Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

My headcanon is that Rei and a handful of others come together to ensure that stupid petty wars don't happen anymore. Essentially, fall in line and live a wonderful life. Literally, best life you could have, just don't start shite.

Start small shite? Stern talking to.

Start shite in general? Well, depends on how much shite and the type of shite. Between a lecture to potential fines.

Start big shite, like murdering people, trying to usurp for a revolution against fuck all but a fantastic chance at living a peaceful life, or trying to start some racial battle again? That's a Union in the Light sentence.

Tournaments still get held, people still have things to do, life goes on, just with far less worry that a bad of ninja or Kakureyami come through in a massive battle that decimates your home, kills your loved ones, ruins your fields, collapses your economy and forces you to rely on a small island nation for financial and supply based aide. As for the Knights? Rei would travel to the nation, explain Rudy came to their land and assailed their people without due cause. She would then explain him threatening genocide to the Kiri people.

If that didn't work, she'd challenge a sword duel for leadership.

If that didn't work, she'd attempt the Union in the Light.

And if that didn't work and they became a true threat, she would remorsefully remove their threatening existence from this realm of life and ask if she was in charge now.

And if she wasn't she would start with explaining things to the next person and repeat until the issue was resolved.

Rei's trying to stop all wars, huh? She sounds like she's trying to make a lot of enemies.

An endless cycle of death until the evils of warmongers is all vanquished...a dark tale indeed. What will she do if the Kakureyami side with the Knights? Will she kill her sister and try to take charge of the Kakureyami?
My headcanon is that Rei and a handful of others come together to ensure that stupid petty wars don't happen anymore. Essentially, fall in line and live a wonderful life. Literally, best life you could have, just don't start shite.

Start small shite? Stern talking to.

Start shite in general? Well, depends on how much shite and the type of shite. Between a lecture to potential fines.

Start big shite, like murdering people, trying to usurp for a revolution against fuck all but a fantastic chance at living a peaceful life, or trying to start some racial battle again? That's a Union in the Light sentence.

Tournaments still get held, people still have things to do, life goes on, just with far less worry that a bad of ninja or Kakureyami come through in a massive battle that decimates your home, kills your loved ones, ruins your fields, collapses your economy and forces you to rely on a small island nation for financial and supply based aide. As for the Knights? Rei would travel to the nation, explain Rudy came to their land and assailed their people without due cause. She would then explain him threatening genocide to the Kiri people.

If that didn't work, she'd challenge a sword duel for leadership.

If that didn't work, she'd attempt the Union in the Light.

And if that didn't work and they became a true threat, she would remorsefully remove their threatening existence from this realm of life and ask if she was in charge now.

And if she wasn't she would start with explaining things to the next person and repeat until the issue was resolved.
Rei's trying to stop all wars, huh? She sounds like she's trying to make a lot of enemies.

An endless cycle of death until the evils of warmongers is all vanquished...a dark tale indeed. What will she do if the Kakureyami side with the Knights? Will she kill her sister and try to take charge of the Kakureyami?

Well Rei knows that Raven is susceptible to the Union in the Light, and since it never happened I never got to show the defence I'd developed should she get hit with a chakra-destructive attack either, but I'd developed on that was kind of interesting. 

Hll, the idea isn't even for outright force. End the immediate conflicts, yes, but that's because the Knights are clearly a threat to the people. After that slowly make alliances across the board, possibly learn cloning and utilise that, and fro the alliances and the regular protection and aide her and her people offer, make life 'on her side' too good to pass up, and make being her enemy something that shouldn't be recommended. 

Almost all of it would fall into place after that, with most of her enemies being 'shown mercy' and finding peaceful lives amongst her people, and her more ferocious enemies easily being quelled upon her arrival.

Yes, there's a certain amount of force involved, but the most important thing here that only slightly sets Rei apart from the other dictator types that have tried this is that she has no self ambition and would truly be doing it to make everyone's lives better. That and her inner talk on monsters has settled her with the fact that she will be viewed as a monster by her enemies, but ultimately she, who fights to protect the innocents, can be called anything her opponents want, but it will all just fall away when her actions save lives.

You got it. Everyone except Raven. She's aggressive but not obsessive. I know the name of the boy that liked Kiyomi, but I won't say it because we don't talk about that =). Naw, Raven wouldn't let Shinsei run things. She's very much committed to Wunan and her legacy so takes her job seriously. If he did something sketchy, she'd call him out on it and beat him up if he didn't stop.

Oho? What would Raina have done to Rudy? Cry? Apologize? Kiss him to death? *Snickers* 


Is making characters your favorite part of roleplay Quirks?


That scenario was so...



