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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]

I think finding a balance of what's right and wrong to do is actually a very common situation you would face in a zombie apocalypse. Was killing that other survivor exactly the right thing to do? You'll get mixed opinions, it's just what you have to do to survive.

And I understand! I'm just saying I think it could be interesting. But it's not up to me in any way, besides the host may have an entirely different plan. Though the city idea could definitely be interesting.
I understand what you mean, but I don't mean the right and wrong balance from an IC perspective :P I've just seen a lot of arguments come out of this sort of thing when that kind of thing is implemented and I really wouldn't want that to happen D:

It's not my decision either, but you know, just putting my points forward :3
@DrTrollinski Yeah, I was planning on having them be separate (originally, I had planned for three or four groups for diversity, but I just didn't think this would get as much interest as it has haha ^^ ;) But yes! That is exactly what I was thinking; a group in the city itself =D @The Jest
I like the idea of a group in the city. It would give us a more fast-paced environment with more at stake than the other two groups. I'm already getting ideas for characters still trapped in the city.

Would the goal of group 3 be to escape the city? If so, maybe they can run into one of the other groups later in the story (after people have died off and started to get mental).
I was actually discussing that with @ThatOneCrazyPerson - Given the state of the city, it's not going to be a walk in the park for them, is it? :D I'm sure she can fill you in on all the details, but I'm making a few characters to go along with it. Can't wait :P @PopcornandCaramel
It's going to be fun. I can't wait to have someone die ( I hope that doesn't seem weird lol!) I've just never had one of my characters die in a roleplay and it would be interesting to describe the process. I'm going to get to work as well!



[Yvette Rouselle]


Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Previous Occupation: Painter

Family Members: Howie Rouselle - Brother ( Deceased)

Jamie Rouselle - Brother (Unknown)

Carlisle Rouselle - Father ( Unknown)

Gweneth Rouselle - Mother ( Suicide)

Ethan Sands - Boyfriend ( Deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]


Sensitive to others



[-] Negative Traits [-]

Fiercely independent


Easily Stressed

Fluctuating self-esteem

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Yvette is a 'live and let live' kind of gal; her relaxed and warm personality makes it easy for people to like her.Yvette's charming nature draws people to vent at her, and its easy for her to empathize their situations. However she tends to be very unpredictable when it comes to her actions and decision making. She has the tendency to actively avoid planning for the future. Ever since Yvette was a child she's seen the world in a different light than most; taking art and natural beauty far more seriously than need be,but that quality makes her very passionate about her interests and politics. Even though Yvette has the support of friends and family she never accepts their help, let alone help from a stranger. Dependency is a quality that she looks down upon in her peers. Why have someone else do it or get it, when you can do it yourself.

I guess it's a good idea to toss in the fact that Yvette is easy stressed in high-intensity situations. She shuts down,freezes, and becomes devoid of emotion. When it comes to her art and accomplishments Yvette has a lot of pride, but if someone speaks ill of it she's easy to believe them without strong support. Her self-esteem takes punches like that all the time. Yvette isn't the kind of person to take control of a situation or of people;she doesn't find joy in it, and it's more of a chore than its worth. All of her relationships start the same, she's guarded, but friendly and it takes a while for her to open up. Once she does though her friends( or lovers) will find that her actions will speak louder than her words ever will.

Past Life

Yvette grew up in Bristol, England with her 2 brothers Howie and Jamie, mom and dad. Of course extended family as well. Yvette and her brothers got along alright and they all seemed like a normal family. Her mother, however was far from normal. She had severe mental health issues and often took it out on Yvette and her siblings causing them to second guess their while lives and well-being. If it wasn't for the mental abuse Yvette would have never gotten into painting. She would paint and draw almost every day, and her teachers took notice. They practically begged her to join art competitions and fairs ( which she won most of the time). It was the only escape that made sense to her. Eventually when Yvette was 20 her mother had committed suicide and it left the family in pieces. Her father didn't try to work through the pain and he left Bristol, a broken and alcoholic fiend.

Jamie and Howie Yvette's older brothers went away to college leaving her alone in Bristol. One day Yvette got an offer to attend an art school in America and she accepted. She packed and moved away, leaving all of the painful memories behind. Almost seven years later and Yvette has made somewhat of a name for herself in the art community. She met Ethan, fell in love and life was sweet. It was short lived thanks to the infection. Ethan and Yvette were barricaded in their apartment for most of the infestation. Yvette had left the apartment to look for food and she had carelessly left the door open, letting the infected over take the apartment and rip Ethan apart. She had no choice but to seek shelter elsewhere.

Theme Song

Dream a little dream of me - The mama's and the papa's





1 can of food

empty plastic bottle

cheap, half used first aid kit

small notebook


Preferred Group

Group 3

PopcornandCaramel said:



[Yvette Rouselle]


Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Previous Occupation: Painter

Family Members: Howie Rouselle - Brother ( Deceased)

Jamie Rouselle - Brother (Unknown)

Carlisle Rouselle - Father ( Unknown)

Gweneth Rouselle - Mother ( Suicide)

Ethan Sands - Boyfriend ( Deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]


Sensitive to others



[-] Negative Traits [-]

Fiercely independent


Easily Stressed

Fluctuating self-esteem

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Yvette is a 'live and let live' kind of gal; her relaxed and warm personality makes it easy for people to like her.Yvette's charming nature draws people to vent at her, and its easy for her to empathize their situations. However she tends to be very unpredictable when it comes to her actions and decision making. She has the tendency to actively avoid planning for the future. Ever since Yvette was a child she's seen the world in a different light than most; taking art and natural beauty far more seriously than need be,but that quality makes her very passionate about her interests and politics. Even though Yvette has the support of friends and family she never accepts their help, let alone help from a stranger. Dependency is a quality that she looks down upon in her peers. Why have someone else do it or get it, when you can do it yourself.

I guess it's a good idea to toss in the fact that Yvette is easy stressed in high-intensity situations. She shuts down,freezes, and becomes devoid of emotion. When it comes to her art and accomplishments Yvette has a lot of pride, but if someone speaks ill of it she's easy to believe them without strong support. Her self-esteem takes punches like that all the time. Yvette isn't the kind of person to take control of a situation or of people;she doesn't find joy in it, and it's more of a chore than its worth. All of her relationships start the same, she's guarded, but friendly and it takes a while for her to open up. Once she does though her friends( or lovers) will find that her actions will speak louder than her words ever will.

Past Life

Yvette grew up in Bristol, England with her 2 brothers Howie and Jamie, mom and dad. Of course extended family as well. Yvette and her brothers got along alright and they all seemed like a normal family. Her mother, however was far from normal. She had severe mental health issues and often took it out on Yvette and her siblings causing them to second guess their while lives and well-being. If it wasn't for the mental abuse Yvette would have never gotten into painting. She would paint and draw almost every day, and her teachers took notice. They practically begged her to join art competitions and fairs ( which she won most of the time). It was the only escape that made sense to her. Eventually when Yvette was 20 her mother had committed suicide and it left the family in pieces. Her father didn't try to work through the pain and he left Bristol, a broken and alcoholic fiend.

Jamie and Howie Yvette's older brothers went away to college leaving her alone in Bristol. One day Yvette got an offer to attend an art school in America and she accepted. She packed and moved away, leaving all of the painful memories behind. Almost seven years later and Yvette has made somewhat of a name for herself in the art community. She met Ethan, fell in love and life was sweet. It was short lived thanks to the infection. Ethan and Yvette were barricaded in their apartment for most of the infestation. Yvette had left the apartment to look for food and she had carelessly left the door open, letting the infected over take the apartment and rip Ethan apart. She had no choice but to seek shelter elsewhere.

