Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC

When Kirino spoke up, one could see the frustration build inside of Senryaka, and it obviously took much of her discipline not to lose her temper. Kirino did not seem content to disobey on her own, but also included everyone in her rejection of the seal, obviously trying to sway the others.

"The seals have not malfunctioned to date thanks to their chakra and heart rate sensitivity. The seals are just as much a small marvel as the masks, and we have not had a single malfunction or premature activation of the seals. The heat warning is mostly for your own nerves, so that in the event that it does malfunction, for the first time, then you will know to take it off, which is rather easy. They are non-negotiable unless you can provide another, adequate method to disposing of you if you should die. If you have none then you must use the seal, if not then you are in violation of your contract and we are not due to pay you anything or count your mission as successful. In the Anbu of Konoha, each of us were given a false tooth full of acid that would dissolve our heads and bodies upon our deaths, this is no different."
Ryuzoji also went up to take his gear, leaving the rest of his teams outfits there. The mission coordinator said it was optional, so they would collect them if they wanted to wear them. He personally liked the uniform dress. It made the group as a whole look more organized and showed that we all have a combined purposed. He also fancied the color scheme.

Kirino spoke out again, voicing her opinion like an unsatisfied child. She was complaining about the seal and how it could work against them if it malfunctioned. He agreed with her, but her way of dealing with it was frowned upon. He stared at her with his immovable, toneless eyes. He wanted to tell her to stop complaining and then shove a kunai through her neck, but he cast that troublesome thought away. It wouldn't be the best choice.

Senryaka fustration oozed out of her face and she answered Kirino comment/question. Despite her unruly attitude, He didn't want her to go down alone.

"I too have my concerns Kirino," he said wanting to show that he was on her side. He then looked toward Senryaka," If the other ninja in this room are as capable as I am, then we ideally only need 4 people to clear this mission. 2 for task B and 1 for task A and C. We will not have any trouble clearing this mission, unless a star fell from the sky, killing us all in one blow. The seal is unneeded."

He had a similar thing when he was with Void, but he wasn't too keen for it.

He then put the mask over his face to try it out. He also thought the mask was quite convenient. This Mikoto person has quite the style.
"Don't make me SHOW you what I have in mind for if I'm about to die. But rest assured, If you are familiar with any of my crimes... you'll know what I plan to do to myself if I am about to fuck up royally." Small flickers of flame leaped forth from Kirino's skin as she scowled at the Konoha Coordinator. But then another of the present Shinobi piped up with concerns after staring blankly like a Genin looks at an oncoming Fireball. He pointed out yet another problem with the seal... the fact that it was completely unnecessary. "Know that Tempest Armor Jutsu my Shadow Clone showed off a bit ago? I have to keep my own chakra in check to use it. If I let it run rampant... I'm toast."

The occasional flame licked Kirino's skin as she spoke, further proving her claim. "When I was a kid, I set my stepfather on fire when I was in an incredibly terrified state. I couldn't control my own chakra. And as you can see, it responds to my emotions." the woman took a deep breath and released her hands from behind her head. The heat in the air died down and the little spits of fire ceased in response to Kirino's calmer state. "Rest assured, Coordinator. I need no damn seal to ensure that I won't be taken alive. So if you're going to insist on placing that damn thing on me... I'm going to insist on you kissing my ass."

Her stance on the matter clear, her reasoning even more clear... Kirino waited for the coordinator's response.
Asuna moved through the people to get her own things. "Looks like some are full of themselves. We don't even know who we're working for exactly. Keep blabbering on and on about being able to complete things on your own. We don't know what we're up against, so I'd just quit my bitching if I were you guys. You got your orders, take them. They could have lied and we're going to face people just as strong as ourselves. What are you going to do then? They would probably outnumber you. You'd be fucked and you'd wish you never spoke up about leaving others behind. It's better that we be too many than not enough. We're all here to complete missions. If we don't do this mission, we'll need to do another one. You're not the only ones who want to do these missions, quit thinking of your own little worlds. We're all used to thinking simply for ourselves, but this is a different game. " Asuna snapped at the ones who kept reacting over every little bump. She was growing tired of their constant complaining, she was itching for a fight and all their hostility wasn't helping her temper. "We were shown how to remove them in case they fuck up, safety measures are always needed. Acting up with a temper like that gets you reprimanded and even killed. Grow up, quit your bitching and do what you're asked. Unless your training was really that rudimentary that you don't know how to behave." Asuna added, starting to lose her cool.

