Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jinan x Wunan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinobu x Nanko

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]but for an orphan girl just like her Dove knows exactly what and who she needs to be in that aspect.

Yet she doesn't do anything for Kokoro, who's clearly just as in need of somebody at the moment as Rei... I mean come on, Kokoro's been driven to self-inflicted insanity with how harsh life is, and Dove dares not even realize she's present in the same group of people as Rei >~>

White, can I just have Kokoro leave the current group and go stay with Shinobu? Kokoro clearly needs somebody who can appreciate the struggles of being from a completely different world >~<
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Yet she doesn't do anything for Kokoro, who's clearly just as in need of somebody at the moment as Rei... I mean come on, Kokoro's been driven to self-inflicted insanity with how harsh life is, and Dove dares not even realize she's present in the same group of people as Rei >~>

She is on a dude's back, and to be honest, Dove didn't get to know Kokoro well either. presuming she and Rei became friends then Dove would have no issue helping her, but literally all Dove knows of Kokoro is that Shinobu-Yuu brought her along and she can fight.

From our perspective of course we know Dove should help her, but from Dove's perspective she's staring down the ninja at the momen under the belief that Rei is in danger, that's all she's had time to focus on in the seconds since her arrival.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]From our perspective of course we know Dove should help her, but from Dove's perspective she's staring down the ninja at the momen under the belief that Rei is in danger, that's all she's had time to focus on in the seconds since her arrival.

Yes, but what about Rei? Rei clearly got to meet Kokoro back at the Shore, but I don't think I've seen any mentioning of Kokoro in Rei's post(s) yet...? I'd think that at the least, there would be at least recognizing of Kokoro before she hopped on the man's back to sleep...

Plus, we have to think about the time-skip. With the two of them on the same route that whole time, you'd think that they would at least have gotten to know each other enough to, well, have some way of keeping calm in, what's to them, foreign lands and foreign people.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]What?! Chanda is TOTALLY predictable xD
It's a Giraffe


Lol, the anime is Senyuu. It's awesome to the max.​

You win, Eye, you win...

So picture this. I'm sitting in a hospital lobby with my laptop, and decided "I better check out this Senyuu thing." Best/Worst idea ever.

I got to this part (yes, like not even a minute into the first episdoe):


I just lost it.

I died laughing.

In public.

In a quiet hospital foyer.

And everyone stared.

And looked at me like I am crazy.

And then I died.
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Stickdom said:
You win, Eye, you win...
So picture this. I'm sitting in a hospital lobby with my laptop, and decided "I better check out this Senyuu thing." Best/Worst idea ever.

I got to this part (yes, like not even a minute into the first episdoe):


I just lost it.

I died laughing.

In public.

In a quiet hospital foyer.

And everyone stared.

And looked at me like I am crazy.

And then I died.
Stickdom said:
I gotta stop watching Senyuu. Halp. I am crai. X'D


Stickdom said:
Probably why Maika and Chanda hit it off so well, he needs a girl who's straight-forward and will tell him like it is, he doesn't want to play emotional games or "Guess who's on their period?!", he just wants a lady love to settle down with, have a nice family, and be happy together.
Maika is fine with women, but will never have an OTP because Kamidere White has decreed it so, and therefore will do everything in her power to keep it that way

#Facts :P
GasMaskie said:


Probably one of the funniest moments for me.
The fourth wall does not exist anymore. The characters from Senyuu frolic about me in a sick dance, distorting reality and breaking dimensional boundaries like candy floss in a washing machine and I am the dial set to "Agitate". Ross is running around the hospital now, accidentally stabbing invalids and doctors alike, little Miss Rchimedes has taken over the cafeteria and filled it entirely with popcorn, and Alba is sitting forlornly beside me, we're both somehow wearing prison stripes. We're bros now, I bought him a Coke and we commiserate "how did we end up like this?"

Ok look, the Nisepanda is taking another lap around the facility.
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Stickdom said:
The fourth wall does not exist anymore. The characters from Senyuu frolic about me in a sick dance, distorting reality and breaking dimensional boundaries like candy floss in a washing machine and I am the dial set to "Agitate". Ross is running around the hospital now, accidentally stabbing invalids and doctors alike, little Miss Rchimedes has taken over the cafeteria and filled it entirely with popcorn, and Alba is sitting forlornly beside me, we're both somehow wearing prison stripes. We're bros now, I bought him a Coke and we commiserate "how did we end up like this?"
Ok look, the Nisepanda is taking another lap around the facility.


