[Necromunda] Danger in the Underhive

you can load the campaign file locally. Start maptools, file->load campaign. navigate to dropbox and select Necromunda
Welp, I think I updated my gang, tell me if I'm wrong, as I did so in my Excel sheet that I linked to Dropbox in the first place.
the dropbox file for Sage's Delaque gang hasn't been updated, neither has CraziestIvan's pdf. Alice, your math seems a bit off on your gang rating, I got 1533 rather than 1650 when I added up your stuff
Goliath 1415

Orlock 1436

Delaque 1442

Escher 1481

Cawdor 1513

Van Saar 1533

I shall attack Alice's Archeotech Horde from my Mineral Outcropping
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In the interest of greater fun over tactical sensibility, I will attack the Drinking Hole from my Archeotech Horde.

(Also Seph, erryone is on team speak. Come join us =D)
Hadoland is dropping out of the game. His territory will be removed from the map. Everyone who wishes to continue playing, please make sure your gang rosters are up to date in dropbox

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