You got it. Everyone except Raven. She's aggressive but not obsessive. I know the name of the boy that liked Kiyomi, but I won't say it because we don't talk about that =). Naw, Raven wouldn't let Shinsei run things. She's very much committed to Wunan and her legacy so takes her job seriously. If he did something sketchy, she'd call him out on it and beat him up if he didn't stop.

Oho? What would Raina have done to Rudy? Cry? Apologize? Kiss him to death? *Snickers* 

Is making characters your favorite part of roleplay Quirks?


That scenario was so...




What's wrong, can't handle being a Hero of Justice?

Well Rei knows that Raven is susceptible to the Union in the Light, and since it never happened I never got to show the defence I'd developed should she get hit with a chakra-destructive attack either, but I'd developed on that was kind of interesting. 

Hll, the idea isn't even for outright force. End the immediate conflicts, yes, but that's because the Knights are clearly a threat to the people. After that slowly make alliances across the board, possibly learn cloning and utilise that, and fro the alliances and the regular protection and aide her and her people offer, make life 'on her side' too good to pass up, and make being her enemy something that shouldn't be recommended. 

Almost all of it would fall into place after that, with most of her enemies being 'shown mercy' and finding peaceful lives amongst her people, and her more ferocious enemies easily being quelled upon her arrival.

Yes, there's a certain amount of force involved, but the most important thing here that only slightly sets Rei apart from the other dictator types that have tried this is that she has no self ambition and would truly be doing it to make everyone's lives better. That and her inner talk on monsters has settled her with the fact that she will be viewed as a monster by her enemies, but ultimately she, who fights to protect the innocents, can be called anything her opponents want, but it will all just fall away when her actions save lives.

I wouldn't discount the idiots that would rather die than be 'shown mercy'. There were quite a lot of them in the last rp. The afterstory too^^ If Rei does something to Raven Shinsei will get involved...and he's not taking Rei's side in a sibling spat. He's just getting used to Dove/Raven's new personality after all and won't like it if it changes...again T_T

It's the dictators that have no self ambition that I'm worried about. I guess Rei's going for Sasuke's method of world peace...which is viable I guess. Raina will be for sure against her. Chiaki will only be against her if she tries to spread her influence to the shinobi continents. I mean, ninjas warring among each other still exist. And Shirokko has allied herself with a couple of knights. 


You got it. Everyone except Raven. She's aggressive but not obsessive. I know the name of the boy that liked Kiyomi, but I won't say it because we don't talk about that =). Naw, Raven wouldn't let Shinsei run things. She's very much committed to Wunan and her legacy so takes her job seriously. If he did something sketchy, she'd call him out on it and beat him up if he didn't stop.

Oho? What would Raina have done to Rudy? Cry? Apologize? Kiss him to death? *Snickers* 

Is making characters your favorite part of roleplay Quirks?

In that case, I'm kinda glad Shinsei went the into the darkness route. Tainan's too soft on him =P Will she let Shinsei keep his Arc Shield? And his gadgets? It'd be a shame to toss them all out. Though, if Shinsei's leaving the army, Raina will for sure take command of his submarine.

Secret remember~?Though I will tell you humans are dangerous because they are tricky. And work in teams. It's too bad Mizu didn't coordinate well with them. Raina's personality is also partly to blame 9_9

Making characters is indeed my favorite part of rping. Though I also enjoy interacting with other characters, building character relationships, etc.
I wouldn't discount the idiots that would rather die than be 'shown mercy'. There were quite a lot of them in the last rp. The afterstory too^^ If Rei does something to Raven Shinsei will get involved...and he's not taking Rei's side in a sibling spat. He's just getting used to Dove/Raven's new personality after all and won't like it if it changes...again T_T

It's the dictators that have no self ambition that I'm worried about. I guess Rei's going for Sasuke's method of world peace...which is viable I guess. Raina will be for sure against her. Chiaki will only be against her if she tries to spread her influence to the shinobi continents. I mean, ninjas warring among each other still exist. And Shirokko has allied herself with a couple of knights. 

You're missing the most crucial thing again silly. 

Rei still uses words first. When she came back and saw another knight, yes, she put a hand out to grab their wrist, but it was to stop violence. She followed it up with words, but she needed the violence to stop.

Unlike Sasuke who just opted to fight regularly, forego his relationships to people that cared for him and be a douchecanoe. Rei still very much cares for people and always takes a non-violent approach. She's likely not the only person willing to put effort into properly uniting people and finding ways to appease silly spats and what have you. Tournaments and what have you would be a go to, a way for people to maintain their individuality and culture, and settle pats, but under gaurded rules and guidelines that keep anything from getting out of hand. Should it happen, people step in.

Resolution of the issues that currently stand need to happen, and Rei isn't jut going to smash heads together until it works, because she knows it doesn't work.

