Neko rp

Zephyr glanced down at Hina. She had smiled after hearing the violin. He got a soft grin on his face because it looked nice on her, he thought. "Hm? Oh, I have a place," Zephyr replied. "If my childhood was supposed to be explained through an instrumental song, that's what it would sound like," he told Hina. Now he was starting to wonder about her too, what her past was like or her interests. They continued walking, heading toward the cafe. Out of nowhere Zephyr's stomach growled. He chuckled at himself. "Good thing we're goin' to a cafe, huh?"
Hina nodded. "I thought once you left your house you couldn't have another one." She smiled, letting out a small laugh and nodded again saying, "Yeah!" Hina stared at the violin again, her eyelids falling halfway, narrowing her eyes, when she saw how the performer looked a bit familiar. She wondered if it was one of the many kidnappers who had almost taken her away and selling her, if it weren't for Liora. Hina picked up her pace and walked closer to Zephyr, trying not to show nervousness but failing.
Zephyr tilted his head a little, finding the uneasy look in Hina's eyes when she was looking at the violinist. "Is something wrong?" he mumbled to her. Zephyr wondered if Hina had some sort of connection with the violinist nearby. Whoever it was, the man must have given her a bad memory. His smile fell and he was concerned, it appeared right on his face. "Do you know him?" he questioned her.
Liora looks down blushing brightly. "U-u-um. My name is L-Liora, it would be an honor if I got to know yours..." Her thumbs start going around each other. After a couple seconds, she looks up at him with an innocent face.

(If you could, that would be great, :push:)
Hina~ "I d-don't know h-him... But he l-looks familiar," Hina said, not taking her eyes off of the performer. She backed up and hid behind Zephyr, staring at the violin person, trying to find out if it really were who she thought. Her ears flattened against her head and her eyes narrowed, but rather than in anger, it was more in a way of sadness.

Orion~ "Liora?" He had heard that name before, and then remembered; That was the name of one of the friends he had before he had moved. They had all lived in the same house, and it could've been a coincidence that this girl was also a neko, but it probably wasn't. He approached her and immediately his own ears perk up after he had spent so much time flattening them down so that they'd blend in with his hair. His cloudy eyes brightened up and he came closer to her saying, "My name is Orion! You don't happen to be the same girl who lives in a house with a few other nekos like this other girl... I think her name started with an H.... Maybe it was a T.... I don't know but either way I'm moving back in with you guys for a variety of reasons." He smiled friendly to her.
From Hina's reaction, it was easy to tell that whatever memory that was brought back to her from looking at the violinist wasn't a rather fret one. And her ears were flattened, and Hina appeared so helplessly afraid and sad. "Don't worry, it'll be fine," Zephyr mustered a smile to at least calm her down. From her hair color he could guess her breed, and it was a rare one. Perhaps that man was somebody who wanted to sell her, but Zephyr wouldn't really know unless Hina clarified that. "Just...hide your face, okay?" he told her, and didn't give eye contact to the violinist so he wasn't attracting attention.
Hina quickly grabbed Zephyr's arm without thinking and clinged to it. The girl was a jumpy one for sure, and felt bad about it, but trusted him more than the man with the violin. face was buried in his arm and her ears were still flattened. It was an awkward sight, but Hina's instinct came to this last resort. She ha often clinged to Liora when she was scared, and their friend would save them when they were in trouble, but he had moved away.
Zephyr wasn't expecting Hina to do that specifically, but he smiled faintly at her because it looked kind of cute. Zephyr looked ahead again, making sure to keep his collected face on as normal. He flattened his ears too, so his cat ears wouldn't be very noticeable against his jet black hair. they passed the violinist. They made it without the man calling out to them. Perhaps he was too busy playing the song. Zephyr smiled at Hina. "So the coast is clear now," he assured.
Hina looked up at Zephyr and her face went red. She looked around and saw that they were away from the performer, but still clinged to his arm, just loosening her grip. She wondered if she could really feel safe with him, but wanted to trust him.
Zephyr saw Hina blush again. He chuckled somewhat timidly, seeing how they were in the same position. He glanced ahead, and spotted the cafe just a few feet away. "H-Hey, would you look at that! We're here now," Zephyr pointed to the building and smiled. He was pretty hungry, and he knew what he was going to buy for himself once they got inside.
Hina cautiously let go and smiled a tiny bit more confidentially. Out of her pocket she took a bunch of papers. "Th-thank you." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the cafe faster. Once they approached the cafe Hina looked around for a second and spotted her teacher doing something on a laptop. Hina looked back at Zephyr and said, "I-I hope we can see each other again!" She said, and let go of his hand slowly. She walked past a bunch of people, shaking nervously and sat in front of her teacher, taking the papers out for her.
"Yeah...bye, Hina," Zephyr mumbled when she walked away, and disappeared through the midst of people. He smiled faintly, it was a sad grin because this felt bittersweet in a way. He was going to get something to eat while he was here, then continue with his writing. Zephyr walked up to the counter. "I'd like a...chocolate layer cake, a biscotti, and a cup of coffee, please. With cream," he said, and shortly got what he asked for.

