Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jinan x Wunan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinobu x Nanko

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
White Masquerade]@Veirrianna Valentine What prequel??? [URL=" said:

Lol. Not necessarily. The characters in the prequel that's never going to happen, could just have retired or moved to another country/dimension. A while back I was actually thinking of how to introduce the "Stone of Gelel" and bring in warriors from "America", but I found no way to do so =/

There are many ways pre-characters can it into this RP.
Damn it, that was the one filler movie that I liked because it introduced guys who weren't Japanese. I like the idea of having prequels with tons of suffering that gets offset by the first installment of the series. Yggdra Union and Blaze Union were good examples of this.
White Masquerade]@Veirrianna Valentine What prequel??? [URL=" said:

Lol. Not necessarily. The characters in the prequel that's never going to happen, could just have retired or moved to another country/dimension. A while back I was actually thinking of how to introduce the "Stone of Gelel" and bring in warriors from "America", but I found no way to do so =/

There are many ways pre-characters can it into this RP.
Well you know, since you're so excited about a XXXXXX I figured you'd want to do a prequel too! Show how everything started cos you love it all so much!
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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Well you know, since you're so excited about a XXXXXX I figured you'd want to do a prequel too! Show how everything started cos you love it all so much!


Anyway done freaking out for now.

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Ha, yes. I remember that. And the Shirotaiyo were unfortunately in Camp Kumo at that time. =/. We could have ended up so many different ways. Say if Ryuu was captured and killed, Keitaro would still be alive and maybe Kiyomi's lover. It's something to think about. Shirokko & Akago may have never developed a relationship, cause I believe you said he wasn't into her at first right?
Or Toshiro would have never been in Kiri to assist Tsukiko. He'd still have his arms and legs. I really like the trade-offs and problems everyone is indirectly causing. It's unique

I wasn't going "yes this is my ship" from the start I was planning to keep the options open and make it a slow burn. Of course as I've said before you blew that right out of the water.

Yes, but you get used to it. Also, I'm new to anime. You have to educate me on these shows you're saying =/


>_> You say it you're like upset over that. Fine, fine. I'm a little hurt by that, but I'll get over it.

@The Suspicious Eye

Thank for trying to continue the chain =(
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]
Thank for trying to continue the chain =(

The sad thing is that I had this up right after Verrina's post... but I forgot to post it

xD Then when I saw the chin I posted but....

@White Masquerade

Yggdra Union and Blaze Union were SRPGs by Sting Entertainment and are part of the Dept Heaven series of games. Blaze Union is a prequel to Yggdra Union and the protagonist of the former is a major antagonist in the latter and iirc the worst ending is also the canon one.

Also, White, how well would an RP with a time-loop that resets deaths occur? Like, it gives me freedom to suddenly drop GM lightning on players but because they'll just get reset, people won't get pissy if their character gets eaten alive by a giant monster.
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
>_> You say it you're like upset over that. Fine, fine. I'm a little hurt by that, but I'll get over it.
I ain't upset I was just surprised.

I just had it in my mind Don't make a ship feel forced, don't be one of the first ones to get in a pairing
@The Suspicious Eye

lol. Timing xD


Wow. Making a story like that Yggdra + Blaze would be extremely fun but take a lot of co-ordination! For that reset part, add a little more mechanics to it. Characters getting to reset would make the problems they face pointless. Maybe have 1-3 resets in the entire RP. Or get a reset every 1-2 thousand words. Something that would keep resets very rare and very valuable.

That would lead to a very gripping RP if you have the story and setting right. A fantasy or Sci-fi, drama role-play.


I'm shy when it comes to talking romance out in the open, even in IC/OOC. So I have no comments I want to say regarding that
@White Masquerade

I was thinking of incorporating that reset mechanic to a Fate RP since there is precedent for it within Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. Perhaps the addition of 'save points' that shorten the time period that loops around and actually makes deaths permanent for those who die before they reach the save point would make the stakes higher.

Fate RPs tend to generate a ton of interest, but it seems like getting 14 players together to actually play through the entire conflict is nigh-impossible. I got to thinking and I thought that Fate/Kaleid Liner's Class Card system would be a refreshing change of pace and that it would also mean that I'd only need 7 players max to get the game running. That, and while I'm not a fan of that particular spin-off, the manga has some pretty badass moments that don't involve magical girl stuff:


Shirou installs Archer/EMIYA's card and things get really recursive.


Shinji takes like a hundred levels in badass when he installs Hassan's class card.

That would be a new way to look at things. If you can explain the card system really well, I am sure there are some who would take a bite. Most people know by just the physical servants and physical Masters =/

The save point sounds okay, I'd need a little more detail to see how it works.


I will say I'm happy about (>u>)
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
I'm shy when it comes to talking romance out in the open, even in IC/OOC. So I have no comments I want to say regarding that
Fair enough, whenever i write a post with any romance i squee with embarrassment for ten minutes.

White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
I will say I'm happy about (>u>)
I certainly don't dislike it (:3)
@White Masquerade

Right now it's all conceptual, I don't have the time to run a Holy Grail War with three or so RPs on my plate. Fire Emblem Fates and a term paper are going to eat up a lot of my time as well. Story-wise, I'm thinking of making this a more cooperative roleplay rather than a full-out Holy Grail War battle royale and the ultimate goal players strive for is the cessation of the time loop and an end to the Holy Grail War.

The major enemies will probably be corrupted Servants (think Saber Alter) whose defeat drops their class card for a player's use. The Command Seals will work differently as players are essentially their own servants and instead represent the number of times they can use their Noble Phantasm in one cycle. So they get three shots before everyone dies at the end of the time loop and the world resets to an earlier period. Extra class cards and memories will carry over each cycle, so there will be progress for characters.

Not sure where I should set this, but I was thinking possibly downtown Chicago or a small town in America just so the RP can have a more diverse cast of characters who come from different backgrounds. Persona and your Fate RP are likely going to be sources of inspiration. I'll probably end up writing some sections of the RP in preparation and I might post them here or PM you so I can get some feedback.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]That's okay Ig, in the meantime you can have fun and talk about other things you enjoy talking about, like romance!



lol. Don't use that smiley


Alright, that all sounds good. An America city would certainly be good for diversity. Maybe even a European country like Geneva, Switzerland or Paris, France would be good to rock the boat a bit.
I'm continuing to enjoy my vacation abroad(in the States at the moment) with my boyfriend. I have til the end of march til I head back and get back to dealing with whingy cattle all every day xD

So yes, waiting on stuff to do in rps is about all I got unless I swap cities or summat.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]I'm continuing to enjoy my vacation abroad(in the States at the moment) with my boyfriend. I have til the end of march til I head back and get back to dealing with whingy cattle all every day xD
So yes, waiting on stuff to do in rps is about all I got unless I swap cities or summat.

Ahh, okay. I wish I had more hands V, or could stop time. I'd have every single you post you needed to go, up
@White Masquerade

Hmm, I think I might go with Marseilles, France. It's historically a cosmopolitan city because it was a major trade port. Though, that doesn't mean that French Servants are going to get homefield advantages here. I think I'll draw upon Grand Order and have the action take place in a separate location each time: Reality Marbles containing the corrupted Servants. The Reality Marble they reside in will probably be a re-enactment of an important moment in their life and eagle-eyed players will probably be able to guess the servant based on the scene and time period they've been dropped into.

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