As for idiots who would rather die, well, to to honest Union in the Light is kind of an odd mix of brainwashing, forced addiction, Stockholm syndrome and performing a good deed. Unless the recipient is absolutely evil and beyond saving, the target is forced to relive enough memories and feelings of love they've forged and love they've ended directly, effectively 'killing' family they've had, even though they didn't have that family and it was a victim of theirs.  After each 'death' or love they've destroyed, they suffer for a moment before it is replaced with love they have forged, be it friends, a lover, their children, what have you. This repeats throughout every instance of their lives in mere seconds, though for the target it could feel like hours or days.

In this process they are 'taught' that being good helps make the hurt go away, and they are taught to understand that their actions directly hurt others, and now they know just how much.

Once the process is over the target generally changes their outlook on life and sets out to make sure that he doesn't ever repeat the same transgressions, lest they be transgressed against in return and they go down the same path that they know leads to pain. (A number of Rei's villagers were either Ninja or Kakureyami that willing went through this process after want some way to offer recompense to the other side. This was Rei's version of doing so, stating that understanding that both sides are as human as the other, and that offering them compassion because of that, was the greatest recompense they could ever offer.)

As for people that are 100% unaffected by this jutsu?

Well that's because they are dangerous pyschos too far gone to save and we all know what happens then, just ask Rudy.
You're missing the most crucial thing again silly. 

Rei still uses words first. When she came back and saw another knight, yes, she put a hand out to grab their wrist, but it was to stop violence. She followed it up with words, but she needed the violence to stop.

Unlike Sasuke who just opted to fight regularly, forego his relationships to people that cared for him and be a douchecanoe. Rei still very much cares for people and always takes a non-violent approach. She's likely not the only person willing to put effort into properly uniting people and finding ways to appease silly spats and what have you. Tournaments and what have you would be a go to, a way for people to maintain their individuality and culture, and settle pats, but under gaurded rules and guidelines that keep anything from getting out of hand. Should it happen, people step in.

Resolution of the issues that currently stand need to happen, and Rei isn't jut going to smash heads together until it works, because she knows it doesn't work.

As for idiots who would rather die, well, to to honest Union in the Light is kind of an odd mix of brainwashing, forced addiction, Stockholm syndrome and performing a good deed. Unless the recipient is absolutely evil and beyond saving, the target is forced to relive enough memories and feelings of love they've forged and love they've ended directly, effectively 'killing' family they've had, even though they didn't have that family and it was a victim of theirs.  After each 'death' or love they've destroyed, they suffer for a moment before it is replaced with love they have forged, be it friends, a lover, their children, what have you. This repeats throughout every instance of their lives in mere seconds, though for the target it could feel like hours or days.

In this process they are 'taught' that being good helps make the hurt go away, and they are taught to understand that their actions directly hurt others, and now they know just how much.

Once the process is over the target generally changes their outlook on life and sets out to make sure that he doesn't ever repeat the same transgressions, lest they be transgressed against in return and they go down the same path that they know leads to pain. (A number of Rei's villagers were either Ninja or Kakureyami that willing went through this process after want some way to offer recompense to the other side. This was Rei's version of doing so, stating that understanding that both sides are as human as the other, and that offering them compassion because of that, was the greatest recompense they could ever offer.)

As for people that are 100% unaffected by this jutsu?

Well that's because they are dangerous pyschos too far gone to save and we all know what happens then, just ask Rudy.

Ah. Okay then. Just so long as you realize emotional overdrives are the reasons for aggressive action in the first place. If Shinsei was hit with that skill, he'd probably fall in the opposite the direction. Insanity...especially considering the number of lives he's already taken. Reliving all that would make him go bonkers...more than he already is.   

I wouldn't call Rudy psychotic. Dangerous certainly, but everything he did was within the realm of reason. He just wasn't handled properly =P

No, but, first 2 boats had a hole open in them at the same time. I get that, but then everyone gets on another boat and then SEPARATES AGAIN. Then holes open up in both boats AGAIN???? What's up with the grail? I don't understand T_T


Haha. What is up with this gadget loving fest? Yeah, she'd likely tell him to toss it out as she wants him to live long. That's 1 thing that's going to mark their relationship. It's going to be extremely open with them both probably physically fighting for what they want. Don't look at me. Just following the trend laid from the last RP.

Lol, Quirk. Are you trying to goad me into finishing this? You do know there are a LOT more Knights than revealed? I graciously spared this after-story from going through unneeded suffering. If Raina took down Rudy, someone else would have been after her prim, samurai, little head  :smile10:

And I see. From the detail in your CS's and character progressions, I figured that to be the case. You're very good at it. It's not something I do, but I like that. It's nice to watch without it going overboard.

No, but, first 2 boats had a hole open in them at the same time. I get that, but then everyone gets on another boat and then SEPARATES AGAIN. Then holes open up in both boats AGAIN???? What's up with the grail? I don't understand T_T

It's a hypothetical situation to make a point.

