Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jinan x Wunan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinobu x Nanko

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Kanra23 said:
Expect another post up coming soon, One for Ryuu who now feels terrible and another one from Konohana,
Ha he was ready to kill someone xD

But Kin beat you to it :/

Pretty sure Strawb is the only person i didn't tag for that one
So, apparently my notifications went to crap, because I haven't gotten any for the past 5 days, what the heck happened in here? And how is Akane almost a Jinchuuriki? O_o
@Veirrianna Valentine

Yes it's for my notes


It's the same kind of situation Kinkaku/Ginkaku had with the 9-tails if you want a reference. Akane does not have Shukaku; just some of its chakra. Shirokko would gladly give her more of it, but that's up to Akane if she wishes to do that. Shukaku is a natural sealing tailed-beast, so really what Akane has, is a Curse Mark from Shirokko, if you want to get into detail.

Of course if Akane doesn't like the idea, it can always be undone and taken back once she's recovered. It's not likely she'll be offered it again though.
White Masquerade]@Veirrianna Valentine Yes it's for my notes [URL=" said:

It's the same kind of situation Kinkaku/Ginkaku had with the 9-tails if you want a reference. Akane does not have Shukaku; just some of its chakra. Shirokko would gladly give her more of it, but that's up to Akane if she wishes to do that. Shukaku is a natural sealing tailed-beast, so really what Akane has, is a Curse Mark from Shirokko, if you want to get into detail.

Of course if Akane doesn't like the idea, it can always be undone and taken back once she's recovered. It's not likely she'll be offered it again though.
So how'd you like the throwdown of a showdown between Dove and Shinsei?
Veirrianna Valentine]So how'd you like the throwdown of a showdown between Dove and Shinsei? [/QUOTE] I'm not going to read it [I]yet [/I] [I] [/I] [URL=" said:

-_- Right?
White Masquerade]@Veirrianna Valentine Yes it's for my notes [URL=" said:

It's the same kind of situation Kinkaku/Ginkaku had with the 9-tails if you want a reference. Akane does not have Shukaku; just some of its chakra. Shirokko would gladly give her more of it, but that's up to Akane if she wishes to do that. Shukaku is a natural sealing tailed-beast, so really what Akane has, is a Curse Mark from Shirokko, if you want to get into detail.

Of course if Akane doesn't like the idea, it can always be undone and taken back once she's recovered. It's not likely she'll be offered it again though.
Ah, I see. Well, I notice Maika's been forgotten. Not like you haven't been busy posting enormous posts pertaining to the major plot, that just means he'll have to play catch-up again at some point :/
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Stickdom said:
Ah, I see. Well, I notice Maika's been forgotten. Not like you haven't been busy posting enormous posts pertaining to the major plot, that just means he'll have to play catch-up again at some point :/
Forgotten? Naw. I don't forget anyone. Other posts have to come first, before I can go for Maika. My postings right now are 10 steps ahead for the next arc, so I have to do them in a certain order.
[QUOTE="Kinzu Hekmatyar]Their won't be a Mizukage building at this point ,figuring it time for a timely exit for the swordsmen lol

Kiri Pride
Poor Keitaro, I was rooting for the little guy, sorry he came to such a sad end :(

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Forgotten? Naw. I don't forget anyone. Other posts have to come first, before I can go for Maika. My postings right now are 10 steps ahead for the next arc, so I have to do them in a certain order.

Well, I didn't really mean forgotten, I just wanted him I have some influence on the arc, and he seems to do a lot more waiting around than actually doing anything important, kinda like a filler character that makes guest appearances in the main plot xD

I guess I just wish he had some more "screen time", I have so much character building and background for him that I want to build up a bit, and he takes so long between posts that anytime he has something relevant to build onto, the moment is gone because everyone else is somewhere else doing something unrelated by then :/
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Okay, so for anyone who pays attention to it, the Ninja World Wall in the Overview is updated. As much as I badmouth Kirigakure, congrats on finally becoming free and joining the rest of us! It is good to have you in the alliance. Though there will be one more test for ya'll.


=P. Stick. The Arc is called "Free Kiri", how is he going to do something big for it if he's in Kumogakure xD

=P. Stick. The Arc is called "Free Kiri", how is he going to do something big for it if he's in Kumogakure xD
Yay, congrats to Kiri! Maybe one day you'll be as cool as Amegakure was #ShotsFired ;)

I know, White, but he can still develop some personal character or maybe even go to Kiri if some event drew him there, I guess it's too late for that specific bit now, I just wish Maika had more opportunities to interact. I always feel like my posts are rushed because I have to keep up with the flow of action, rather than having time to develop a scenario as much as I'd like. I still have some background stuff about Maika I haven't even told you about, White, just waiting for the chance to slowly build a path to them ;P I don't really accuse you of playing favorites, but it seems like a lot of other characters get a lot of chances to build up who they are and what they do, and Maika's just kinda cheerleading from the sideline bench and waiting for the coach to put him into the game.

