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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP - Currently Not Accepting Any More Characters]

Group One - On City Outskirts

"I spotted a pack of them in the forest," the first guy told them, already ushering the group away from where the small horde had come from. 'Jackson' was facing that way, gun at the ready. The younger guy was as well, though he spared a glance back at Reid. "Can the littlest one run?" he asked.

There it was. The question he'd been dreading. Of course they had to run. Why wouldn't luck want to screw with him?

Reid nodded. "Yeah, I guess," he said, moving to put Weston on the ground. "But not as fast as us." He lowered his voice. "How many? There can't be so many that we can't take them." As stupid as Reid knew the question was, he had to exhaust all options before getting desperate.

Meanwhile, Weston stared up at the stranger, hand finding his way to his mouth yet again. "D'bad guys're comin'...?" he asked quietly, taking a step closer to Reid's side. "R'you gonna beat 'em up...?" The tiny voice was almost a whisper now, wavering on silence. Reid shot his brother a worried look. then directed it at the young guy, then back at Weston again.

"It's gonna be okay, buddy," he insisted, patting the toddler's shoulder before looking back up at the stranger.

(( @The Jest ))
Luke noticed the boy's worried look, along with the little kid's whisper, or so it seemed it was. He was about to open his mouth, when the pack he saw earlier came out of the woods. I guess they did take notice of Luke earlier.

Jackson aims his gun and starts backing up in a hurry. "NO TIME TO WORRY, WE HAVE TO RUN!" he yelled at them, very authoritatively.

Luke sheathed his bow onto his back and ran to pick-up the youngest one. "You have to trust me, these things are fast. If he can't run as fast as us, he'll be eaten, and you're fatigued enough as it is. We have to go. Now." Luke picked up Weston, regardless of the thoughts any of the three children had to say, and ran forward.

Jackson shot a few bullets at the heads of the nearest ones, hitting each one of them, but he didn't have enough ammo for all of them. He turned and faced forward while putting away his gun. Keeping his pace behind everyone else, he thought: I can't let a child die because of me, goddamnit.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
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Group One - On City Outskirts

Before the young guy could respond, Jackson started yelling. "No time to worry," he cried, "we have to run!" The young guy quickly put away his bow, before grabbing Weston.

"Ah!" the toddler cried, and Reid was about to punch the guy straight in the face, until he explained himself. "You have to trust me," the man said. "These things are fast. If he can't run as fast as us, he'll be eaten, and you're fatigued enough as it is." Reid stared him down, then bit his lip. "We have to go," the guy repeated. "Now."

In any other situation, Reid would have taken his brother and sister, and just booked it. But this was life or death here. And they had no better options. So he sighed, nodding, though never taking his eyes off of the guy. "Fine," he managed through gritted teeth, "but if you lay so much as a finger on him, I'll kill you." Allie shivered from behind him.

The guy snatched the youngest boy up, and raced forward, away from the approaching horde, and Reid followed, Allie's frail hand ensnared in his larger one. Jackson shot a few rounds back over his shoulder, actually hitting a few of the Runners. Reid really hoped these guys weren't bandits. Luck had already given him his share today getting out of the city, so if they were, it really wouldn't surprise him.

"Where are we going?!" Allie called suddenly, and Reid wasn't sure if she was talking to him, Jackson, or the other guy. "Won't they follow us?!"

(( @The Jest ))
"They'll dial down eventually, plus they aren't as fast as us." Jackson said, gaining a very slight distance away from the pack behind them with each step. "We just need a place to hold up in, but I don't seem to see anything."

The group ran a little ways until the pack started to die down behind them, and it was obvious that the endurance of some people was slowly decreasing, but eventually they managed to get away. They came to a stop, and Jackson pointed his gun towards the rear in case any of them were lurking slowly behind, but he couldn't hear anything other than the panting of the group.

Luke looked all around the area, making sure it was safe to put down the kid. When Jackson finally lowered his gun, Luke did the same with the boy.

"Luckily, they died off fairly quickly. We didn't find shelter, which sucks, but at least we got away." He looks over at Reid, "I know you seemed upset when I picked up your little brother, but it had to be done."
Group One - Middle of Nowhere

"They'll dial down eventually," Jackson called back. "Plus, they aren't as fast as us!"