Theme Song

Dream a little dream of me - The mama's and the papa's





1 can of food

empty plastic bottle

cheap, half used first aid kit

small notebook


Preferred Group

Group 3

Totally accepted!! She's absolutely gorgeous ( * u * ) (And you'll be in Group Three, obviously ^^) Once we get a few more sheets, I'll put up a starter post! =D

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n715wo0pC71s3wh19o2_500.gif.edbfec51f76ef15794d62415bdd583b1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n715wo0pC71s3wh19o2_500.gif.edbfec51f76ef15794d62415bdd583b1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Samantha 'Sam' Willis


Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: College Student

Family Members: Mother [deceased, cause unknown], father [condition unknown], and older sister [condition unknown]


[+] Positive Traits [+]

?Naturally gentle

?Trained in martial arts


?Works well with others (in a team setting, not so much a dictatorship)

?Altruistic (can be seen as negative)


?Terrific aim

?Good at lying

?High endurance


[-] Negative Traits [-]


?Slow to trusting

?Not good with melee weapons (aside from her own body or knives; eg: swords, clubs, pipes, crowbars, bats, etc)

?Tends to keep secrets

?Easily emotionally manipulated

?Independent to a fault (as in, she would rather work alone than be treated as a follower)


?Nervous around men

?Moody (on occasion)

?Altruistic (can be seen as positive)

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Sam is, in a word, different. While she is normally very gentle and caring of others, she can be an absolute beast when it comes to combat, and won't hesitate to punch you straight in the face if you say something about someone she cares about. However, if something is said about her, she will most likely shut down and just let the blows come, an ever-faltering smile on her face the whole time.

She absolutely hates being treated as an inferior, and prefers to be seen as a partner, rather than a follower. She can be funny if she wants to be, though she is rarely seen that way. She can be standoffish upon first meeting, though if you keep digging, eventually she will open up to you. How far you can make her open up, is yet to be seen, as she seems to always be hiding something and is probably too good at lying than she should be.

She gets very nervous around men
(especially if they're cute), and can be very moody at times. Due to her recent departure from college, most intellectual knowledge is still fresh in her brain, heightening her already-smart senses. She also has a high endurance level, and can take quite a beating before she drops.

Past Life

Sam grew up as the baby of the family, with her older sister constantly providing the motherly figure in her life after her biological mother's passing when she was just a baby. It's unsure what her cause of death was, but either way, she passed. Due to having to raise two young girls as a single working father, the family had to drive around a lot in their old RV, always looking for work.

The girls were both homeschooled for the first half or so of their lives, up until Sam was in seventh grade. By that time, their father had finally secured a job working at a shooting range (which he often took the girls to on weekends as a daddy-daughter activity), and so they no longer had to move. Upon arriving at school, both girls were immediately labeled 'weird', though Sam's sister didn't seem to really care, which quickly changed the label to 'cool'. Although she adored school and learning, Sam was often bullied when she was younger, though almost always rescued by her older sister. Seeing this, their father signed them both up for martial arts lessons.

When her sister graduated from highschool was when things got really bad. Sam was so constantly made fun of and mocked that she fell into slight depression, and while she never did anything, she often had self-deprecating thoughts and found herself 'not good enough'. This prompted her to push herself even more at school and she grew to be very good at hiding these thoughts. Only near the end of the rope did her family notice, and upon noticing, her father and sister wanted to pull her out of school, though she insisted they didn't.

After graduating from highschool, Sam had grown out of her depression, and expressed her interest in attending college, though her father was wary that it would only lead her to a road of even deeper depression. Long story short, there was a big fight that led to Sam leaving home, though the escapade didn't last long. Her sister managed to find her and pick her up in her car, before driving her to the college herself, albeit expressing the same argument as their father. Sam did not want any of it, insisting she had gotten over her depression, and while her sister did not seem too convinced, she let her go.

When the outbreak occurred, Sam (who was currently living in California) tried to contact her sister, who was still living somewhere closer to the east coast, but to no avail. While she didn't doubt her sister's ability to handle herself, she was extremely worried, and has been trying to get back to the east coast to find her (as stupid an idea as that is).

Theme Song

Chloe - Emblem3 OR Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson


?Worn backpack

?9mm Pistol

?1 magazine (17 rounds)

?Silver knife

?Old leather journal

?Pen and 3 pencils

?A winter jacket



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Marco (Mark) Ward


Age: 34



Previous Occupation:
'Bodyguard' for Hire

Family Members:

- Father (Deceased, Murdered)

- Mother (Deceased, Suicide)

- Older Brother (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Younger Brother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Physically Fit

- Experienced in the use of rifles

- Trained in Unarmed and Blade Combat

- Works well Under Pressure

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a negative)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a negative)

- Willing to do what's needed

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Doesn't fear death

- Can move about quietly

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Demanding

- Compulsive Liar

- Obsessive

- Demanding of Respect

- Control Freak

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a positive)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a positive)

- Inexperienced with smaller firearms

- Secretly Depressed

- Sometimes becomes jealous of others

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Marcus is a man that doesn't like being told what to do, nor is he capable of processing requests and even the slightest of demands from other people. It's not common for him to warm up to anyone, but like listed above, the only way you can really know is through his strangely-placed and extremely rare care that he may show in certain places or opportunities. He's not someone who had an easy past, but he's more than capable of getting into an argument if it's provoked. He's the hot-headed guy that will gladly stand his ground to anyone that steps up

to the task. He doesn't enjoy arguing, really, but the thing is that he's more than happy to do it. If there's something he doesn't agree on, there's a chance an argument would kick off. Obviously sometimes this is quite helpful, but others... Others it's just not helpful at all and leaves people stuck and thinking of what to do next rather than actually moving on.

After a troubled childhood, Mark gained a sense of fearlessness after several stressful experiences leading up to his teenage years. While the other kids were scared of the monsters under the bed, Mark wasn't scared at all, and he slept easy knowing that the monsters were the ones that walked by you on the street, the ones that served you your food in a fast food joint, the ones that rushed into an office every morning to work and make money. Those were the monsters. He realized that the monsters were just inside of us, and that's all there was to it. Sure, it wasn't the lightest of outlooks to have on things, but he believed that for the rest of his childhood days, teenage days, and even to now in his adult life.

After contemplating suicide on numerous occasions, he was able to happily say that being gone was a lot better than being around to see what you've become. But he's still waiting for that, he's hanging on, he's waiting for someone else to do it for him.

Past Life

Mark's past life wasn't an easy one, no, not at all, and he often found himself in the situation where he either wanted to be dead, or was so close to being there that he was scared to get out of bed in the morning. That was only when he was younger, though - As time went on, the fear went away, but the suicidal tendencies stayed with him and followed him around like heavy luggage. Don't get me wrong, not everything was bleak. His older brother was seven years older than him, and his sister was five years older than him, and there was a five year gap between himself and his younger brother. He descended from a large family that ran off of success and a lot of happiness, really. His father was a lawyer, a good one, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom who was happy to nurse and care for all her children while his dad was in court.

When he was five years old, not too long after his brother was born, his father was murdered - He was shot down on his way into the courthouse. The men who did it were never caught, and the family was torn apart. The older ones held it together, but he didn't. He had a bond with his father which just couldn't be broken in the slightest, and when someone so viciously snatched it away from him, he was just... He was a mess, he was a mess for a long time, for years, even, and that was that. Like I said, he slept easy at night (minus the nightmares about his father) because he knew who the real monsters were.

You would have thought that he was terrified to go near people, but no, now that he knew the truth he had no problem going near people; now that he knew them for what they were he was happy to walk by them in the street with a smile on his face. He knew what they'd done, he knew what they were capable of. Or at least he thought he did.

His one chance of making any form of recovery was quickly cut short when he was seven years old. His mother, whom of which was severely depressed and living in pretty much poverty after her husband left the world, ended up taking her own life. Thankfully, it wasn't done in the house, but that didn't mean anything. All of the children were heartbroken, the one person they had left was gone. She didn't even want that life with them, I think that's what upset them the most. Regardless, they had to go and live with their aunt and uncle on the West Coast.

