Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jinan x Wunan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinobu x Nanko

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:

*pouts still* You better! Hmph. After this role-play is over Quirk, I am going to be around you A LOT. I will play your every opposite character. If you're leader, I'll be #2. Villian, I'll be good. Cop? I'll be the criminal of your worst nightmares. I am so excited =)
Terrifying. You are terrifying, White.

clarinetti said:

Hah, I see. Well, upon seeing White's reactions, all I can say is good luck to you ;p
Thank you.

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Meanwhile, I'm livin' in a desert, soo.. Suna, anyone? X3

I live in a pretty arid state. Not a desert tho.
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GasMaskie said:
Anyone here read/watch Mirai Nikki? The mangaka has a new series that basically operates like a lighter version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Me! Me! Me! I've read Mirai Nikki!

GasMaskie said:
Anyone here read/watch Mirai Nikki? The mangaka has a new series that basically operates like a lighter version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
I have not. I can't do gruesome horror =/ even in anime. Something like Devil Survivor 2 is about as much as I can take. Depressing
BlacklegSanji said:
Trump isn't my cup of tea
If he's elected you might as well all go out, buy a stetson and reserve a nuke to ride.
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GasMaskie said:
Anyone here read/watch Mirai Nikki? The mangaka has a new series that basically operates like a lighter version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
You mean Big Order? I don't really like it, but I enjoyed Mirai Nikki. =v=
@clarinetti I don't even know xD

Chicago where I have family is a bit of a mess tbh lol

Buuuuuut going to the skybox on the Sears Tower was amazing

The skybox is pretty amazing and it's amusing to see people freak out when someone jumps on it.

@Strawberry Preserves

Any ideas on how to approach this then? Even with the full-powered Rinnegan, this is a situation that can't be solved with sheer strength. Well, I mean, Roku could just kill Nana and then bring her back to life at the cost of his own life but the problem would be whether or not that persists after getting resurrected. Perhaps stopping her heart and then jolting it back to life with Lightning Release could work.

I think, a while back, White stated that Wuji Release wasn't actually chakra. If that's the case, then Preta Path absorption wouldn't help.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Due to the dark influence encrusting her soul, the warriors from Mount Myoboku denied her call, not recognizing the woman as the same one who forged their agreement in blood.

Not sure if I should take White's words at face value, but with the way it's worded the Human Path's ability to rip out souls on contact may be useful - that is if Wuji Release is actually a partition of Jinan's soul like a horcrux or something. From what we've seen so far, Wuji Release is a completely separate sentient entity that has access to the infected person's body.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the foresight to have Roku implant Maika with a rod so we can't just whisk him over with Animal Path. Iirc, Tai Release involves Maika absorbing Wuji Release like a sponge rather than just negating it out right.

Last option is to simply do nothing and see what happens. The key to the golden ending lies with White's secret trigger so we should try and figure out what that exactly is before we act.

The evil Nana conscious seems to be a separate being, so I agree that ripping out her soul is probably kinda a really risky option. However, it would still require Roku to return her soul through the Samsara of Heavenly Life. Even if it's returning one person to life, the technique would still kill Roku...

With the ninja's attack on her unprovoked' date=' the dark pull she kept hidden within the layers of her soul was spurred by this, slowly worming its way up in a push to the top. [/quote']
And, erm, if I remember correctly, Wuji Release is supposed to be like what comes before chakra, right? Something like that? The stuff that was obtained from another Shinju Fruit? And that's why Jinan and Wunan can disperse and absorb chakra? Correct me if I'm wrong. (I probably am.) White also said that the infection was an abnormality with the chakra before.

Hmm, reminds me of Hagoromo's ninshu, haha. Ninshu is supposed to connect people's spiritual energies together, lolol. And since Nana has Jinan's hate-ninja-waah Wuji stuff, she has also become hate-ninja-waah.

There's also the option of tying Nana up like a potato sack, sealing her chakra, knocking her unconscious, or sealing her into a scroll forever. Until we can somehow get to Maika....

Hmm, since Nana didn't trigger crazy mode until Anpan's explosions, there might be something that we can do to avoid activating it as well.
@Strawberry Preserves

I'll have to comb the OOC chat, White has revealed some information about Wuji-Release but she hasn't divulged the full mechanics behind it. But as it stands, it is connected to the Kakureyami's Shinju Fruit.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Granting, "Mystic Mode." The form makes a ninja who inherits it, slightly faster, and glow a deep purple when activated. When merged with any form of Wuji-Release, the ninja receives Tai-Release.