Allie nodded, though upon realizing he might not be able to see it, she called, "Okay!"

"We just need a place to hold up in," Jackson continued, and Reid had to agree, "but I don't seem to see anything." They needed to find shelter before dark; who knew what kind of stuff lurked in the dark. These creeps probably had night vision, for all he knew. And that would not be good.

They ran for some time, and it was obvious they were all growing tired. Reid spared himself a glance behind, and noted with relief that the Runners were no longer there. They stopped then, Jackson whirling to point his gun at the way they had come, just to be safe. After a moment of silence, he lowered the gun, and the young guy put Weston down, who quickly scrambled back to Reid and Allie's side.

"Luckily, they died off fairly quickly," the young guy panted. Reid wanted to call him out for making them run so far then, but he was too out of breath to do it. "We didn't find shelter, which sucks, but at least we got away." The guy stared at Reid. "I know you seemed upset when I picked up your little brother," he said quietly, "but it had to be done."

"It's okay," the teen sighed, rubbing said little brother's shoulder. "I understand." He paused, then offered a weak, breathless, half-smile. "...Thanks. We might not have gotten away if not for you-- both of you." He gestured to himself, then his sister, and then his brother. "I'm Reid. This is Allie, and that's Weston." Then he nodded his head in their direction. "Who are you?"

(( @The Jest ))
While still catching his breath, just sort of listened when Reid began to speak. Well at least he understands that I had to do it.

Luke, now with his breath caught, saw the older one begin to smile and say "...Thanks. We might not have gotten away if not for you-- both of you."

"Awe," Luke said, in a sarcastic-like tone. "See, you do like us." Jackson grunted after Luke had said that, though he cracked a slight smile at the side of his face.

Reid had gestured to each one of the kids respectively. "I'm Reid. This is Allie, and that's Weston." Luke began to kneel down to the younger one's height, but heard Reid's voice "Who are you?"

"Ah, right. We never told you our names! I'm Luke," he said, placing his hand on his chest and acting as an angel, then points to Jackson and says "And that bloke over there is Jackson."

"Yeah, a bloke that saved your life, now twice."

"Yeesh, who's keeping score anymore?" Luke said, sarcastically, noting to himself that he had to save Jackson at least two more times. Jackson began to look around as Luke was talking, and eventually said "It's getting late, we need to find somewhere to stay the night."
Group One - Middle of Nowhere

"Aw," the first guy mocked, smirking sarcastically. "See? You do like us." Reid frowned a little at that, but it managed to morph into a roll-of-the-eyes smile. At his prodding of who they were, the young guy perked up. "Ah, right," he realized. "We never told you our names! I'm Luke," he said, folding his hands over his chest as if in prayer, and giving off the impression of a priest or angel. Then he pointed to the older man, saying, "And that bloke over there is Jackson."

Jackson was not impressed. "Yeah, a bloke that saved your life, now twice," he frowned, but Luke didn't seem to care.

"Yeesh, who's keeping score anymore?" he asked rhetorically, and Reid was about to say something when Jackson, who had been examining their surroundings, suddenly spoke again.

"It's getting late," he said, and Reid nodded. "We need to find somewhere to stay the night."

"Yeah," the teen agreed. "But if we can't, we can always make a camp. I don't know how much longer we can keep walking." He shot a quick, inconspicuous look at his siblings as he said the last bit. "Besides, out of the city, there aren't a lot of people. ...Except on the other side of the city, but that's gotta be miles away, and I don't think anyone wants to have to go through there, especially at night."

"Like camping...?" Allie asked quietly. "That used to be fun..."

(( @The Jest ))
After hearing Reid talk about making a camp, Jackson let him finish his thoughts which ended with "I don't think anyone wants to have to go through there, especially at night."

"I wouldn't," Jackson said, to which Luke seemed to agree. "A camp could work, though I don't know if we have much to work with."

"And fires are out of the question," Luke chimed in. "Those things are attracted to it. Whether it's the light or the crackling sounds, I don't know. Hell, it could be both for all I know."

Jackson started looking around for anything that could keep their body heat controlled in something, but he came up empty. Luke suggested finding a stable branch to sleep on, but not everyone was as nature-adept as he was.

"We should at least look a little bit longer for some sort of shelter." Jackson suggested.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
Group One - Middle of Nowhere

"I wouldn't,"Jackson agreed. "A camp could work, though I don't know if we have much to work with."

