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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]

Victoria Tran


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Auto Technician

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Veronica Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Separated during outbreak) (Up for Grabs if anyone wants to play him)

-Son (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]



+Stealthy ((It's a little unrealistic for someone pregnant to be stealthy...))



[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Eats whenever she is upset

-Trust Issues


-Gets Jealous Easily

-Gets very Clingy

-Can Hold Grudges

((I think these negative traits don't really apply to 'flexible', which I'm assuming means being adaptable to change/different situations))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Victoria is a Charismatic and Loyal young woman. Since Middle School, she has always been a
Natural Leader ((While there's nothing wrong with being a natural leader, I just find it hard to believe considering she is one of the youngest members of the family... I'm the youngest in my family, and most younger siblings tend to be followers to their older siblings...)). Self-Motivated, she always put 100% Effort into everything she did; Dancing, Studying, everything. As a Leader, Victoria always looks out for the people around her, often putting others before herself ((But she has trust issues...??)). With a strong sense of Loyalty, Victoria, like her sister, has shown to be a Nice and Caring person ((I'm currently seeing her as more of a grudgy and jealous person than a 'nice and caring' one ^^ ;) ), a trait that is often taken for granted. She is also flexible, always making time for everyone around her before making time for herself.

However, with all her Pros, she still has her Cons. Even though she is Loyal, seeing Betrayal has often shaken her ability to trust others outside of her Family. The Roots of her anger is often Jealousy, so whenever she is in a relationship, she really hates it when her Boyfriend or Significant Other looks at other girls and will lash out at them for talking to him. Being the clingy type, she can stress out easily whenever her significant other is not around and often cannot stand not being around him. Like her sister, she can hold grudges for a very long time. In addition, she also is the emotional type ((I got the impression that she could stand her ground/get defensive, rather than cry...?)), so she cries easily.

Past Life

The Youngest Daughter of the Tran Family. Victoria was the Over-Achiever out of her sisters.
At the age of ten, her parents noticed that she had a natural talent for cars, being able to fix them with ease ((I understand if perhaps she just took an interest in cars, or had a habit of taking things apart to see how they worked, but being able to fix a car easily at ten years old is a little OP)). Ever since she was little, Victoria was always into cars. Sadly, this would lead her to Car Tuning, and that led her to Street Racing. In her High School years, Victoria enjoyed speeding, racing and the sound of loud engines ((Not once was she apprehended by the police...? Or found out by her parents...??)). Her favorite was the sound of tires screeching. Early into High School, she did have a lot of trouble keeping a boyfriend over four different things: Being very Clingy, Jealousy Issues, getting Emotional over the littlest things and her Trust issues. Vivian often gets worried because she eats when she is upset. Luckily though, Victoria has a Fast Metabolism, so everything balances out. ((If she has such a fast metabolism naturally, why would she become worried about her stress eating...? Also, how does she retain such a metabolism while pregnant...??)) Two years after Vivian got married, Victoria went down the same path, at the same age as well. In pregnancy, both Vivian and Victoria are a month apart, with Victoria being one month behind Vivian in her pregnancy. ((I think two pregnant characters in a zombie rp is a bit... much... not to mention that they're related... not to sound rude, but it lacks a little originality after being used once =/ )) While Vivian is expecting a Baby Girl, Victoria is expecting a Boy.

When the outbreak came, she lost contact with all her Siblings, Vivian included. Unknown to her, her Brother-in-law, Vivian's husband, became infected and was euthanized by her sister. A month or two into the Outbreak, Victoria became separated from her own Husband and Baby Daddy. For a while now, she has been traveling alone. She was eventually captured by a group of all-female bandits, who plan to extort her for her baby once it is born. ((Um... what? First of all, a group of all-female bandits is HIGHLY unrealistic... secondly, what do they want with her baby...? If anything, most survivors would not want an infant, as it only adds another mouth to feed with nothing to gain, risks crying during the night and attracting Infected, makes it hard to travel, etc.)) Living in Captivity is horrifying. Will anyone ever come to save her? She can only hope that her Family is out there...Searching for her.

Theme Song

Roller Coaster by Park Kahi

Items (All of them have been taken since she is being held by Bandits)

-Lock Picks

-Sling Shot

-Marbles (For Slingshot)
((How did she get these/why does she have them...?))


-Box of Tissues

-Messenger Bag

-Spare Maternity Clothes (Dress, Undergarments, Cardigan, Socks)


Preferred Group

3 ((So there is a group of all-female bandits managing to hide a pregnant woman (and future wailing baby) in a city swarming with Infected...? What?))