She grabbed her hat and tossed it aside, revealing her clan mark, the 2 red dots known as the Kaguya clan mark, over 2 turquoise eyes, said eyes filled with annoyance and hints of anger. "But if you just want to go by yourselves and get killed, I can even help your trip to hell come a lot quicker." She added the last part with a creepy smile cracking her innocent-looking face. The thought of spilling blood earlier than planned amused her, though she knew that it wasn't going to happen. If anything, she probably wouldn't be granted the opportunity to gut the loud mouth nins, as Senryaku seemed to have had enough. The girl returned to the back of the crowd and put on her new uniform, but kept the mask off. The cat was already out of the bag anyways.
As Ryuzoji placed the mask on he would find the interior to be quite extraordinary. While the outside looked to be made of some sort of smooth white ceramic, the inside might as well have been glass, completely translucent, allowing him to see perfectly, nay, just a little bit better than perfectly. It was also a hell of a lot more useful than a forehead protector, or at least it would be if the mask was made of hard stuff. Through the mask he could see Senryaka perfectly, as well as her disapproving stare.

"Easy." She said sternly as the Kaguya girl had an out burst. While she appreciated the sentiment, she was also wary of the dangerous ninja, and didn't want her to get riled up.

"We are going to act as a professional organization, and that means taking proper precautions every time we go out on a mission. Either use the seals, find another viable method, or dont get paid. Your choices are as simple as that. I should mention that the sea; was created because false teeth can break while you are still alive, and the seal is a more trustworthy method." Senryaka said, folding her arms and taking a stance that would book no argument. Like so many things about this Mikoto, it was a take it or leave it gig, and it was true that corpse disposal was a normal occurrence for many high level ninja and clan members, as the secrets of techniques, as well as precious kekkei Genkai are stored within the bodies of the dead. They had trusted thus far, but this required a whole new leap of faith, and in a way they would be intrusting their lives to Mikoto, though arguably they already had.

"And I do not appreciate the lip, Ms. Takeda. I am your mission Coordinator, second under Mikoto in your contract, you will treat me with respect, or there will be consequences. You also misunderstand the purpose of the patch. It is not meant to keep you from being taken alive, that is solely your responsibility. It is meant to dispose of your corpse upon your death. Thus your method is infeasible, as you can not preform your Jutsu when you are unexpectedly dead." Senryaka finished with a hard point.
The other woman spoke up to berate Kirino. Not Sumire, but the one with the hat. She was an unknown... yet spoke like she was someone special. "Oh hey, Shut up. No one cares what you think, straw hat. If we can just remove them, what in the hell is the point in having them? Why don't you think about what you're going to spew from your craw before you open it. As for my behavior, there's a method to the madness... always. But as one who clearly underestimates people, I wouldn't expect you to understand." Gauge the responses of others. Ready yourself for war, but be open to serenity. That was what she was taught several years ago before her promotion.

"If you think us all so inept that we will be killed so easily or be taken completely off guard, you are clearly a punk genin. Shinobi of the level you have gathered are not just killed unexpectedly. We are not just caught off guard. And as rogues, we need to be especially vigilant." Once more she looked among the crowd of former jounin and other missing-nin. She'd heard of several of them via the Bingo Books in various bounty offices, after all. And the ones she knew of were all highly dangerous. "One, as Ryuzoji pointed out... the current assignment is a cakewalk for us. Sure, it might be a test of sorts. But who cares?"

For all intents and purposes, it seemed like Kirino was about to snap. She clenched her hands together again in an effort to not make offensive handsigns, the air began to heat up once again, and beads of sweat formed on what skin was showing... quickly turning to steam. "Two... I REFUSE to allow someone to brand me with any sort of seal." If anyone took a very close look, the woman's eyes were watering as she spoke of being branded. The water of her tears wasn't visible for very long, however... due to the heat her body was emitting... as it turned to steam as well.