"And fires are out of the question," Luke added quickly. "Those things are attracted to it. Whether it's the light or the crackling sounds, I don't know. Hell, it could be both for all I know."

Reid nodded, contemplating the newfound information. "Right, okay." Meanwhile, Jackson and Luke began searching around for suitable places to rest. Reid wanted to help, but he'd be damned if he left Allie and Weston alone. Even still, he made the two help as well as they could. In the end, though, they all came up empty.

"We should at least look a little bit longer for some sort of shelter," Jackson sighed.

"I guess we don't really have any other options," Reid admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "Which way should we go?"

(( @The Jest ))
When the group was trying to find a way to go, Luke climbed a nearby try to get a better vantage point. When he reached a stable branch, he perched himself there, looking every direction other than the way they had came. Obviously they couldn't go back that way.

"Luckily, I don't see any runners in any direction," he said enthusiastically but his tone reached a stark change when the next part came out. "But every way looks exactly the same; it's a gamble."

Jackson scratched the back of his head. Shit. He can probably see pretty far up there, too, and the little ones are definitely out of energy. Reluctantly, Jackson reaches inside his backpack and takes a granola bar and breaks it in half, handing Allie and Weston each of the halves. "We need to keep looking for a place to stay, okay? We'll search as far as you guys can go."

The older man looks towards Reid, since at the moment Luke was still in the tree, "Reid and Luke, are you guys able to make it further without eating?"

Luke hops down from the tree after making it a little ways down the trunk, and nods. "I can make it, doesn't mean I'm not hungry as hell. All that running definitely didn't help, either."

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
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Archie's trust issues were a little less 'typical to teenagers' and more typical to people who's father left them, and who'd been betrayed by a group who only wanted them for his supplies. He couldn't trust people easily anymore, because anyone could just be the next person to walk away and leave them. But, anyway, anyway.

"A bed... God, I hope there's enough in there for all of us." He sighed, and looked at Ivy. The two of them would probably share a bed, to make things easier, but who knew. There might only be one in that place, and then a couch, and Archie was going to insist that someone else took them, Vivian definitely as she was pregnant, and then perhaps the youngest girl, or something.

Ivy smiled at him slightly before looking back at Vivian. "So... How far along are you?" She asked, and Archie looked at her for a moment before walking away. not too far away, but just far enough for him to inspect the area, and feel like he was doing something useful.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
Jack Monroe, Near Group One

A shadowy figure stalked out of the fog, in his hand a bloody axe. Every step was followed by a loud crunch, the loosely packed gravel road giving away his presence. In the thick shrouded air, he spotted a derelict gas station, changing his direction to explore the inside. Jack walked up to one of the gas dispensers, pulling out the nozzle and triggering it, no fuel pouring out of the end. It was empty. He realized he had to activate it inside.

Jack walked through the empty parking lot, carefully opening the creaking door and stepping inside. The store was torn apart and picked clean. Maybe he still had the chance to activate some gas to siphon. He ducked into the cashier's desk, seeing a red switch with a piece of tape over it, previously written on but too blurred and faded to read. Jack would simply have to take a chance. He hesitantly hit the switch, and almost doubled back by the sudden noise and imagery.

"Have yourself...a merry, little Christmas..." The intercom blasted through the silent day, vivid red and green Christmas lights activating outside and flashing.

"Shit." Jack muttered, hitting the switch to no avail. The music and lights would not turn off. His heart dropped into his stomach when he saw approaching zombies stumble out of the fog, attracted by the sudden noise that could be evidently heard for miles.
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When Ivy asked about how far along she was, Vivian didn't seem to mind answering. "Eight Months. Its a girl." She smiled, still cradling her stomach. Considering all that was going on around her, Vivian felt that she chose the worst time around to get pregnant. However, she didn't make eye-contact with Ivy, still looking where her unborn child was resting. A look of discomfort hit her face as she sighed, still holding her stomach...As if it hurt. Well, the baby was getting heavier, that's for sure. Who knows how much longer she can stay on the road. Because it was starting to get tough.