Veronica Tran


Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Police Officer

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Victoria Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Boyfriend (Separated during outbreak)

-Nephew (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Strong Desire to Protect and Serve

+Cares for the Well-Being of Others

+Family Oriented

+Good Shot



[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Will not lie

-Easily Motivated by Revenge

-Hard for some things to sink in

-Will kill over betrayal without a second thought

-Brutal when it comes to interrogation (Will not hesitate to beat information out of people)

-When her mind is set, it is impossible to change it

((These all kind of clash here...))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Ever since she was little, Veronica has burned with a
strong desire to protect and serve. She is able to keep her composure in most circumstances, but not necessarily all of them. As a Police Officer, Veronica is known to be very Objective, showing little Compassion ((this and the above highlighted portion I just... they don't seem to really belong together...)). Often she will go out of her way to help others, even if she doesn't have to, but does so because in her heart she knows it is for the better. Her Friendly and Caring Nature makes her likeable by others ((Judging by her violent history, this seems to be more of a facade...??)). She has grown emotionally attached to selective people ((see second below)), to the point of being deeply saddened by their deaths or greatly angered if she is betrayed.

At first, she will come off as cold and focused, ((but yet her 'friendly and caring nature' makes her 'likable by others'...?)) but becomes passionate as one gets to know her. When she saves others, she will take all necessary measures to protect them despite not knowing them personally. ((Two notes up you said she was only attatched to 'selective people'...)) However, the outbreak has made her colder and Veronica will not hesitate to fight for her survival, but that won't mean she will kill other survivors...Unless they try to kill her first.

Past Life

Veronica is the third oldest child in the Tran Family, having two older Brothers, and three younger siblings. Having two Older Brothers, Veronica ended up being very tomboyish, being into Shooting, Martial Arts and even Videogames and Comic Books.
Even than, that didn't stop her from showing her Feminine side ((But yet you go into no detail to explain this...?)) After graduating from High School, Veronica decided to study Psychology. After graduating from College, she went straight to Police Academy and would graduate top of her class ((What..?)). After her first five years, Veronica became a Plain Clothes Police Officer, being able to blend in with the crowd and getting Criminals who least suspect it. However, she was suspended for six months for using excessive brutality and property damage in retaliation for assault, where her little sister Victoria was a victim. She was reinstated after three months on good behavior, but the department still kept an eye on her, because her temper was most unpredictable. ((I do not see how she is at all 'family oriented', 'friendly', or 'caring'...? Also, there is very little chance they would rewelcome her back into the police force after such an incident.))

With the Outbreak, Veronica has a lot of sleepless nights. Her entire Family is spread out and she doesn't know where they are. She worries about Victoria and Vivian the most, because both of her little sisters are pregnant. Currently, she searches tirelessly for them, because in their condition, they shouldn't be roaming around.

Theme Song

Magia by Kalafina


Winchester Model 9422 (30 Rounds left)

S&W Model 686 (12 Rounds left)

Colt M1911 x2 (28 Rounds Left)

Drop Leg Holsters

Back Holster (For Revolver)

Combat Knife


Magazine Pouches

*All Guns are personalized, low on rounds to make it more realistic

((This inventory is way too OP))

Preferred Group


Um.. well...? I left some notes... ^^;
@Shimakage Thunder I listed it in the sheet (when I quoted your post), so everything that's kind of... 'wrong' is in there... ^^;
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
@Shimakage Thunder I listed it in the sheet (when I quoted your post), so everything that's kind of... 'wrong' is in there... ^^;
Yeah, now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go turn God Mode off xD


ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
@Shimakage Thunder I listed it in the sheet (when I quoted your post), so everything that's kind of... 'wrong' is in there... ^^;
Okay, I made some serious edits. I reeeeeeeeeeeally contemplated on removing Victoria's pregnancy, but it would be so cute that she and her big sister are going to have babies at the same time! I know this is not a cutesy/kawaii roleplay, but it would definitely lighten the mood and such. And I made serious changes to Veronica; decided that she's too angry to be a cop, so I made her the polar opposite of one ^^"
Jupiter said:
Sorry, but is that an anime cosplay or something...???
Yeah, the Photo for Veronica is; that's a cosplay of Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica ^^

