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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]


[Mitchell Greenich]


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Paramedic

Family Members: Sylvia Holbrock - Sister ( Deceased)

Jamie Holbrock - Brother in-law ( Whereabouts unknown, left the group after Sylvia died)

Margaret Greenich - Mom ( Unknown, assumed in Florida)

Daniel Greenich - Dad ( Assumed in Florida)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Adaptable

- Alert

- Dutiful

- Modest

- Logical

- Neat

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Awkward

- Stern

- Gullible

- Hot-tempered

- Secretive

- Obsessive

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Mitchell is, to say it nicely, a neat freak. He believe highly in 'Everything has a place, everything in its place'. So, it's hard to imagine him working in a field with constant disarray, chaos, and lets not forget the blood, puke and human waste. Through being a paramedic he's learned to develop a keen eye for detail and to adapt to the ever changing work field. He's always been attracted to this ideal of being the hero, and he didn't let his obsessive compulsive disorder get in the way of that dream.

Mitchell doesn't have the best people skills, he can be easily pushed to anger. Not to mention he's awkward. He never went to parties as a teenager ( not because he didn't want to, but because we was never invited) and it put a big hole in his social development. Mitchell being the awkward kid, put on a stern face and attitude to hide his insecurities , making it difficult for him to make friends easily. Once you wash away all of his facades you'll see that he's not so secretive after all. He's actually a very logical thinking human who at times can be taken advantage of.

Past Life

Mitchell grew up in a relatively small family, just his sister Sylvia, mom and dad. They were a caring family and he was grateful for that. Mitchell and Sylvia had a strong bond as teenagers and young adults, he was very protective of her. Especially when she was engaged to get married. Sylvia and her husband stayed in the same town that they grew up in, but his parents moved away to Florida for vacation. Mitchell stayed close, the next town over, to keep an eye on Sylvia. She didn't make it out of the initial outbreak, by the time Mitchell had showed up to pick her and her husband up it was too late. All he found was an empty home and a blood splattered floor. Sylvia had already changed, but Mitchell couldn't bring himself to kill her. She was still his sister after all! At least that's what he thought back then. It's assumed that her husband ran off to find shelter else where but it's not been confirmed yet.

Mitchell, as mentioned before was a very awkward kid growing up, he had only a few friends and even they sometimes steered clear of him. He never got the chance to prove himself so he started to day dream about ways to get people to notice him, and what better than saving their lives? So after high school he joined an EMT class and excelled at it, taking in every minute detail of every book for class. Eventually he started working and then went on for another 2 year class to get his Paramedic licenses. It was probably the best decision he had ever made. As you guessed, he was at the forefront when the outbreak started. Taking in patients who had no vital signs, and were trying to kill him and his crew as they were trying to save them. Mitchell got lucky, most of his friends and crew were killed on the job and he barely made it out alive. It wasn't until the military started to show up did he try to take action against the undead combatants.

Theme Song

Shinedown - 45


Paramedic bag which contrains :



burn sheets

OB kit

roller gauze

4x4 gauze



suction device


oral glucose



Adult NRB

petrleum gauze


BP cuff


trauma dressings

and a dozen other types of dressings an bandages

2 bottles of water

2 MRE's ( Also found on said soldier)

standard issue pistol and a couple extra clips ( Which he found on a dead soldiers body, grabbed it in an attempt to fight back

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PopcornandCaramel said:


[Mitchell Greenich]


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Paramedic

Family Members: Sylvia Holbrock - Sister ( Deceased)

Jamie Holbrock - Brother in-law ( Whereabouts unknown, left the group after Sylvia died)

Margaret Greenich - Mom ( Unknown, assumed in Florida)

Daniel Greenich - Dad ( Assumed in Florida)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Adaptable

- Alert

- Dutiful

- Gentle

- Logical

- Neat

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Awkward

- Stern

- Gullible

- Hot-tempered

- Secretive

- Obsessive

((I don't see how he can be both...?))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Mitchell is, to say it nicely, a neat freak. He believe highly in 'Everything has a place, everything in its place'. So, it's hard to imagine him working in a field with constant disarray, chaos, and lets not forget the blood, puke and human waste. Through being a paramedic he's learned to develop a keen eye for detail and to adapt to the ever changing work field. He's always been attracted to this ideal of being the hero, and he didn't let his obsessive compulsive disorder get in the way of that dream.

Mitchell is and isn't a people person, he's calm and collected with a gentle touch, but it's not hard to push his buttons and let out the raging temper that sleeps ((If he's so easily angered, I would not describe him as 'gentle'...)). Not to mention he's awkward. He never went to parties as a teenager ( not because he didn't want to, but because we was never invited) and it put a big hole in his social development. Mitchell being the awkward kid, put on a stern face and attitude to hide his insecurities , making it difficult for him to make friends easily. Once you wash away all of his facades you'll see that he's not so secretive after all. He's actually a very logical thinking human who at times can be taken advantage of.

