Neko rp

Jay laughed. He couldn't go through with this

"I don't know"

He smiled and flashed Liora one of his famous grins. Which were pretty attractive, as he's been told.
Liora blushed bright red at his cute smile. "D-Don't do th-that!" She looks at the wall covering her face. Her ears and tail go stiff, not moving an inch.
~Hina Nodding slowly, she slowed to a stop and held her head to steady her dizziness. Hina liked how the park was mostly quiet, and she liked the swings and the trees and the path that winded through. "I like the park... It brings me most of the happier memories with Liora and Oreo," she said, then looked at the new person and hid behind him.

~Orion Stepping out towards Liora, Orion calmly looked at the other person saying, "I think she likes you. She Probably doesn't feel safe around you though..." Orion looked at Liora, standing by her side.
When Hina hid behind Zephyr he softly chuckled, because she looked kinda cute in a way. "It's okay, he bumped into me on accident. And he's gone now," he reassured her. "So let's go to the park, shall we?" he smiled at her, and began to walk with her. "I think I might climb in a tree again once we get there. But I bet I'll fall again like last time," Zephyr blushed a little, embarrassed by it but he laughed it off.
Liora looks up at Orion and nods. "How do you know exactly what I feel?" She gets into a crawling position and starts circling Orion with her ears up and tail swishing. After a couple minutes of no answer she gets a little frustrated, but doesn't stop circling. "I'm gonna keep doing this 'til you tell me.
Jay smiles again at Liora. "Well, if you ever want to talk again or something, call me" He passed her a note with his number on it.

"I'm up at all hours.."

Jay left the house and continued home.

((Their ears are showing, right??))
((Yes but you can hide them with your hair or some kind of hat :3))

Liora stops, a little confused. "Call you....?" She picks up the paper and reads the phone number. "Is this h-his?!" Liora folds the paper up and puts it in her pocket in one quick move. "I'm gonna stay here, I'm getting that answer out of you." She sits crisscross in front of Orion and stares into his eyes.
Jay knew he probably had no luck, but he could try. He knew that other boy was going to be in big trouble. Either way, she atleast took it.

When Jay got home, his mom looked at him "Where have you been?" Her ears perked up. "Oh, with a...friend"

She smiled and nodded.

Jay went to his room and wondered if he would get a call from her...
Liora got bored after a while because Orion fell asleep and she didn't want to leave him here alone. She took out the phone number and put it into a message. The message read:

Hey Jay! Um this is Liora. I didn't know if you'd want to talk to me but I'm a bit bored so I thought you could cheer me up or something.

~Liora :3

She sighed as her phone buzzed saying that the message was sent. "Why did I just call you? I probably would have frozen up.." Liora whispered as she lookes at Orion.
Jay was laying on his bed listening to his favorite band, 'Anarbor' when his phone buzzed. "Huh?" He read the message and whos calling "Wahh!" He pickled it up and said "Hello?" In his regular, 'I can make you fall for me in just a few words' voice.
Liora almost freezes up but snaps out of it in a few seconds. "H-hi this is L-Liora. I'm kind of bored, I was hoping you could do something about that..." She hold the phone while blushing lightly. Liora hasn't called anybody lately so this is a little weird.
"Uh..." She looks at Orion and sadness covers her face. "Yeah that would be great!" Liora snaps back to Jay and gets up, walking out of the building. "Where do you want to meet at?" She looks around not knowing where she was.
"Got it. I'll see you there!" Liora hangs up and jogs to the Cafe. The Cafe was the one spot she knew the best, well that and her house. It took her around six minutes to get there. Liora went it and sat down near the window breathing heavily.
Jay told his mom he was going out "Be back before midnight!" She tells him

Jay nods and walks down to the Cafe and spots Liora. "Hey" He smiles again at her.
Liora jumps up and quickly smiles at Jay. "Hi.." She stares at Jay in a cute way. ​What should I do?!
Jay sat across from Liora and smiled again. "I...I kinda like you. Yeah I just met you and all but seriously you're really cool"

Jay keeps rambling on.
Liora leans over the table and kisses Jay on the cheek to make him stop talking. "Are you going to be quiet now?" She smiles while laughing quietly.
Jay smiles and kisses her back "I guess" He's blushing so much he forgets where he is. "Is there a bathroom in this place?
A louder laugh came out of Liora as she pointed to the men's bathroom. She was blushing but laughing at the same time. "You look..cute when you...blush." Liora was saying in between laughs.
When Jay got to the bathroom he saw it had both a boy and a girl figure, Meaning that its the only bathroom and everybody can use it. He went back to the table and took Liora's hand and took her to the bathroom and began kissing her.
She was frozen when he started kissing her. Liora didn't want to pull away so instead, she kissed him back and slowly opened her mouth a little.
Liora made her way back home and she decided to lay down on the couch. Her heart was still beating and the blushing wouldn't stop. "Should I call him? Should I text him? Wait until tomorrow? I don't know what to do!" Liora kicked her feet and rolled over on her side. Soon after, the night caught up with her and she fell asleep soon after.

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