Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


What. There was nothing hot blooded about that =/.


I don't think I'll ever find a rival quite like you either! Will wear my title forever. And keep this avy as a reminder for the time I've been in this roleplay.


Yeah they are a re-telling which left me upset. What a waste of tiiiiiiiiime. All I wanted to see what Super Saiyan 3 again and those red monkey looking Super Saiyan 4. Ugh. Fantastic! But what I got was red hair..then SuperSaiyanGodSuperSayian. Fffffffffssssssss. How is this stuff accepted!? 

Now, now, your characters. Out of all your creations, it's of course Pre-Knights Chiaki. Young Chiaki. So hot. Mmm, I wish he would have been locked in a room on-on-one with Daradei when she was still wild for him. It would have been an intense post. He was interesting to me because he was away from the guy norm. You know, the super strong, super gruff, super raucous, super brooding and spectacular bad@asses that people don't mess with. He was normal. He was respectfully friendly. He was soft-spoken. He had the Nuibari that focused on skill rather than strength. He was gentle. He was nice. He was graceful. He didn't have some crazy desire to kill. He just went along for the ride and discovered things like a normal person along the way. In many ways he was like Yoshinori. Even though I played a lot of characters with great powers, my favorites were the weak ones. The ones who didn't have a magic pill to solve everything. Young Chiaki solved everything through thinking them out, and that is much harder than using strength to brute force your way through. That's why I highly respect the character, love him, and how he was written. 

If he and Han fought Daradei when they 1st met, she would have killed them. There was no plan for her to fall for Chiaki at all. It was only after he deal-made that it really became a thing. He saved Shirokko, himself, and Han all while making the leader of the Shirotaiyo fall for him. And the GM too. That's amazing. He had a lot of what some would consider feminine traits, but still kept that strong, steely resolve of a guy. It was a sexy mixture. But once he got those Hagoromo powers and moved towards Han, I didn't like him.

As for least favorite, it used to be Shinsei. Though now I understand he's just a broken liquorhead so I have sympathy. It'd probably be Sumire cause she is so closed off and stuck in her mindset. Even after Lily tried to talk some sense into her by saying explore a little/talk to her about her past, Sumire refused and decided to continue on her business. Whether Sumire was truly happy to continue living hand-off like she was, I don't know, but it was hurtful to read. But if she was happy then, that's okay.

@Pequeno Burraidh

It will be a while before Codebreakers is done. Though it should share the same kind of experience you were used to here. Plus the class system concept. I think when it all comes together it will be fun.

What. There was nothing hot blooded about that =/.


I don't think I'll ever find a rival quite like you either! Will wear my title forever. And keep this avy as a reminder for the time I've been in this roleplay.

Yeah they are a re-telling which left me upset. What a waste of tiiiiiiiiime. All I wanted to see what Super Saiyan 3 again and those red monkey looking Super Saiyan 4. Ugh. Fantastic! But what I got was red hair..then SuperSaiyanGodSuperSayian. Fffffffffssssssss. How is this stuff accepted!? 

Now, now, your characters. Out of all your creations, it's of course Pre-Knights Chiaki. Young Chiaki. So hot. Mmm, I wish he would have been locked in a room on-on-one with Daradei when she was still wild for him. It would have been an intense post. He was interesting to me because he was away from the guy norm. You know, the super strong, super gruff, super raucous, super brooding and spectacular bad@asses that people don't mess with. He was normal. He was respectfully friendly. He was soft-spoken. He had the Nuibari that focused on skill rather than strength. He was gentle. He was nice. He was graceful. He didn't have some crazy desire to kill. He just went along for the ride and discovered things like a normal person along the way. In many ways he was like Yoshinori. Even though I played a lot of characters with great powers, my favorites were the weak ones. The ones who didn't have a magic pill to solve everything. Young Chiaki solved everything through thinking them out, and that is much harder than using strength to brute force your way through. That's why I highly respect the character, love him, and how he was written. 