"And lastly..." Kirino stared directly into Senryaka's eyes as she spoke. "I don't care WHO you are. I don't care who you work for. If you put that on me, I'll be taking at least one person here with me to hell. I'd rather not, but I will if I have to. If we can avoid this, then my life is Mikoto's to use as he or she sees fit."

If the issue was pressed, Kirino would form several handsigns and move to an advantageous position for defense. If the issue was dropped, she would calm down and apologize. But for now, the ball was out of her court.
"Its not about probability." Senryaka said through gritted teeth, "It isn't about killing you. Its a precaution in the event that you should die. Its not a brand, it is a seal, a chakra seal holding back a rather searing amount of chakra. If it is really such a problem for you, then I will allow you you to go without it, ON the condition that at least two of your Comrades take the responsibility of what to do with your corpse should you die. Their mission will not be counted complete until they have retrieved and destroyed your body, and it is their reward they risk, and their success which will be tested.

"Get two of your squad mates to agree to that responsibility, and I will consider the issue mute. If not, then this mission will not count towards your ultimate goal, and neither will any other that you preform without the seal. If you refuse to complete objectives, then you will earn a strike, earn three and you will be released from your contract." Senryaka then turned away from Kirino as though the issue were dealt with, and for her it was. Kirino now had a way to go on the mission without the seal, but only if she could secure the aid of more than half her squad. Otherwise she would be "released" from her contract, eventually, and that did not sound like the healthiest thing.
Hogo listened closely to what Senryaka was saying, he was amazed t how advanced the masks were and wondered how Mikoto had managed to create cloaks with such amazing abilities. The only don side was indeed the seal that was also included in the deal, for a moment he looked at the thing disdainfully, he looked t the thing disdainfully. People could do many things with a seal like that, like using it as a method of control by fear and Hogo would not be a party to such folly.

He took the cloak and replaced his own with it, it fit rather well over his other clothes and he thought he cut a rather handsome figure. The mask was a marvelous thing to behold and he placed it over his face immediately, he realised that the mask would provide the hooded and as yet unknown ninja with an avenue to continue to hide his identity. He smiled wryly at the thought.

The mask made everything look much clearer, he thought it even enhanced his vision a little. For a fw seconds he practiced siphoning his chakra into the item though he said or thought nothing in particular. Cutting off his flow of chakra to the mask he lifted the seal to observe it a little closely. The petulant kunoichi with the red,black hair was making a few valid points and he found himself nodding in agreement to her rather 'distinct' opinions.

"The Kunoichi has a rather valid point Senryaka-san, we have no way to prove that Mikoto-san cannot use the tags as a means of enforcing his/her rule over us. We may be able to remove the seal now but there is no way of knowing if we'll be able to remove them in the future." He said evenly, almost unemotionally. He considered his next words carefully, he needn't give away too much characteristical information for the time being. "For the moment however I will be the fool, I will entrust my life to you and Mikoto. Be well assured; if I try to remove this seal in the future and it does not come off then I will do my best to ensure that you die a long and painful death."

Hogo smiled inside his mask and made a theatrical show of placing the seal behind his neck.


The pure feeling of being and idiot as he placed the seal against his neck washed over him.
The Man-o-War took the regalia with a cheesy grin, before slapping everything on almost immediately. Then, muffled from under the mask Kurage spoke out saying-


Under the mask, Kurage's eyes would be wide open and leering over all of the females, to which his now exemplary vision could examine at magnificent levels. He snuck up behind Sumire, his hand shaking in the air as he held back with the force of ten nin to stop his self from slapping her rump.

"But... I must..."

Kurage held his frisky hand with his free hand, holding back desperately at the urge to express his sexual frustration.

"Let's just go Meiyo! I can't handle the power this uniform has over me... Mine's is possessed by a demon no doubt!!"

Kurage then began to barrel roll to the entrance of the room before springing up again and running back to Senryaka to snatch the seal and slap it on his neck, still holding his hand as his fingers twitched to grab the Yamanaka's breasts. Kurage squealed as he jumped back, tip-toeing through all the other females in the room, still grasping his hand and trying desperately to dodge them all like a sickness.