Past Life

Mitchell grew up in a relatively small family, just his sister Sylvia, mom and dad. They were a caring family and he was grateful for that. Mitchell and Sylvia had a strong bond as teenagers and young adults, he was very protective of her. Especially when she was engaged to get married. Sylvia and her husband stayed in the same town that they grew up in, but his parents moved away to Florida for vacation. Mitchell stayed close, the next town over, to keep an eye on Sylvia. She didn't make it out of the initial outbreak, by the time Mitchell had showed up to pick her and her husband up it was too late. All he found was an empty home and a blood splattered floor. Sylvia had already changed, but Mitchell couldn't bring himself to kill her. She was still his sister after all! At least that's what he thought back then. It's assumed that her husband ran off to find shelter else where but it's not been confirmed yet.

Mitchell, as mentioned before was a very awkward kid growing up, he had only a few friends and even they sometimes steered clear of him. He never got the chance to prove himself so he started to day dream about ways to get people to notice him, and what better than saving their lives? So after high school he joined an EMT class and excelled at it, taking in every minute detail of every book for class. Eventually he started working and then went on for another 2 year class to get his Paramedic licenses. It was probably the best decision he had ever made. As you guessed, he was at the forefront when the outbreak started. Taking in patients who had no vital signs, and were trying to kill him and his crew as they were trying to save them. Mitchell got lucky, most of his friends and crew were killed on the job and he barely made it out alive. It wasn't until the military started to show up did he try to take action against the undead combatants.

Theme Song

Shinedown - 45


Paramedic bag which contrains :



burn sheets

OB kit

roller gauze

4x4 gauze



suction device


oral glucose



Adult NRB

petrleum gauze


BP cuff


trauma dressings

and a dozen other types of dressings an bandages

2 bottles of water

2 MRE's ( Also found on said soldier)

standard issue pistol and a couple extra clips ( Which he found on a dead soldiers body, grabbed it in an attempt to fight back

I highlighted a few tiny things; they're kind of the same though... =P


Adam Douglas


Age: 41

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Personal Trainer, Ex-cop (detective).

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased, Natural Death)

- Father (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Jacob - 54 - Brother (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Trevor - 50 - Brother (Unknown)

- Nicholas - 48 - Brother (Unknown)

- Bruce - 47 - Brother (Unknown)

- James - 38 - Brother (Unknown)

- Linda - 43 - Sister (Unknown)

- Judith - 44 - Sister (Unknown)

Christopher (Chris) - 14 - Son (Alive, With Adam)

- Ex-Wife (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- High Attention to Detail

- Careful

- Tactical

- Physically Strong

- Protective (Can also be a negative)

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a negative)

- Trained in hand-to-hand combat

- Trained in the use of firearms.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Not always Tolerant

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Protective (Can also be a positive)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a positive)

- Can't run as fast as he used to be able to

- Somewhat pessimistic

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Adam is a different kind of person when it comes to personality. He's incredibly defensive of those that he cares about, but obviously, Chris takes the top of the list for those he cares about the most. He's not the sort of person to try and make friends. His view on people was changed after a rough pretty much two decades of his life, and with everything that happened, he's not a trusting individual at all, so, there's one thing that people need to keep in mind when they meet him:

He's either interested in knowing you, or he isn't.

If he's not interested in you, you know about. That's all there is to it, really, because he's not the kind of guy that likes to be all open with people, nor does he like to trust anyone he doesn't know. He's more likely to pretend to be asleep for a while than actually sleep, if you get what I mean. That's all there really is to it if I'm honest, so, we'll see how it goes, I guess. Adam isn't tolerant of those that like to act immaturely or anything like that. If someone causes trouble and he doesn't like them, he's the sort of guy to let them know about it, because, well, that's just the way he is.

Past Life

Adam was essentially a straight-A student in his early days and didn't really focus much around other things. His dream job was simply to be a detective with the police. That was what his dream was ever since he was a little kid, so that was something that got pursued late into his life. There's more to it than that, though, because Adam had a bit of a rough ride over time. He thought of himself as being the successful guy who had the great job, the beautiful wife, the good kids, but in the end, that didn't fully happen. As you can see, he has one son and all, but that's beyond the point. Let's talk more about his life.

Instead of chasing the road of college, after high school he went and joined up with the police department and started to train with them there - After many years of training and working as a regular officer, he was finally given the chance to be a detective, and he wasn't just good at it, he was great at it. I'll tell you why - Because it was his dream job, he gave 110% effort every day that he went to work. Therefore, he exceeded in the field and continued to do what he loved, even after his son, Christopher, was born. You see, Adam had the wonderful cliche thing of being married to his high school sweetheart, so that was fun, right?

