Nephilim Academy

So just a heads up to everyone, I won't be on tomorrow night. At all. I might be on for an hour or two in the morning, but that's it. I'm going to mother fluffing Gigantour tomorrow night to see Death Division, Device, Hellyeah, Black Label Society, Newsted, and FLUFFING MEGADETH. It's gonna be fun.
I sorry. We only had enough garage sale money for three tickets.

I updated Sky's nickname. xD Also, she replied to Soran. I probably should have quoted.
Name: Ava Dawson

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Ava is a very cheery person and when she smiles it's almost contagious. She believes that no one should be unhappy because #YOLO you only have one life to live, so why live it beneath a dark cloud? She's a bit clumsy and can be very shy at times, however most of the time she's rather outgoing and loves to make new friends. If she does something wrong, she feels extremely guilty and won't let it go until her apology is accepted. Like her mother, Ava never judges others based on their past actions or their appearance. She loves to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

History: Ava's mother was just like her, always smiling and always cheerful. She also believed no matter what your past was or what you looked like, everyone deserved a clean slate along with the benefit of the doubt. So of course, she fell in love with Ava's father--who happened to be a Fallen Angel. He was rejected from Heaven after cheating on his wife. He was extremely charming, but even though Ava's mother was head over heels for this man, he didn't believe in love. He always warned her about that, and that he would probably ruin their relationship, but her mother still loved him no matter what. After Ava was born her father finally developed true feelings for her mother, admitting that he loved her. Unfortunately, right after he admitted such, he was killed by another Fallen. A few years had passed and by the time Ava was six years old, her mother had developed some sort of disease in which she was in the hospital for an entire year. By the age of seven, it was time for her mother to finally pass away. The doctors could not save her. As she died, Ava held her mother's hand tightly and she told Ava to always have faith in others, no matter what. Those were her mother's final words.

Powers: Ava can create dark portals and she can move objects with her mind.

Dorm: Girl's Dorm 4

Crush: None currently.

Looks: Ava is extremely pretty, especially due to her wonderful personality and soft features. She has skin like porcelain and a petite figure. She has chocolate brown hair and gentle blue eyes. Her wardrobe is full of adorable dresses and she always wears the flower necklace her mother gave to her before she passed away. In addition, Ava has beautiful thick black wings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddc1047c_2013-01-11-551872copy1.jpg.29da180a60194e040b371d1e21d991f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddc1047c_2013-01-11-551872copy1.jpg.29da180a60194e040b371d1e21d991f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddc0240a_2013-01-11-551872copy.jpg.b0bd93bc7a08e390560916ad2a2c56ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddc0240a_2013-01-11-551872copy.jpg.b0bd93bc7a08e390560916ad2a2c56ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I think I'm in love with her! She's so cute! xD  
hm now I actually really want to make another character...maybe later...
Name: Arianna Wendridge

Nick Name: Ari

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Arianna is extremely outgoing and sweet. She takes things too personally sometimes, but tends to keep her emotions bottled up inside. She's very hyper.

History: Arianna was born to a fallen angel father and a human mother. Her mother was sickened by what she had given birth too and instantly put the poor girl up for adoption. Arianna did her best to hide her abnormalities, managing to make friends easily.

Powers: Arianna can cause things to explode. This also allows her to create fireworks. She has wings but they don't work.

Dorm: Girls' Dorm 4

Crush: None Yet

Looks: Arianna is fair skinned with freckles on her shoulders, chest, and face. Her hair is bright red and frizzy. Her eyes are jade green and wide. She's tall and slender. Her wings are small and gray, barely longer than her arms. They are bent and crooked, not allowing her to fly.

There's my other girl.

Name: Kiyoshi Tsukino

Nick Name: [N/A]

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Childish, Impish, Socially Awkward, Loving and Emotional


Kiyoshi was born after his twin brother, and being the younger of the two, he lived up to his immature, "younger sibling" generalization. He was spoiled and got what he wanted most of the time.