Stickdom said:
Okay, got my post up :3
@Veirrianna Valentine Now you can quit nagging me about it xD

@White Masquerade I left it open to some prime ribbing from Uzazab if she wants to jump on Maika for being all "peacie-lover" guy xD I hadn't meant for it to become so "hippie Make-Love-Not-War" but I think Maika has a few things going for him, he knows what he stands by, at least.
The silence of the night broke with Dove's voice asking if any of her companions were awake. Truth be told, Maika had never gone to sleep to begin with, simply lying on the ground and staring at the constellations wheeling in the heavens overhead, wondering which of them were looking down at him in return.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Woop! Dru with the assist! Thank you. I had no freaking clue how to make genjutsu or medical techniques xD

Now all that remains is Lightning, Fire, Water, and Wind Release X3

Although, the Hiding in Mist technique'll count for water :P
I just realized something... I never wrote anything for Toshiro's Ninja Techniques aside from "Toshiro is rather skilled with Taijutsu and his Kekkei Kansei." Maybe I should do something about it once Toshiro gets to see what he requested :x
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I just realized something... I never wrote anything for Toshiro's Ninja Techniques aside from "Toshiro is rather skilled with Taijutsu and his Kekkei Kansei." Maybe I should do something about it once Toshiro gets to see what he requested :x

You forgot Earth I think? And sure go ahead.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]You forgot Earth I think?

If referring to my first post, then nope, didn't forget Earth. He has Earth Release outside of just used for the Kekkei Kansei.
Hmm, is there any connection between Void Release and Wuji Release? Technically speaking, Wuji can be translated as the ultimate of Nothingness and void literally means nothing or empty space.
White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
Woop! Dru with the assist! Thank you. I had no freaking clue how to make genjutsu or medical techniques xD
No problem lol it was the least he could do.
GasMaskie said:
Hmm, is there any connection between Void Release and Wuji Release? Technically speaking, Wuji can be translated as the ultimate of Nothingness and void literally means nothing or empty space.
Well, Void Release is essentially the 'nothing' material, which inside holds the infinitely-empty space, so it is pretty much like Wuji, which is nothing, empty space, etc. Possible there's a connection, you never know. Heck, even I, creator of the Void Release Kekkei Kansei, don't know if White may make some kinda crazy connection between it and Wuji xD

Oh, on that topic... @White Masquerade, we should totally get together and come up with a connection, because I wanna know what Wuji Release truly is (although I did before guess and you said 70% correct), plus I like being able to contribute to plot shtuffs xD
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GasMaskie said:
Hmm, is there any connection between Void Release and Wuji Release? Technically speaking, Wuji can be translated as the ultimate of Nothingness and void literally means nothing or empty space.
They are similar yeah, but no connection. Void still falls under the umbrella of chakra, which Wuji is not.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

In the last arc? No way xD . I'm not trying to be here in 2017 (o'v'o)
Weird, I thought Toshi was just using the same Void Release that Raze Kurai used from Kakureyami. Especially since White made it a point to have Shirokko kill him back during the first thread. Wuji Release, off the top of my head, worked by separating the yin and yang components of chakra and thus lived up to its name by reducing it to nothing. Either that or it breaks the bond between the physical and spiritual energies that make up chakra like how water breaks the ionic bond of NaCl. Wuji Release is also something that's native to whatever planet the Kakureyami hail from since it's been more or less confirmed that they're ayylmaos.

@White Masquerade

I can't believe it took me this long to realize that Tainan's Tai Release refered to Taiji. In that case, Tai Release is probably the Light Side to Wuji Release's Dark Side. As for what it is, if it's some sort of chakra it's probably the Shinju/God Tree's purest form of chakra that hasn't been processed into Yin and Yang chakra by a human who has eaten the fruit. Another possibility is that Tai Release is just an alternative name for Yin-Yang Release or at the very least some sort of modified version of it. Also, I just wanted an excuse to post this:


I love when people recreate Kamen Rider openings in MMD.

Wooow! My weakness that I gush over is good art and that was utterly incredible. Omg. I wish I had skills in graphic arts like that =(. I took a class but my brain doesn't understand the terms let alone Photoshop xD . You have to build the polygons, and shape them, put lights, textures, and move the camera and render all of it right?? That takes ages. Wow, wow, thinking about it..that's nuts. How'd that creator do that! That so good! Thank you for sharing! After I finish my post, I'll post a video I drooled over as well =)))

About Raze Kurai, what the character used was actually a custom jutsu BLUR made, not a Kekkei Kansei like Void Release is. They just happened to have the same name. Nice breakdown of Wuji, you'll see by the end if you're correct. Also what's an Ayyylmaos??

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