It was fun, but then, she cheated on him. Although feeling betrayed, he managed to find the power of forgiveness and gave her another chance. But when she did it again, he cut the cord and a divorce happened. All of this happened while their son was only seven years old, so it wasn't easy on him. It wasn't easy on anyone. Adam was already struggling enough to spend time with his son and be with the family as it was thanks to his long work hours, but after the divorce, it only got worse.

He won primary custody, but he had to pass him over to the mother on the weekends. He didn't like doing that, but that was the law. He got primary custody because he was the one with the best income, the cleanest track record, didn't smoke, didn't drink... He was lucky, but Chris had a big part in that. He showed a lot of love towards Adam, so the decision was down to him as much as it was anyone else. More on that in a bit, though.

He had to quit his dream job after the divorce because he needed to take care of his son, so he picked up the job of being a personal trainer in Krav Maga and Standard Boxing, both of which were taught to himself by a close friend in the force. He was severely depressed after that. You know why? Because that was his life, that job, but soon he realized that his son was his life now, in fact, he realized that his son was always his life - As long as he could see his son happy, that's all that mattered. He was okay.

A few years after the divorce, the case was reviewed, and Chris had to be put up on the stand. His final say was that he was staying with his father. She'd built quite the case, and sadly it came down to that. He won full custody, and she could only see Chris on organized meetings at a given location. Adam was glad his boy chose him, even though he didn't ever want him to be on the spot where he had to make that choice.

It was a long and happy four years after that, but then things went to shit. Adam hardly had enough time to grab things from the house, but he managed some bottled water, food, and tools. He took a look in the police station he once worked in, too, and he found something that honestly was great, but not great enough to help him just yet. They were lost and alone out there with no idea what to do, but Adam had to try.

Theme Song

I Hold On - Dierks Bentley


- Three bottles of water

- Two cans of food

- M-Tech 10" Hatchet

- 12 Gauge Pump-action shotgun (Empty)

- A compass

- A box of matches

- A road-map

- A kitchen knife

- A winter coat


Christopher (Chris) Douglas


Age: Recently turned 14



Previous Occupation:
Student, also worked as a paperboy in the morning

Family Members:

Adam - 41 - Father (Alive, travelling with him)

Erin - 38 - Mother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Reliable

- Not trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Physically fit

- Capable of carrying somewhat heavy items

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a negative)

- Logical

- Friendly

- Rather quiet (Can also be a negative)

- Honest

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Not trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a positive)

- Rather quiet (Can also be a positive)

- Hormonal teenager; shorter temper

- Rather depressed

- Very anxious and paranoid

- Very fearful

- Easily scared

- Fearful of commitment

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Chris used to be a very loud and playful boy, but since the divorce between his parents happened, he sort of changed over time. It was all going well until he was put up on the stand to make his final decision. Being in front of all those people and having to talk out like that, make the biggest decision of his life so far. That made him go a lot more quiet. Obviously with his father and close friends, he wasn't too much different, but other than that, he was a quiet kid that kept to himself quite a lot. He was a good kid, though, but now, because of everything he went through, he became much more of a reliable and honest person that could be trusted by anyone that chose to trust him.

He doesn't like conflict because of a lot of the arguments his parents had, so he isolates himself from any situations where violence or arguing is involved. Don't get me wrong, he will argue with people if he has to, but it deeply upsets him and he can think about it for days on end after. Chris is also fairly depressed. Think about it - He's a young teenager living with guilt from years ago and now being forced to live in a broken family, unaware of whether or not his cousins, nephews, and uncles and aunts are all okay or not. All his friends are gone, and all he has left is his father.

He's an anxious person, and the whole situation scares him insanely, and that means he has a lot of trouble sleeping at night, but, he's just simple old Chris, and he gets by as much as he can.

Past Life

You would have thought that he enjoyed his life but he really didn't like it that much. At first when he was younger, he was close to both parents. He loved them both dearly and they were a happy family, but then the arguments started and Chris was nothing but confused. He didn't know why his parents were going to pieces like that, so in return, he worked at school a lot harder than he usually did - He only did that because he thought that they were angry at him. He thought that they were angry and worried because he wasn't working hard enough, so he worked harder, and that was one thing that stuck with him for his whole life. He tried to be more helpful, but nothing seemed to fix.

And then the divorce was announced during one big argument, and his mother literally tried to drag him out. He had to scream and kick to get away from her, and he ran off while his mother took punches and swings at his father who was only trying to protect him. He ran off and called the police in his bedroom, and he sobbed down the phone about how his mom was trying to take him away. The police arrived, and, seeing as his father was the current registered home-owner, had a black eye, and Chris had showed fear towards his mother... She was escorted from the property.

