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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]

I hope I'm able to use an Irishman well. I had played one in a recent play I did, so I had to do some research to get the accent down and I learned a bit.

I do love the international mix as well!

I'll make the wife if need-be, but I figured I'd give everyone a chance before making her. Could be interesting to have someone else play a character that's basically related to someone else's. :P
Oo! I'd like to do something like that. I could make a girl for your character just fill me in on what kind of girl he likes and their background together. :) if you want.
Awesome! I made the character already, so you can check out the background there. :P

She's a beautiful American lady. What I imagined was a shorter, blonde, college girl, super kind and a little rebellious/spontaneous. You can add anything else you want. :)


Jess Osena


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Pilot-In-Training

Family Members: None alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Knows how to fly a plane and drive expertly

-Physically fast

-Can hold her breath for just under, two minutes under exertion

-*Removed Language since Useless*

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Actions are tuned with emotions

-Gets angry a bit too easily

-Takes everything too far

-Likes to hit people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jess tries to be as caring as possible, and has a typical attitude for her age. She knows a lot of stuff but doesn't know when to use it. She tends to be calculating when dealing with older people and never had any tolerance for assholes. Her only family was her father after her mother left her, so she has a soft spot when it comes to family reconnecting. She also doesn't like to deal with small issues.

She has a worse side to her typical self. When her dad was killed while trying to stop smugglers, she nearly got herself killed trying to tear off the magnate's head. The magnate died to an unknown infection weeks later, but she still retains that moment of fear and the adrenaline rush of watching a loved one's death.

Past Life

Jess had a strange life, being raised by her dad, who worked in the special ops. She didn't take any school except for mathematics and physics after she finished middle school and went on to becoming a pilot until her dad's death. After the world changed, she locked down her plane in a remote location and joined the group. It is locked under high security and impossible to get in without knowing the proper way to get in.

She had one goal before the world changed; to get revenge on the smugglers who killed her dad, and she would kill them now, even with the changed world, just out of revenge.She had little time to prepare, being only in the kitchen when the world collapsed. Revenge wasn't the answer, so she made do with her supplies, and grabbed the wire cutters on the shelf and went out to live with the group.

Theme Song

Fight Song - Rachel Platten


-Steak Knife

-Her skills ( :P )

Preferred Group


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Johnny O'Connor


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Farmer

Family Members:

Padrig O'Connor - Brother (23) - Alive, though doesn't know

Sabrina Sommers - Soon-to-be Sister-in-law (21) - Alive, though doesn't know

Liam O'Connor - Father (49) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Kassidy O'Connor - Mother (48) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Knows how to shoot

- Somewhat nice

- Physically strong

- Handy-man

- Emotional (Can be negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Selfish

- Likes things to go his way

- Easily-angered

- Spoiled

- Emotional (Can be negative)

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Being the runt of the family, he was somewhat spoiled by his mother. Though he was generally nice, if you did something that he didn't like or something that upset his "perfect plan", he will get ticked off at you. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Whatever he's feeling that moment, he won't hide it from anyone.

Living a life on the farm, much like Padrig, he's picked up a few traits. He had to become physically strong in order to lift bales of hay, move around other obstacles, and has become quite the handy-man in terms of tools and other things of that nature.

Past Life

Like Padrig, Johnny never had the luxury of going to school, though it didn't matter in the big scheme of life. Because he was the youngest, he received attention the most from his parents, along with his brother, who never minded not having the spotlight. Living a life on the farm was fantastic, and it provided the easy-going life Johnny liked. He wasn't lazy, but he did like his alone time.

When Padrig found a woman and brought her back to the house, Johnny loved her. Now not literally loved her, but he loved her as a match for his brother. Though he didn't show it much, he loved his brother, and would be devastated if anything ever happened to him.

However, when it Padrig announced that he was getting married to the girl, Johnny felt the attention of the parents shift from him to Padrig, which he didn't like. For a long while, Johnny seemed to ignore his brother, who always tried to get him to do stuff with him, but never realized he was hurt. Maybe it wasn't the spotlight he was annoyed at losing, but possibly his brother who had been with him since the beginning. Actually, it was probably a bit of both.

