Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Same here friend, same here.

@Strawberry Preserves

Tomorrow night, I will have the post ready, finally.... argh, I'm sorry for making you wait so long DX a freshly baked tray of cookies shall accompany said post in order to make ammends.


I mean, I'll dance to most things if there's a jamming beat- if one can deem the uncoordinated thrashing of limbs and such a form of dance XP

Do you dance, white-chan?

Yaaaay cookies! :D  
That it is. I am simply using an exaggerated example to determine what White means when she says the most advanced of human technology.

Lol. Send it to me and I'll approve it after a look through. Just know the more advanced it is, the bigger the drawback. Colonels have experimental weapons. Let's say it is a Gundam. After a few minutes of use, you just might find it self-destructing to kill your character and those people next to them.
So I know Anime does it for the fanservice and the like, but due to my levelling on Dragon's Dogma, I've come to the conclusion that if I was some super powerful hero type, I'd just run around in the most minimal type of clothing for the pure sake of "Yea, what's your point, I don't need protective stuff cos I'm a right badarse!"
Kouta is accepted. What kind of atmosphere are you expecting for the exams by the way?

I expect things to be tense, since it's bringing together former enemies, but have a somewhat peaceful atmosphere overall. I have a feeling that it could potentially become more serious as people struggle to maintain peace and prevent some sort of fallout.

Definitely a case of Miura not fleshing things out until later, what with him starting off volume 1 with Guts having sex with an Apostle and killing them. Still, you could see that he started laying down the plans with the Count chapter when the Behelit and then God Hand showed up. Getting to see Guts happy is a real joy after how much shit he's been put through, part of the reason why I'm actually enjoying the gradual shift in tone with Guts's travelling party. It might be Miura just setting him up for a greater fall later but I like the development as it is. 

With the game, I'm really hoping we actually get some of the Millenium Empire arc since Schierke and the Berserk Armor are playable. I'm really hoping that Skull Knight turns out to be playable, but I kinda doubt it.

I like seeing a happy Guts after everything that's happened, but it makes me more concerned that the suffering will return in waves.

The game will skip the Black Swordsman arc and start with Golden Age. It'll end at the Falcon of the Millenium Empire arc. It might be possible for them to include a Skull Knight section, maybe being able to play through his fight with Zodd. If not, he could come in DLC, along with some Fantasia stuff.

I got into the series after a max level Guts Pawn on Dragon's Dogma was gifted to me by a PSN friend and promptly helped me destroy all who ever opposed me xD

That is a good friend.
Lol. Send it to me and I'll approve it after a look through. Just know the more advanced it is, the bigger the drawback. Colonels have experimental weapons. Let's say it is a Gundam. After a few minutes of use, you just might find it self-destructing to kill your character and those people next to them.

I'll be sure to send it to you once I come up with something.

Right now, I'm trying to get ideas by visualizing the level of technology available. Don't even know if I want to make Shinsei a colonel or captain major. I don't expect him to be terribly trusted in Tainan's army. 
So I know Anime does it for the fanservice and the like, but due to my levelling on Dragon's Dogma, I've come to the conclusion that if I was some super powerful hero type, I'd just run around in the most minimal type of clothing for the pure sake of "Yea, what's your point, I don't need protective stuff cos I'm a right badarse!"

I suddenly had flashbacks to Papillon from Busou Renkin.

Shit, Busou Renkin was a really good Shonen. Also had one of the greatest openings of all time.


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So I know Anime does it for the fanservice and the like, but due to my levelling on Dragon's Dogma, I've come to the conclusion that if I was some super powerful hero type, I'd just run around in the most minimal type of clothing for the pure sake of "Yea, what's your point, I don't need protective stuff cos I'm a right badarse!"

You usually play Rogues/Thieves. I feel it.

I'll be sure to send it to you once I come up with something.

Right now, I'm trying to get ideas by visualizing the level of technology available. Don't even know if I want to make Shinsei a colonel or captain major. I don't expect him to be terribly trusted in Tainan's army. 

Up to you. Maybe Shinsei can go jump in the ocean?