Kurage barked, as he slapped his self and stepped outside the room. He then poked his head back in, lifting his mask a bit to say-

"And stop acting like you losers have something to live for anyways..."

Kurage then dipped back out of the room, waiting for his unit to follow.
Ikari flinched as Sumire planted her kiss on him and childishly wiped his cheek where she did. He certainly felt a small burn on his skin, and hurriedly pulled his headband down a bit to obscure his eyes. He gave another sigh, not of content nor any other emotion. Just a sigh. On being offered the items, Ikari simply snatched them up without questioning. As far as he knew, this contract was safe. There wasn't anything that could be in the least suspicious for the moment. Mikoto had been trustworthy as far as s/he had been for the past events. There was nothing to worry about. He lay down his trust for these people and they better appreciate it. Otherwise....Ikari looked at his tag and smiled wryly.

He snapped on his mask, almost naturally and threw his cloak around his shoulders. Casting a glance, its intention hidden by the mask he now wore, at the rest who were too paranoid for their own good (oh, the irony), he patted Genzai's shoulder silently for his amazing readiness, but smacked the bigger man's hand for his itchy fingers. He motioned to both Genzai and Sumire. "We should deploy first. Let these guys bicker it out," he said, channeling his voice through the Sosa mask to theirs, and pasted the seal on his neck.
Senryaka sighed loudly but did not otherwise respond to Hogo. She silently muttered something about missing nin and lacking discipline, before turning to team Mieyo.

"Take those doors." She pointed towards a set of double doors to the right. "Walk through them and to the end of the hallway, then take the single person elevator up one at a time. I trust you memorized the location of your mission starting point. If not, use the masks to contact me and I will provide directions. Good look team Mieyo."

As she said this, Yogan strode up and took out the envelope and a cloak. He put the cloak on, moving his hands around in the wide sleeves before putting the mask and seal on as well. He tore the seal off his neck, then put it back on and then tore it off again. Each time his skin would stick to it, but the secret behind that was not some grand marvel of technology. It seemed to be a rather reliable type of adhesive, reliable because it only weakened a little bit each time Yogan took it off, and put it back on. After he was satisfied that it did not bother him, he slapped it onto his neck one last time and turned to face the people he had come with.

"I feel so...f*#kin mysterious right now." He said to them. The cloaked man, conceivably Absolith, did not seem to react at all towards the comment, while Jinsoka rolled her eyes and walked forward, again at normal speed, to collect her cloak and envelope. She put everything on, though she did place the seal on her fore arm instead of her neck. Senryaka saw this and said nothing, indicating that it did not really matter where the seal was placed. Jinsoka knew now that if the seal was used against her, she could either carve it out of her arm, or lose a limb to escape, which would be like a sprained ankle compared to what she would do to this Mikoto person if this turned out to be a trap.

Absolith hesitated to take the cloak but did before he placed the mask and seal on as well, though it was unclear where he had placed his seal. He walked back behind a pillar, and a second later came out with his cloak on and a mask on, his former cloak wrapped in his hands. In this way, the people assembled did not see what he looked like, and the name Absolith was absent from the Bingo Book. Then, with a nod to each one, the group split to join their respective team.

Moe stood up next and collected the whole kit and walked back to one of the chairs where he had been siting. He took his seat again after he placed on his cloak, and then placed on his mask. He then opened his medical kit, which lay at his feet, and pulled out a small strip of sticky bandages. He deftly cut a small circle with a single line leading off of it and placed it on his shoulder. He then quickly placed the seal on top of it, making it so that the bandage was a hidden layer between Moe's skin and the seal itself. A little but of the line stuck out from underneath, and with that little bit he could pull the bandage free and the seal attached to it. Hoping that this was precaution enough.

He walked towards Kirato, and saw that Absolith was also approaching. They met there and waited for Kirino to join them. Moe was wondering if the other two ninja would help her in her plight, and wondered if he would as well. He supposed he would have to in order to keep up his appearance as a kindly old man, but did not relish the thought of having to go back for her body if she should somehow get herself killed. Absolith was entirely unknown to him, so he had no idea how the man would react to the prospect of this extra responsibility, and Kirato had already expressed his disdain for the Kunoichi. If Kirato did agree to help, he doubted it would be for free.