Padrig eventually left to meet his wife in the United States, and Johnny already felt like he lost him. With the permission of his parents, he took a last minute flight out to the U.S and tried to visit his brother. Little did he know that this was the last flight that would arrive at the United States, ever. When he arrived, everyone in the airport was in a panic. After watching the T.Vs placed inside the airports, he found out what was going on. And he needed to find his brother as quickly as possible.

He managed to leave the airport after a few days, and has looked throughout the city to find him, but he's had no luck. He's come to the last part of the city he hasn't checked; hopefully they're still alive.

Theme Song

Hey Brother - Avicii







Rubbing alcohol

A Box of Granola Bars

Preferred Group


I know Rupert Grint is English but he could totally pull off being Irish, no? :P
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JPax42 said:


Jess Osena


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Pilot-In-Training, Marksman (Markswoman?)

Family Members: None alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Knows how to fly a plane and drive expertly

-Physically fast

-Can hold her breath for just under, two minutes under exertion

-Can speak German (slightly) and Czech

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Actions are tuned with emotions

-Gets angry a bit too easily

-Takes everything too far

-Likes to hit people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jess tries to be as caring as possible, and has a typical attitude for her age. She knows a lot of stuff but doesn't know when to use it. She tends to be calculating when dealing with older people and never had any tolerance for assholes. Her only family was her father after her mother left her, so she has a soft spot when it comes to family reconnecting. She also doesn't like to deal with small issues.

She has a worse side to her typical self. When her dad was killed while trying to stop smugglers, she nearly got herself killed trying to tear off the magnate's head. The magnate died to an unknown infection weeks later, but she still retains that moment of fear and the adrenaline rush of watching a loved one's death.

Past Life

Jess had a typical life ((I don't see how being raised by a single parent (who works in the military) and having very little education upon being trained as a pilot shortly after middle school a 'typical life'...?)), being raised by her dad, who worked in the special ops. She didn't take any school except for mathematics and physics after she finished middle school and went on to becoming a pilot until her dad's death. After the world changed, she locked down her plane in a remote location and joined the group. It is locked under high security and impossible to get in without knowing the proper way to get in.

While the world was changing, she had little time to prepare, since right before it did so, she had spent 72 hours in a row in the air, collecting data from other countries (without their knowledge) and storing it away. ((...What?)) She had one goal before the world changed; to get revenge on the smugglers who killed her dad, and she would kill them now, even with the changed world, just out of revenge.

Theme Song

Buckycubes Theme?


-Steak Knife

-Wire Cutters

-Clothes (duh)

-Empty water bottle

Preferred Group


Sooo I highlighted a few things ^^

[QUOTE="The Jest]


Johnny O'Connor


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Farmer

Family Members:

Padrig O'Connor - Brother (23) - Alive, though doesn't know

TBA - Soon-to-be Sister-in-law (TBA) - Alive, though doesn't know

Liam O'Connor - Father (49) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Kassidy O'Connor - Mother (48) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Knows how to shoot

- Somewhat nice

- Physically strong

- Handy-man

- Emotional (Can be negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Selfish

- Likes things to go his way

- Easily-angered

- Spoiled

- Emotional (Can be negative)

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Being the runt of the family, he was somewhat spoiled by his mother. Though he was generally nice, if you did something that he didn't like or something that upset his "perfect plan", he will get ticked off at you. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Whatever he's feeling that moment, he won't hide it from anyone.

Living a life on the farm, much like Padrig, he's picked up a few traits. He had to become physically strong in order to lift bales of hay, move around other obstacles, and has become quite the handy-man in terms of tools and other things of that nature.

Past Life

Like Padrig, Johnny never had the luxury of going to school, though it didn't matter in the big scheme of life. Because he was the youngest, he received attention the most from his parents, along with his brother, who never minded not having the spotlight. Living a life on the farm was fantastic, and it provided the easy-going life Johnny liked. He wasn't lazy, but he did like his alone time.

When Padrig found a woman and brought her back to the house, Johnny loved her. Now not literally loved her, but he loved her as a match for his brother. Though he didn't show it much, he loved his brother, and would be devastated if anything ever happened to him.