Soma is approved. Sorry about Tiyoka. I am looking forward to some bad*ss Diamond Jutsu too =)
Also, did you need anything else to look over or will those character notes suffice for now? After blazing through all of that yesterday I'm pretty burnt out on doing more work on it now. 

I did look at them, but I'm waiting til I have a good oppurtunity to sit down and pore over them a while and get a good in depth response for them.
Do you not like Shinsei?

Nooooooooooooooo I don't.

She has some bizarre desire to see him suffer. I think the brief Dove/Shinsei ship may have upset her cos she didn't approve xD

No! I just don't like Shinsei.

Did Shinsei manage to wreck one of White's plans or something?

Noooo!!!! He's a creep. That's what it is. He has zero respect for people, he drinks his butt off, and is a pompous jerk. 
I did look at them, but I'm waiting til I have a good oppurtunity to sit down and pore over them a while and get a good in depth response for them.

Take your time, I just wanted to get planning out of the way. Won't be running until we get Dice Rolling back on the site and given the pending updates I'll probably be able to finish up my other quest before then.
Is that why you want Raven to be mean to him? That's a daft reason. You should try to help those people instead =P

No, no. My personal feelings don't get in the way of RP, otherwise Chiaki would have divorced Hanbungetsu already. I don't know how Raven will react toward Shinsei yet. Just going with the flow. You know we don't plan things here.
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No, no. My personal feelings don't get in they way of RP, otherwise Chiaki would have divorced Hanbungetsu already. I don't know how Raven will react toward Shinsei yet. Just going with the flow. You know we don't plan things here.

Pffffffffttttt HAHAHAHA! Me? Not planning things?

I had almost all my plans from the start, and what's more is most everyone played right into them with Dove. Nah, I plan everything.
I didn't know you were a shoujo protagonist who was into bad boys White. My Tsundere meter suddenly broke just now.

Lol. Gas, you need to focus on Adel explaining things. I already have Nana's answer for when I come back around.
Lol. Gas, you need to focus on Adel explaining things. I already have Nana's answer for when I come back around.

Implying Nana hasn't gone insane from the Byakugan reporting all of his words as true. 

Also, Persona 5 is out and now I've got to dodge spoilers for 5 months. Jesus Christ. 

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You usually play Rogues/Thieves. I feel it.

Up to you. Maybe Shinsei can go jump in the ocean?


Soma is approved. Sorry about Tiyoka. I am looking forward to some bad*ss Diamond Jutsu too =)

I just realized what a terrible idea it would be to leave Shinsei as an npc colonel.

Did Shinsei manage to wreck one of White's plans or something?

Not that I'm aware of. I think it's his personality White doesn't like. Shinsei enjoys annoying people. Though she did consider shipping him with Chiita when he shoved her and briefly tried to ship him with Maruorchi(which I expect to be a trap) I don't know. White's a complex one.

Nooooooooooooooo I don't.

No! I just don't like Shinsei.

Noooo!!!! He's a creep. That's what it is. He has zero respect for people, he drinks his butt off, and is a pompous jerk. 

The drinking addiction only happened because of Amegakure. He stopped after the Kiri arc and relapsed towards the end after seeing Maika die and Dove vanished.
I just realized what a terrible idea it would be to leave Shinsei as an npc colonel.

Not that I'm aware of. I think it's his personality White doesn't like. Shinsei enjoys annoying people. Though she did consider shipping him with Chiita when he shoved her and briefly tried to ship him with Maruorchi(which I expect to be a trap) I don't know. White's a complex one.

The drinking addiction only happened because of Amegakure. He stopped after the Kiri arc and relapsed towards the end after seeing Maika die and Dove vanished.

You know, he could always get drunk and wander away to find Dove/Raven. I mean, by technicality he's not a 'filthy ninja' any more, and neither is she, so he could get along better with Wunan... maybe... hopefully...
You know, he could always get drunk and wander away to find Dove/Raven. I mean, by technicality he's not a 'filthy ninja' any more, and neither is she, so he could get along better with Wunan... maybe... hopefully...

lol. That would be interesting, but highly unlikely.

I think stubborn was one of the negative traits I put in his original cs.

He could work with her, but he won't ever like her.  

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