(Auto Control)

Yuki was among the last to go up and retrieve his equipment, having been busy writing in his note book. He said nothing, but the constant sound of his pen scribbling against paper could be heard if one paid attention, and he would stop only to look up and make further observations. When he collected his things, he quickly put the seal on, having noted the futility of argument, and then placed the Sosa mask over his head. He found that it really was a marvel, they even helped him see a little better, and he was one of the men in the room who could appreciate the skill that had gone into crafting such wonderous masks. He quickly went back taking notes, this time about the properties of the mask he now wore as he waited for his team to assemble.
He completed his outfit by latching the seal on his neck and putting his cloak over his clothing. He thought it was quite childish for him to have spoken up about the seal. Ryuzoji signed his life over to Mikoto with the contract so his life was already in his hands. He agreed to all the terms of the contract so no need to shy away from them now. The thought of him dying a dishonored death by a malfunctioned seal is what stirred his heart in the first place, but the knowledge of Mikoto's caution put his heart at ease. He sighed and cast that thought away. No need to worry about it he concluded.

Asuna's threw her straw hat away, after her vicious barking, showing her Kaguya clan sign on her forehead. Ryuzoji could see the animosity and blood lust in every word she said. She spoke true words, however, she missed the point. I didn't say that we should all go alone, but we could handle it alone if we did, thus proving that we won't be dying on this mission. He also concluded that she spoke big, but she was insecure in her abilities. Ryuzoji was accustomed to battling the unknown and he didn't fear it unlike she did. Maybe he spoke to soon when he said that everybody in this room was as capable as him.

He was going to say something to her, but he thought it wasn't a good idea to rebuttal. He didn't want to have a bad relationship with the Kaguya. He also didn't want for anybody else to say anything.

Yogan, Tah'Moe Deel Amigiri, Yuki, Jinsoka, and the hooded man who seemed to be called Aboslith, were the last to grab their gear and put them on. Aboslith hid himself behind a pillar and came out a minute later with his gear on. Ryuzoji wanted to know if he was shy or he just didn't want the people he couldn't trust to know of him/her. Not knowing his face put us all at a disadvantage. He would have to be wary of him he thought as he walked the exit door. He noticed that everybody in team Yuki and Shinzo were ready and felt that there was no more reason to delay. He looked around the room into the eyes of his comrades with his piercing, lifeless, yellow eyes.

"Team Yuki and Team Shinzo, let us head out to our destination point and set up for our mission. Wasting anymore time here will be of no value to us. Once we get there, we should all go over skills and expertise. We will also go over our strategy once we get their. Our mission isn't a simple kill the target, so we need to know what all of our team members can do to make our operation proceed in a smooth, unified fashion. We need to push them into the meeting point and if we do it the wrong way, they will go in a different direction, resulting in a failed mission."

He didn't care what the response was. The sooner we got moving, the better.
"Follow Team Mieyo if you are ready to continue on to your Mission. I will give you directions through your masks if you need them." The coordinator restated, pointing again towards the double doors. The way was open for both teams to continue on their missions. Now the only team that was left was Domo squad, and their unresolved dilemma.

How would Kirato react? How would Kirino react? Would either Kirato or Absolith be willing to cover Kirino's ass? Had she managed to warm up to them, or did she burn their relations? Find out next time!
Kirato straightened himself up as he tossed the sakkat that had been lazily holding onto his neck onto the floor. He then grabbed the black muffler in one hand and gave it a slight jerk as he pulled it off of him. Moving forward he grabbed the cloak and mask one in each hand and looked at them. He gave her a slight sly smirk as he swept the cloak around him as his fluttered and fell onto his shoulder tying it together it sat atop of him exchanging one cloak for another. He slid the mask over his head as he peered around the room eyeing his teammates and woman with the loud mouth. He had stayed silent the rest of the time just wanting to avoid her incessant need to complain and moan about every little detail.