If he and Han fought Daradei when they 1st met, she would have killed them. There was no plan for her to fall for Chiaki at all. It was only after he deal-made that it really became a thing. He saved Shirokko, himself, and Han all while making the leader of the Shirotaiyo fall for him. And the GM too. That's amazing. He had a lot of what some would consider feminine traits, but still kept that strong, steely resolve of a guy. It was a sexy mixture. But once he got those Hagoromo powers and moved towards Han, I didn't like him.

As for least favorite, it used to be Shinsei. Though now I understand he's just a broken liquorhead so I have sympathy. It'd probably be Sumire cause she is so closed off and stuck in her mindset. Even after Lily tried to talk some sense into her by saying explore a little/talk to her about her past, Sumire refused and decided to continue on her business. Whether Sumire was truly happy to continue living hand-off like she was, I don't know, but it was hurtful to read. But if she was happy then, that's okay.

@Pequeno Burraidh

It will be a while before Codebreakers is done. Though it should share the same kind of experience you were used to here. Plus the class system concept. I think when it all comes together it will be fun.

It's Jam Project. By default all of their music is hot-blooded. 


Also, set the montage of the Knights slaughtering the degenerate Shinobi to this.



Do it for me. Kill everything.​
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It's Jam Project. By default all of their music is hot-blooded. 


Also, set the montage of the Knights slaughtering the degenerate Shinobi to this.


Do it for me. Kill everything.​

Haha. So sorry, we did not get that far enough =). You can dream about the knights slaughtering the shinobi. I hate shinobi.
Haha. So sorry, we did not get that far enough =). You can dream about the knights slaughtering the shinobi. I hate shinobi.




@Lucem Tenebris


It's always weird to look back at the first opening of Pokemon - even when rendered with an Otamatone it still has that distinct 90s anime feel.
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It's always weird to look back at the first opening of Pokemon - even when rendered with an Otamatone it still has that distinct 90s anime feel.

Edited 1 hour ago by GasMaskie

I have a lot of nostalgia for this opening, since it was the first thing I experienced from the anime. It captures the themes and style at the time pretty well.

The Switch presentation seemed to go well. Nintendo gave us a good look at the hardware.
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I have a lot of nostalgia for this opening, since it was the first thing I experienced from the anime. It captures the themes and style at the time pretty well.

The Switch presentation seemed to go well. Nintendo have us a good look at the hardware.

No Stars. But on the other hand, Fire Emblem Warriors and even more fucking unexpected: NO MORE HEROES. I seriously though Suda51 forgot about it after Let It Die and that Moon Gigolo game that no one played.



The sequel's OST was pure ear sex in the missionary position with handholding.

What. There was nothing hot blooded about that =/.


I don't think I'll ever find a rival quite like you either! Will wear my title forever. And keep this avy as a reminder for the time I've been in this roleplay.

Yeah they are a re-telling which left me upset. What a waste of tiiiiiiiiime. All I wanted to see what Super Saiyan 3 again and those red monkey looking Super Saiyan 4. Ugh. Fantastic! But what I got was red hair..then SuperSaiyanGodSuperSayian. Fffffffffssssssss. How is this stuff accepted!? 

Now, now, your characters. Out of all your creations, it's of course Pre-Knights Chiaki. Young Chiaki. So hot. Mmm, I wish he would have been locked in a room on-on-one with Daradei when she was still wild for him. It would have been an intense post. He was interesting to me because he was away from the guy norm. You know, the super strong, super gruff, super raucous, super brooding and spectacular bad@asses that people don't mess with. He was normal. He was respectfully friendly. He was soft-spoken. He had the Nuibari that focused on skill rather than strength. He was gentle. He was nice. He was graceful. He didn't have some crazy desire to kill. He just went along for the ride and discovered things like a normal person along the way. In many ways he was like Yoshinori. Even though I played a lot of characters with great powers, my favorites were the weak ones. The ones who didn't have a magic pill to solve everything. Young Chiaki solved everything through thinking them out, and that is much harder than using strength to brute force your way through. That's why I highly respect the character, love him, and how he was written. 