And @ThatOneCrazyPerson , I hope the new additions I have brought are more acceptable now! ^^
@Shimakage Thunder Sorry, it's my mom's birthday today so I haven't been home at all... =P I'll check over the new sheets in a moment! ^^;
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
@Shimakage Thunder Sorry, it's my mom's birthday today so I haven't been home at all... =P I'll check over the new sheets in a moment! ^^;
Oh, well, I hope you had fun!
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]

Victoria Tran


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Auto Technician

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Veronica Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Separated during outbreak) (Up for Grabs if anyone wants to play him)

-Son (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]




[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Eats whenever she is upset

-Trust Issues


-Gets Jealous Easily

-Gets very Clingy

-Can Hold Grudges

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Victoria is a Charismatic and Loyal young woman. Self-Motivated, she always put 100% Effort into everything she did; Dancing, Studying, everything. She has a strong sense of Loyalty and is also flexible, always making time for everyone around her before making time for herself. But even though she is Loyal, seeing Betrayal has often shaken her ability to trust others outside of her Family. The Roots of her anger is often Jealousy, so whenever she is in a relationship, she really hates it when her Boyfriend or Significant Other looks at other girls and will lash out at them for talking to him.

Being the clingy type, she can stress out easily whenever her significant other is not around and often cannot stand not being around him. Like her sister, she can hold grudges for a very long time.

Past Life

The Youngest Daughter of the Tran Family. Victoria was the Over-Achiever out of her sisters. At the age of ten, her parents noticed that she had an interest in Cars, so they saw her potential in Auto Tech, or even Auto Mechanics. In Middle School, her Father started getting her books on Cars and Auto Mechanics so that she could study it in her spare time. Sadly, this would lead her to Car Tuning, and that led her to Street Racing. In her High School years, Victoria enjoyed speeding, racing and the sound of loud engines, but by her Senior Year, she got a few speeding tickets and had her License suspended until she graduated from High School. Her favorite was the sound of tires screeching. Early into High School, she did have a lot of trouble keeping a boyfriend over four different things: Being very Clingy, Jealousy Issues, getting Emotional over the littlest things and her Trust issues. To cope with stress, Victoria would often eat, but had a Fast Metabolism to compensate. A few years later, this metabolism would still be retained when she becomes pregnant with her first child. Two years after Vivian got married, Victoria went down the same path, at the same age as well. In pregnancy, both Vivian and Victoria are a month apart, with Victoria being one month behind Vivian in her pregnancy. While Vivian is expecting a Baby Girl, Victoria is expecting a Boy.

When the outbreak came, she lost contact with all her Siblings, Vivian included. Unknown to her, her Brother-in-law, Vivian's husband, became infected and was euthanized by her sister. A month or two into the Outbreak, Victoria became separated from her own Husband and Baby Daddy.

Theme Song

Roller Coaster by Park Kahi

Items (All of them have been taken since she is being held by Bandits)

-Lock Picks

-Sling Shot (Picks Rocks or small pebbles off the ground to use; found Slingshot in an Abandoned Car, figured that it was better than nothing)


-Box of Tissues

-Messenger Bag

-Spare Maternity Clothes (Dress, Undergarments, Cardigan, Socks)


Preferred Group


[border=2px solid darkred]Veronica Tran


Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Career Criminal (Gang Member)

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Victoria Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Boyfriend (Separated during outbreak)

-Nephew (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Family Oriented

+Good Shot



[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Will not lie

-Easily Motivated by Revenge

-Hard for some things to sink in

-Will kill over betrayal without a second thought

-Brutal when it comes to interrogation (Will not hesitate to beat information out of people)

-When her mind is set, it is impossible to change it

((I don't think a criminal would be very honest, and I still don't see how she can be 'family oriented' when she's so violent... =P))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Veronica is able to keep her composure in most circumstances, but not necessarily all of them. As a Gang Member, Veronica shows little Compassion. If it is within her best interest (With Family being Exempt from this)
she will go out of her way to help others, even if she doesn't have to, but does so because in her heart she knows it is for the better ((But she's a criminal...? Or is she more of a 'feels-bad-about-what-she's-doing-but-does-it-anyway' criminal...?)). Over the course of her life, she has grown emotionally attached to selective people, to the point of being deeply saddened by their deaths or greatly angered if she is betrayed.

Without a doubt, she will come off as cold and focused, but becomes passionate as one gets to know her. The outbreak only made her colder and Veronica will not hesitate to fight for her survival, even if it means killing other survivors. As cold as she is, she would never harm anyone in her own Family.