However, when it Padrig announced that he was getting married to the girl, Johnny felt the attention of the parents shift from him to Padrig, which he didn't like. For a long while, Johnny seemed to ignore his brother, who always tried to get him to do stuff with him, but never realized he was hurt. Maybe it wasn't the spotlight he was annoyed at losing, but possibly his brother who had been with him since the beginning. Actually, it was probably a bit of both.

Padrig eventually left to meet his wife in the United States, and Johnny already felt like he lost him. With the permission of his parents, he took a last minute flight out to the U.S and tried to visit his brother. Little did he know that this was the last flight that would arrive at the United States, ever. When he arrived, everyone in the airport was in a panic. After watching the T.Vs placed inside the airports, he found out what was going on. And he needed to find his brother as quickly as possible.

He managed to leave the airport after a few days, and has looked throughout the city to find him, but he's had no luck. He's come to the last part of the city he hasn't checked; hopefully they're still alive.

Theme Song

Hey Brother - Avicii



.45 MM

Bullets x0




Rubbing alcohol

15 Cans of Beans

A Box of Granola Bars

((None of this is wrong, per se, but I was just wondering... if he's just come from the airport, why/how does he have this stuff...?))

Preferred Group


I know Rupert Grint is English but he could totally pull off being Irish, no? :P

I just was wondering about the items...
Sure! Well I said he had left the airport within the first three days before they stopped allowing airplanes to come into the city. Since the outbreak was a few months ago, I figured he had left there by now and scavenged around the city. I could always take some away, but there are also stores inside an airport when you first arrive there. :P
@The Jest It has been a few months since the initial outbreak, but that was on the east coast of the United States... the rp takes place on the west coast, and the fungus has only recently spread here (so we can have long-time Infected with inexperienced survivors ^^)... So if anything, he may only have been her for a week...?

Also, I've only been to the airport a few times, but I don't think they normally have guns, knives (aside from plastic ones), or cans of beans lying around. The medical supplies and granola bars I can see (as in a first aid kit, or how they do sell cheap little food like that), but yeah, it's the other stuff I was a little =/
The knife/gun I assumed he got when he entered the city, but I forgot it took a while to spread to the west coast. Oops. I'll change it! :P

Weird thing is, that's exactly what I was going to do. I figured he would bring a knife or a gun due to airport security, but I figured it's been going on for a while. This is more to my original idea, which works out perfectly. I edited it, just took away some stuff and added a Wrench and a Screwdriver. I'm sure being in the city for a week he'd be able to find those. :P
[QUOTE="The Jest]


Johnny O'Connor


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Farmer

Family Members:

Padrig O'Connor - Brother (23) - Alive, though doesn't know

TBA - Soon-to-be Sister-in-law (TBA) - Alive, though doesn't know

Liam O'Connor - Father (49) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Kassidy O'Connor - Mother (48) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Knows how to shoot

- Somewhat nice

- Physically strong

- Handy-man

- Emotional (Can be negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Selfish

- Likes things to go his way

- Easily-angered

- Spoiled

- Emotional (Can be negative)

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Being the runt of the family, he was somewhat spoiled by his mother. Though he was generally nice, if you did something that he didn't like or something that upset his "perfect plan", he will get ticked off at you. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Whatever he's feeling that moment, he won't hide it from anyone.

Living a life on the farm, much like Padrig, he's picked up a few traits. He had to become physically strong in order to lift bales of hay, move around other obstacles, and has become quite the handy-man in terms of tools and other things of that nature.

Past Life

Like Padrig, Johnny never had the luxury of going to school, though it didn't matter in the big scheme of life. Because he was the youngest, he received attention the most from his parents, along with his brother, who never minded not having the spotlight. Living a life on the farm was fantastic, and it provided the easy-going life Johnny liked. He wasn't lazy, but he did like his alone time.

When Padrig found a woman and brought her back to the house, Johnny loved her. Now not literally loved her, but he loved her as a match for his brother. Though he didn't show it much, he loved his brother, and would be devastated if anything ever happened to him.

However, when it Padrig announced that he was getting married to the girl, Johnny felt the attention of the parents shift from him to Padrig, which he didn't like. For a long while, Johnny seemed to ignore his brother, who always tried to get him to do stuff with him, but never realized he was hurt. Maybe it wasn't the spotlight he was annoyed at losing, but possibly his brother who had been with him since the beginning. Actually, it was probably a bit of both.