As Mark grew up, his interest was taken up in something a little different. He loved weaponry, rifles, he loved everything. He could name any model of rifle if he saw it. His uncle would take him shooting, he had done from a young age, to relieve stress... And he was good at it. He loved it. Every time one shooting session ended, he couldn't wait for the next one to start. He was the strange kid that sat at the back of the class and kept to himself, nor did he get involved in group discussions or anything. He didn't want friends. He didn't need them.

After he left school... He fell into the 'bodyguard' job role.

The only issue was... He killed a lot more people on the job than you might have thought he would.

Need I say more?

Anyway, when he was rich, living with boats of guilt, and happily going out of his house once or twice every few months to take care of his work, he didn't know what to do with his life, but he knew that while he felt guilt, he felt happy, too. That was until everything hit him in the face again - The news reports, the manhunts, and finally, the outbreak. The outbreak saved him just as much as it ruined him. Thankfully... He had a lot of what he needed in his house.

Sadly, he lost his rifle.

And naturally, after being a lone wolf for the first half of it, he met up with three people that... Gave him a new lease on life, actually.

Theme Song

Through Glass - Stone Sour


- Colt M1911, Semi-Automatic, .45 caliber (3 bullets)

- Zippo lighter

- 13.5" U.S Military Tactical Bayonet (Found on soldier)

- Two cans of food

- One large bottle of water (2L)

- A box of matches (4 matches remaining)

- A small pair of binoculars

Preferred Group

Group Three


Stephen Walker


Age: 18



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Younger Brother (Deceased)

Jack Willis - Nephew - 12 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Protective

- Friendly

- Caring

- Will do anything for family/those he cares for

- Good with technology

- Logical

- Good team-worker

- Considerate of others

- Slightly experienced with smaller firearms

- Faster runner (he lost a lot of weight since the start of the outbreak)

- Can read people after knowing them for long enough

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Bad eyesight (unless he wears his glasses)

- Depressed

- Suffers from paranoia

- Struggles to sleep

- Often feels very hopeless

- Not trained in unarmed combat

- Not physically strong

- Despite being friendly, he has a short temper

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Has a constant feeling of immense guilt

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Stephen is a very... Different sort of individual. After many years of keeping to himself, he found the confidence to start being more sociable and such. And right after that, there came the outbreak - Fun, right? Anyway, he's a guy that cares more about family than anything else, so obviously, when he lost all his family, he was a mess. There was a risk of suicide, of course, but there were two places he checked before he made the choice. He checked the home of a close friend, and the house of his nephew. He found one person in each household, and of course, his morals with family and such only continued.

Although developing trust issues, generally, he's quite good at telling who people are and what they're capable of. Obviously this can't be an instant thing, and he took this trait from his father, who knew the signs of what showed how good or bad someone was. Stephen isn't the best example of a good human, but he does what he can. Generally, he's a very selfless person that doesn't usually put himself first. Just what he's used to, I guess. Still... He's a logical guy and does his best to keep calm in situations, and if worst comes to worst... His inability to sleep properly may be of some help, right?

Past Life

Originally born in England, he lived a happy life. He and every member of his family on both sides all lived in Lincoln in the middle of the country. They were lucky to be able to live there and all, and it was a happy life there up until he was fifteen. At fifteen, he wanted to make moves, they all did, and many people in his family had already managed to land jobs in the West coast of the USA. That was what set them up. They sold the houses, and it was a one-way non-stop flight all the way to their new home. It was a good place, and although it took them a while to set in, eventually life went back to normal, Stephen's friends were in love with the fact that he was British, and... Well, life was good.

Programming became a part of his life before he turned seventeen, and he was pretty good at that. I'm not saying that it was a second language to him or anything, but he could understand it and write it somewhat quickly. Life was good, though, having his whole family (minus the grandparents) out here. It felt like his usual home, just bigger, hotter, and with nicer housing. He was due to go to college once he graduated from high school, but obviously, the outbreak occurred and he lost everything right before his eyes. His family, gone one by one. From that, he's depressed, and suffers a lot of nightmares, but it's nothing that won't go away. I hope.

Generally, it was a good life, and he still does his best to enjoy what he has. The first person he managed to find was his nephew, and he thankfully hadn't suffered the same fate as everyone else. He got him out of there as quick as he could, and then went to the next nearest person's house, where he found his friend's son hidden in the closet. He didn't know what else to do, but he piled them into his car after loading up every single supply that he could, and that was that. They were on the road.

On the road to nowhere, of course, they nearly ran a man over amidst the chaos, and naturally, Stephen let him in without hesitation, and that was when they met Marco. What they didn't know was that they were going to get trapped in the city.

And now... Here we are.

Theme Song

What It's Like - Everlast


- .32 revolver (two bullets)

- Pocket knife

- Four cans of food

- Three bottles of water

- A bottle of scotch

- A pair of glasses

- A glasses cleaning cloth

- A bottle of Tylenol

- A box of over-the-counter painkillers

Preferred Group

Group Three


Jack Briggs


Age: Recently turned 12



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Older Brother (Deceased)

Older Sister (Deceased)

Younger Sister (Deceased)

Uncle - Stephen - 18 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Friendly

- Caring

- Selfless

- Fast runner

- Physically fit

- Motivational

- Knows how to shoot, but not accurately

- Can move around quietly

- Small; can squeeze through tighter spaces

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Quite dependent on others

- Not an accurate shooter

- Not physically strong

- Quite anxious

- Fearful

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Outgoing but also quite anxious describes him quite well - He's a helpful kid who knows how to motivate people pretty well. Of course, after what happened on the outbreak, he went through some changes that had left him a little bit worse off than before, but you get the idea. He gets a lot of nightmares nowadays, so he's just thankful that he has people around to help him out and pull him through it - He helps out others quite a lot, though, Stephen more than anything. He and his family were one of the families that had gotten up and gone on over to America to live there. Keeping the family together and all, right? He liked it in America, and he had been before, so I guess that was always a good start.

Generally, he's a very friendly individual that seems to know when to say the right things, and doesn't want to wrong anyone. In Stephen's experience, he'd caused no one any trouble so I suppose that was kind of good news. He's intelligent, he knows right and wrong, and he knows when something has made a difference more than anything. Helping out is one thing that he's good at, I tell you that much. The motivation and inspiration that he naturally gives just... Helps a lot of people, believe me on that.

Past Life

Much like Stephen, he was originally born in England but moved over to the West Coast of the USA when he was about nine. The change wasn't all that easy but it wasn't all that bad, either, and thanks to the big family that they had going on for them, the support and all that was great. There were some things in the US that was different to living in the UK, but you know, they got over it, they all did, and Jack did too. It was almost like a fantasy life on the west coast, with a big house and a nice place to lay his head. I think they all enjoyed it, and over the course of the few years that they grew up there, their accents morphed. Yep, they sounded like they were never from anywhere else. Of course, the accents came through here and there with an odd word, but generally, it had changed.

Don't get me wrong, life was good. It wasn't something that anyone, and definitely not Jack, wanted to complain about. It was all going well, but then the whole outbreak happened, and Jack, Stephen, and everyone else in their posse had lost everything. When all you had was each other, things got desperate, and even so many months after everything had happened, the nightmares didn't let up. They were all grateful that they had someone and something to rely and lean on, though, because where would they be without that?

Jack wasn't such a fan of Marco, but that was one of the many things that they were going to have to deal with and all. It was something that happened, and whatever that something was was keeping them alive. I suppose that moving on was just a big part of things, but it was hard to move on when you were stuck in a city, a concrete jungle, a place where you imagined that no man would get out.

Cutting through here from modern suburbia was a bad idea.

