Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Tēru also slightly glared at him, but she knew what he meant. Kumo could be rather stupid, but he was still her friend, and Nichole was in love with him. She sighed, "He forgot abunch of stuff." She said. "He hardly remembers who he is."
Kumo smelt food, and hurried to the kitchen. He hopped onto the couter, getting into the cabniet. He pulled out some marshmallows, and started eating them.
Kumo shrugged, and ate some marshmallows.

Tēru looked over at Jason, and Charles, "What should we do to have him remember everything?" She asked. "Should we tell him his name?"
Tēru nodded, "Let's go tell him his name then." She said.

Kumo finished the marshmallows, and got a bottle of chocolate syrup, sqeezing some into his mouth.
Kumo stood up, and walked out of the room. He stopped in front of Tēru, "Mommy, Nichole won't let me eat chocolate syrup!"

Tēru shook her head, "No just eating chocolate syrup, Kumo." She said.

"My names not-" Kumo was interupted.

"Your name is Kumo, now go sit down." Tēru said.
Kumo looked over at Nichole, and her words hit him like a bag of bricks. "W-w then, w-who…" He stopped, and walked to the couch, sitting down, and thinking.

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