Padrig eventually left to meet his wife in the United States, and Johnny already felt like he lost him. With the permission of his parents, he took a last minute flight out to the U.S and tried to visit his brother. Little did he know that this was the last flight that would arrive at the United States, ever. When he arrived, everyone in the airport was in a panic. After watching the T.Vs placed inside the airports, he found out what was going on. And he needed to find his brother as quickly as possible.

He managed to leave the airport after a few days, and has looked throughout the city to find him, but he's had no luck. He's come to the last part of the city he hasn't checked; hopefully they're still alive.

Theme Song

Hey Brother - Avicii







Rubbing alcohol

A Box of Granola Bars

Preferred Group


I know Rupert Grint is English but he could totally pull off being Irish, no? :P

Yay! Much better! Accepted! ^^ Also, did you intend for both brothers to be in Group Three?
I did, though part of me wasn't entirely sure if I wanted to. Maybe Johnny could've tried to look outside the city and stumbled upon one of the other groups? It's up to you where you put him, I'll make any group you put him in work. :)
@The Jest Nono, it's okay; it was just because there are a lot of guys, and most groups are made up entirely of them, so I was thinking of putting you in Group Two, as they have the most girls (at 3 ^^ ;) , so it would make it a little more balanced...? Don't get me wrong, though, you can be in Group Three, though ^^

JPax42 said:


Jess Osena


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Pilot-In-Training, Marksman (Markswoman?)

Family Members: None alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Knows how to fly a plane and drive expertly

-Physically fast

-Can hold her breath for just under, two minutes under exertion

-Can speak German (slightly) and Czech

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Actions are tuned with emotions

-Gets angry a bit too easily

-Takes everything too far

-Likes to hit people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jess tries to be as caring as possible, and has a typical attitude for her age. She knows a lot of stuff but doesn't know when to use it. She tends to be calculating when dealing with older people and never had any tolerance for assholes. Her only family was her father after her mother left her, so she has a soft spot when it comes to family reconnecting. She also doesn't like to deal with small issues.

She has a worse side to her typical self. When her dad was killed while trying to stop smugglers, she nearly got herself killed trying to tear off the magnate's head. The magnate died to an unknown infection weeks later, but she still retains that moment of fear and the adrenaline rush of watching a loved one's death.

Past Life

Jess had a fairly sad life, being raised by her dad, who worked in the special ops. She didn't take any school except for mathematics and physics after she finished middle school and went on to becoming a pilot until her dad's death. After the world changed, she locked down her plane in a remote location and joined the group. It is locked under high security and impossible to get in without knowing the proper way to get in.

She had one goal before the world changed; to get revenge on the smugglers who killed her dad, and she would kill them now, even with the changed world, just out of revenge.She had little time to prepare, being only in the kitchen when the world collapsed. She made do with her supplies, and grabbed the wire cutters on the shelf and went out to live with the group.

Theme Song

Buckycubes Theme?


-Steak Knife

-Wire Cutters

-Clothes (duh)

-Empty water bottle

Preferred Group


The thing is, Group Three is currently trapped in the city with very limited resources... so the term 'went out to live with the group' doesn't seem to fit into that setting...? Also, as she's a pilot (at sixteen =P), I would assume that she would live at least near a base or plane hangar...? And I don't believe those are usually in/near the city... if anything, I'd rather place her in Group One or Two..
@The Jest Lol of course not ^^ I have ppl in each group, too; it's nbd =P But yeah, do you want to be in Group Three? Cause I can put Jess into Group Two, and it'll be fine ^^


[Sabrina Sommers ( O'Connor)]


Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Student

Family Members: Soon-to-be-husband -Padrig O'Connor

Soon-to-be-brother-in-law - Jonny O'Connor

Both parents deceased


[+] Positive Traits [+]


A people person


Sensitive ( Can be a negative trait)


[-] Negative Traits [-]



Sensitive ( Can be a positive trait)

Easily bored

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Sabrina is outgoing and very practical; a go and see kind of person. Unfortunately it also means that Sabrina is quick to boredom and will make her own excitement just because it was fun.She was never one to leave anyone behind, or sit alone at lunch. Describing her as a people person would do no justice. She's sensitive to people's emotions and understandings and tends to care easily. Being sensitive makes her strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism. She can often feel like shes been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably Sabrina's greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.

