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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)


Bro, jfc I swear I got on four hours ago and everyone was off. Even the RP person who said they would stay up late isnt on. Today's a weird day.
Well Im an insomniac so I cant do much about it. Im also working during the evenings most of the time. but I can promise you im always on in the dead of the night haha
Lol I've noticed. Man, I always feel like I'm the only one on some kind of western time.
Same time zone as you @shadowz1995 xD that's why it's in my profile thingy, so I don't have to repeat myself when asked about time zone

Can do. ^^

And I understand the whole insomnia thing; it's becoming a problem again for me, which really sucks. I only try going to bed a bit early so that I can get at least an hour of sleep or so.

@AnimusLight @Anaxileah

So far, I'm the only person in Central time. Hum.
shit I bombed my test. string me up I'm no engineer. graaaaaaaaaahsjfosksvjskcbdndkcnkddhxue

my teacher is a trickster

RoanDracniil said:
My RP skills are a bit rusty but I'll give this a shot if you'll allow me :D
Name: Doris Thea

Age: 23

Race: Half-elf

Skills: Sword style cobbled together from various other sword styles, enchanting items with magical properties using runic chains, animating constructs. Has a Guardian Lion, an animated scarecrow made of straw and hawthorn (a type of wood that passively suppresses dark magic) and a metallic humanoid golem crafted from an alloy of silver and tin.

Appearance: Doris' appearance is fairly average. Her blonde hair and lithe body lacks the natural grace of full-blooded elves, her blue eyes shine with life in a way that vampires and other undead can not replicate. Her usual outfit is a mish-mash of various clothing chosen for practicality and protection quality rather than appearance.

She wears dragonhide boots, farmer's work clothes covered by a coat glowing with runic inscriptions. Her hands are covered by gloves with silver-studded knuckles and on her head is a wide-brimmed hat fully capale of protecting her from intense sunlight.

Personality: Stubborn, kind-hearted and generally reckless, Doris is the kind of person who would give her life trying to defend those who couldn't protect themselves. Due to her sometimes misplaced heroism, her skills in combat and magic have developed from countless battles and honed by constant conflict.

Despite her skill, she is rather lonely and her most ardent wish is to find a fellow adventurer that she would be able to call a friend.

Sexuality: Lack of social interaction has led to stunted growth with regards to sexual preference.

Likes: Her 'companions', adventure and battle, protecting others

Dislikes: Tomatoes, demons, cultists, traitors

Other: Doris was the daughter of a human farmer and an elven witch. She learned the tricks of the trade from her father, enthralled by tales of fellow farmers courageously defending their land from cultists with nothing but silver pitchforks and incense-burning torches. She listened to tales of crudely animated constructs made of hay and wood, defending their creator's lands from crows and cultists.

Her mother tried to persuade her to see reason, that to go out in the fields is too dangerous for a young girl. Doris persevered, determined to do her part in protecting their home.

Seeing her daughter's hardheadedness, Doris' mother enacted a great ritual on the night of the full moon. Doris' pet cat, Leo, was sitting in a magic circle Doris' mother painted using silver shards, dust from a vampire's crypt, water from Skyshard and her own blood. The ritual succeeded and Leo gained human level intelligence, magic resistant fur, claws coated in silver and the size of a lion. The cost, was the casters life.

Doris was heartbroken. Her mother died, trying to ensure her daughter's continued safety and her father was overcome by grief, eventually becoming too weak to tend to the crops. And so Doris took over for him. With the skills she learned from the various swordsmen, enchanters and runecrafters, she created her own animated constructs that went with her wherever she went. One was a scarecrow, made of straw and hawthorn. The other, a metal humanoid, crafted from an alloy of tin and silver.

Doris and Jassur have a lot in common. I say a beautiful friendship will be formed lol.
I'm home after a rather boring and horrible day of school.

Shoot me in the face.
Shoot me too. I just found out right now I failed another test. *slams head on desk*
Pew pew~ (gun)

I'm a serial killer now. I kill people who've told me to because of their school difficulties.
Hey guys, I've been having three weeks of bad luck so if I don't post much today sorry. I just need a few hours to recover. @Morgrim if anything important happens, my character will be following yours.
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Hey I'm really sorry to hear that Animus, I hope things turn over and get better for you. Take as much time as you need, real world takes priority.

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Unwavering Knight] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22093-morgrim/ said:
@Morgrim[/URL] - hello there, I'd like to join this wonderful RP! This is still open, right?
Name: Praxedes

Age: 23

Race: Arachne

Skills: Besides the obvious advantage in physical speed granted by the additional number of legs, she is quite the climber, weaver, poisoner and duelist, relishing a perverse martial pride by mercilessly slaughtering any fools that would dare attack her. In combat, she prefers the usage of an ordinary halberd, having found no opportunity to pillage an extraordinary weapon befitting her size.

It should be mentioned that the chitin covering her body is harder than steel, capable of withstanding most conventional weapons, while her large size grants an advantage in raw physical strength.


While standing comfortably on all her legs, she towers over most with a height of eight feet. She also has also has three additional pairs of eyes upon her forehead, though usually hidden by her long hair, and all of her teeth are sharp fangs.

Personality: Well-mannered, empathetic, manipulative, arrogant, graceful, overbearing, condescending, provocative, curious, romantic, murderous, brutal, predatory, proud, hypocritical, elusive.

Sexuality: Try asking her. Politely if you please.

Likes: Battle, dominance, romance, destruction, a certain amount of chaos, darkness, fairytale figures, quixotic fools

Dislikes: Anarchy, submission, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy

Other: She is searching for meaning in life, a direction in which to exist, a purpose to build for herself. Thus far, she found fleeting amusement in superficialities and displaying her martial prowess to those she would deem "weak", but she fears even that may grow thin without an ultimate task.

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