[Necromunda] Danger in the Underhive


Gang Ratings:

Goliath: 1216

Cawdor: 1277

Delaque: 1248

Van Saar: 1259

Orlock: 1267

Escher: 1251

Turn Order:

Goliath->Delaque->Escher->Van Saar->Orlock->Cawdor
That's everybody! Arrange when you can fight your battles with your opponents. If you're fighting multiple battles, fight the ones declared by the lower gang rating first
Ima gunna /assassinate/ yall!

Also- I assume it's up to each of us to work out when we can both get on to resolve the combats?
You can try, but not if we murder ya'll first!

According to Lord yes, but lower ranking fights should go first, so you have to fight for the neutral territory you selected before fighting me, ideally.
Aight. Alice- hows about when I finish cleaning the kitchen in, like, 15 minutes..? I have shit /literaly/ every day of the week I have to do.
Sephiroth, just tell post a message here when you are ready to fight. I am busy everyday and free mostly in the evenings only.
I'm ready to fight you right now, Ivan. Server is up, I just defeated Alice with no casulties and am Levelded up and rarin to go!
Nah, you did suffer a -single- (D=<) casualty. Just no fatalities. Only person so far with that unfortunate outcome was Hado, and he promptly found another juve to replace that one xD

I suspect it's actually the same juve under a new personality trying to evade debts >___0

Purchased: Flak armor for 17 points
The round is officially over. Could everyone kindly update your gang sheets in dropbox to reflect the current status of your gang, including purchases, hires, deaths and xp. Here is the current map, I'll check turn order once the gangs are updated

Sage, your dropbox gang sheet is still not updated. Could you do so either tonight or tomorrow? Alice's is updated for at least one fight, not sure if she did it for both. Ivan's hasn't been updated at all either.

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