[Necromunda] Danger in the Underhive

Ah. Alright- and..... what format are we assembling oru Gangs in? Like, is there going to be a Dropbox, and then... Word Docs? Or in a MaptoolsFramework?
I like to use excel. Does the gang rating calcuations for you, but you can use any other format if you prefer
I've set up the dropbox folder. What are your email addresses?

Also: Sage, I checked your rolls. You got a 42 and a 43, not two 42s. That's a Tunnel and a Vent
Hmmm, looking through the rulebook terrain is a biiiig part of this game. -Especially- the height of terrain. Is there anything to take that into account or do we have to hash it out between ourselves?

( DeusExAlice@hotmail.com )


52, 22, 21, 46, 35, 21

Generated: Drinking Hole, Slag, Slag, Holestead, Mine Workings, Slag

...thanks, dice roller >_> Dropping one of the Slag.

Final Choice: Slag, Slag, Mine Workings, Holestead, Drinking Hole
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In general, you'll need to hash it out between yourselves. There's a handy rule of thumb to determine light/heavy cover and whether or not you can see someone above you. Their Height*Distance From Edge=minimum distance to see.
Rolling up my gang territories.


Alright, so that's

Mineral Outcropping



Archeotech Horde

Chem Pit
I shall also now be joining this game and here are my roll for territories, I will also be from house orlock


it is a Chem pit, Settlement, Mine Workings, Mine Workings, and a Drinking Den
I am also taking requests on positions. Is there somebody you want to start adjacent to? Someone you definitely don't? The setup is that each person will have two immediate neighbors, but only a small uncontrolled area in the center separates the others.

Current setup (randomly rolled, subject to change on request)


Center six territories:

Workshop, Drinking Hole, Spore Cave, Gambling Den, Settlement, Archeotech Horde

I have it set up such that each person is adjacent to exactly one 2d6*10 neutral territory, random order. I'll post the completed map once everyone has selected a color and dark wizard has rolled territory
Here's the current map (colors are placeholders until everyone responds)


Purple: Sage

Red: Dark Wizard

Blue: Hado

Green: Alice

Yellow: Chaos

Black: Ivan
We should be able to start the first turn next week (we'll probably be ready before then, but since each turn is a week we may as well have them start on the same day). I'm also adding two rules for the campaign, after doing a bit more research into what's worked for other people. I'll edit the original post for easy records

In scenarios where turn order is randomly determined, play instead resolves in deployment order (i.e. whoever deploys first goes first, then whoever deployed second, etc.). This adds more tactical depth to the deployment phase and softens the blow of having to deploy first (which is usually a disadvantage)

When a battle is fought over a neutral territory, whoever wins the battle claims the territory, even if they do not get a high enough casualty ratio. This helps speed the early-game rush to the middle, and lets people start fighting important battles faster.

Are there any other rules/objections people have?
Alright... underst- wait, doesnt that mean that with the same amount of EXP, a Gang Leader would be INferior to someone who started as a Juve?
Strictly speaking, yes. However, the gang leader probably has fewer Serious Injuries dragging him down, can use Special weapons, can recover from pinning on his own, grants a 6" Leadership Bubble and gets a cooler hat.

Juves are still great long-term investments if you get a bit lucky, but it takes a long time for them to beat the Leader
Vents and Tunnels give 10 income each, not 0

Not an issue, but rather a question: why did you assign all of your units clip harnesses?

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