When he and his brother were 12 years old, they were in a terrible car accident. Their parents did not make is out alive, and Kiyoshi suffered from severe brain damage, and lost memory of the accident.

Because of this, he cannot learn properly, and will ultimately shut down if he gets too uncomfortable with something. He acts just like a 12 year old, and is cared for by his brother. He takes therapy and tutoring occasionally, but doesn't attend classes outside of the dorm room. He will occasionally sneak out, however, to explore, unbeknownst to his brother.

Powers: Ice and Wind based powers. (Only seem to be used when he gets extremely upset, and when so, come into large bursts of power that he cannot control.)

Dorm: Boy Dorm 5

Crush: (None at the moment!)



[boy on Left]

Name: Katsu Tsukino

Nick Name: Katsuki

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Serious, Caring, Hard-Working, Soft-hearted


When Katsu was born, he had a lot of breathing problems and had to be kept in the hospital. Along with his parents and his younger twin brother, Kiyoshi, he grew up and became healthy slowly.

When he and his brother were 12 years old, they were in a terrible car accident. Their parents did not make is out alive, and Kiyoshi suffered from severe brain damage, and lost memory of the accident.

Katsu now has to watch over his brother the best he can, as well as finish school and keep a job steady. He is rather stern, and gets offended when anyone mentions his brother. He is over protective of Kiyoshi, and keeps a close eye on him.

Powers: Fire and Wind based powers [Can bend fire at his will, and uses wind to shoot the flames at others, as well as cause a "Fire Tornado"]

Dorm: Dorm 5

Crush: [None at the moment!]



I was thinking maybe ayra and solar get attracted to one of them and then start to flirt with them getting closer and stuff but then ayra finds out solar is cheating and vice versa but bottom line ayra and solar get back together
Ronkaime said:
I was thinking maybe ayra and solar get attracted to one of them and then start to flirt with them getting closer and stuff but then ayra finds out solar is cheating and vice versa but bottom line ayra and solar get back together
The boys are both straight, yes, but one of them could turn bi if needed. =w= Their sexualites are currently to be changed in roleplay if needed. [Though I prefer it if they stay straight.]
Ronkaime said:
I was thinking maybe ayra and solar get attracted to one of them and then start to flirt with them getting closer and stuff but then ayra finds out solar is cheating and vice versa but bottom line ayra and solar get back together
Hmm. Maybe just Solar, Ayra wouldn't do something like that.
Wintide said:
The boys are both straight, yes, but one of them could turn bi if needed. =w= Their sexualites are currently to be changed in roleplay if needed. [Though I prefer it if they stay straight.]
*it was just an idea if you want them to stay straight tht's perfectly fine)
Ronkaime said:
*it was just an idea if you want them to stay straight tht's perfectly fine)
Well, I am a huge Yaoi fan, so... They'll totally be bisexual. =w= <3 Lets do this! I love the idea. Just gotta' get accepted.
Wintide said:
Name: Kiyoshi Tsukino

Nick Name: [N/A]

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Childish, Impish, Socially Awkward, Loving and Emotional


Kiyoshi was born after his twin brother, and being the younger of the two, he lived up to his immature, "younger sibling" generalization. He was spoiled and got what he wanted most of the time.

When he and his brother were 12 years old, they were in a terrible car accident. Their parents did not make is out alive, and Kiyoshi suffered from severe brain damage, and lost memory of the accident.

Because of this, he cannot learn properly, and will ultimately shut down if he gets too uncomfortable with something. He acts just like a 12 year old, and is cared for by his brother. He takes therapy and tutoring occasionally, but doesn't attend classes outside of the dorm room. He will occasionally sneak out, however, to explore, unbeknownst to his brother.

Powers: Ice and Wind based powers. (Only seem to be used when he gets extremely upset, and when so, come into large bursts of power that he cannot control.)

Dorm: Boy Dorm 5

Crush: (None at the moment!)