Archie raised his eyebrows. Great, a baby that was due soon, and most babies weren't exactly at their nine month mark, so what if it was early? They'd have to deal with a woman giving birth if they stayed with this group. Yay to the miracle of life an' all, but you know, having a woman that could scream her head off in labour, and then a child to feed and keep healthy, well, that was real risky business, and Archie really didn't want the responsibility. Sadly, his sister was happy with all of this, and so she grinned widely and nodded her head.

"That's so cool. You probably shouldn't be walking around this much though, it's probably really difficult, right?" She asked, smiling. "Have you ever thought about like, finding a house and staying there for a while? Just while you're this close to birth I mean. Like here, you could just stay here for ages and like get someone to tend to the crops while you give birth or somethin'."

"Staying in one place too long isn't really safe, is it?" Archie asked, unamused, from where he was stood.

"Maybe not." She shrugged, and then turned to look at Vivian again. "So, like, are you headed anywhere? Like we're looking for our mom." She smiled. Archie sighed at the mention of her. God, he didn't want to hear about his mother anymore. She was dead, he knew it deep down, she was either dead or infected and left behind in the city. He had no hope, and he wished that Ivy wouldn't either.

(( @Shimakage Thunder @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
"Let your heart...be light..."

Jack ran to the window, watching the zombies approach. He counted six. Two women, four men. Luckily enough, they were still all in the clicking stage. He didn't have the risk of being given the virus or being outrun by the beginners.

"From now on...our troubles will be out...of sight..."

He was fast enough. He could outrun them. But if one got too close, using a pistol in an already populated area meant certain death to him. He needed to put as much distance between the blaring gas station and himself. He opened the door, running out into the parking lot before the thick of the approaching zombies made it too difficult to escape.

"Have yourself...a merry, little Christmas..."

The noise to describe the axe being buried into the head of a chattering corpse as Jack burst out of the door would be described as a thunk, pressing his boot against the torso of the monster and using it as leverage to yank the steel blade back out. He then moved on, not needing to attack any more of the beasts after closing enough space between them and himself. As he briskly walked away from the station, the fog ahead of him was lit up with flickering reds and greens, the light of the still running generators casting vivid color on all in front and behind him.

Group One - Middle of Nowhere

During their searching, Luke went out of his way to scale a nearby tree. While Reid and Allie continued trying to spy out shelter similarly, Weston simply stared up at the acquaintance from the foot of the tree, his hand yet again in his mouth.

"Luckily," the older teen called from his vantage point, "I don't see any runners in any direction." Reid and Allie both let out a sigh of relief at that, but their pleased demeanor quickly evaporated upon his next sentence. "But every way looks exactly the same; it's a gamble."

"Crap," Reid muttered, rubbing his hands together. As the sun went down, so did the warmth. Meanwhile, Jackson had produced a granola bar from his bag, and had handed it to the two smaller Fields before Reid could protest. They had their own food, but he decided it was a little too late as Weston shoved the thing in his mouth.

"Fank'oo!" the smallest boy managed, followed by a less muffled "Yeah, thank you," and a small smile from Allie.

"We need to keep looking for a place to stay, okay?" Jackson said, and the three kids all nodded. "We'll search as far as you guys can go."

"I c'n go real far! M'not tired," Weston declared, though was quickly contradicted by a large yawn.

"Reid and Luke," Jackson continued, "are you guys able to make it further without eating?"

Reid nodded, as Luke hopped down from his perch. "I can make it," the latter said. "Doesn't mean I'm not hungry as hell. All that running definitely didn't help, either."

"I'm fine," Reid agreed, "but yeah, we all are going to need some food eventually." Suddenly, from far off in the distance, a bunch of lights sprang to life, as well as blaring music... was that...?

"Christmas music?" Allie mumbled to herself, turned that way as well. "Why's Christmas music playing? It's past Christmas already..." Reid glanced at Luke and Jackson, half hoping one of them would have a clue, though he doubted it.

"Infected?" the teen suggested. "They might have triggered whatever's over there."

"Or maybe it's a person!" Allie gasped. "What if they're in trouble?!"

((I'll put up the Group Two post in a sec; my laptop has to restart ^^ ;) )
"Yeah, it can get pretty difficult. I can't even run anymore. Being sneaky is pretty difficult. Sure, all the traveling can get pretty tough, but I would do anything for my baby to be safe. I mean, I already lost my Husband to those...Things." She answered but slowly became a little bitter, especially when she brought up her dead spouse, whom she killed.