"As you know Senyraka, I don't need the seal." Being an ex-ANBU his body was already prepared to be destroyed upon death. The poison tooth was never an option for him as his father had taught him a forbidden Fuinjitsu upon becoming an ANBU the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing Technique. Kirato's death would not go unpunished to his killer as this last gambit technique will swallow up anything around him into his corpse then dissolve away... He took the seal anyway as a sign of good face and wrapped it around his right forearm just to end this bickering. His hands moved to his back as he grabbed something from his belt. As it revealed from behind the cloak he placed his ANBU mask with red paint streaks to mimic the lines of a fox. Placing it on his face he closed his eye's and smiled. "Home sweet home..." He whispered to himself. A mask over a mask may seem to be overkill but it gave Kirato a sense of solace and complacency.

Having to still deal with the troublesome teammate. "Alright, alright I'll go get your body if you die on this mission, but it will cost you dinner for the squad. I'm sure the old man or Abby will agree as well. It's a fair deal take it or leave it" He turned to look at Kirino His fox mask with red paint standing out from his costume. "Now can you just accept so we can get going?"
Kirato would find that wearing one mask over the other somewhat undid the benefits of the first mask, as the second mask impaired his vision, forcing him to look through eye holes which were inches from his face. Still, Senryaka said nothing about it, though later Kirato could consider having the blank white mask repainted like to Anbu mask.

Moe stood up, making a little show of it as his arms trembled and he stood leaning on his staff. "I will offer what help I can, I will aid young Kirato in retrieving your body, should the worst come to pass." He said in his kindliest voice. "I hope that, in return, we can work fluidly together." He added with a slight bow.

Absolith's head twitched slightly when he was called Abby by Kirato, but otherwise he did not react or respond to the meeting, and showed no interest in Kirino's plight.

"We should hurry." He finally said, his voice a harsh whisper. "Either come with us, or stay. But make your decisions and let us be on with it."
Kirino nodded to both of them gratefully and did not waste any more time. "Lets go, the others have probably gotten to far ahead of us for my liking." She said smugly, before walking down the hallway Senryaka had indicated.
Squads Shinzo and Yuki

Wiseman said:
As the squads entered through the double doors, they would be greeted by the sight of stone hallway, intricately carved from pale stone like the rest of the strange temple base. Lining the walls were doors, and at the far end of the hallway was a single man elevator. Going up through it one at a time, they would find themselves emerging on the surface from a phone booth, secretly an entrance to the base. It would not take them long to exit, the elevator being exceptionally fast, and soon they would both be headed out of the city and into the surrounding forest.
As they ran and jumped, Senryaka's voice would play through their masks and give them directions. It would taken nearly two hours and forty minutes to get to the appointed ambush spot. As they traveled, Jinsoka would speak up, trying to get Hogo and Ryuzoji's attention.

"Hey guys, just a thought, but we should probably choose a squad leader while we are en-route. If we are nominating people, I nominate myself, and if we are voting, I vote for me." She said, wearing her mask up as she talked, not using it to communicate. She flashed a smile and waited for the two others to respond.

Yogan was nodding his head back and forth as he ran beside his team members. He looked over at the two of them, and though his face was covered, they could probably feel it when he licked his lips.

"Shit, I was hoping to get put up with that fiery b*tch! She likes to talk, but I could think of a few f*&king things that mouth could do besides yammer, am I right?!" He looked at Yuki and then at Asuna, eyes wild and clearly only half sensible.
TagochiRein said:
Ryuzoji had the same thoughts in mind. He pushed up his mask as well talk to his squad members.
"I am with Jinsoka. I don't have a preference on who the leader is as long as the mission is completed with the utmost care. I will follow your lead for this mission Jinsoka, but note this, if we fail under your lead than my trust in you as a squad leader will disappear. Another thing should be addressed. Even though team Yuki and team Shinzo are separate squads, our task is the same, so we wil all have to choose our task leader. If you want to lead the task then I will follow you as well, but we must share this information with team Shinzo and/or take another vote. In my opinion, nobody of team Shinzo has leadership qualities so it will prove difficult if one of them tries to lead us instead.
Wiseman said:
(This is where we will be completing your half of the mission, until you are to meet up with another team. When we are done here, one of you will post this to the IC for records sake.)
Jinsoka looked over at Shinzo Squad, and shook her head.