The divorce wasn't easy for the few years that he had to go through it. When he had to get up on the stand that one time... God, everything changed, and eventually, he stopped accepting any organized visits from his mother, you know why? He found out what she did, and he made the call that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. He lived with the guilt of that ever since everything went bad, and that was all there really was to it. He felt and looked and acted awful for a while, but... It could have been worse, right?

Theme Song

Fix You - Coldplay


- His father's pocket knife

- A baseball bat

- A backpack full of clothes

- A winter coat

- An extra pair of shoes (boots)

- A Zippo lighter

WAit wait. I missed the name in the last one.

Fixed it :)

Just spotted another error so I've also fixed that. Sorry -.-
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[QUOTE="The Jest]There are two Colin Fords. I'm laughing pretty hard. (> :D )

Brilliant. Let's just...

If you can find me a better person, someone that age with dark hair, then I'd be happy to change it I guess :/
It's not that it's bad! I think Colin Ford is a great, young actor, I just thought it was funny. I'll help you look, though. :)

I'd try a young Josh Hutcherson maybe?

Great characters, by the way. I'd like to see Luke and Chris's interactions along with Jackson and Adam's. Though I don't know what group you'll be put into.
Picture removed for now.

And thank you.


[QUOTE="The Jest]It's not that it's bad! I think Colin Ford is a great, young actor, I just thought it was funny. I'll help you look, though. :)
I'd try a young Josh Hutcherson maybe?

Great characters, by the way. I'd like to see Luke and Chris's interactions along with Jackson and Adam's. Though I don't know what group you'll be put into.

I've already spoken to the GM and it's a plan for me to be in group two, but for all we know, we may cross paths eventually :P

Josh Hutcherson doesn't really work too well by the way, thank you all the same, though.
PopcornandCaramel said:


[Mitchell Greenich]


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Previous Occupation: Paramedic

Family Members: Sylvia Holbrock - Sister ( Deceased)

Jamie Holbrock - Brother in-law ( Whereabouts unknown, left the group after Sylvia died)

Margaret Greenich - Mom ( Unknown, assumed in Florida)

Daniel Greenich - Dad ( Assumed in Florida)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Adaptable

- Alert

- Dutiful

- Modest

- Logical

- Neat

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Awkward

- Stern

- Gullible

- Hot-tempered

- Secretive

- Obsessive

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Mitchell is, to say it nicely, a neat freak. He believe highly in 'Everything has a place, everything in its place'. So, it's hard to imagine him working in a field with constant disarray, chaos, and lets not forget the blood, puke and human waste. Through being a paramedic he's learned to develop a keen eye for detail and to adapt to the ever changing work field. He's always been attracted to this ideal of being the hero, and he didn't let his obsessive compulsive disorder get in the way of that dream.

Mitchell doesn't have the best people skills, he can be easily pushed to anger. Not to mention he's awkward. He never went to parties as a teenager ( not because he didn't want to, but because we was never invited) and it put a big hole in his social development. Mitchell being the awkward kid, put on a stern face and attitude to hide his insecurities , making it difficult for him to make friends easily. Once you wash away all of his facades you'll see that he's not so secretive after all. He's actually a very logical thinking human who at times can be taken advantage of.

Past Life

Mitchell grew up in a relatively small family, just his sister Sylvia, mom and dad. They were a caring family and he was grateful for that. Mitchell and Sylvia had a strong bond as teenagers and young adults, he was very protective of her. Especially when she was engaged to get married. Sylvia and her husband stayed in the same town that they grew up in, but his parents moved away to Florida for vacation. Mitchell stayed close, the next town over, to keep an eye on Sylvia. She didn't make it out of the initial outbreak, by the time Mitchell had showed up to pick her and her husband up it was too late. All he found was an empty home and a blood splattered floor. Sylvia had already changed, but Mitchell couldn't bring himself to kill her. She was still his sister after all! At least that's what he thought back then. It's assumed that her husband ran off to find shelter else where but it's not been confirmed yet.

Mitchell, as mentioned before was a very awkward kid growing up, he had only a few friends and even they sometimes steered clear of him. He never got the chance to prove himself so he started to day dream about ways to get people to notice him, and what better than saving their lives? So after high school he joined an EMT class and excelled at it, taking in every minute detail of every book for class. Eventually he started working and then went on for another 2 year class to get his Paramedic licenses. It was probably the best decision he had ever made. As you guessed, he was at the forefront when the outbreak started. Taking in patients who had no vital signs, and were trying to kill him and his crew as they were trying to save them. Mitchell got lucky, most of his friends and crew were killed on the job and he barely made it out alive. It wasn't until the military started to show up did he try to take action against the undead combatants.

