Neko rp

Zephyr blushed, placing his fingers where Hina kissed him and also from what she said. It was still a surprise to him, but then he thought about how he thought of her too. Zephyr recollected how Hina was when she was first around him: very timid and jumpy. "I'm glad to see you smiling and happy..." he stepped closer, "because I..." Zephyr got close to Hina's face, simply looking into her eyes and he was lost in them.
Zephyr felt his heart pounding against his chest and wondered if Hina could tell, he didn't have to even guess that the color on his face was just as evident as it was on her's. Zephyr somehow smiled despite how nervous he was feeling about everything right now. "'re just making my face feel hot..." he mumbled. "It can't be helped," Zephyr said, pulling away even though he wanted to give Hina even a small kiss.
Zephyr was a little confused after Hina had took him to his bed and told him to rest. She insisted that he did, and he was wondering why she had looked worried earlier and why she said sorry. She didn't do anything wrong... he thought. Zephyr's face was still warm thinking about her. He lifted his hand to his forehead, feeling his skin. It was very warm, hot in a sense. "Maybe that's why..." Zephyr muttered. She misunderstood that I was I? he wondered. It was most likely him blushing but Hina had seemed pretty determined to do something after she left his bedroom.
Zephyr, resting his head on the pillow and not deciding to get up because if he did walk out of the room, he was pretty sure Hina would insist he stay in bed. He closed his eyes to relax his heartbeat a bit, and Zephyr's cat ears caught the sound of cabinets being opened and closed from the kitchen. Is Zephyr wanted to see what Hina was doing, but before he got a chance to get up, the lure of fatigue was calling to him and then he had fallen into it's spell of slumber, making him rest.

Zephyr was having a dream. Hina was in it, because she was the last thing he thought about before going to sleep. They were walking side by side and holding hands in the forest, with the sunlight warm and comforting. In his dream, he looked at Hina. Her pretty face and eyes just the same as they were in reality, and she was wearing a sun dress that complimented her well too.
Zephyr was still in his dream, and in it he smelled the aroma from food that smelled very inviting. It woke him up. He blinked away the grogginess from his little nap and saw Hina by his bed with that distinctive smile on her face that he wouldn't get tired of seeing. Zephyr saw the steaming bowl of soup on the side table, then he looked back at Hina. "O-Oh, you really didn't have to go through the trouble, Hina," he grinned because she was showing she really cared. "But wow, thank you..." Zephyr said. Having her here was enough to make him cheerful. "I feel kinda bad now you had to do this," he said, rubbing his head.
((Yeah o3o))

"I-I'm fine, Hina," Zephyr replied. "Thank you for doing this, really..." he said, feeling a little bashful. Maybe this was her way of trying to say thank you. "I'm happy enough that you're being here, with me," Zephyr smiled. It was very true, she seemed to cheer him up with her presence.
Zephyr smiled back, putting one arm around Hina's small shoulder and squeezing her a bit, though not too tightly of a hug, because he was afraid of accidentally hurting her since Hina was so delicate. "Hina, you're too kind...I have to repay you, sometime. Maybe today or tomorrow, at least," he said. He lifted the spoon from the bowl to his lips, and blew across it to cool it down a little, then Zephyr tasted the soup. It was creamy and subtle, adding a fresh taste the diced vegetables in it. The flavors were very compatible with each other and the heat warmed his body. "It's...delicious," he smiled.

((Sorry, I'm getting distracted with everything happening right now :/ ))
Zephyr listened as he continued to help himself to the soup. After he heard Hina stop mid-sentence, he glanced up at her, curiously. She looked as if she had something she was thinking about, or really wanted him to know something. "It's okay, you can tell me what you want," he smiled kindly at her. "If it's something well, personal, my ears are your diary," Zephyr promised, flicking his fluffy cat ears to gesture them. "But if not, I'd still like to know more about you, nonetheless," he added.
"I see..." Zephyr replied, looking at Hina worriedly when she got to the part where she and her friend Liora were always shouting Orion's name out, thinking he'd help. Zephyr felt like he had to protect Hina now, no, it was also because he wanted to. To keep her from being hurt or sold to anyone. "Listen, I wouldn't think I'd be leaving anytime soon. It's highly unlikely, for a guy like me," Zephyr told her, taking both of Hina's hands together and cupping them in his. Hina's soft hands were much smaller and petite. Zephyr's own hands covered her's entirely which he found kind of cute for some reason. "I want you to be safe and to trust me...okay? Remember that promise I made to you before, outside the cafe?" he grinned softly remembering it. "I plan on keeping it," Zephyr added. "You can ask any question you want about me, by the way. Since you told me your story, I think it's fair enough I told you mine if you're curious,"
(does it show that all my posts are missing for you too?)

Hina felt so happy to hear that, she could almost cry, but she didn't. He had kept being so nice to her, and she knew there weren't many people like him. She then remembered that Zephyr didn't have anyone who lived with him, and wondered what that had felt with. She probably would be a mess if no one was with her, especially since there are so many enemies of hers. "Zephyr, are you lonely?"
((Yesss what happened D': Looks like I spammed the thread))

"Lonely?" Zephyr repeated. "Well, I would say...yes," he admitted and stared at the soup, which was now nearing to empty. "Mainly it's been just me and myself, it was always quiet," Zephyr explained. Though it was good whenever he was trying to find inspiration or needed to think of how to get rid of his writer's block, mostly, having no one friendly around was very boring and yes, lonely was the correct word. Zephyr always tried to ignore that feeling because it would've caught onto him and made him feel gloomy. Hina asked me, so I'll be honest, Zephyr thought. "It's true that I don't know many people, and I never had anybody to protect until now," Zephyr looked up at Hina. "But now that I do...I want to keep protecting you," he said.

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