If he and Han fought Daradei when they 1st met, she would have killed them. There was no plan for her to fall for Chiaki at all. It was only after he deal-made that it really became a thing. He saved Shirokko, himself, and Han all while making the leader of the Shirotaiyo fall for him. And the GM too. That's amazing. He had a lot of what some would consider feminine traits, but still kept that strong, steely resolve of a guy. It was a sexy mixture. But once he got those Hagoromo powers and moved towards Han, I didn't like him.

As for least favorite, it used to be Shinsei. Though now I understand he's just a broken liquorhead so I have sympathy. It'd probably be Sumire cause she is so closed off and stuck in her mindset. Even after Lily tried to talk some sense into her by saying explore a little/talk to her about her past, Sumire refused and decided to continue on her business. Whether Sumire was truly happy to continue living hand-off like she was, I don't know, but it was hurtful to read. But if she was happy then, that's okay.

@Pequeno Burraidh

It will be a while before Codebreakers is done. Though it should share the same kind of experience you were used to here. Plus the class system concept. I think when it all comes together it will be fun.

Haha, no idea. Super Sayan 4 is indeed the best looking transformation. 

I was referring to the 8 afterstory characters I made, since I already know your opinion of pre-Afterstory Chiaki. Though I do appreciate the explanation. There's definitely something respectable about the normal guy struggling to overcome odds. I can definitely see you liking the weak characters. lol. Daradei fell in love with Chiaki because he successfully lied to her? I thought it was his cute appearance and stylish clothing^^ 

Hm, so Shinsei's not your least favorite=) Sumire is indeed a stubborn one. Though, given her age, and her role as Chiaki's mentor in the main rp, she's not the type that's supposed to change...since she's already discovered her path in life. Same with Chiaki in the afterstory. Sumire's happy. Whether the way of the ninja continues or dies, Eternal Night Palace--her pride and joy--will continue on. She's also not as cynical towards ninjas as she used to be. And it wasn't as if Sumire was completely un-involved in the last war. She sent Soba to watch after Misami after all. And she was keeping tabs of Chiaki every time he uses a wolf summon.

She continues to play a part in Nao and Jun's lives. And you can bet she's still keeping track of news regarding Haruka. Family is important to her.

It's Jam Project. By default all of their music is hot-blooded. 


Also, set the montage of the Knights slaughtering the degenerate Shinobi to this.


Do it for me. Kill everything.​

Pfft. Knights slaughtering shinobi. More like shinobi pwning knights. Did you see Rudy vs Mizutsune? Shinobi are crazy. Knights only have gelel 9_9 . As for humans...I expect gundams will start appearing in another year or two. At the very least, they'll start building mechs once war hits.   
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Haha, no idea. Super Sayan 4 is indeed the best looking transformation. 

I was referring to the 8 afterstory characters I made, since I already know your opinion of pre-Afterstory Chiaki. Though I do appreciate the explanation. There's definitely something respectable about the normal guy struggling to overcome odds. I can definitely see you liking the weak characters. lol. Daradei fell in love with Chiaki because he successfully lied to her? I thought it was his cute appearance and stylish clothing^^ 

Hm, so Shinsei's not your least favorite=) Sumire is indeed a stubborn one. Though, given her age, and her role as Chiaki's mentor in the main rp, she's not the type that's supposed to change...since she's already discovered her path in life. Same with Chiaki in the afterstory. Sumire's happy. Whether the way of the ninja continues or dies, Eternal Night Palace--her pride and joy--will continue on. She's also not as cynical towards ninjas as she used to be. And it wasn't as if Sumire was completely un-involved in the last war. She sent Soba to watch after Misami after all. And she was keeping tabs of Chiaki every time he uses a wolf summon.

