in particular makes me happy.
I think they did an admirable job of that will the Dex tree, as well.

The new powers they added - like the "hide in my Elsewhere den" Charm from the Wits tree - are for the most part exemplary. I really hope they can keep up this level of quality for Sidereals and Abyssals.
The biggest improvement in my eyes is not that the Strength tree is so broad and shallow, but that there is a Strength tree at all!

No more Str 4 charms with a prereq of App 3!
There wasn't one, specifically. The lack of any cannon Appearance charms for Lunars made sure of that. But they have them now...and actual attribute based trees, instead of trees more focussed on abilities despite not using such for their charm selection. They're sounding as if they've fixed the majority of the 1st ed problems, which is good. We'll have to see in play if they've added some new ones.
Something I noticed was how the Lunars don't seem to get a visit by Luna upon their Exaltation anymore.  Too busy with the GoD in 2E.

Actually who cares about DBT being nerfed (acutally it is not nerfed all that much thanks to the gift charms), when you actually can fight in animal forms effectively now... and in your human form, too?

Internal Form Mastery is a pretty awesome knack to be honest...

The expanded background of the lunars is just what they needed. Goodbye single minded barbarian, hello intelligent first age savant with a love for the wyld side ^^

For the first time in quite a while I acutally want to PLAY an exalt and not just storytell.
Safim said:
The expanded background of the lunars is just what they needed. Goodbye single minded barbarian, hello intelligent first age savant with a love for the wyld side.
The whole Stewards of Creation aspect of the Lunars I think is a great idea, and will help so much when trying to explain them to players during character creation.  

I have to agree with the barbarian angle; one thing I could not stand in 1E was how Lunars had to have Lore 2 just to read and write.  Bollocks was my view then, and hoorah for the change now.

Back in 1E lunar exalted was a ten point flaw i allowed players to take because they sucked so much butt

i actually like them now

even though i still think their experience charts are F'd in the A the addition of the knacks is very nice

anyone just going to throw in the lost castes because ya like em?

Now forgive me whilst I disappear to read it.......
anyone just going to throw in the lost castes because ya like em?
I'm currently running a game where First Age solars come back from a stasis-sleep... I'm pondering allowing a first age lunar from one of the 'lost' castes to be with them... wouldn't that be neat?
What Caste Attribute spread would you use for them?

The whole reason the Lunars were built with 3 castes is because it cleanly matches the 3 Attribute categories.

Alchemicals use a 5 Caste system based on 9 Attributes, but it's a little clumsy, and leaves a remainder (i.e. Adamant Caste).

Something like this could be done, but there is one major problem: Full Moon and No Moon Caste already have dibs on ALL of the Physical and Mental Attributes.

There are a ton of possible spreads, none of which seem to "clean" to my mind.

Anyone have a good system worked out?

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