Theme Song

Shinedown - 45


Paramedic bag which contrains :



burn sheets

OB kit

roller gauze

4x4 gauze



suction device


oral glucose



Adult NRB

petrleum gauze


BP cuff


trauma dressings

and a dozen other types of dressings an bandages

2 bottles of water

2 MRE's ( Also found on said soldier)

standard issue pistol and a couple extra clips ( Which he found on a dead soldiers body, grabbed it in an attempt to fight back

Lol you're good (I know the feeling =P) Accepted now! ^^ You'll be assigned to Group One (check Notes tab for what's happened so far)

DrTrollinski said:


Adam Douglas


Age: 41

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Personal Trainer, Ex-cop (detective).

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased, Natural Death)

- Father (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Jacob - 54 - Brother (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Trevor - 50 - Brother (Unknown)

- Nicholas - 48 - Brother (Unknown)

- Bruce - 47 - Brother (Unknown)

- James - 38 - Brother (Unknown)

- Linda - 43 - Sister (Unknown)

- Judith - 44 - Sister (Unknown)

Christopher (Chris) - 14 - Son (Alive, With Adam)

- Ex-Wife (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- High Attention to Detail

- Understanding

- Reasonable

- Careful

- Tactical

- Physically Strong

- Protective (Can also be a negative)

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a negative)

- Trained in hand-to-hand combat

- Trained in the use of firearms.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Not always Tolerant

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Protective (Can also be a positive)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a positive)

- Can't run as fast as he used to be able to

- Somewhat pessimistic

((I don't see how these work together...?))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Adam is a different kind of person when it comes to personality. He's incredibly defensive of those that he cares about, but obviously, Chris takes the top of the list for those he cares about the most. He's not the sort of person to try and make friends. His view on people was changed after a rough pretty much two decades of his life, and with everything that happened, he's not a trusting individual at all, so, there's one thing that people need to keep in mind when they meet him:

He's either interested in knowing you, or he isn't.

If he's not interested in you, you know about. That's all there is to it, really, because he's not the kind of guy that likes to be all open with people, nor does he like to trust anyone he doesn't know. He's more likely to pretend to be asleep for a while than actually sleep, if you get what I mean. That's all there really is to it if I'm honest, so, we'll see how it goes, I guess. Adam isn't tolerant of those that like to act immaturely or anything like that. If someone causes trouble and he doesn't like them, he's the sort of guy to let them know about it, because, well, that's just the way he is.

Past Life

Adam was essentially a straight-A student in his early days and didn't really focus much around other things. His dream job was simply to be a detective with the police. That was what his dream was ever since he was a little kid, so that was something that got pursued late into his life. There's more to it than that, though, because Adam had a bit of a rough ride over time. He thought of himself as being the successful guy who had the great job, the beautiful wife, the good kids, but in the end, that didn't fully happen. As you can see, he has one son and all, but that's beyond the point. Let's talk more about his life.

Instead of chasing the road of college, after high school he went and joined up with the police department and started to train with them there - After many years of training and working as a regular officer, he was finally given the chance to be a detective, and he wasn't just good at it, he was great at it. I'll tell you why - Because it was his dream job, he gave 110% effort every day that he went to work. Therefore, he exceeded in the field and continued to do what he loved, even after his son, Christopher, was born. You see, Adam had the wonderful cliche thing of being married to his high school sweetheart, so that was fun, right?

It was fun, but then, she cheated on him. Although feeling betrayed, he managed to find the power of forgiveness and gave her another chance. But when she did it again, he cut the cord and a divorce happened. All of this happened while their son was only seven years old, so it wasn't easy on him. It wasn't easy on anyone. Adam was already struggling enough to spend time with his son and be with the family as it was thanks to his long work hours, but after the divorce, it only got worse.

He won primary custody, but he had to pass him over to the mother on the weekends. He didn't like doing that, but that was the law. He got primary custody because he was the one with the best income, the cleanest track record, didn't smoke, didn't drink... He was lucky, but Chris had a big part in that. He showed a lot of love towards Adam, so the decision was down to him as much as it was anyone else. More on that in a bit, though.

He had to quit his dream job after the divorce because he needed to take care of his son, so he picked up the job of being a personal trainer in Krav Maga and Standard Boxing, both of which were taught to himself by a close friend in the force. He was severely depressed after that. You know why? Because that was his life, that job, but soon he realized that his son was his life now, in fact, he realized that his son was always his life - As long as he could see his son happy, that's all that mattered. He was okay.

A few years after the divorce, the case was reviewed, and Chris had to be put up on the stand. His final say was that he was staying with his father. She'd built quite the case, and sadly it came down to that. He won full custody, and she could only see Chris on organized meetings at a given location. Adam was glad his boy chose him, even though he didn't ever want him to be on the spot where he had to make that choice.