[boy on Left]

Name: Katsu Tsukino

Nick Name: Katsuki

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Serious, Caring, Hard-Working, Soft-hearted


When Katsu was born, he had a lot of breathing problems and had to be kept in the hospital. Along with his parents and his younger twin brother, Kiyoshi, he grew up and became healthy slowly.

When he and his brother were 12 years old, they were in a terrible car accident. Their parents did not make is out alive, and Kiyoshi suffered from severe brain damage, and lost memory of the accident.

Katsu now has to watch over his brother the best he can, as well as finish school and keep a job steady. He is rather stern, and gets offended when anyone mentions his brother. He is over protective of Kiyoshi, and keeps a close eye on him.

Powers: Fire and Wind based powers [Can bend fire at his will, and uses wind to shoot the flames at others, as well as cause a "Fire Tornado"]

Dorm: Dorm 5

Crush: [None at the moment!]



Sorry I was at class accepted
Name: Artemis "Ephraim" Williams

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Imagine the color red with black stripes. A personality like that. A very secluded, shadowy person, with outbursts of emotion now and then. While he's reading, it's almost impossible to get him to stop reading without practically tackling him.

History: Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, ran away when he was eleven. His angel blood, coming from his father, who left when he was eleven, was not that of a calm person. When to psychotherapy for three yearss due to extreme violence and anger issues. The only person not effected by this is his twin brother, who is almost the opposite of him, everything good in life. Got the nickname Ephraim because he plays Fire Emblem 8 all day long. Also an extreme gamer.

Powers: Extreme stealth, super hearing, and lightning quick reflexes.

Dorm: I guess he and Kiora can share a copy of Dorm 3.

Crush: None. Don't expect to get him to crush on anyone without magyks.

Looks: A tall person for fifteen, almost six foot two. Wears a black shirt that has the Volcom logo across the front. Wears black polyester pants with white and royal blue stripes down the sides. High top sneakers that are pure black, except for a ring around the bottom, and underneath, which is a pure, crimson red. Has black-purple wings when he wants them to appear. Wingspan of about 7 feet.

Name: Kiora "Drizzleheart" Williams (He spends all his free time doing Warriors books related stuff.

Nick Name: (Opt.)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: A temper like the sky. Always cheery and optimistic, the silver lining is no challenge for Kiora Williams. Loves reading, possibly even more so than Ephraim.

History: Born as a twin with Ephraim, grew up with him. Feeling it was his duty to protect Ephraim, because when Ephraim was younger, he had a messed up lung. Ephraim grew cold to everyone around him and developed extreme anger issues, as time went on. When Ephraim found his Nephilim abilities, his lung magically fixed itself. Went with Ephraim when they were eleven so that he would not be alone. His mom OD'd and died before she even knew they left. Walked across North America with his brother in the course of four, now almost five years.

Powers: Not really a power, but gives off a sort of miasma that uplifts everyone around him, except it doesn't work on Ephraim. Also, I don't know if this is really a power, but he's extremely agile.

Dorm: Shares a copy of 3 with Ephraim.

Crush: Nobody yet.

Looks: Same as Ephraim, except he wears Adidas clothes, and wears grey Nike custom sneakers. Wingspan of closer to nine feet. A pure sky blue.

Is this acceptable?
Name: Fey Wilson

Gender: female

Age: (15-18) 16

Personality: Fey is very outspoken and blunt. Though she is a caring person, she tends to be a little rude at times. She always has a tough girl aura, and tends to make people fear her at first.

History: Father was an evil angel who tricked her mother and impregnated her. When she was born her father took her, but soon her father got on the bad side of some powerful people. They killed her father and she ended up at her Uncle's, who was also and angel. her uncle couldn't handle her and shipped her to the Academy.

Powers: Can control and warp shadows, and can make a transporter out of them to transport anywhere she has already been.

Dorm: Girl dorm4

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tough.jpg.52de58d5ac703a2f5ea5606fdf33e396.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tough.jpg.52de58d5ac703a2f5ea5606fdf33e396.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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