Theme Song

The Scientist - Coldplay


- Five books; fictional

- A box of matches (full)

- A cheap plastic lighter

- A nail hammer

- A box of nails (mostly full)

- A cheap flashlight

Preferred Group

Group Three


Lewis Griffin


Age: 6


Previous Occupation:
1st Grader

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased)

- Father (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Brother (Deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Confident (with people he knows, of course)

- Happy

- Talkative

- Can move about quietly

- Small; can squeeze through/into tighter spaces

- Due to his size, he is less visible when hiding

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily frightened

- Very dependent on others

- Not able to defend himself in any way

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Lewis is a friendly little guy that would gladly chat away to you for hours on end if you knew him well enough. He's the sort of kid that you need to warm up to before you can consider yourself a friend of his, but overall, he's a kid that would put a smile on your face no matter what. He has all the traits - Shaggy hair, nice eyes, a cheesy grin, and generally, a mood that can leave you smiling like a fool for a good few minutes. He was a great kid, one that was just playful and enjoyed being part of things, and he was definitely a kid that didn't deserve the hell he was being put through, I tell you that.

He's so easily scared nowadays thanks to everything that happened in the outbreak. He hid upstairs in a closet while his whole family was torn to pieces. He was sort of used to being the underdog seeing as he was the youngest in the family (his brother was a month older than him; born by a different mother), and his sisters, well, one was a few years older, and the other was nearly six years older, so there you go. He was happy with them, though, and the only reason he hid was because someone downstairs had screamed for him to do so. He needed to be hidden away, and so he was.

When the family's friend, Stephen, managed to find him... Well, his dependency shifted quite a little bit.

Past Life

Like I said before, he was the youngest child of his family and that was that. He was the youngest, and therefore, one of the weakest, but he had a fire in his heart and he didn't go down without a fight when it came to his siblings. Other than that, you know, quite quiet and all. He was a good kid and worked hard at school, and he could take care of himself just about, but was very reliant on others. There were people that he clung onto here and there, don't get me wrong, some of them were family, some of them weren't, but that didn't mean that he was completely incapable. He was actually quite an interesting little guy, really, but occasionally just needed that helping hand, you know what I mean?

It all seemed easy-flowing for a good long while, but of course, something big happened, and that was the outbreak - The happy days of school and such all came to a plummeting end, and he was left fighting for himself. It wasn't an easy run, but he was managing. Sort of. Of course, there was the feeling of impending doom when he was sitting in a cupboard and silently crying his eyes out, waiting for someone to help him. Thankfully when Stephen found him, the gore that was left downstairs was shielded from his innocent eyes, but he knew that something bad had happened because of the screaming, he just plain knew it.

Life on the road wasn't easy, and life in the city was even harder. It felt like there was no way in, no way out, and things were getting dire. When they met Marco, well, Lewis was a fan almost immediately. The others didn't really know what he saw in him, but... Lewis did.

He just didn't quite know what to call it, that was all.

Theme Song

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday


- Some coloring books

- A set of crayons

- Three regular books (Children's books)

- One kids' water bottle (empty)

- A pair of kids' sunglasses

Preferred Group

Group Three

Last edited by a moderator:
DrTrollinski said:


Marco (Mark) Ward


Age: 34



Previous Occupation:
'Bodyguard' for Hire

Family Members:

- Father (Deceased, Murdered)

- Mother (Deceased, Suicide)

- Older Brother (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Younger Brother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Physically Fit

- Experienced in the use of rifles

- Trained in Unarmed and Blade Combat

- Works well Under Pressure

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a negative)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a negative)

- Willing to do what's needed

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Doesn't fear death

- Can move about quietly

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Demanding

- Compulsive Liar

- Obsessive

- Demanding of Respect

- Control Freak

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a positive)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a positive)

- Inexperienced with smaller firearms

- Secretly Depressed

- Sometimes becomes jealous of others

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Marcus is a man that doesn't like being told what to do, nor is he capable of processing requests and even the slightest of demands from other people. It's not common for him to warm up to anyone, but like listed above, the only way you can really know is through his strangely-placed and extremely rare care that he may show in certain places or opportunities. He's not someone who had an easy past, but he's more than capable of getting into an argument if it's provoked. He's the hot-headed guy that will gladly stand his ground to anyone that steps up

to the task. He doesn't enjoy arguing, really, but the thing is that he's more than happy to do it. If there's something he doesn't agree on, there's a chance an argument would kick off. Obviously sometimes this is quite helpful, but others... Others it's just not helpful at all and leaves people stuck and thinking of what to do next rather than actually moving on.

After a troubled childhood, Mark gained a sense of fearlessness after several stressful experiences leading up to his teenage years. While the other kids were scared of the monsters under the bed, Mark wasn't scared at all, and he slept easy knowing that the monsters were the ones that walked by you on the street, the ones that served you your food in a fast food joint, the ones that rushed into an office every morning to work and make money. Those were the monsters. He realized that the monsters were just inside of us, and that's all there was to it. Sure, it wasn't the lightest of outlooks to have on things, but he believed that for the rest of his childhood days, teenage days, and even to now in his adult life.

After contemplating suicide on numerous occasions, he was able to happily say that being gone was a lot better than being around to see what you've become. But he's still waiting for that, he's hanging on, he's waiting for someone else to do it for him.

Past Life

Mark's past life wasn't an easy one, no, not at all, and he often found himself in the situation where he either wanted to be dead, or was so close to being there that he was scared to get out of bed in the morning. That was only when he was younger, though - As time went on, the fear went away, but the suicidal tendencies stayed with him and followed him around like heavy luggage. Don't get me wrong, not everything was bleak. His older brother was seven years older than him, and his sister was five years older than him, and there was a five year gap between himself and his younger brother. He descended from a large family that ran off of success and a lot of happiness, really. His father was a lawyer, a good one, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom who was happy to nurse and care for all her children while his dad was in court.

When he was five years old, not too long after his brother was born, his father was murdered - He was shot down on his way into the courthouse. The men who did it were never caught, and the family was torn apart. The older ones held it together, but he didn't. He had a bond with his father which just couldn't be broken in the slightest, and when someone so viciously snatched it away from him, he was just... He was a mess, he was a mess for a long time, for years, even, and that was that. Like I said, he slept easy at night (minus the nightmares about his father) because he knew who the real monsters were.

You would have thought that he was terrified to go near people, but no, now that he knew the truth he had no problem going near people; now that he knew them for what they were he was happy to walk by them in the street with a smile on his face. He knew what they'd done, he knew what they were capable of. Or at least he thought he did.

His one chance of making any form of recovery was quickly cut short when he was seven years old. His mother, whom of which was severely depressed and living in pretty much poverty after her husband left the world, ended up taking her own life. Thankfully, it wasn't done in the house, but that didn't mean anything. All of the children were heartbroken, the one person they had left was gone. She didn't even want that life with them, I think that's what upset them the most. Regardless, they had to go and live with their aunt and uncle on the West Coast.

As Mark grew up, his interest was taken up in something a little different. He loved weaponry, rifles, he loved everything. He could name any model of rifle if he saw it. His uncle would take him shooting, he had done from a young age, to relieve stress... And he was good at it. He loved it. Every time one shooting session ended, he couldn't wait for the next one to start. He was the strange kid that sat at the back of the class and kept to himself, nor did he get involved in group discussions or anything. He didn't want friends. He didn't need them.

After he left school... He fell into the 'bodyguard' job role.

The only issue was... He killed a lot more people on the job than you might have thought he would.

Need I say more?

Anyway, when he was rich, living with boats of guilt, and happily going out of his house once or twice every few months to take care of his work, he didn't know what to do with his life, but he knew that while he felt guilt, he felt happy, too. That was until everything hit him in the face again - The news reports, the manhunts, and finally, the outbreak. The outbreak saved him just as much as it ruined him. Thankfully... He had a lot of what he needed in his house.

Sadly, he lost his rifle.

And naturally, after being a lone wolf for the first half of it, he met up with three people that... Gave him a new lease on life, actually.