She continues to play a part in Nao and Jun's lives. And you can bet she's still keeping track of news regarding Haruka. Family is important to her.

Pfft. Knights slaughtering shinobi. More like shinobi pwning knights. Did you see Rudy vs Mizutsune? Shinobi are crazy. Knights only have gelel 9_9 . As for humans...I expect gundams will start appearing in another year or two. At the very least, they'll start building mechs.   

Power creep was in full effect since the original incident would have only involved a handful of normies. Also, Mitsuzane's power levels were through the roof for some reason with ridiculous over-the-top attacks and cheesy dialogue - they could literally just use violence to plow through anything at this point. Which is a horrendous oversight on White's part that has lead to pretty much no consequences because she allowed it to play out. Shinobi are still fairly on par with Knights - you're just looking at an abnormality in the data. Either way, I'm still wondering if White's going to throw up some vague closing post for this since this story's definitely going to be left unfinished.

No Stars. But on the other hand, Fire Emblem Warriors and even more fucking unexpected: NO MORE HEROES. I seriously though Suda51 forgot about it after Let It Die and that Moon Gigolo game that no one played.



The sequel's OST was pure ear sex in the missionary position with handholding.

It took me a while to realize what was happening when the translator started having difficulties, but the image of Travis had me excited. No More Heroes was one of the few reasons I had to dust off my Wii. I spent a lot of time just listening to the soundtrack.

Aside from Zelda and Fire Emblem, I didn't see much else that interested me, but I'm hoping to see more titles soon. I really want Nintendo to focus on new IPs.
Power creep was in full effect since the original incident would have only involved a handful of normies. Also, Mitsuzane's power levels were through the roof for some reason with ridiculous over-the-top attacks and cheesy dialogue - they could literally just use violence to plow through anything at this point. Which is a horrendous oversight on White's part that has lead to pretty much no consequences because she allowed it to play out. Shinobi are still fairly on par with Knights - you're just looking at an abnormality in the data. Either way, I'm still wondering if White's going to throw up some vague closing post for this since this story's definitely going to be left unfinished.


A collab with Kalin. Maybe a scene or two with the rest of the kids. That's about it I think.

It's the outliers that make or break a war :P
Replace outlier with Mary Sue and war with Story and I'd agree.


Well, power levels aside, ninjas have a lot more variety than knights in terms of abilities. Rudy claims to be the strongest knight and he admits none of the knights have anything similar to teleporting abilities. Whereas space-time ninjutsu isn't that uncommon among ninjas. I'm betting a simple transformation jutsu could fool a knight  :smile7:  

Gas. Lol. You remind of why I love to read Reddit after anime shows air. Because they bring up such dumb and utterly ridiculous things, it makes me laugh so hard. Things like that picture you posted. Come on boy? Lol. Where did you even get that? I don't know why I find those things so funny, but I love them so much. 

No closing post, but 1 scene or two with the kids. Don't expect that any time soon.


Daradei did like him bceause of his looks at first, but that was a passing crush. Once he started talking to her was when it turned into something more. And okay, I don't know. I jst never saw her inner thoughts in a scene so that's probably why I think this way. Never saw the soft side of Sumire. If you mean afterstory characters, most liked would be Kailai and least liked would be Sakuya. Sakuya seemed very bitter and acrimonious =/. Kailai was cool and breezy. I didn't like that shiftiness in him, but the airy nature won out so far.

Lol. Don't discount knights. As I want to end on a cliffhanger, I won't tell you anymore than that, as much as I want to continue the story. I'll take the secrets to grave with me. We ended last RP so I'm happy regardless.

You know you have no life when you have over 600 images and gifs of a single character...

Hahaha xD You're too much.
I'll be honest, kind of happy this has come to a close for one perfectly reasonable reason =P

I was really starting to have a hard time keeping track of the names, titles, locations and relatives of all these characters we'd made >.<

That's about the only reason though XD
I've never had a good reason or opportunity -_-. I had a few potential ones but they always were handled correctly before they went 100%

Shirokko, Raven, and Orisas are the first that come into mind when I think of your characters in terms of potential yandere. Dai Dai might've been one as well, though more yan than dere. I could also see Kiyomi's childhood friend (can't seem to remember his name) being one--if he had chosen to kill her instead of himself.   