On top of all of that, she's a bold risk taker;often taking risks without thought. Sabrina is talkative, witty, and almost never runs out of things to discuss. For her, true happiness and satisfaction stem from the time she spends with the people she enjoys being with or cares about. Her parents often said that her mouth was going to get her into trouble one day. Conflict is something that Sabrina will ignore and avoid. She's been known to do or say whatever to stay out of trouble/danger.

Past Life

Sabrina was an only child growing up in a mediocre suburbia with her mom and dad. She had a normal childhood, or what she says ' a boring childhood'. Mom was a school teacher and baked goods on the weekends; dad was a car sales man who had an inadvertent obsession with football. The most exciting thing she's ever done was study abroad in Ireland while she in college. While she was in Ireland she met Padrig, a native Irish man.

Padrig began to court her and she couldn't deny her feelings for him but, she wouldn't be there longer than a few months. They spent almost the entirety of her time there, whenever possible, together. She grew to love the family, and his family loved her.

When came time for her to leave she became a bit depressed, she swore to herself that she was in-love. After she came back to America she pulled herself out of the depression by keeping in contact with Padrig. Eventually, she flew out there for a week about a year or two later, and he asked her to marry him on the spot after a romantic evening. Of course she had said yes! The pair was made for each other, and the way he made her heart skip must have been a sign they belonged together. Right? Sabrina's family wouldn't be able to make it to Ireland for the wedding so she had discussed having it in America with Padrig.

Two weeks before the wedding, he flew out to surprise her and get ready, along with meeting the family for the first time and other first-time visit shenanigans. She had moved into the city after her first year of college to gain some independence, so it was easy for the couple to get privacy from her family. The two were camped out in Sabrina's apartment when the outbreak started.

Theme Song

Something in the way you are - Kimbra


Baseball bat

backpack with:

peanut butter

half eaten jar of jelly


small packs of crackers

a home first aid kid.

picture of her parentsI

Preferred Group

Group 3.

@The Jest I hope you like her. If there is anything you want me to change let me know. Also I stole some of your character text to tie their past life stuff together.
@The Jest @JPax42 The full list of current survivors is always listed on the first post of the IC thread, and I update it every time someone comes/goes ^^

PopcornandCaramel said:


[Sabrina Sommers ( O'Connor)]


Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Student

Family Members: Soon-to-be-husband -Padrig O'Connor

Soon-to-be-brother-in-law - Jonny O'Connor

Both parents deceased


[+] Positive Traits [+]


A people person


Sensitive ( Can be a negative trait)


[-] Negative Traits [-]



Sensitive ( Can be a positive trait)

Easily bored

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Sabrina is outgoing and very practical; a go and see kind of person. Unfortunately it also means that Sabrina is quick to boredom and will make her own excitement just because it was fun.She was never one to leave anyone behind, or sit alone at lunch. Describing her as a people person would do no justice. She's sensitive to people's emotions and understandings and tends to care easily. Being sensitive makes her strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism. She can often feel like shes been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably Sabrina's greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.

On top of all of that, she's a bold risk taker;often taking risks without thought. Sabrina is talkative, witty, and almost never runs out of things to discuss. For her, true happiness and satisfaction stem from the time she spends with the people she enjoys being with or cares about. Her parents often said that her mouth was going to get her into trouble one day. Conflict is something that Sabrina will ignore and avoid. She's been known to do or say whatever to stay out of trouble/danger.

Past Life

Sabrina was an only child growing up in a mediocre suburbia with her mom and dad. She had a normal childhood, or what she says ' a boring childhood'. Mom was a school teacher and baked goods on the weekends; dad was a car sales man who had an inadvertent obsession with football. The most exciting thing she's ever done was study abroad in Ireland while she in college. While she was in Ireland she met Padrig, a native Irish man.

Padrig began to court her and she couldn't deny her feelings for him but, she wouldn't be there longer than a few months. They spent almost the entirety of her time there, whenever possible, together. She grew to love the family, and his family loved her.