Past Life

Veronica is the third oldest child in the Tran Family, having two older Brothers, and three younger siblings. Having two Older Brothers, Veronica ended up being very tomboyish, being into Shooting, Martial Arts and even Videogames and Comic Books. Even than, that didn't stop her from showing her Feminine side, as she enjoyed wearing Make-Up, Dresses, Blouses, going to Dances, Tea Parties and spending time with her little sisters. After graduating from High School, Veronica decided to study Psychology. After graduating from College, her life started going downhill. At this point, she ended up becoming the family 'screw-up'. Instead of pursuing a career, Veronica got a taste of the illegal side of things and ended up joining a gang, where she sold narcotics to get by. As a Gangster, she was known for her explosive temper. Despite this, not once she went off or harmed her siblings. When Victoria ended up in the Hospital because her boyfriend at the time had been beating and abusing her, Veronica took it to the extreme and nearly beat him to death, even shooting him as a warning.

With the Outbreak, Veronica has a lot of sleepless nights. Her entire Family is spread out and she doesn't know where they are. She worries about Victoria and Vivian the most, because both of her little sisters are pregnant. Currently, she searches tirelessly for them, because in their condition, they shouldn't be roaming around.

Theme Song

Magia by Kalafina


Winchester Model 9422 (30 Rounds left)

Combat Knife


Preferred Group



So I left a few notes on Veronica... Victoria is accepted, but she'll be put on the waiting list until our survivor count goes down... ^^; Also, I might need you to change the appearance... sorry =P It's just that it would need to appear more realistic ^^;

But yes, we did have fun! ^^
ThatOneCrazyPerson said:
So I left a few notes on Veronica... Victoria is accepted, but she'll be put on the waiting list until our survivor count goes down... ^^; Also, I might need you to change the appearance... sorry =P It's just that it would need to appear more realistic ^^;
But yes, we did have fun! ^^
Awww, okay. Well, I changed Veronica's Appearance. Changed up her messy file and hopefully she can join Victoria on the Wait List. I was also kinda hoping they can take the place of the now-disappeared Conner Sisters.
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]

Victoria Tran


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Auto Technician

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Veronica Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Separated during outbreak) (Up for Grabs if anyone wants to play him)

-Son (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]




[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Eats whenever she is upset

-Trust Issues


-Gets Jealous Easily

-Gets very Clingy

-Can Hold Grudges

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Victoria is a Charismatic and Loyal young woman. Self-Motivated, she always put 100% Effort into everything she did; Dancing, Studying, everything. She has a strong sense of Loyalty and is also flexible, always making time for everyone around her before making time for herself. But even though she is Loyal, seeing Betrayal has often shaken her ability to trust others outside of her Family. The Roots of her anger is often Jealousy, so whenever she is in a relationship, she really hates it when her Boyfriend or Significant Other looks at other girls and will lash out at them for talking to him.

Being the clingy type, she can stress out easily whenever her significant other is not around and often cannot stand not being around him. Like her sister, she can hold grudges for a very long time.

Past Life

The Youngest Daughter of the Tran Family. Victoria was the Over-Achiever out of her sisters. At the age of ten, her parents noticed that she had an interest in Cars, so they saw her potential in Auto Tech, or even Auto Mechanics. In Middle School, her Father started getting her books on Cars and Auto Mechanics so that she could study it in her spare time. Sadly, this would lead her to Car Tuning, and that led her to Street Racing. In her High School years, Victoria enjoyed speeding, racing and the sound of loud engines, but by her Senior Year, she got a few speeding tickets and had her License suspended until she graduated from High School. Her favorite was the sound of tires screeching. Early into High School, she did have a lot of trouble keeping a boyfriend over four different things: Being very Clingy, Jealousy Issues, getting Emotional over the littlest things and her Trust issues. To cope with stress, Victoria would often eat, but had a Fast Metabolism to compensate. A few years later, this metabolism would still be retained when she becomes pregnant with her first child. Two years after Vivian got married, Victoria went down the same path, at the same age as well. In pregnancy, both Vivian and Victoria are a month apart, with Victoria being one month behind Vivian in her pregnancy. While Vivian is expecting a Baby Girl, Victoria is expecting a Boy.

When the outbreak came, she lost contact with all her Siblings, Vivian included. Unknown to her, her Brother-in-law, Vivian's husband, became infected and was euthanized by her sister. A month or two into the Outbreak, Victoria became separated from her own Husband and Baby Daddy.