No, but, first 2 boats had a hole open in them at the same time. I get that, but then everyone gets on another boat and then SEPARATES AGAIN. Then holes open up in both boats AGAIN???? What's up with the grail? I don't understand T_T


Haha. What is up with this gadget loving fest? Yeah, she'd likely tell him to toss it out as she wants him to live long. That's 1 thing that's going to mark their relationship. It's going to be extremely open with them both probably physically fighting for what they want. Don't look at me. Just following the trend laid from the last RP.

Lol, Quirk. Are you trying to goad me into finishing this? You do know there are a LOT more Knights than revealed? I graciously spared this after-story from going through unneeded suffering. If Raina took down Rudy, someone else would have been after her prim, samurai, little head  :smile10:

And I see. From the detail in your CS's and character progressions, I figured that to be the case. You're very good at it. It's not something I do, but I like that. It's nice to watch without it going overboard.

Kiritsugu is arguing with the Holy Grail/Angra Mainyu. The whole thing is just his foundations as a person getting torn down and a prequel to his son's own hero mentality. 

Haha. What is up with this gadget loving fest? Yeah, she'd likely tell him to toss it out as she wants him to live long. That's 1 thing that's going to mark their relationship. It's going to be extremely open with them both probably physically fighting for what they want. Don't look at me. Just following the trend laid from the last RP.

Lol, Quirk. Are you trying to goad me into finishing this? You do know there are a LOT more Knights than revealed? I graciously spared this after-story from going through unneeded suffering. If Raina took down Rudy, someone else would have been after her prim, samurai, little head  :smile10:

And I see. From the detail in your CS's and character progressions, I figured that to be the case. You're very good at it. It's not something I do, but I like that. It's nice to watch without it going overboard.

Mhm~Who knows? Shinsei's gotten a lot more chill since the last rp. Tossing out the non-attached toys is fine, but the one connected to his brain via optic nerves may be difficult to remove without killing him. It'll probably require excellent surgical skills....and a bit of holy touch. Both Shinsei and Dove changed a lot since the last rp so imagine their relationship may change somewhat. Or not =P

What? Why would I try to do that?^^

Pfft. Then I suppose Raina could join hands with Akane and be the honorable women the knights want to kill. Raina's goal was to capture Rudy alive. If he dies, she fails. She wasn't going to kill him. But then he went and tried to kill her, getting Mizu angry at him. It's really Rudy's own fault that he dies. Fortunately he didn't do it in Kiri.

I make all sorts of plans involving my characters, but very few of them actually play out the way I expect them to. The whole Mei thing for example threw me for a loop. I just went with the flow of things.   


No, but, first 2 boats had a hole open in them at the same time. I get that, but then everyone gets on another boat and then SEPARATES AGAIN. Then holes open up in both boats AGAIN???? What's up with the grail? I don't understand T_T

Two things can be gleaned from this analogy. Humans don't change and there will always be holes =)
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I'll request an override so my brain may accept your answers. Please give 2-3 business days for processing.

Gas wth. Get in the corner >_>



Ahaha. Quirk. Quirk. Quirk. 


You know I can't resist a challenge from you. Is this what you want?
*Peeks in gingerly*




I'll request an override so my brain may accept your answers. Please give 2-3 business days for processing.

Gas wth. Get in the corner >_>


Ahaha. Quirk. Quirk. Quirk. 

You know I can't resist a challenge from you. Is this what you want?



Are you saying... what I think you're saying?


No worries, I swear I'm kidding XP


Also, hey folks, it's been way too long... a week maybe? How's it going? ;p
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:smile7:  Lol. No, I'm not saying what you think I'm saying. I just have a complicated relationship with Quirk. Quirk naturally gets under my skin and I can't help but to react to it. I am ding well by the way. Yourself? Hope you're doing good =)



I'll request an override so my brain may accept your answers. Please give 2-3 business days for processing.

Gas wth. Get in the corner >_>


Ahaha. Quirk. Quirk. Quirk. 

You know I can't resist a challenge from you. Is this what you want?


Er, no...not really. Did anything I say sound like a challenge?








*Peeks in gingerly*



Are you saying... what I think you're saying?

No worries, I swear I'm kidding XP

Also, hey folks, it's been way too long... a week maybe? How's it going? ;p

Not bad. I've started watching World Trigger.
Guys help I have writers block and I'm only like halfway through the Gaiden

I was done with you though  :smile4:


No, nothing you said sounded like a challenge. I was checking my dear Quirk. Sometimes I don't hear you correctly  :smile1:  And you will enjoy World Trigger. It's one of my favorite anime and I really wanted to make an RP of it. If you see the Kako Unit, give them a salute. That's my unit <3


??? You're still going to post it? It doesn't have to be a complete post if you can't write anything else. No need to finish.

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