I'll be honest, kind of happy this has come to a close for one perfectly reasonable reason =P

I was really starting to have a hard time keeping track of the names, titles, locations and relatives of all these characters we'd made >.<

That's about the only reason though XD

I knew the end was approaching, so I prepped the stage--placed all my characters where I wanted them to be--in preparation for a war/future that'll I'll never see. 

I'm not particularly happy that the rp has come to a close, but I am content with the ending. Leaving things ambiguous means that I'm free to imagine any end I wish.


Daradei did like him bceause of his looks at first, but that was a passing crush. Once he started talking to her was when it turned into something more. And okay, I don't know. I jst never saw her inner thoughts in a scene so that's probably why I think this way. Never saw the soft side of Sumire. If you mean afterstory characters, most liked would be Kailai and least liked would be Sakuya. Sakuya seemed very bitter and acrimonious =/. Kailai was cool and breezy. I didn't like that shiftiness in him, but the airy nature won out so far.

Lol. Don't discount knights. As I want to end on a cliffhanger, I won't tell you anymore than that, as much as I want to continue the story. I'll take the secrets to grave with me. We ended last RP so I'm happy regardless.

I think all my characters have a certain degree of shiftiness to them. The soft side of Sumire is difficult to see. It's there, but it takes a truly idealistic person to see it. Sakuya is very bitter. Can't deny that. She's also good at holding grudges. But, on the bright side, she's not as murderous as she used to be...^^;

Kailai is also my favorite of the after-story characters I created in terms of personality=). Though I think I'm most attached to Chiaki and Shinsei because I've been with them the longest. The into the darkness route for Shinsei wasn't my intention, but it does make things interesting. Raven won't actually let him have complete reign, right? I mean, I do love all my children, but I won't deny that giving Shinsei power is pretty much asking him to abuse it T_T. If there's a reason Kailai punches Shin, it's for the future of the Land of the Void. And Hana. And himself. But mainly for character development. 

Hm, is that so? Keep your secrets then. And I'll keep mine. You've no idea what would've happened to Rudy if Raina had succeeded in taking Rudy to the 'abandoned' Water Temple :smile7:
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I knew the end was approaching, so I prepped the stage--placed all my characters where I wanted them to be--in preparation for a war/future that'll I'll never see. 

I'm not particularly happy that the rp has come to a close, but I am content with the ending. Leaving things ambiguous means that I'm free to imagine any end I wish.

My headcanon is that Rei and a handful of others come together to ensure that stupid petty wars don't happen anymore. Essentially, fall in line and live a wonderful life. Literally, best life you could have, just don't start shite.

Start small shite? Stern talking to.

Start shite in general? Well, depends on how much shite and the type of shite. Between a lecture to potential fines.

Start big shite, like murdering people, trying to usurp for a revolution against fuck all but a fantastic chance at living a peaceful life, or trying to start some racial battle again? That's a Union in the Light sentence.

Tournaments still get held, people still have things to do, life goes on, just with far less worry that a bad of ninja or Kakureyami come through in a massive battle that decimates your home, kills your loved ones, ruins your fields, collapses your economy and forces you to rely on a small island nation for financial and supply based aide. As for the Knights? Rei would travel to the nation, explain Rudy came to their land and assailed their people without due cause. She would then explain him threatening genocide to the Kiri people.

If that didn't work, she'd challenge a sword duel for leadership.

If that didn't work, she'd attempt the Union in the Light.

And if that didn't work and they became a true threat, she would remorsefully remove their threatening existence from this realm of life and ask if she was in charge now.

And if she wasn't she would start with explaining things to the next person and repeat until the issue was resolved.

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