Neko rp

In the morning Jay went for a walk, thinking about last night. "

"Did she like it? Should I call? Text? Ugh! I dont know what to do!!"
Liora wakes up and heads upstairs to change. She picked a white short skirt, light pink button up t-shirt, and some sneakers. Liora looked at herself in her mirror and fixed her hair a little. She brushed her teeth and went back downstairs. "I guess I'll make the first move." This text message was sent to Jay a few minutes later.

Hey Jay. I want to see you today but not in a bad way! I like 'talking' with you. You can come to my house?

~Liora :3
Zephyr looked up at the sky, the blazing white stars danced in the dark blue night. He gazed at Hina, making himself gently go back and forth on a swing. He could still see her face even in the dark, because his champange-colored eyes were glowing just as if they would be like in his Bombay cat form. "Hina, you're really something. A kind, shy person," Zephyr smiled his normal gentle smile.
Liora's phone rung next to her and smiled at the reply.

21 street, the big white house on the right. You can't miss it.

~Liora :3

"Hey, we should do something like this tomorrow, is that alright?" Zephyr questioned. He really liked hanging around with Hina, she was emanating with this aura that made him feel cozier than he's been in a while, and she just looked too adorable. If he left her behind, there was no telling what kind of sick creepy guy who would try to come after her, and he promised to protect her. Zephyr stood from his swing, walked over to Hina, then bent down a bit so now they were eye level with each other. "You're sweet," he smiled, his cheeks a bit pink. Zephyr leaned and softly kissed Hina's forehead. "I think you deserved that thank you. For spending the day with me," he explained. It was more like a friendly kiss in his eyes but he was still blushing over it.
Jay read the text and hurried out. She was right, you COULDNT miss this...

The house was...huge!!

"Woah" Jay said as he got to the door and knocked.

"Liora! Its Jay"
Liora heard the knock and opened the door to let Jay in. "You like the house?" She sits down next to Jay and purrs very quietly.
The house phone started ringing so Liora picked it up and answered. "Hello this is Liora. If you are a neko and want to live in my house, say yes, if you are a human, say no." She mimics a robotic voice.
"I'll meet you here again tomorrow, Hina...until then, sweet dreams," Zephyr mumbled as she went away, a small smile on his face. That hug she gave him left him in a good mood, and as he went in the opposite direction of his home, he began walking as he wrote. He had a habit of doing that, but no matter what he rarely bumped into anything. I have inspiration now... he thought. And what did Hina mean by 'even though I wasn't accepted?', that made him wonder. Perhaps Zephyr would ask Hina about it tomorrow.
Liora growled playfully. "Man! You figured out it was me. I'm guessing this is your driver so you are wrong, that huge house does belong to me. Well it's under my name but everyone who lives here chips in with the rent. Orion can come in if he wants, the door's unlocked right now. Bye!" She hangs up and waits in front of the door for her 'prince' to show up.
Zephyr had finished getting dressed, still a bit drowsy even though a shower helped him wake up. He ate some toast, a sunny side up with a side of bacon for his breakfast, something he normally ate because it was a simple yet he loved it. He gulped down his orange juice, then walked in the bathroom to look himself in the mirror. Zephyr brushed his bangs with his fingers, slightly adjusting and ruffling his black hair to what it normally looked like. He wanted to look good in front of Hina, he wasn't going to hide that fact. Zephyr made some silly faces to his reflection, laughing like a child.
Zephyr was satisfied enough and he walked out of his apartment room, locking his door on the way out too then was moving father away from the building. He was still happy from yesterday too, since he got to meet someone so nice. Things have been really quiet for him here, since he didn't know that many people in this town. So this was a good change. Zephyr arrived at the park where he had last seen Hina from last night. He sat down on the nearest bench under a tree, and as a breeze picked up, a leaf had softly fallen on his head. Zephyr shook it off.
When Zephyr turned his head he thought he saw a glimpse of blue hair disappear within the greenery of this forest. "Hina?" he muttered. He spotted a bag as he curiously rushed over. A bag of cookies, with his name on it too. She was here... Zephyr thought. Emphasis on 'was'. Hina wouldn't have suddenly left if she knew they were coming here... Zephyr's mind clicked, predicting that she could've been captured. Zephyr altered his body into cat form and bolted off, following the scent. He was even faster as his paws stamped against the grass because he was scared for Hina. Zephyr saw a man up ahead, walking away with a blue haired neko girl in his grasp. Zephyr changed into his human form, still speeding off to them. "Hina!!! Bite down on his hand as hard as you can and run to me!!" he shouted, and Zephyr has never heard his voice become so loud in his life.
"Get away from her!!" Zephyr had gotten close enough from behind the man to jump on him in cat form, scratching at his face and digging claws into his skin. So much that the kidnapper dropped the carrier that held Hina inside. He eventually got thrown off and tumbled across the ground, and transformed into a human again. The man tried to get him in a choke hold, but Zephyr was agile and ducked under his arms. With much force he kicked the man's face, foot connecting to the chin. Zephyr watched this creepy man stumble and fall into trash cans, making them spill their contents all over. Zephyr took his chance to quickly unlock the cage, taking Hina out. "I'll get you somewhere safe..." he whispered to her. Zephyr pulled her along, and ran.
Zephyr had his hand covering Hina's, running down the street and weaving past pedestrians, trying to make the man lose sight of them because he was following. He took a shortcut, hiding behind a building that was filled with shrubbery and bushes. Zephyr lowered his body enough that the bush was higher than both of them, and he was tightly holding Hina in his arms, making his breathing as silent as possible. He saw the man's long shadow come in front of them but thankfully it hadn't hit them.