When came time for her to leave she became a bit depressed, she swore to herself that she was in-love. After she came back to America she pulled herself out of the depression by keeping in contact with Padrig. Eventually, she flew out there for a week about a year or two later, and he asked her to marry him on the spot after a romantic evening. Of course she had said yes! The pair was made for each other, and the way he made her heart skip must have been a sign they belonged together. Right? Sabrina's family wouldn't be able to make it to Ireland for the wedding so she had discussed having it in America with Padrig.

Two weeks before the wedding, he flew out to surprise her and get ready, along with meeting the family for the first time and other first-time visit shenanigans. She had moved into the city after her first year of college to gain some independence, so it was easy for the couple to get privacy from her family. The two were camped out in Sabrina's apartment when the outbreak started.

Theme Song

Something in the way you are - Kimbra


Baseball bat

backpack with:

peanut butter

half eaten jar of jelly


small packs of crackers

a home first aid kid.

picture of her parentsI

Preferred Group

Group 3.

@The Jest I hope you like her. If there is anything you want me to change let me know. Also I stole some of your character text to tie their past life stuff together.
Accepted! ^^
JPax42 said:


Jess Osena


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Pilot-In-Training, Marksman (Markswoman?)

Family Members: None alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Knows how to fly a plane and drive expertly

-Physically fast

-Can hold her breath for just under, two minutes under exertion

-Can speak German (slightly) and Czech

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Actions are tuned with emotions

-Gets angry a bit too easily

-Takes everything too far

-Likes to hit people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Jess tries to be as caring as possible, and has a typical attitude for her age. She knows a lot of stuff but doesn't know when to use it. She tends to be calculating when dealing with older people and never had any tolerance for assholes. Her only family was her father after her mother left her, so she has a soft spot when it comes to family reconnecting. She also doesn't like to deal with small issues.

She has a worse side to her typical self. When her dad was killed while trying to stop smugglers, she nearly got herself killed trying to tear off the magnate's head. The magnate died to an unknown infection weeks later, but she still retains that moment of fear and the adrenaline rush of watching a loved one's death.

Past Life

Jess had a fairly sad life, being raised by her dad, who worked in the special ops. She didn't take any school except for mathematics and physics after she finished middle school and went on to becoming a pilot until her dad's death. After the world changed, she locked down her plane in a remote location and joined the group. It is locked under high security and impossible to get in without knowing the proper way to get in.

She had one goal before the world changed; to get revenge on the smugglers who killed her dad, and she would kill them now, even with the changed world, just out of revenge.She had little time to prepare, being only in the kitchen when the world collapsed. She made do with her supplies, and grabbed the wire cutters on the shelf and went out to live with the group.

Theme Song

Buckycubes Theme?


-Steak Knife

-Wire Cutters

-Clothes (duh)

-Empty water bottle

Preferred Group


Alrighty! Accepted! ^^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/DSC05508.jpg.60259c85d8114b8411d488bb1c079096.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/DSC05508.jpg.60259c85d8114b8411d488bb1c079096.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Victoria Tran


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Auto Technician

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Veronica Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Husband (Separated during outbreak) (Up for Grabs if anyone wants to play him)

-Son (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]




[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Eats whenever she is upset

-Trust Issues


-Gets Jealous Easily

-Gets very Clingy

-Can Hold Grudges

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Victoria is a Charismatic and Loyal young woman. Self-Motivated, she always put 100% Effort into everything she did; Dancing, Studying, everything. She has a strong sense of Loyalty and is also flexible, always making time for everyone around her before making time for herself. But even though she is Loyal, seeing Betrayal has often shaken her ability to trust others outside of her Family. The Roots of her anger is often Jealousy, so whenever she is in a relationship, she really hates it when her Boyfriend or Significant Other looks at other girls and will lash out at them for talking to him.

Being the clingy type, she can stress out easily whenever her significant other is not around and often cannot stand not being around him. Like her sister, she can hold grudges for a very long time.