Theme Song

Through Glass - Stone Sour


- Colt M1911, Semi-Automatic, .45 caliber (3 bullets)

- Zippo lighter

- 13.5" U.S Military Tactical Bayonet (Found on soldier)

- Two cans of food

- One large bottle of water (2L)

- A box of matches (4 matches remaining)

- A small pair of binoculars

Preferred Group

Group Three


Stephen Walker


Age: 18



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Younger Brother (Deceased)

Jack Willis - Nephew - 12 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Protective

- Friendly

- Caring

- Will do anything for family/those he cares for

- Good with technology

- Logical

- Good team-worker

- Considerate of others

- Slightly experienced with smaller firearms

- Faster runner (he lost a lot of weight since the start of the outbreak)

- Can read people after knowing them for long enough

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Bad eyesight (unless he wears his glasses)

- Depressed

- Suffers from paranoia

- Struggles to sleep

- Often feels very hopeless

- Not trained in unarmed combat

- Not physically strong

- Despite being friendly, he has a short temper

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Has a constant feeling of immense guilt

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Stephen is a very... Different sort of individual. After many years of keeping to himself, he found the confidence to start being more sociable and such. And right after that, there came the outbreak - Fun, right? Anyway, he's a guy that cares more about family than anything else, so obviously, when he lost all his family, he was a mess. There was a risk of suicide, of course, but there were two places he checked before he made the choice. He checked the home of a close friend, and the house of his nephew. He found one person in each household, and of course, his morals with family and such only continued.

Although developing trust issues, generally, he's quite good at telling who people are and what they're capable of. Obviously this can't be an instant thing, and he took this trait from his father, who knew the signs of what showed how good or bad someone was. Stephen isn't the best example of a good human, but he does what he can. Generally, he's a very selfless person that doesn't usually put himself first. Just what he's used to, I guess. Still... He's a logical guy and does his best to keep calm in situations, and if worst comes to worst... His inability to sleep properly may be of some help, right?

Past Life

Originally born in England, he lived a happy life. He and every member of his family on both sides all lived in Lincoln in the middle of the country. They were lucky to be able to live there and all, and it was a happy life there up until he was fifteen. At fifteen, he wanted to make moves, they all did, and many people in his family had already managed to land jobs in the West coast of the USA. That was what set them up. They sold the houses, and it was a one-way non-stop flight all the way to their new home. It was a good place, and although it took them a while to set in, eventually life went back to normal, Stephen's friends were in love with the fact that he was British, and... Well, life was good.

Programming became a part of his life before he turned seventeen, and he was pretty good at that. I'm not saying that it was a second language to him or anything, but he could understand it and write it somewhat quickly. Life was good, though, having his whole family (minus the grandparents) out here. It felt like his usual home, just bigger, hotter, and with nicer housing. He was due to go to college once he graduated from high school, but obviously, the outbreak occurred and he lost everything right before his eyes. His family, gone one by one. From that, he's depressed, and suffers a lot of nightmares, but it's nothing that won't go away. I hope.

Generally, it was a good life, and he still does his best to enjoy what he has. The first person he managed to find was his nephew, and he thankfully hadn't suffered the same fate as everyone else. He got him out of there as quick as he could, and then went to the next nearest person's house, where he found his friend's son hidden in the closet. He didn't know what else to do, but he piled them into his car after loading up every single supply that he could, and that was that. They were on the road.

On the road to nowhere, of course, they nearly ran a man over amidst the chaos, and naturally, Stephen let him in without hesitation, and that was when they met Marco. What they didn't know was that they were going to get trapped in the city.

And now... Here we are.

Theme Song

What It's Like - Everlast


- .32 revolver (two bullets)

- Pocket knife

- Four cans of food

- Three bottles of water

- A bottle of scotch

- A pair of glasses

- A glasses cleaning cloth

- A bottle of Tylenol

- A box of over-the-counter painkillers

Preferred Group

Group Three


Jack Willis


Age: Recently turned 12



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Older Brother (Deceased)

Older Sister (Deceased)

Younger Sister (Deceased)

Uncle - Stephen - 18 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Friendly

- Caring

- Selfless

- Fast runner

- Physically fit

- Motivational

- Knows how to shoot, but not accurately

- Can move around quietly

- Small; can squeeze through tighter spaces

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Quite dependent on others

- Not an accurate shooter

- Not physically strong

- Quite anxious

- Fearful

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Outgoing but also quite anxious describes him quite well - He's a helpful kid who knows how to motivate people pretty well. Of course, after what happened on the outbreak, he went through some changes that had left him a little bit worse off than before, but you get the idea. He gets a lot of nightmares nowadays, so he's just thankful that he has people around to help him out and pull him through it - He helps out others quite a lot, though, Stephen more than anything. He and his family were one of the families that had gotten up and gone on over to America to live there. Keeping the family together and all, right? He liked it in America, and he had been before, so I guess that was always a good start.

Generally, he's a very friendly individual that seems to know when to say the right things, and doesn't want to wrong anyone. In Stephen's experience, he'd caused no one any trouble so I suppose that was kind of good news. He's intelligent, he knows right and wrong, and he knows when something has made a difference more than anything. Helping out is one thing that he's good at, I tell you that much. The motivation and inspiration that he naturally gives just... Helps a lot of people, believe me on that.

Past Life

Much like Stephen, he was originally born in England but moved over to the West Coast of the USA when he was about nine. The change wasn't all that easy but it wasn't all that bad, either, and thanks to the big family that they had going on for them, the support and all that was great. There were some things in the US that was different to living in the UK, but you know, they got over it, they all did, and Jack did too. It was almost like a fantasy life on the west coast, with a big house and a nice place to lay his head. I think they all enjoyed it, and over the course of the few years that they grew up there, their accents morphed. Yep, they sounded like they were never from anywhere else. Of course, the accents came through here and there with an odd word, but generally, it had changed.

Don't get me wrong, life was good. It wasn't something that anyone, and definitely not Jack, wanted to complain about. It was all going well, but then the whole outbreak happened, and Jack, Stephen, and everyone else in their posse had lost everything. When all you had was each other, things got desperate, and even so many months after everything had happened, the nightmares didn't let up. They were all grateful that they had someone and something to rely and lean on, though, because where would they be without that?

Jack wasn't such a fan of Marco, but that was one of the many things that they were going to have to deal with and all. It was something that happened, and whatever that something was was keeping them alive. I suppose that moving on was just a big part of things, but it was hard to move on when you were stuck in a city, a concrete jungle, a place where you imagined that no man would get out.

Cutting through here from modern suburbia was a bad idea.

Theme Song

The Scientist - Coldplay


- Five books; fictional

- A box of matches (full)

- A cheap plastic lighter

- A nail hammer

- A box of nails (mostly full)

- A cheap flashlight

Preferred Group

Group Three


Lewis Griffin


Age: 6


Previous Occupation:
1st Grader

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased)

- Father (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Brother (Deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Confident (with people he knows, of course)

- Happy

- Talkative

- Can move about quietly

- Small; can squeeze through/into tighter spaces

- Due to his size, he is less visible when hiding

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily frightened

- Very dependent on others

- Not able to defend himself in any way

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Lewis is a friendly little guy that would gladly chat away to you for hours on end if you knew him well enough. He's the sort of kid that you need to warm up to before you can consider yourself a friend of his, but overall, he's a kid that would put a smile on your face no matter what. He has all the traits - Shaggy hair, nice eyes, a cheesy grin, and generally, a mood that can leave you smiling like a fool for a good few minutes. He was a great kid, one that was just playful and enjoyed being part of things, and he was definitely a kid that didn't deserve the hell he was being put through, I tell you that.

He's so easily scared nowadays thanks to everything that happened in the outbreak. He hid upstairs in a closet while his whole family was torn to pieces. He was sort of used to being the underdog seeing as he was the youngest in the family (his brother was a month older than him; born by a different mother), and his sisters, well, one was a few years older, and the other was nearly six years older, so there you go. He was happy with them, though, and the only reason he hid was because someone downstairs had screamed for him to do so. He needed to be hidden away, and so he was.