Zephyr got himself a table, sat down then began to eat. He picked up the biscotti which had a layer of chocolate on one side, dipped it into his coffee and took a bite. Tastes so good... he thought. Zephyr revealed his journal and pencil, starting to write again. He looked up to his right, and saw a glimpse of Hina. They made eye contact and he waved a little with a grin.
( School is looooong for me D: )

Liora's eyes lit up. "Yea I was! I remember you a little bit. When are you moving in with us?"
~Hina Hina smiled and then looked back at the teacher as she read the report. Her eyes showed nervousness but her face showed a small bit of confidence. The teacher looked up after reading the report and smiled, making Hina feel excited, but the teacher said, "I'm sorry, but it wasn't exactly what we were looking for. You're idea is good, but it won't cut out for this type of university." All Hina heard was, "wasn't what we were looking for." As she stood, saying, "Th-Thank you for your time.." And quickly made her way out of cafe, and even before Zephyr could see she was gone, she was running down the road. She tripped and fell, and unluckily she fell on the street while the violinist was picking his things up. She stood up and her knee was bruised and the pain was stinging. The performer noticed her and approached her remembering her when her amber eyes looked up and her expression was one of unhappiness.

rion~ "Tomorrow," he replied, " Tonight I have to have dinner over with my manager to discuss what exactly will be happening here for me, but tomorrow I'll be all yours!" He said with a smile.
Zephyr finished off his food pretty quickly, since he was that type of person to have a vacuum as a stomach. He looked up again, and saw that Hina was missing from her seat. And it hadn't been that long minutes spent here. Did she leave already...? he thought. He slipped his journal into his pocket along with the pencil, wandering outside again. With his yellow eyes, Zephyr spotted someone who collasped on the ground. Blue hair, plus cat ears and a tail was attached to the girl, so he knew it was her. His eyes widened. "Hina!" he called out to her. Even worse, the violinist who Hina had been terribly afraid of earlier was approaching closer to her. She needed help.

His instincts clicked on. Before the man could get too close to Hina, Zephyr went up to the man. He tapped his shoulder and making him turn, Zephyr threw a punch right across his jaw, causing the man to stagger. He used the time that this would leave him stunned, slipped past and went to Hina. "C'mon, I can get you away from him. Where are you hurt?" Zephyr quickly asked her.
"N-no where..." Hina sniffled, rubbing her eyes. The girl had been trying so hard not to cry that she just broke right then and there. She stood up and covered the bruise on her knee. Zephyr didn't need to worry about another thing, especially since it were so small. The performer stood and looked Zephyr in the eye with a sinister but scared glare, before scrambling away with his violin and earnings.
Zephyr watched the man run away, glad that he did so but at the same time probably expecting him to be back for revenge or something. When he looked back at Hina, she was crying. "Hey,'s alright. He's gone, you'll be fine as long as I'm here," Zephyr assured her. He didn't realize it, but his voice was soft when he was talking to her. He looked at Hina's hand which was on her knee. "And are you sure you're not hurt? Don't push yourself too hard if you're in pain..." Zephyr said.
"What exactly do you mean, I'm all yours? Are you a pervert?" Liora backs away from Orion a little bit while looking scared. His eyes soothed her though.
~Hina Hina looked up, having heard those words before: as long as I'm here. She and Liora had been told those words right before Orion had left them by themselves. This had happened before. A kidnapping... A scraped knee... Three bright red popsicles and a long walk with Liora on the right and Hina on the left. She could see the image now.

~Orion Orion chuckled, "I can be whatever you want me to be." And with that he left her there with a smile, only to find his fans squealing when they found him. He quickly jumped away to where they couldn't see him, disappearing into a medium cat, pacing with a bag of food carried in his mouth, walking in this awkward fashion all the way to the hotel he wa staying in.
Zephyr tilted his head at her curiously. Did I say something wrong? he thought. "Hina, please respond, you're making me worry here," he softly grinned. Seeing someone as innocent and fragile-looking as Hina, he felt like she needed protection. "If your hurt, I can bandage the injury up for you. I promise, if that man ever comes near you again, I'll stop him from doing that," Zephyr promised, looking straight into her amber eyes.

"I know you barely know me, but...believe me when I say that,"
Liora stood there frozen. Orion's words rung in her ears and couldn't hear anything else. She covered her ears as much as she could, but that didn't help, it made it worse. Liora winced in pain, she had never 'talked, to a guy and his words, the way he said them hurt her a little. She shook her head fast and got up running back to her house. "Forget about it.....forget about it....forget about it!"
~Hina Hina looked at him. The sincerity in his eyes made her want to believe him. "It doesn't hurt much," she said, "Don't worry." She turned her head, trying to avoid his gaze. She was nervous again, but she didn't know why. Her heart was beating fast and she couldn't fix it.

~Orion "Staring at the ceiling doesn't look very fun," said the older looking woman to Orion, who was lying on the floor staring up. "I would be somewhere else if it weren't for you, Ms. Prison warrant." His tone was one full of sarcasm. "We all do, Mr. IO," said the man on the laptop designing choreography with a special project.
Zephyr noticed how Hina wasn't meeting his gaze, and wondered why. "I hope you're telling the truth, so I'll try not to worry," Zephyr stood up, and offered his hand to Hina. "Now that you've already gone to the cafe, it looks like you won't need me for navigation anymore, huh?" he sadly grinned.
"Stay!" Hina looked back at him with a sudden and quick movement, after taking his hand and standing. She immediately was embarrassed about it, but couldn't find a way to cover for herself. "I didn't... say...." She looked down nervously and her face grew red once again
Zephyr's sadness turned into a gentle smile. "It's okay...don't be embarrassed," he said, trying to catch her eyes. "And I do think it's a better idea to stay with you, so I can protect you," they were still holding hands even after he helped Hina up from the ground, and Zephyr's cheeks grew pink a bit.

"Where should we go now? It's your choice," he offered her.

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