Theme Song

Roller Coaster by Park Kahi

Items (All of them have been taken since she is being held by Bandits)

-Lock Picks

-Sling Shot (Picks Rocks or small pebbles off the ground to use; found Slingshot in an Abandoned Car, figured that it was better than nothing)


-Box of Tissues

-Messenger Bag

-Spare Maternity Clothes (Dress, Undergarments, Cardigan, Socks)


Preferred Group


[border=2px solid darkred]Veronica Tran


Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Career Criminal (Gang Member)

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Victoria Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Boyfriend (Separated during outbreak)

-Nephew (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Good Shot



[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Easily Motivated by Revenge

-Will kill over betrayal without a second thought

-Brutal when it comes to interrogation (Will not hesitate to beat information out of people)

-When her mind is set, it is impossible to change it

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Veronica is able to keep her composure in most circumstances, but not necessarily all of them. As a Gang Member, Veronica shows little Compassion. If it is within her best interest (With Family being Exempt from this) she will go out of her way to help others. Over the course of her life, she has grown emotionally attached to selective people, to the point of being deeply saddened by their deaths or greatly angered if she is betrayed.

Without a doubt, she will come off as cold and focused, but becomes passionate as one gets to know her. The outbreak only made her colder and Veronica will not hesitate to fight for her survival, even if it means killing other survivors. As cold as she is, she would never harm anyone in her own Family.

Past Life

Veronica is the third oldest child in the Tran Family, having two older Brothers, and three younger siblings. Having two Older Brothers, Veronica ended up being very tomboyish, being into Shooting, Martial Arts and even Videogames and Comic Books. Even than, that didn't stop her from showing her Feminine side, as she enjoyed wearing Make-Up, Dresses, Blouses, going to Dances, Tea Parties and spending time with her little sisters. After graduating from High School, Veronica decided to study Psychology. After graduating from College, her life started going downhill. At this point, she ended up becoming the family 'screw-up'. Instead of pursuing a career, Veronica got a taste of the illegal side of things and ended up joining a gang, where she sold narcotics to get by. As a Gangster, she was known for her explosive temper. Despite this, not once she went off or harmed her siblings. When Victoria ended up in the Hospital because her boyfriend at the time had been beating and abusing her, Veronica took it to the extreme and nearly beat him to death, even shooting him as a warning.

With the Outbreak, Veronica has a lot of sleepless nights. Her entire Family is spread out and she doesn't know where they are. She worries about Victoria and Vivian the most, because both of her little sisters are pregnant. Currently, she searches tirelessly for them, because in their condition, they shouldn't be roaming around.

Theme Song

Magia by Kalafina


Winchester Model 9422 (30 Rounds left)

Combat Knife


Preferred Group



Alrighty! Veronica is accepted now! ^^ (And seeing as we've gotten a lot more characters to fill up their spots since then, I've opened up the waiting list =P So yeah, she'll be on there until the survivor list goes down ^^ ;)
JPax42 said:


Martin Laine (A.K.A) Concorde


Age: 37

Gender: Transgender, Male.

Sexuality: Asexual

Previous Occupation: Chemical Weaponry Tycoon ((This is... um... what?)) (Current Occ: Leader of Concorde)

Family Members: Mother (killed, by Concorde)

Father (killed, infected)

Brother (Turned into chemical weapons) ((I'm sorry, what?))


**The character is aligned EVIL. His positive traits are positive for him.**

[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Talented in chemical warfare

-Physically strong

-Tough feet

-Acoustics Expert and a ventriloquist (former ability)

-Partially Sadistic

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Emotionally Scarred

-Partially crushed vocal chords, rendering him slightly unable to speak loudly. He speaks in a weak tone.

-Requires medication for his vocal chords

((How is he trained in these things...? And he doesn't seem very 'emotionally scarred'... Also, how is having 'tough feet' a positive personality trait...?))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Martin Laine was once a peaceful man, but time and stressed changed him. He is extremely cold, showing no compassion or love for anyone. He has a degree of patience due to his background with chemistry. He is silent, due to his partial inability to speak clearly. He is usually deep in thought, sort of the way a philosopher thinks, but he's structured. He wears dark colors and is hidden under a hood most of the time, to hide his bent neck ((How is this relevant?)).

Laine has a sadistic side, causing him to perform violent acts that cause more pain than efficiency. He developed this on his trip to a gang-infested town, and this was revealed when he killed his own mother with a mycelium grenade. ((This makes very little sense, if any at all...))