When the family's friend, Stephen, managed to find him... Well, his dependency shifted quite a little bit.

Past Life

Like I said before, he was the youngest child of his family and that was that. He was the youngest, and therefore, one of the weakest, but he had a fire in his heart and he didn't go down without a fight when it came to his siblings. Other than that, you know, quite quiet and all. He was a good kid and worked hard at school, and he could take care of himself just about, but was very reliant on others. There were people that he clung onto here and there, don't get me wrong, some of them were family, some of them weren't, but that didn't mean that he was completely incapable. He was actually quite an interesting little guy, really, but occasionally just needed that helping hand, you know what I mean?

It all seemed easy-flowing for a good long while, but of course, something big happened, and that was the outbreak - The happy days of school and such all came to a plummeting end, and he was left fighting for himself. It wasn't an easy run, but he was managing. Sort of. Of course, there was the feeling of impending doom when he was sitting in a cupboard and silently crying his eyes out, waiting for someone to help him. Thankfully when Stephen found him, the gore that was left downstairs was shielded from his innocent eyes, but he knew that something bad had happened because of the screaming, he just plain knew it.

Life on the road wasn't easy, and life in the city was even harder. It felt like there was no way in, no way out, and things were getting dire. When they met Marco, well, Lewis was a fan almost immediately. The others didn't really know what he saw in him, but... Lewis did.

He just didn't quite know what to call it, that was all.

Theme Song

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday


- Some coloring books

- A set of crayons

- Three regular books (Children's books)

- One kids' water bottle (empty)

- A pair of kids' sunglasses

Preferred Group

Group Three

Umm... only thing here I found kind of... weird... ^^; ...is that Jack has the exact same last name as Sam...? Didn't know if that was intentional or not, but yeah =P

@JackMonroe Umm... well, Jack is already with/talking with Group One, so...

However, you can make another character to be in Group Three, if you want ^^ (It would be great if it wasn't a boy, though; we have way too many =P)
Oh, I am an idiot.

I changed the last name because I didn't like it, and I changed it to that without realizing. I do apologize. I'll edit it xD @ThatOneCrazyPerson

@ThatOneCrazyPerson - Right, that's been changed now xD Sorry about that. Other than that, all good? :P
DrTrollinski said:


Marco (Mark) Ward


Age: 34



Previous Occupation:
'Bodyguard' for Hire

Family Members:

- Father (Deceased, Murdered)

- Mother (Deceased, Suicide)

- Older Brother (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Younger Brother (Unknown)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Physically Fit

- Experienced in the use of rifles

- Trained in Unarmed and Blade Combat

- Works well Under Pressure

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a negative)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a negative)

- Willing to do what's needed

- Not Trusting (Can also be a negative)

- Doesn't fear death

- Can move about quietly

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily Angered

- Demanding

- Compulsive Liar

- Obsessive

- Demanding of Respect

- Control Freak

- Not Trusting (Can also be a positive)

- Somewhat Fearless (Can also be a positive)

- Shows care in odd places (Can also be a positive)

- Inexperienced with smaller firearms

- Secretly Depressed

- Sometimes becomes jealous of others

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Marcus is a man that doesn't like being told what to do, nor is he capable of processing requests and even the slightest of demands from other people. It's not common for him to warm up to anyone, but like listed above, the only way you can really know is through his strangely-placed and extremely rare care that he may show in certain places or opportunities. He's not someone who had an easy past, but he's more than capable of getting into an argument if it's provoked. He's the hot-headed guy that will gladly stand his ground to anyone that steps up

to the task. He doesn't enjoy arguing, really, but the thing is that he's more than happy to do it. If there's something he doesn't agree on, there's a chance an argument would kick off. Obviously sometimes this is quite helpful, but others... Others it's just not helpful at all and leaves people stuck and thinking of what to do next rather than actually moving on.

After a troubled childhood, Mark gained a sense of fearlessness after several stressful experiences leading up to his teenage years. While the other kids were scared of the monsters under the bed, Mark wasn't scared at all, and he slept easy knowing that the monsters were the ones that walked by you on the street, the ones that served you your food in a fast food joint, the ones that rushed into an office every morning to work and make money. Those were the monsters. He realized that the monsters were just inside of us, and that's all there was to it. Sure, it wasn't the lightest of outlooks to have on things, but he believed that for the rest of his childhood days, teenage days, and even to now in his adult life.

After contemplating suicide on numerous occasions, he was able to happily say that being gone was a lot better than being around to see what you've become. But he's still waiting for that, he's hanging on, he's waiting for someone else to do it for him.

Past Life

Mark's past life wasn't an easy one, no, not at all, and he often found himself in the situation where he either wanted to be dead, or was so close to being there that he was scared to get out of bed in the morning. That was only when he was younger, though - As time went on, the fear went away, but the suicidal tendencies stayed with him and followed him around like heavy luggage. Don't get me wrong, not everything was bleak. His older brother was seven years older than him, and his sister was five years older than him, and there was a five year gap between himself and his younger brother. He descended from a large family that ran off of success and a lot of happiness, really. His father was a lawyer, a good one, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom who was happy to nurse and care for all her children while his dad was in court.

When he was five years old, not too long after his brother was born, his father was murdered - He was shot down on his way into the courthouse. The men who did it were never caught, and the family was torn apart. The older ones held it together, but he didn't. He had a bond with his father which just couldn't be broken in the slightest, and when someone so viciously snatched it away from him, he was just... He was a mess, he was a mess for a long time, for years, even, and that was that. Like I said, he slept easy at night (minus the nightmares about his father) because he knew who the real monsters were.

You would have thought that he was terrified to go near people, but no, now that he knew the truth he had no problem going near people; now that he knew them for what they were he was happy to walk by them in the street with a smile on his face. He knew what they'd done, he knew what they were capable of. Or at least he thought he did.

His one chance of making any form of recovery was quickly cut short when he was seven years old. His mother, whom of which was severely depressed and living in pretty much poverty after her husband left the world, ended up taking her own life. Thankfully, it wasn't done in the house, but that didn't mean anything. All of the children were heartbroken, the one person they had left was gone. She didn't even want that life with them, I think that's what upset them the most. Regardless, they had to go and live with their aunt and uncle on the West Coast.

As Mark grew up, his interest was taken up in something a little different. He loved weaponry, rifles, he loved everything. He could name any model of rifle if he saw it. His uncle would take him shooting, he had done from a young age, to relieve stress... And he was good at it. He loved it. Every time one shooting session ended, he couldn't wait for the next one to start. He was the strange kid that sat at the back of the class and kept to himself, nor did he get involved in group discussions or anything. He didn't want friends. He didn't need them.

After he left school... He fell into the 'bodyguard' job role.

The only issue was... He killed a lot more people on the job than you might have thought he would.

Need I say more?

Anyway, when he was rich, living with boats of guilt, and happily going out of his house once or twice every few months to take care of his work, he didn't know what to do with his life, but he knew that while he felt guilt, he felt happy, too. That was until everything hit him in the face again - The news reports, the manhunts, and finally, the outbreak. The outbreak saved him just as much as it ruined him. Thankfully... He had a lot of what he needed in his house.

Sadly, he lost his rifle.

And naturally, after being a lone wolf for the first half of it, he met up with three people that... Gave him a new lease on life, actually.