It was a long and happy four years after that, but then things went to shit. Adam hardly had enough time to grab things from the house, but he managed some bottled water, food, and tools. He took a look in the police station he once worked in, too, and he found something that honestly was great, but not great enough to help him just yet. They were lost and alone out there with no idea what to do, but Adam had to try.

Theme Song

I Hold On - Dierks Bentley


- Three bottles of water

- Two cans of food

- M-Tech 10" Hatchet

- 12 Gauge Pump-action shotgun (Empty)

- A compass

- A box of matches

- A road-map

- A kitchen knife

- A winter coat

Christopher (Chris) Douglas


Age: Recently turned 14



Previous Occupation:
Student, also worked as a paperboy in the morning

Family Members:

Adam - 41 - Father (Alive, travelling with him)

Erin - 38 - Mother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Reliable, ready to do anything

- Not trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Physically fit

- Capable of carrying somewhat heavy items

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a negative)

- Logical

- Friendly

- Rather quiet (Can also be a negative)

- Honest

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Not trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a positive)

- Rather quiet (Can also be a positive)

- Hormonal teenager; shorter temper

- Rather depressed

- Very anxious and paranoid

- Very fearful

- Easily scared

- Fearful of commitment

((I don't see him being 'ready to do anything' when he's so fearful...))

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Chris used to be a very loud and playful boy, but since the divorce between his parents happened, he sort of changed over time. It was all going well until he was put up on the stand to make his final decision. Being in front of all those people and having to talk out like that, make the biggest decision of his life so far. That made him go a lot more quiet. Obviously with his father and close friends, he wasn't too much different, but other than that, he was a quiet kid that kept to himself quite a lot. He was a good kid, though, but now, because of everything he went through, he became much more of a reliable and honest person that could be trusted by anyone that chose to trust him.

He doesn't like conflict because of a lot of the arguments his parents had, so he isolates himself from any situations where violence or arguing is involved. Don't get me wrong, he will argue with people if he has to, but it deeply upsets him and he can think about it for days on end after. Chris is also fairly depressed. Think about it - He's a young teenager living with guilt from years ago and now being forced to live in a broken family, unaware of whether or not his cousins, nephews, and uncles and aunts are all okay or not. All his friends are gone, and all he has left is his father.

He's an anxious person, and the whole situation scares him insanely, and that means he has a lot of trouble sleeping at night, but, he's just simple old Chris, and he gets by as much as he can.

Past Life

You would have thought that he enjoyed his life but he really didn't like it that much. At first when he was younger, he was close to both parents. He loved them both dearly and they were a happy family, but then the arguments started and Chris was nothing but confused. He didn't know why his parents were going to pieces like that, so in return, he worked at school a lot harder than he usually did - He only did that because he thought that they were angry at him. He thought that they were angry and worried because he wasn't working hard enough, so he worked harder, and that was one thing that stuck with him for his whole life. He tried to be more helpful, but nothing seemed to fix.

And then the divorce was announced during one big argument, and his mother literally tried to drag him out. He had to scream and kick to get away from her, and he ran off while his mother took punches and swings at his father who was only trying to protect him. He ran off and called the police in his bedroom, and he sobbed down the phone about how his mom was trying to take him away. The police arrived, and, seeing as his father was the current registered home-owner, had a black eye, and Chris had showed fear towards his mother... She was escorted from the property.

The divorce wasn't easy for the few years that he had to go through it. When he had to get up on the stand that one time... God, everything changed, and eventually, he stopped accepting any organized visits from his mother, you know why? He found out what she did, and he made the call that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. He lived with the guilt of that ever since everything went bad, and that was all there really was to it. He felt and looked and acted awful for a while, but... It could have been worse, right?

Theme Song

Fix You - Coldplay


- His father's pocket knife

- A baseball bat

- A backpack full of clothes

- A winter coat

- An extra pair of shoes (boots)

- A Zippo lighter

WAit wait. I missed the name in the last one.

Fixed it :)

Just spotted another error so I've also fixed that. Sorry -.-
So.. I highlighted a few little things... and for the appearance (sorry about that haha ^^ ;) , maybe a young Dylan Matzke...?
I see what you mean and now I feel like an idiot. What I had in mind for those traits weren't meant to conflict like that, but that's obviously not very clear. I have a habit of making things too complicated. I suppose I shall be removing some of those.

As for that suggestion... Thank you for it, but I'm afraid it doesn't work.

DrTrollinski said:


Adam Douglas


Age: 41

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Personal Trainer, Ex-cop (detective).