The moment had been long until the kidnapper's shadow finally disappeared, along with his scent. He waited until he was surely far enough to speak, just in case. "That...was close," Zephyr sighed. "You poor thing, Hina..." he rubbed her head worriedly.
Zephyr's face turned entirely red like a tomato when Hina answered. His mind had automatically thought she meant it but he was thinking it had been a thank you sort of thing. Or at least he thought so. Zephyr looked at her more carefully, spotting her bruises. He lightly shook his head, chastising himself. "If only I had come to help you sooner..." he muttered sadly. Why have some people become so filled with greed to steal someone as innocent as Hina, he thought. Hina's eyes and face told Zephyr she was tired from everything that just happened. She might not be able to walk straight without his support.

So Zephyr swept her up from the ground and into the air bridal style, holding Hina in his arms like she was a princess in a story. "You look like you need rest," he said softly.
Zephyr began to walk. "I wouldn't want to do that to you, Hina. You'd be in too much danger," he smiled softly, glancing down at her near-to-slumber face and he thought it was really cute the way she appeared. "It was nice that you baked me those cookies," he smiled. Zephyr had stored them in his pocket for later. "I'm glad you know I have a sweet tooth," he chuckled, looking back to the sidewalk. "You...look very cute in your clothes too," Zephyr added timidly. At this point he wasn't sure whether Hina would still be awake or not, she seemed sleepy enough as it was.
"L-Love..." Zephyr mumbled. Was she going to say...'you'? he blushed deeply again as he was caught thinking about that. As far as he knew, he never had someone love him romantically. Hina had earlier said she loved him, but wasn't sure if it was meant to be taken that way. "Heh...maybe I'm thinking too much," though Zephyr wasn't going to deny that Hina was cute, nice, and delicate.

After getting into his apartment room, Zephyr walked over to the couch and gently placed Hina there like she was something fragile. He got a blanket placed it over her body, smiling softly. "Sweet dreams," and walked to the kitchen to get something for her to eat after she woke up.
Zephyr was just coming out of the bathroom from taking a shower, mist slithering out when the door opened. He had jeans on but no shirt, and he was rubbing a white towel on his dark hair that was still drenched from water. Zephyr normally had the clean pair of clothes inside the bathroom for changing after taking a shower, but he had forgot his shirt, so he walked to his bedroom. He saw Hina awake on the couch. "Oh, you're awake," Zephyr said. "Did you sleep well?" he was forgetting the fact that he was indeed shirtless.
Zephyr realized that he was shirtless in front of her, and rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed. "I'll come back out, okay?" Zephyr threw the towel on his shoulder, entering his room and slipping on a T-shirt pretty quick. When he stepped out, he smiled as he stretched. "I'm glad you feel better, by the way. There's some food in the kitchen if you'd like some. Just make yourself at home, Hina," there were a mix of sweets, and fruit there. It was basically what he had unless he was going to cook with ingredients. "Do you want me to make something?" Zephyr asked.
Zephyr smiled at Hina, seeing how happy she was. "This is my apartment room. Where I live," Zephyr was finishing off the rest of the cookies that Hina had made for him, the taste and texture was very very good. "Ah, that reminds me. We should exchange phone numbers right? So I can pick you up whenever we want to go somewhere," Zephyr pointed to his black and green cell phone that he pulled out. From today and yesterday's experience, it wasn't going to be safe letting Hina walk somewhere on her own.
Zephyr told Hina his contact number, watching her tap the numbers on her iPhone's screen. After he did he stepped closer to the blue-haired neko and kissed the tip of her nose then Zephyr leaned a bit away. He wasn't sure why he did it, but it was already done. "I couldn't help it..." Zephyr put his glove-concealed hand behind his head, and was blushing a little. "You're just too cute and kind," he sighed softly.

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