Theme Song

Through Glass - Stone Sour


- Colt M1911, Semi-Automatic, .45 caliber (3 bullets)

- Zippo lighter

- 13.5" U.S Military Tactical Bayonet (Found on soldier)

- Two cans of food

- One large bottle of water (2L)

- A box of matches (4 matches remaining)

- A small pair of binoculars

Preferred Group

Group Three


Stephen Walker


Age: 18



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Younger Brother (Deceased)

Jack Willis - Nephew - 12 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Protective

- Friendly

- Caring

- Will do anything for family/those he cares for

- Good with technology

- Logical

- Good team-worker

- Considerate of others

- Slightly experienced with smaller firearms

- Faster runner (he lost a lot of weight since the start of the outbreak)

- Can read people after knowing them for long enough

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Bad eyesight (unless he wears his glasses)

- Depressed

- Suffers from paranoia

- Struggles to sleep

- Often feels very hopeless

- Not trained in unarmed combat

- Not physically strong

- Despite being friendly, he has a short temper

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Has a constant feeling of immense guilt

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Stephen is a very... Different sort of individual. After many years of keeping to himself, he found the confidence to start being more sociable and such. And right after that, there came the outbreak - Fun, right? Anyway, he's a guy that cares more about family than anything else, so obviously, when he lost all his family, he was a mess. There was a risk of suicide, of course, but there were two places he checked before he made the choice. He checked the home of a close friend, and the house of his nephew. He found one person in each household, and of course, his morals with family and such only continued.

Although developing trust issues, generally, he's quite good at telling who people are and what they're capable of. Obviously this can't be an instant thing, and he took this trait from his father, who knew the signs of what showed how good or bad someone was. Stephen isn't the best example of a good human, but he does what he can. Generally, he's a very selfless person that doesn't usually put himself first. Just what he's used to, I guess. Still... He's a logical guy and does his best to keep calm in situations, and if worst comes to worst... His inability to sleep properly may be of some help, right?

Past Life

Originally born in England, he lived a happy life. He and every member of his family on both sides all lived in Lincoln in the middle of the country. They were lucky to be able to live there and all, and it was a happy life there up until he was fifteen. At fifteen, he wanted to make moves, they all did, and many people in his family had already managed to land jobs in the West coast of the USA. That was what set them up. They sold the houses, and it was a one-way non-stop flight all the way to their new home. It was a good place, and although it took them a while to set in, eventually life went back to normal, Stephen's friends were in love with the fact that he was British, and... Well, life was good.

Programming became a part of his life before he turned seventeen, and he was pretty good at that. I'm not saying that it was a second language to him or anything, but he could understand it and write it somewhat quickly. Life was good, though, having his whole family (minus the grandparents) out here. It felt like his usual home, just bigger, hotter, and with nicer housing. He was due to go to college once he graduated from high school, but obviously, the outbreak occurred and he lost everything right before his eyes. His family, gone one by one. From that, he's depressed, and suffers a lot of nightmares, but it's nothing that won't go away. I hope.

Generally, it was a good life, and he still does his best to enjoy what he has. The first person he managed to find was his nephew, and he thankfully hadn't suffered the same fate as everyone else. He got him out of there as quick as he could, and then went to the next nearest person's house, where he found his friend's son hidden in the closet. He didn't know what else to do, but he piled them into his car after loading up every single supply that he could, and that was that. They were on the road.

On the road to nowhere, of course, they nearly ran a man over amidst the chaos, and naturally, Stephen let him in without hesitation, and that was when they met Marco. What they didn't know was that they were going to get trapped in the city.

And now... Here we are.

Theme Song

What It's Like - Everlast


- .32 revolver (two bullets)

- Pocket knife

- Four cans of food

- Three bottles of water

- A bottle of scotch

- A pair of glasses

- A glasses cleaning cloth

- A bottle of Tylenol

- A box of over-the-counter painkillers

Preferred Group

Group Three


Jack Briggs


Age: Recently turned 12



Previous Occupation:

Family Members:

Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Older Brother (Deceased)

Older Sister (Deceased)

Younger Sister (Deceased)

Uncle - Stephen - 18 (Alive, travelling with him)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Friendly

- Caring

- Selfless

- Fast runner

- Physically fit

- Motivational

- Knows how to shoot, but not accurately

- Can move around quietly

- Small; can squeeze through tighter spaces

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Suffers from a lot of nightmares

- Quite dependent on others

- Not an accurate shooter

- Not physically strong

- Quite anxious

- Fearful

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Outgoing but also quite anxious describes him quite well - He's a helpful kid who knows how to motivate people pretty well. Of course, after what happened on the outbreak, he went through some changes that had left him a little bit worse off than before, but you get the idea. He gets a lot of nightmares nowadays, so he's just thankful that he has people around to help him out and pull him through it - He helps out others quite a lot, though, Stephen more than anything. He and his family were one of the families that had gotten up and gone on over to America to live there. Keeping the family together and all, right? He liked it in America, and he had been before, so I guess that was always a good start.

Generally, he's a very friendly individual that seems to know when to say the right things, and doesn't want to wrong anyone. In Stephen's experience, he'd caused no one any trouble so I suppose that was kind of good news. He's intelligent, he knows right and wrong, and he knows when something has made a difference more than anything. Helping out is one thing that he's good at, I tell you that much. The motivation and inspiration that he naturally gives just... Helps a lot of people, believe me on that.

Past Life

Much like Stephen, he was originally born in England but moved over to the West Coast of the USA when he was about nine. The change wasn't all that easy but it wasn't all that bad, either, and thanks to the big family that they had going on for them, the support and all that was great. There were some things in the US that was different to living in the UK, but you know, they got over it, they all did, and Jack did too. It was almost like a fantasy life on the west coast, with a big house and a nice place to lay his head. I think they all enjoyed it, and over the course of the few years that they grew up there, their accents morphed. Yep, they sounded like they were never from anywhere else. Of course, the accents came through here and there with an odd word, but generally, it had changed.

Don't get me wrong, life was good. It wasn't something that anyone, and definitely not Jack, wanted to complain about. It was all going well, but then the whole outbreak happened, and Jack, Stephen, and everyone else in their posse had lost everything. When all you had was each other, things got desperate, and even so many months after everything had happened, the nightmares didn't let up. They were all grateful that they had someone and something to rely and lean on, though, because where would they be without that?

Jack wasn't such a fan of Marco, but that was one of the many things that they were going to have to deal with and all. It was something that happened, and whatever that something was was keeping them alive. I suppose that moving on was just a big part of things, but it was hard to move on when you were stuck in a city, a concrete jungle, a place where you imagined that no man would get out.

Cutting through here from modern suburbia was a bad idea.

Theme Song

The Scientist - Coldplay


- Five books; fictional

- A box of matches (full)

- A cheap plastic lighter

- A nail hammer

- A box of nails (mostly full)

- A cheap flashlight

Preferred Group

Group Three


Lewis Griffin


Age: 6


Previous Occupation:
1st Grader

Family Members:

- Mother (Deceased)

- Father (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Older Sister (Deceased)

- Brother (Deceased)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Confident (with people he knows, of course)

- Happy

- Talkative

- Can move about quietly

- Small; can squeeze through/into tighter spaces

- Due to his size, he is less visible when hiding

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Easily frightened

- Very dependent on others

- Not able to defend himself in any way

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Lewis is a friendly little guy that would gladly chat away to you for hours on end if you knew him well enough. He's the sort of kid that you need to warm up to before you can consider yourself a friend of his, but overall, he's a kid that would put a smile on your face no matter what. He has all the traits - Shaggy hair, nice eyes, a cheesy grin, and generally, a mood that can leave you smiling like a fool for a good few minutes. He was a great kid, one that was just playful and enjoyed being part of things, and he was definitely a kid that didn't deserve the hell he was being put through, I tell you that.

He's so easily scared nowadays thanks to everything that happened in the outbreak. He hid upstairs in a closet while his whole family was torn to pieces. He was sort of used to being the underdog seeing as he was the youngest in the family (his brother was a month older than him; born by a different mother), and his sisters, well, one was a few years older, and the other was nearly six years older, so there you go. He was happy with them, though, and the only reason he hid was because someone downstairs had screamed for him to do so. He needed to be hidden away, and so he was.

When the family's friend, Stephen, managed to find him... Well, his dependency shifted quite a little bit.