Unlike Archie, at least Ivy was friendly. Sure, she and Carrie didn't like each other very much at first, but they warmed up to each other. She would lose her train of thought when she felt the baby kick her hand. "Oh...It kicked." she mused.
Luke and Jackson both turned towards the music and lights, almost exactly at the same time. The two, though seeming incompatible at first, definitely have similar qualities about them.

"Christmas music? Why's Christmas music playing? It's past Christmas already..." came from the little one's mouth, followed by Reid with a glance towards them. Jackson shook his head, and Luke shrugged his arms, "Dunno."

The youthful one of the pair thought what Reid said: "Infected?" Though he quickly disbanded the idea in his mind, Reid continued "They might have triggered what's over there."

"Or maybe it's a person! What if they're in trouble?!" Allie spoke, which prompted Luke to kneel down to her level. "You can't trust people like you used to, Allie," He shoots a look at Jackson, who wasn't paying attention to him, his focus was on the lights, "though there might be a few good souls out there," he returned to Allie, "you just can't fully trust someone like before." Luke sort of looked down at the ground after saying that.

The group seemed confused, unsure of exactly what to do. It could be a person, though who's able to tell if they're a "good" one, or it could be a bunch of runners that were attracted to the sound. In reality, no one knew what the better scenario was, or whether it was even worth it to check it out. It was mostly silent, with a few mumbles here and there debating what the right the to do was, but eventually Jackson looked up and was about to speak, then he noticed Luke was gone!

"Luke!" He called out. "The hell did that kid go?!" Jackson looked towards the lights, "Oh son of a bitch, he went to check it out?!"

He was about to run after him, but he couldn't just leave the kids behind. "That kid is too damn smart for his own good, he could get killed."

Luke was running towards the noise and the flashing lights. He noticed the sky was losing it's brilliance, and that darkness was starting to invade the daylight. While running, he noticed the runners ahead of him were all attracted to the noise. He climbed a tree, looking to get a better view of what was going on. In the distance, he saw the gas station and a man fumble his way into getting out of there, which he managed to do, or so it seemed.

As he got closer, Luke aimed his bow and arrow at the man, but more seemed to be coming.
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Group One - Middle of Nowhere

Luke knelt down next to Allie, and Reid couldn't help but tense, before realizing it was okay. "You can't trust people like you used to, Allie," the older teen said, stealing a glance back at Jackson, who was still staring at the ruckus, "though there might be a few good souls out there, but you just can't fully trust someone like before."

Reid fidgeted. It didn't feel right, having Luke giving her this spiel. That was his job; she was his sister. Half of him just wanted to say that, but he shook the thoughts away. Luke didn't mean any harm; he was just trying to help. So against his inner self, he kept his mouth shut.

Meanwhile, Allie's eyes were wide. "...O-okay..." she mumbled quietly, though moving closer to Reid, who noted that with silence satisfaction. "So... I can't trust you..?" she asked, her small mouth forming an even smaller smirk. 'Atta girl,' Reid thought, smirking himself. After a few moments of silent contemplation of what to do next, Jackson's (extremely loud) voice pierced through the kids' thoughts.

"Luke!" the older man called, and it was then that they realized the younger man was missing. "The hell did that kid go?!" All four of the group members turned towards the lights, almost as if it was planned. "Oh son of a bitch," Jackson cried, "he went to check it out?!"

Reid cringed at all the swearing (there were kids around, for goodness sake!), but he figured most of it was justified. The two were friends, and if Weston or Allie had gone missing, he'd probably have been swearing too.

"That kid is too damn smart for his own good," Jackson continued. "He could get killed."

"We've gotta go after him," Reid said, giving Jackson a serious look and taking his siblings' hands.

(( @The Jest ))

Group Two - Outside of Cabin

After a few moments, Amelia followed, while January shot Carrie a glare. The veteran shrugged to herself. 'Get used to it, kid,' she thought, 'being a teenager sucks.' She moved to the front of the cabin, slowly making her way up the creaky steps. She crept to the window to the right, which ('damn it') was boarded up. Luckily, though, there were still some cracks in between.