"The squad with Yogan and the Kaguya probably cant be controlled, I vote for letting them do whatever it is they plan on doing once they find the enemy, and staying a fair distance away. I'll be squad leader, but if you intend to try to control two loose cannons like them, then count me out." She said simply.
HaruAketchi said:
Yuki was sprinting as fast as he could, trying his hardest to keep up with his squad mates. he looked over at both of them baffled by the marks on the girls forehead. he reach for his journal but then stopped because he realize there was no way that you could take notes moving at the speed. " whole country of lower rank ninja.." he said to himself in amusement as he recalled the details of their mission. Yuki was not afraid at all of what they had to do. he knew things could go wrong but if they did the other squad will cover them, he hoped at least. he then took another glance at his squad mates and noticed the one nodding his head. this one amused yuki. his lack of control slightly reminding him of himself. yuki then looked forward, clearing his mind off all the thoughts and preparing himself for a successful mission.
ninbinz said:
As they moved steadily toward their target Hogo listened carefully to Jinsoka, it appeared that she had some insight into Yogan's behaviour. For the time being he was happy he didn't have to deal with the loose cannon, people with few inhibitions and a penchant-no a love of chaos. Hogo didn't relish the prospects of having to deal with someone like that.
Hogo thought over her words carefully but admitted he agreed with most of the kunoichi's assertions. "I have no intention of trying to give those three any directions, I do hope however that we can keep them from killing all of the Genin and Chunin." He said as he planted another foot on a branch before propelling himself forward."As for squad leader I think we should alternate every mission, at least that way we'll get a feel for each other and perhaps we'll be able to perform more efficiently as a group, if we continue to maintain the same groups that is."

Hogo kept a wary eye out for traps, low ranking ninja or not, there would be traps littered about the place. Better to keep an eye out for them. "All right Team Yuki, perhaps we should discuss this issue communally with Shinzo Squad." Hogo leaked chakra into the mask and stated, he was simply testing out the masks efficacy for the time being but it allowed them all to get used to the process of communicating via the masks.
TagochiRein said:
He shook his head. He didn't want the responsibility of watching over those two.
"Could we at least ask them to take care of the disposing of the ninja during the final part of our task. Our first goal is to push the genin and chunin to the destination spot for the set-up. We can't have them run wild for at least this first part. Since you will be leading this, you must ask of them at least this much. If not, then I will take lead and talk to them. The choice is yours. I have a couple different ideas on what we should do in order to drive the ninja to the ambush spot, but we are going to need both groups for this?"
Wiseman said:
Jinsoka was nodding at Hogo, but when Ryuzoji decided to add in that they had to control the other team to at least a degree she sighed heavily.
"Fine, if I have to. Honestly, I didnt sign up to baby sit a pack of crazies." She said, muttering the last part. With that she began to jump closer to Shinzo squad, allowing them to hear as well.

"Listen up Shinzo, we need to get a few things straight! We are not going to do a mass killing of the enemy on first contact, got it? We are going to get their attention, pull them into the killing zone, and then slaughter all-I mean almost all of them. Remember to leave a genin behind or something. Got that, do you understand?" She called over to the other squad, though mostly at Yogan and Asuna.

"Right right, surprise, pull and kill, I've played this game a dozen times 'Soka, and I always win the prize!" He then made a series of pelvic thrusts as he jumped, and Jinsoka could only sigh even more heavily than before and look at Asuna. "Do you understand?"
HaruAketchi said:
Once they had left, Asuna had begun working on her chakra. Unlike most jutsus, her kekkei gankai required time and preparation if she wanted to fight to her best. Under the cloak, her bones moved under her skin, preparing her forearms and legs with lining them of senbon and hardening them to reach their needed density. The fact that they had almost 3 hours to reach the spot allowed her to take all the time she would need to prepare at her pace. The girl looked at Yogan as he made his comment and rolled her eyes. When the other team member showed up, Asuna took a deep breath, obviously getting bothered. "I heard the mission details, thank you." She simply snapped back. Under her forearms, kunais were growing under her skin as she kept up with her preparations. The girl had placed the seal on her neck, as anywhere else on her body could threaten it's integrity due to her special abilities.
TagochiRein said:
Ryuzoji moved in closer to team Shinzo as well. Yogan was surprisingly easy to get along with. He agreed to her request with no signs of defiance. He wondered if it would have been the same if he asked.
Ryuzoji didn't expect such a response and he was sure that Jinsoka didn't either. This Aburame character seemed to be quite unruly. His comment reflected his mentality. He wondered how old he was.