Past Life

Enter Martin Laine, born to a wealthy family with a lineage of tycoons and philanthropists. Laine had always been interested in chemistry, and had done all his studies on it. Unfortunately, his desire to learn more ended him up invading the gang-filled city of Sandaphera.((What exactly led him here? Just... chemistry? What about it?)) He ran into an undesirable group, where a ruthless man had lifted him up by the neck and slowly crushed his vocal chords ((Firstly, what was the purpose of doing this to him? Secondly, why did he do it in the first place??)). He was saved by one of his experimental mycelium grenades, a blue sphere that burst heated spores in the surrounded area. The encounter cost him his voice, which is now limited to a haunting, weak croak. His feet are also hardened by the mycelium grenade. However, it didn't go all well, as something inside Laine snapped, creating an imbalance in his brain. He started a painful journey home, 50 miles by foot. ((If he used a grenade to save himself, wouldn't he have exploded with these people...?? And how are his feet 'hardened'?? What does that even mean? And how does self defense cause him to basically lose his mind? Not to mention, how did he walk fifty miles straight, nevermind his 'hardened feet'??))

Once he reached his home, he met his mother. His mother, unimpressed by his condition ((So he was practically dying, and she didn't care at all...??)), was quite taken by surprise when Laine spoke. "I...have no use for you." Laine detonated a grenade inside his mother's mouth, killing her within seconds. ((I just... what????)) Parallel, his father was killed by one of the first infected beings. Laine, now a wanted criminal ((From who? The government has basically collapsed, and you just staed that his family was dead now...?)), declared himself a being known as Concorde. Concorde fled to a remote location and hid there for three years, establishing a one-man empire named after himself. He has been developing chemical weapons to confuse the weak minded. With the rise of the infected, Concorde found the perfect being to manipulate: The Clickers. Concorde, being utterly silent himself, was an invisible deity amongst Clickers. By mastering sound manipulation produced by stimulating chemicals, he had been confusing a small group of Clickers to run to locations and smell the chemical. To this day, his location is unknown but he is planning something large. Very large. ((First of all, the fungus has only been around for a few months. Second, how did he manage to develop chemical weapons amidst the apocalypse...???? Thirdly, this Clicker-manipulation thing... makes absolutely no sense...))

Theme Song

(optional, though appreciated)


-Concorde HQ Resources



-Steak kitchen

-Medical Kit


((All of this is just waaaaaaay too OP and none of it is accepted))

Preferred Group

His own group, Concorde. ((What? Are you planning on making a group of your own here? Like, what does this mean?))

I left notes.............
@ThatOneCrazyPerson Edited. It actually makes sense now, and I changed the group to "None" so it doesn't sound like another survivor group since Concorde/Laine is alone.
Sorry but can I just sort of put a little bit of random input here...

If he's going to be alone, what's the point in having him as a character?

@Jupiter I wrote he's aligned towards evil, and I'll also change it so that he has nothing to do with the infected, he just views this as, say, an opportunity. If you guys don't want a villain then I can just remove him, it's ok with me. I just figured that a live villain would kind of make things a bit more interesting.
For one, ha, I didn't mention about his evilness or the infected or anything so you might want to tag @ThatOneCrazyPerson rather than me. If you look you'll see that I asked about how he's in a group alone, because that would mean, well, he's alone. He won't have any input with the groups. Maybe you should have read that more carefully..?

I've already said that I'm not interested in that. Both times I've pretty much said the same thing so like, I'll just drop it, because obviously you don't get it and you're insistent. @JPax42
How does that not make sense?

"If he's going to be alone, what's the point in having him as a character?"

That makes perfect sense to me.

@JPax42 - I understand that the evil character would make things interesting and I respect your decision to remove him; maybe putting him on the shelf is a good idea for now, as evil characters are very hard to manage in a group RP. What Jupiter said makes sense, I won't deny that for a minute, and the point she brought forward was indeed something for thought, but overall, I feel like the best decision is to stick to what we know and discuss things in the future before any actual decisions are made :)
@Jupiter It does make sense but I wrote that he was evil, so I wrote he might interfere with groups in a negative manner. Unfortunately I somehow can't get that message across so I deleted the character app, since this is a lot more trouble than it's worth. Besides, I think I'll never be able to pull off the more-than-one character thing so it's all good. ( :P )

@DrTrollinski I kind of understand where Jupiter is coming from, and I think you're right. I was part of a smaller RP where there were four good guys, a neutral guy, and a semi-bad guy. I'll probably find a way to get him in later, or get another guy to do it or something. And yeah you do make a point. (:B)

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