I mean, you've given him quite a lot, like Mystic Maika and now Tai Maika to combat this mysterious disease, but that's kind of been thrust on him and I'm grateful for them, but I also want the chance to make him my character too, not just a piece in the game for you to conveniently use as a walking antidote.
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Man that feels so good,mhm mhm . Though now i'm on the edge if to simply rush off to help the alliance . But first i think i want to simply crown a new Mizukage,Perhap Yasahii may run for it .

That I can understand. I'm a little iffy because we've been doing this for 9-10 months. To not find one chance of getting in some good development? I would say to pick where you go wisely and really interact with other characters. Dove came in much later than Maika, and flipping inserted herself into the story, lol. Besides Chanda, I don't think Maika has really dealt with any other character. He has to seriously jump in somewhere to see something happen.

Otogakure would've been perfect for him if he chose to go there. That situation there went really, really, slow, but showed off Kokuran, Masami, Lily, and Sumire nicely.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

No comments yet on that.
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White Masquerade] [URL=" said:
That I can understand. I'm a little iffy because we've been doing this for 9-10 months. To not find one chance of getting in some good development? I would say to pick where you go wisely and really interact with other characters. Dove came in much later than Maika, and flipping inserted herself into the story, lol. Besides Chanda, I don't think Maika has really dealt with any other character. He has to seriously jump in somewhere to see something happen.

Otogakure would've been perfect for him if he chose to go there. That situation there went really, really, slow, but showed off Kokuran, Masami, Lily, and Sumire nicely.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

No comments yet on that.
True, and I can see you being hesitant, but now that Maika actually has the power to be "a somebody", especially one that requires him interacting with other characters to help cure them, I'd say to you just give him a chance, an opportunity, an open door, anything to get him moving, and he can make something of it.

As far as comparing Maika to Dove, her expressed goal was to become a "main character", a leader, were Maika has been a loner by nature forced to interact with others. The difference in personality, let alone circumstance, is enough to give Dove a major boost in screen time, where Maika has had to pick through everyone else's leftover plot for anything pertaining to him.

The attack on Amegakure was his real starting point, he wasn't interested in anything enough before that to be too involved, but now that he's actually got some motivation to get going, he's hit a railroad crossing with the gate down, watching the Plot Train screaming past his face and wanting to jump on as soon as it slows down enough for him to find a place.
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Late to the debate train, but I've got to agree with @Stickdom in that comparing a lot of people to Dove isn't fair, and partially because of what was, I believe, the very first reply post I got from you @White Masquerade

Dove, originally, was going to play out much, much, much differently than she ever did here. She was supposed to be a more fringe-like character, more of a supporting type and the like, and I personally never planned on her getting to be big. However you made that destiny decision post, and I, kind of stuck in my own irl rut of feeling like I was isolated on my farm(part of why I'm taking a break) chose the Princess route so I could at least roleplay someone more important.

That said, regardless of my personal life, since you supplied the princess option, Dove was forced(in a sense) to become a more direct and main character, and the entirety of my plans for her changed.

Ergo, Masque, relating most characters to Dove is unfair, because you technically handed her the golden ticket to become a main part of the action towards the start of her interactions.

That being said, @Stickdom for the first, well, honestly I don't think I had any reactions to anyone at all other than Kam, who was played by me, and Wunan, played by Masque, until Danhi and Amekis showed up, and then Orisas, also played by Masque. The majority of Dove's first fifth or so of her time in the RP consisted of what was essentially a Dove and Wunan circlejerk and the only time she finally got to interact with others was getting killed in Yugakure.

While I did have that jumpstart to make Dove a major player, I also did some pretty hefty changes to not just her general character, but a lot of my plans for her also changed as I realised that if I was going to have her do anything important or major in the RP, she was going to have to stick her foot in the door.

That's why she led that mission to Yugakure, why she defied Wunan to save Chiita, why as Eclipse she sought out the Shirotaiyo and so on and so forth.

So I vote you have Maika walk up, grab the plot by the wee softies and make sure you're part of the action!!!

Or, you know, collaborate with some players that have like minded characters, or characters you think could help foreward your characters goals. That's a lot of what I did with Dove.

TL;DR- Masque you opened a really big door for Dove you didn't for any one else so nonocomparo, Sticky, you have been a little passive with inserting Maika, find a good reason to have him bust open someone's front door and get involved. Especially if he can heal peoples of that disease.

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