Upon further reading, Wuji-Release (nothingness) and whatever principles Mystic Mode relies on results in Tai-Release. As the only other Tai-Release user is Tainan, it's likely that he achieved Mystic Mode on his own and this changed his Wuji-Release nature into Tai-Release. Given the running Taoism motif that White's been drawing upon, it probably came about through enlightenment. White's terminology is important, I think when she types "Mystic Mode", she may be using a liberal English translation of the term Onmyōji which is used to describe adherents of Onmyōdō which translates literally to "The Way of Yin and Yang".

Onmyōji can also translate to Exorcist, which is pretty much what Maika turned into as his most important role thus far is the removal of Wuji-Release from victims. Mystic Mode may be connected to senjutsu, perhaps as the primogenitor of Sage Mode. As for your observation on Ninshu, there's no doubt that Jinan is operating on Hagoromo's teachings. The Kakureyami see ninja as the perversions of Hagoromo's teachings which is pretty spot-on given their track record. The Rinnegan's black receivers are essentially tools for Ninshu if one thinks about it.

Right now, Nana's lucid perhaps as a result of Roku spewing out his unsightly love for her. However, there's no indication that she'll go crazy if we decide not to do anything. Sealing someone into a scroll is pretty horrifying so that's completely off the table. It's possible that witnessing a ninja killing a Kakureyami-affilated being triggers the Wuji-Release as well but I think it's a safe bet to simply not abide to her wish of killing her as that's the primary trigger of her Wuji-Release infection flaring up.
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Hmm, instead of natural energy, I was thinking that Mystic Mode was connected somehow to pure physical energy, which would be "Yang." As a result, Maika had enhanced physical abilities, healing powers, and bodily exhaustion by utilizing Tai-Release mode. If Wuji Release was related to the split of physical energy and spiritual energy and they shun the ninja's way of connecting their inner spiritual and physical energies, then Wuji Release may connect that half of physical energy and spiritual energy to natural energy or simply use them in its pure form, seeing how ninshu appears to be based more on connecting with others than the self.

Either way, Roku would have the ability to absorb the contamination from Nana's chakra. The Preta Path can also absorb senjutsu, but it risks turning them into stone. Roku would also be at risk then, unless we can simply funnel all of Nana's chakra into a different source. That is, if we assume that the infection has integrated itself as part of Nana's chakra.

... Or I might be overthinking it.

If someone/a ninja attacks Nana purposefully or accidentally, she is might succumb to the contamination again. Attacking people affiliated with the Kakureyami would likely trigger her as well.

And... please show more lovey-dovey Roku and Nana. *throws money*
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GasMaskie said:
The skybox is pretty amazing and it's amusing to see people freak out when someone jumps on it.
It's also great to see people flip out when you sit or lay down in the box :3
@Veirrianna Valentine

Lol. Why's that?

@Strawberry Preserves

(>A>) Hey, hey. This is being made into in anime adaptation and the bosses want blood or the deal is off. Somebody here is dying. (*^*)


I read your post discussion. Pretend I'm not here.


Can I find video of this box? Or is watching a video not the same as being there?
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
@Strawberry Preserves[/URL]

(>A>) Hey, hey. This is being made into in anime adaptation and the bosses want blood or the deal is off. Somebody here is dying. (*^*)
Jeez, now you're starting to sound like me, White.

I'm so proud of you!! (^U^)
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
Can I find video of this box? Or is watching a video not the same as being there?
I dunno actually. I webt with family and me and my younger cousin were laughing/slightly anxious until it was our turn. Then we kept spinning and crouching down and staring at the ant-sized people and cars below us.

I'm so happy. I was getting dressed when my best friend texts me saying we don't have school ^.^
Dear Little Piece of Paper Hiding Between My Slices of Cheese,

You don't taste very good. Please try to make yourself more noticeable before I put you on my breakfast bagel, we'll all appreciate each other more for it.​


A Bagel Enthusiast.​
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Yo. Stickdom. Not a fan of mornings? You and Eye are oddly alike

I dislike mornings, they disgust me. Waking up is probably the worst idea I have every day. xD I'm a night owl, I can stay up until 3-4-5 in the morning every day, just as long as I get at least 7 hours of sleep, I'm good to go. That means I wake up generally later in the day, but I prefer it that way. Mornings are overrated :P
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So Steam has randomly dropped a 75% off voucher for Valkyria Chronicles on me and i already own that.

Anyone want it?

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