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased, Natural Death)

- Father (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Jacob - 54 - Brother (Deceased, Heart Attack)

- Trevor - 50 - Brother (Unknown)

- Nicholas - 48 - Brother (Unknown)

- Bruce - 47 - Brother (Unknown)

- James - 38 - Brother (Unknown)

- Linda - 43 - Sister (Unknown)

- Judith - 44 - Sister (Unknown)

Christopher (Chris) - 14 - Son (Alive, With Adam)

- Ex-Wife (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- High Attention to Detail

- Careful

- Tactical

- Physically Strong

- Protective (Can also be a negative)

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a negative)

- Trained in hand-to-hand combat

- Trained in the use of firearms.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Not always Tolerant

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Protective (Can also be a positive)

- Reserved, doesn't like sharing much (Can also be a positive)

- Can't run as fast as he used to be able to

- Somewhat pessimistic

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Adam is a different kind of person when it comes to personality. He's incredibly defensive of those that he cares about, but obviously, Chris takes the top of the list for those he cares about the most. He's not the sort of person to try and make friends. His view on people was changed after a rough pretty much two decades of his life, and with everything that happened, he's not a trusting individual at all, so, there's one thing that people need to keep in mind when they meet him:

He's either interested in knowing you, or he isn't.

If he's not interested in you, you know about. That's all there is to it, really, because he's not the kind of guy that likes to be all open with people, nor does he like to trust anyone he doesn't know. He's more likely to pretend to be asleep for a while than actually sleep, if you get what I mean. That's all there really is to it if I'm honest, so, we'll see how it goes, I guess. Adam isn't tolerant of those that like to act immaturely or anything like that. If someone causes trouble and he doesn't like them, he's the sort of guy to let them know about it, because, well, that's just the way he is.

Past Life

Adam was essentially a straight-A student in his early days and didn't really focus much around other things. His dream job was simply to be a detective with the police. That was what his dream was ever since he was a little kid, so that was something that got pursued late into his life. There's more to it than that, though, because Adam had a bit of a rough ride over time. He thought of himself as being the successful guy who had the great job, the beautiful wife, the good kids, but in the end, that didn't fully happen. As you can see, he has one son and all, but that's beyond the point. Let's talk more about his life.

Instead of chasing the road of college, after high school he went and joined up with the police department and started to train with them there - After many years of training and working as a regular officer, he was finally given the chance to be a detective, and he wasn't just good at it, he was great at it. I'll tell you why - Because it was his dream job, he gave 110% effort every day that he went to work. Therefore, he exceeded in the field and continued to do what he loved, even after his son, Christopher, was born. You see, Adam had the wonderful cliche thing of being married to his high school sweetheart, so that was fun, right?

It was fun, but then, she cheated on him. Although feeling betrayed, he managed to find the power of forgiveness and gave her another chance. But when she did it again, he cut the cord and a divorce happened. All of this happened while their son was only seven years old, so it wasn't easy on him. It wasn't easy on anyone. Adam was already struggling enough to spend time with his son and be with the family as it was thanks to his long work hours, but after the divorce, it only got worse.

He won primary custody, but he had to pass him over to the mother on the weekends. He didn't like doing that, but that was the law. He got primary custody because he was the one with the best income, the cleanest track record, didn't smoke, didn't drink... He was lucky, but Chris had a big part in that. He showed a lot of love towards Adam, so the decision was down to him as much as it was anyone else. More on that in a bit, though.

He had to quit his dream job after the divorce because he needed to take care of his son, so he picked up the job of being a personal trainer in Krav Maga and Standard Boxing, both of which were taught to himself by a close friend in the force. He was severely depressed after that. You know why? Because that was his life, that job, but soon he realized that his son was his life now, in fact, he realized that his son was always his life - As long as he could see his son happy, that's all that mattered. He was okay.

A few years after the divorce, the case was reviewed, and Chris had to be put up on the stand. His final say was that he was staying with his father. She'd built quite the case, and sadly it came down to that. He won full custody, and she could only see Chris on organized meetings at a given location. Adam was glad his boy chose him, even though he didn't ever want him to be on the spot where he had to make that choice.

It was a long and happy four years after that, but then things went to shit. Adam hardly had enough time to grab things from the house, but he managed some bottled water, food, and tools. He took a look in the police station he once worked in, too, and he found something that honestly was great, but not great enough to help him just yet. They were lost and alone out there with no idea what to do, but Adam had to try.