Past Life

The Youngest Daughter of the Tran Family. Victoria was the Over-Achiever out of her sisters. At the age of ten, her parents noticed that she had an interest in Cars, so they saw her potential in Auto Tech, or even Auto Mechanics. In Middle School, her Father started getting her books on Cars and Auto Mechanics so that she could study it in her spare time. Sadly, this would lead her to Car Tuning, and that led her to Street Racing. In her High School years, Victoria enjoyed speeding, racing and the sound of loud engines, but by her Senior Year, she got a few speeding tickets and had her License suspended until she graduated from High School. Her favorite was the sound of tires screeching. Early into High School, she did have a lot of trouble keeping a boyfriend over four different things: Being very Clingy, Jealousy Issues, getting Emotional over the littlest things and her Trust issues. To cope with stress, Victoria would often eat, but had a Fast Metabolism to compensate. A few years later, this metabolism would still be retained when she becomes pregnant with her first child. Two years after Vivian got married, Victoria went down the same path, at the same age as well. In pregnancy, both Vivian and Victoria are a month apart, with Victoria being one month behind Vivian in her pregnancy. While Vivian is expecting a Baby Girl, Victoria is expecting a Boy.

When the outbreak came, she lost contact with all her Siblings, Vivian included. Unknown to her, her Brother-in-law, Vivian's husband, became infected and was euthanized by her sister. A month or two into the Outbreak, Victoria became separated from her own Husband and Baby Daddy.

Theme Song

Roller Coaster by Park Kahi


-Lock Picks

-Sling Shot (Picks Rocks or small pebbles off the ground to use; found Slingshot in an Abandoned Car, figured that it was better than nothing)


-Box of Tissues

-Messenger Bag

-Spare Maternity Clothes (Dress, Undergarments, Cardigan, Socks)


Preferred Group


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/IMG_1756.JPG.0c600f96c12eb72111ef54a49a02673e.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/IMG_1756.JPG.0c600f96c12eb72111ef54a49a02673e.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[border=2px solid darkred]Veronica Tran


Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous Occupation: Career Criminal (Gang Member)

Family Members:

-Mother (Deceased, Car Accident)

-Father (Deceased, Throat Cancer)

-Older Brother (Missing after Outbreak began)

-Second Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Victoria Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Vivian Tran (Younger Sister, Alive)

-Younger Brother (Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

-Boyfriend (Separated during outbreak)

-Nephew (Unborn)

-Niece (Unborn)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Good Shot



[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Easily Motivated by Revenge

-Will kill over betrayal without a second thought

-Brutal when it comes to interrogation (Will not hesitate to beat information out of people)

-When her mind is set, it is impossible to change it

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Veronica is able to keep her composure in most circumstances, but not necessarily all of them. As a Gang Member, Veronica shows little Compassion. If it is within her best interest (With Family being Exempt from this) she will go out of her way to help others. Over the course of her life, she has grown emotionally attached to selective people, to the point of being deeply saddened by their deaths or greatly angered if she is betrayed.

Without a doubt, she will come off as cold and focused, but becomes passionate as one gets to know her. The outbreak only made her colder and Veronica will not hesitate to fight for her survival, even if it means killing other survivors. As cold as she is, she would never harm anyone in her own Family.

Past Life

Veronica is the third oldest child in the Tran Family, having two older Brothers, and three younger siblings. Having two Older Brothers, Veronica ended up being very tomboyish, being into Shooting, Martial Arts and even Videogames and Comic Books. Even than, that didn't stop her from showing her Feminine side, as she enjoyed wearing Make-Up, Dresses, Blouses, going to Dances, Tea Parties and spending time with her little sisters. After graduating from High School, Veronica decided to study Psychology. After graduating from College, her life started going downhill. At this point, she ended up becoming the family 'screw-up'. Instead of pursuing a career, Veronica got a taste of the illegal side of things and ended up joining a gang, where she sold narcotics to get by. As a Gangster, she was known for her explosive temper. Despite this, not once she went off or harmed her siblings. When Victoria ended up in the Hospital because her boyfriend at the time had been beating and abusing her, Veronica took it to the extreme and nearly beat him to death, even shooting him as a warning.

With the Outbreak, Veronica has a lot of sleepless nights. Her entire Family is spread out and she doesn't know where they are. She worries about Victoria and Vivian the most, because both of her little sisters are pregnant. Currently, she searches tirelessly for them, because in their condition, they shouldn't be roaming around.

Theme Song

Magia by Kalafina


Winchester Model 9422 (30 Rounds left)

Combat Knife


Preferred Group





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