It was pretty dark inside, save for one light, off from the left. Carrie figured it was from a lamp or something, and if it was, then this place had electricity, at least. There was no movement at all inside, and she wasn't sure if that would be considered a good thing or not. "Looks abandoned," she muttered to Amelia, "but there's a light on, so I could be wrong." She straightened, and glanced around, before spotting an window on the upper floor. "Wood looks weak up there," she said, before turning to the hunter. "We could probably get in there with minimal detection."

She crossed her arms. "I think you're lighter. I could boost you up, then you could help me. ...Sound good?"

(( @Corgi ))
Jackson, slightly shocked at what he just heard Reid say, "We've gotta go after him."

I guess Luke's got a habit of making people his friends, he thought. Though, Jackson didn't want to put the kids in harm. "Is that the best idea? There's no telling what's up ahead, you know." He could see Reid had no intention of backing down from his stance, it looked like they were going to find Luke.

"We'll try to look for him, but stay back unless he absolutely needs our help. I don't know what's up there," he looks to the kids, "and we can't take a lot of risks now." He heads forward.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
Group One - Middle of Nowhere

"Is that the best idea?" Jackson asked, not looking convinced. "There's no telling what's up ahead, you know."

Reid hesitated. Jackson was right; there could be anything over there. And bringing Allie and Weston into harm's way was something he did not want to do. But then... Luke had saved Weston's life, and he considered him at least a brother in arms, if not a friend. A fellow survivor. He couldn't just let the guy get killed. And he wasn't going to let Jackson go by himself. Damn it; life was hard.

Before he could respond though, it seemed he had made up Jackson's mind. "We'll try to look for him," the man decided, "but stay back unless he absolutely needs our help. I don't know what's up there" --he stole a glance at the kids-- "and we can't take a lot of risks now."

Reid nodded, snatching Weston up in his arms and retaking Allie's hand. "Sounds good," he said, then turned to his siblings. "You two stay close to me, and if I go ahead, you stay back. Got it?"

The youngest two both nodded. "'Kay," they said in unison, though they both looked more than a little frightened. Damn it; life was hard.

"I'll follow you," Reid said. He felt like a coward, but in his defense, he was still just a kid, barely into his second year of highschool. And damn it, if he wasn't as scared as his brother and sister. He was just better at hiding it.

(( @The Jest ))
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"I'll follow you," he heard Reid say. Jackson nodded, taking note of the two little one's faces. Fear. If it wasn't visible in their facial expressions, it was written on top of their heads. He noticed Reid didn't look too frightened, which was good.

Upon arrival, he noticed a man fumbling his way through the attraction, and Luke holding an armed bow on the branch of a tree, poised at the man. Behind the man was a gas station, shining the lights and playing Christmas music as Allie had mentioned before. Damn, that kid is really in touch with nature; he's standing almost flawlessly on the branch. If only he could wait and listen to hear the group decision, goddamnit.

Jackson pulled out his revolver, reloading it with the missing bullets, and had it at the ready in case things had gone south.

(( @ThatOneCrazyPerson ))
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Elijah shook a single cigarette out of his pack and placed it between his lips. He knew that he should be cautious about where he lit up, given that too much glow from the fiery tip could attract unwanted attention, but he found himself flicking his zippo lighter anyway. After the day he had, sneaking around crowds of the infected towards the outskirts of the city, he needed a little stress relief.

He had assumed that the farther away he got from the (previously) densely populated areas, the safer he would be. After all, the fungus couldn't take ahold of what wasn't there, so that meant traversing the areas where humans were scarce.

He hadn't, of course, taken stragglers into account. Almost as soon as his zippo flickered to life, he was greeted with an unwelcome sight: a small girl, obviously in the first stages of the infection, standing a mere five feet from him. By the looks of it she had been on a picnic with her parents when she was taken. She was still wearing her hair ribbon, although her pink dress had become muddied and ripped.

The kids were the worst. Though he knew there was no saving them, he always felt as though he should be doing something, anything to try and help. But when the girl noticed his presence and lunged for him, he wearily raised his crowbar and brought it swinging down into her skull with a sick thunk.

Better them than me, he reminded himself, yanking the tool back out of her head. It was then that he noticed his cigarette had broken in half during the ordeal. "Perfect end to a perfect day." he grumbled, louder than necessary as he lit the dangling remains of the tobacco and sucked in anyway.
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