Theme Song

I Hold On - Dierks Bentley


- Three bottles of water

- Two cans of food

- M-Tech 10" Hatchet

- 12 Gauge Pump-action shotgun (Empty)

- A compass

- A box of matches

- A road-map

- A kitchen knife

- A winter coat

Christopher (Chris) Douglas


Age: Recently turned 14



Previous Occupation:
Student, also worked as a paperboy in the morning

Family Members:

Adam - 41 - Father (Alive, travelling with him)

Erin - 38 - Mother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Reliable

- Not trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Physically fit

- Capable of carrying somewhat heavy items

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a negative)

- Logical

- Friendly

- Rather quiet (Can also be a negative)

- Honest

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Not trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Doesn't like conflict (Can also be a positive)

- Rather quiet (Can also be a positive)

- Hormonal teenager; shorter temper

- Rather depressed

- Very anxious and paranoid

- Very fearful

- Easily scared

- Fearful of commitment

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Chris used to be a very loud and playful boy, but since the divorce between his parents happened, he sort of changed over time. It was all going well until he was put up on the stand to make his final decision. Being in front of all those people and having to talk out like that, make the biggest decision of his life so far. That made him go a lot more quiet. Obviously with his father and close friends, he wasn't too much different, but other than that, he was a quiet kid that kept to himself quite a lot. He was a good kid, though, but now, because of everything he went through, he became much more of a reliable and honest person that could be trusted by anyone that chose to trust him.

He doesn't like conflict because of a lot of the arguments his parents had, so he isolates himself from any situations where violence or arguing is involved. Don't get me wrong, he will argue with people if he has to, but it deeply upsets him and he can think about it for days on end after. Chris is also fairly depressed. Think about it - He's a young teenager living with guilt from years ago and now being forced to live in a broken family, unaware of whether or not his cousins, nephews, and uncles and aunts are all okay or not. All his friends are gone, and all he has left is his father.

He's an anxious person, and the whole situation scares him insanely, and that means he has a lot of trouble sleeping at night, but, he's just simple old Chris, and he gets by as much as he can.

Past Life

You would have thought that he enjoyed his life but he really didn't like it that much. At first when he was younger, he was close to both parents. He loved them both dearly and they were a happy family, but then the arguments started and Chris was nothing but confused. He didn't know why his parents were going to pieces like that, so in return, he worked at school a lot harder than he usually did - He only did that because he thought that they were angry at him. He thought that they were angry and worried because he wasn't working hard enough, so he worked harder, and that was one thing that stuck with him for his whole life. He tried to be more helpful, but nothing seemed to fix.

And then the divorce was announced during one big argument, and his mother literally tried to drag him out. He had to scream and kick to get away from her, and he ran off while his mother took punches and swings at his father who was only trying to protect him. He ran off and called the police in his bedroom, and he sobbed down the phone about how his mom was trying to take him away. The police arrived, and, seeing as his father was the current registered home-owner, had a black eye, and Chris had showed fear towards his mother... She was escorted from the property.

The divorce wasn't easy for the few years that he had to go through it. When he had to get up on the stand that one time... God, everything changed, and eventually, he stopped accepting any organized visits from his mother, you know why? He found out what she did, and he made the call that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. He lived with the guilt of that ever since everything went bad, and that was all there really was to it. He felt and looked and acted awful for a while, but... It could have been worse, right?

Theme Song

Fix You - Coldplay


- His father's pocket knife

- A baseball bat

- A backpack full of clothes

- A winter coat

- An extra pair of shoes (boots)

- A Zippo lighter

WAit wait. I missed the name in the last one.

Fixed it :)

Just spotted another error so I've also fixed that. Sorry -.-
Alrighty! Accepted now! ^^ Assigned to Group Two (the road so far is in the Notes tab, in case you were wondering)
Thank you. I'll have a response up soon I hope :3 @ThatOneCrazyPerson

Picture of Chris has been updated. ThatOneCrazyPerson was very kind and let me stick with the original image, so, looks like the ball is officially rolling :3
Awesome thank you! I'll post as soon as I get home tonight. I won't have time til then. :) also I was thinking about adding another character but it may be getting a bit crowded.
@PopcornandCaramel You definintely can! ^^ Chances are, people may start dying soon... O_OOr, we could always make a third group (or sub groups, eg. the groups are divided up/separated)! (all if agreed to, of course)Or, we could always make a third group (or sub groups, eg. the groups are divided up/separated)!
[QUOTE="The Jest]I'd be all down for a third group. I always want to make another character but I'm always reluctant to do so. :P

Might make an Agent 47 type Character
I'd like a little more detail on it if you don't mind. I'm not at an entire understanding - would the third group be completely separate to the others?
Maybe it could be an evil group, though I'm sure you have other stuff in mind for the story. Just a thought!
I'm personally not too sure if that would work too well. Evil groups in RP's like this often aren't very well played out if controlled by people within the RP, by that I mean, if every member of the evil group is controlled by someone, it makes it very hard to find a balance of what's right and wrong to do. A lot of RP's I've been in, including some of my own, have had NPC'ed antagonist groups to offer a challenge to the RP'ers, seeing as they don't know the ins and outs of the bad guys, don't know what to expect, and all that. I think a regular group that's actually trapped in the city would be very interesting, actually. I know we've got groups on the outskirts and in the middle of nowhere, but they're not actually in the city. Having someone trapped in the city center would be quite interesting, I think :P

Also, I mean no hate, dude, I'm just giving input xD

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