Past Life

Like I said before, he was the youngest child of his family and that was that. He was the youngest, and therefore, one of the weakest, but he had a fire in his heart and he didn't go down without a fight when it came to his siblings. Other than that, you know, quite quiet and all. He was a good kid and worked hard at school, and he could take care of himself just about, but was very reliant on others. There were people that he clung onto here and there, don't get me wrong, some of them were family, some of them weren't, but that didn't mean that he was completely incapable. He was actually quite an interesting little guy, really, but occasionally just needed that helping hand, you know what I mean?

It all seemed easy-flowing for a good long while, but of course, something big happened, and that was the outbreak - The happy days of school and such all came to a plummeting end, and he was left fighting for himself. It wasn't an easy run, but he was managing. Sort of. Of course, there was the feeling of impending doom when he was sitting in a cupboard and silently crying his eyes out, waiting for someone to help him. Thankfully when Stephen found him, the gore that was left downstairs was shielded from his innocent eyes, but he knew that something bad had happened because of the screaming, he just plain knew it.

Life on the road wasn't easy, and life in the city was even harder. It felt like there was no way in, no way out, and things were getting dire. When they met Marco, well, Lewis was a fan almost immediately. The others didn't really know what he saw in him, but... Lewis did.

He just didn't quite know what to call it, that was all.

Theme Song

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday


- Some coloring books

- A set of crayons

- Three regular books (Children's books)

- One kids' water bottle (empty)

- A pair of kids' sunglasses

Preferred Group

Group Three

Lol it's okay; no worries! All accepted! (I'll put up a starter post once I read through all these messages I've been left with O_O xD )


Padrig O'Connor


Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Farmer

Family Members:

Sabrina Sommers - Soon-to-be wife (21) - Alive

Johnny O'Connor - Brother (17) - Alive, though doesn't know

Liam O'Connor - Father (49) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Kassidy O'Connor - Mother (48) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Knows how to handle a gun

- Joyful

- Selfless

- Fast

- In-love (Can be negative)

- Overly c
aring (Can be negative)

- Average-intelligence (Can be negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Loud

- Bad back

- Loves his alcohol

- In-love (Can be positive)

- Overly caring (Can be positive)

- Average-intelligence (Can be positive)

[=] Neutral Traits [=]

- Musically talented

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Padrig was a very kind and respectable human-being, everyone he met almost loved him immediately. He was never very smart, in fact he never went to school. Just goes to show that intelligence doesn't make you an extremely lovable person. Due to his life as a farmer, he developed many traits as a result of this. Handling a gun was a must on the farm and being fast was also a benefit when he needed to catch the runaway chickens among other things.

Since he is from Ireland, he's loud and sometimes doesn't realize it. It's extremely common to be loud around the dinner table in Ireland, along with a weakness to alcohol. He isn't a drunkard, but he gets drunk very easily, and it's hard to keep him away from a bottle if he sees it.

Past Life

Padrig never went to school as a child, he grew up entirely on a farm in Ireland. Everything he knew, well most of what he knew, was based around farm antics. How to milk a cow, where the grain goes, how to make butter, along with many other common-day tasks around a farm.

On a trip to the market one day to sell farm produce, he saw a beautiful American woman. Immediately, he began to court her and sparks flew instantly. She was here studying abroad from an American College, and she wouldn't be there longer than a few months. They spent almost the entirety of her time there, whenever possible, together. She grew to love the family, and the family loved her.

When the inevitable departure came, he was saddened. He believed he was in love with her, but they managed to keep in contact. Eventually, she flew out there for a week about a year or two later, and he asked her to marry him on the spot after a romantic evening. Of course she had said yes, and they planned to have it in America rather than Ireland, a surprise choice by the bride.

Two weeks before the wedding, he flew out to surprise her and get ready, along with meeting the family for the first time and other first-time visit shenanigans. She lived in a city, which was very unfamiliar to him. However, flights were being cancelled to and from America. A plague had broken out, and airlines were shut down.

He loved his family to death, they meant so much to him. When the world changed, he was devastated when he couldn't see his family, but he did have his almost-wife.

Theme Song

Johnny Jump Up - Gaelic Storm



Winchester M1400 Semi-automatic Shotgun

8 Shotgun Shells


2 Loaves of Bread

11 Granola Bars

2 Cans of beans

4 Cans of Vegetables

Preferred Group

Group 3

(Will probably make another, just busy at the current moment!)
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="The Jest]


Padrig O'Connor


Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Occupation: Farmer

Family Members:

TBA - Soon-to-be wife (TBA) - Alive

Johnny O'Connor - Brother (17) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Liam O'Connor - Father (49) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland

Kassidy O'Connor - Mother (48) - Unknown, assumed in Ireland


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Knows how to handle a gun

- Joyful

- Selfless

- Fast

- In-love (Can be negative)

- Overly c
aring (Can be negative)

- Average-intelligence (Can be negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Loud

- Bad back

- Loves his alcohol

- In-love (Can be positive)

- Overly caring (Can be positive)

- Average-intelligence (Can be positive)

[=] Neutral Traits [=]

- Musically talented

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Padrig was a very kind and respectable human-being, everyone he met almost loved him immediately. He was never very smart, in fact he never went to school. Just goes to show that intelligence doesn't make you an extremely lovable person. Due to his life as a farmer, he developed many traits as a result of this. Handling a gun was a must on the farm and being fast was also a benefit when he needed to catch the runaway chickens among other things.

Since he is from Ireland, he's loud and sometimes doesn't realize it. It's extremely common to be loud around the dinner table in Ireland, along with a weakness to alcohol. He isn't a drunkard, but he gets drunk very easily, and it's hard to keep him away from a bottle if he sees it.

Past Life

Padrig never went to school as a child, he grew up entirely on a farm in Ireland. Everything he knew, well most of what he knew, was based around farm antics. How to milk a cow, where the grain goes, how to make butter, along with many other common-day tasks around a farm.

On a trip to the market one day to sell farm produce, he saw a beautiful American woman. Immediately, he began to court her and sparks flew instantly. She was here studying abroad from an American College, and she wouldn't be there longer than a few months. They spent almost the entirety of her time there, whenever possible, together. She grew to love the family, and the family loved her.

When the inevitable departure came, he was saddened. He believed he was in love with her, but they managed to keep in contact. Eventually, she flew out there for a week about a year or two later, and he asked her to marry him on the spot after a romantic evening. Of course she had said yes, and they planned to have it in America rather than Ireland, a surprise choice by the bride.

Two weeks before the wedding, he flew out to surprise her and get ready, along with meeting the family for the first time and other first-time visit shenanigans. She lived in a city, which was very unfamiliar to him. However, flights were being cancelled to and from America. A plague had broken out, and airlines were shut down.

He loved his family to death, they meant so much to him. When the world changed, he was devastated when he couldn't see his family, but he did have his almost-wife.

Theme Song

Johnny Jump Up - Gaelic Storm



Winchester M1400 Semi-automatic Shotgun

8 Shotgun Shells


2 Loaves of Bread

11 Granola Bars

2 Cans of beans

4 Cans of Vegetables

Preferred Group

Group 3

(Will probably make another, just busy at the current moment!)

Accepted! Another Ireland-ee! ^^
PopcornandCaramel said:
I love this international mix we've got.
I know, it's great. I wanted to mix it up a bit myself, which is why two of my most recent characters are originally from England. I've never really seen people go beyond American in a lot of group RP's, so this is great xD
I've seen people do it, but it's tricky cause you can easily make mistakes if you don't research the way they talk, or daily habits that are different than Americans.

I'm a little obsessed with the English right now. I just finished watching the UK version of Being Human. @_@

I'm English myself, so I'm on safe grounds, and I've met people from Lincolnshire (where Jack and Stephen are from) so I've got it covered xD

I don't push boundaries unless I know what I'm doing, so have no fear :P @PopcornandCaramel

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