Nephilim Academy

Em laughed at the stupidity of the joke. Her face lit up when she saw the town, it was a cute town.

(blech that was stupid for me -.- we need to meet up with Vladun D': )
((I suggest we go into the hotel and then there's an epic fight and then Valdun and friends come in and save our butts from being kidnapped and hung from trees/cliffs once again))
Danny came down tuking her wings fully in , standing next to Em. "There were some apartment houses close we can stay at for now," she told them.
Danny smiled at the girl and nodded. She made her way leading them into the main building where there was a counter. She had convinced the lady to give them an apartment and told her they would come up with the money and give it to her. She came back to the others with a shinny key in her hand.
She giggled at the girl. "It has three rooms, so three beds, and we are room 22," she smiled as she started to lead them to the room.

Soran silently followed the girls around, knowing that if he led they would just get lost and eaten by an akuma. I wonder if there are any other species in Japan...? Soran pondered about the idea but shook it off as he glanced around the area. I bet Valdun misses us. "Probably not." Chuckling at the idea, Soran strolled behind Em and Danny, hoping that there people here won't try to kill them.
"Probably not what?" Em asked as she was now jogging backwards. She slowed and walked near the walking trio and rose her eye brow. 
(i didn't get any alert! D: I know how you feel now... )
Soran chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Nothing important really." Smiling softly, Soran took a better hold of Sky and continued to follow Danny through the little complex area. Glancing around the place, Soran admired the houses and wondered what kind of people lived in each one. Wait, when did I get so deep? Am I going to die soon? That's what usually happens in The Walking Dead, if you're not a main character and you become useful, you're going to die.
Em rolled her eyes and continued to walk in between, but next to, Danny and Soran. She held her hands behind her back feeling the urge for a cigarette. She clenched her teeth and continued to walk on. Her heart beat louder and she could feel her pulse. She hadn't had an urge this whole time; plus no irritation. Why the F**k now. What the hell? As soon as there is the slight possibility? What the F**king hell?! She walked calmly, still thinking those kinds of thoughts.
"you okay?" she asked Em. She could tell that something was bothering her even if she was acting calm. They soon made it to the room and she opened the door.
"Everything is fine." She snapped and rushed past her friend. "So, how are we going to make money?" Em asked with one thing in mind. She would do anything to get even one cigarette. Maybe I should just bum one off of somebody. She thought as she fell onto the couch.
"Whee! Fatser! Faster!" Evrun laughed in delight as he rode on his brother's shoulders. Valdun sighed as he ran through the halls with the ten year old. Of all the times for his age to revert, it had to be now. It wasn't enough that they were being hunted, but now his brother was back to his true age. Sometimes Evrun would lose control of his powers and revert back to ten, which could be either coul or bad.

Valdun walked into the elevator, little brother still on his shoulders. "You could've at least let me grabbed my shirt first." Evrun practically dragged him outside and was only able to grab his coat. "Look, we're ou going to buy clothes an that's it. No toys, video games, flat screens, pets, or gum all machines." That would normally go without saying for normal people, but the brothers weren't normal.

Evrun gave a mock salute from the top of Valdun's shoulders, smiling brightly. "Yes, Sir!" As Valdun closed his eyes, he soon heard the sound of buttons being pressed. "You didn't..." Sure enough, when Valdun looked, all the buttons were lit up. All he got in response was a laugh from Evrun. He massaged his temples as the elevator began to opening all floors. As soon as he saw stairs, he was getting out of here.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." Em said sarcastically then stood up abruptly. "I need to take a walk." She said as she walked out of the room. You are being such a B**ch stop it. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and waited for the elevator doors to open. When they finally did she looked up to find Vladun. Her jaw dropped and formed a smile. "Hello, and who is this?" She asked walking into the elevator next to him, grinning up to Evrun.

(I can take that out, just thought it was a good idea. and she is being soooo comfortable and like nothing has happened with vladun, what? xD )
Valdun looked towards the girl, remembering her from the academy. 'I think her name was Em or something among those lines.' He was about to ask what they were doing here, but Evrun spoke up first. "It's me, Evrun! Don't you remember me?" Valdun sighed at his brother's response. 'Of course they don't remember you, you're ten now.'

Although Valdun didn't like interacting with others, he needed as much information as possible. "More importantly, what are you doing in Japan? Also, how did you even afford this place? One month of rent is over one thousand dollars." He spoke with his usual emotionless stone, face expressionless.

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