Asuna was quite immature herself. He concluded that this team definitely needed watching over. They were quite a troublesome group and could run wild without a moments notice.

"Tell them that we will lead this first section of this mission and they can have full reign of disposing of their bodies any way they seem fit during the second half. It's a win/win situation and everybody will be happy, but chose your words carefully. Asuna and Yogan should be fine with it, but the Aburame might show signs of resistance. I will fall back and talk with him. Hopefully, it will help move his stance on coordinating with our squad," Ryuzoji whispered in the mask so that only his squad could hear.

He fell back to get closer to the slow moving Aburame. He clearly wasn't geared for fast paced movements. He wondered how he fared in combat. He wanted to ask him what he wrote in his journal, but decided against it. It wasn't a good conversation starter. His goal was to build a positive relationship with all of his comrades so that there would a better team chemistry. Everything is tied together through bonds.

Ryuzoji extended his hands toward him.

"My name is Ryuzoji Takadori. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said with a bland, facial expression. Maybe he should smile he thought, but he felt that it would be too much.
HaruAketchi said:
Yuki continued sprinting forward as fast as he could, still trailing behind the others. He then looked over and saw someone slowing to his pace. With a closer look he realized it was the white haired man from the other squad. He came closer and began speaking to yuki. He gave yuki his name and presented his hand for a greeting. Yuki looked at the man, puzzled. He couldnt understand why the man was trying to befreind him, they were in the middle of a mission. But nevertheless he played along. "takadori huh..." Yuki thought to himself for a moment, then the peices began to fall into place. His eyes grew large and his head snapped toward the man. "those yellow eyes, that white hair...i cant believe I didnt realize this sooner. Your the white ghost!" Yuki looked toward his hand clutching his journal, dying to write this down. He then calmed himself down. "anyway, im yuki aburame, swarming death of the leaf village." Yuki didnt extend his hand and continued running.
Wiseman said:
Jinsoka nodded and toward Ryuzoji, having heard every word, and turned toward Shinzo, who has not heard, and said, "Oh second thought, let us lead with the first part of the mission, we can alternate to supporting your squad for the second phase." Yogan groaned petulantly and punched the air.
"But that means we will have to stay back unless you need help! No f*cken way, come on! There are so many that you will need both squads anyways! If we run support, we will just end up rushing in to save your skinny asses!" He complained, seeming much less enthused about her suggestions now that they involved the possibility of him getting into the fight later.

"I'll only f*cken kill one! See? I know the rules, pull and kill, I can play that game 'Soka! They said we could kill like, two or three of them, let me get in their and toast and a half!" He then turned to look at Asuna.

"You, come on, tell this stiff b*tch what she ought to f*cken know!" Jinsoka grit her teeth and slid her mask down over her face.

"Yogan is being a problem." She said into the mask, softly so only her team would hear. The mask took her whisper and fed it to Hogo and Ryuzoji.

"He's already starting to try to bargain up his position, and when the idiot starts doing that he simply keeps trying to increase his position the more you argue."
TagochiRein said:
Ryuzoji extended hand hanged for about 5 seconds before dropping it back to his side. The Aburame hinted that he didn't want to take his hand, but responded to Ryuzoji's introduction instead.
"You are the first to recognize me. The Uzamaki looked at me in my eyes, but, wasn't able to tell. I commend your skills, Yuki Aburame."

The Aburame had quite the deductive skills. He seemed more capable then Ryuzoji originally thought of him.

As he was going to say something else to the Aburame, but, Jinsoka said something into the mask.

"Let us finish this conversation another time. I have another question for you upon my return," He said to the Aburame. He then dashed off to Hogo side to pretend to talk to him.

"Your words were put together rather poorly. Tell him that he wouldn't have to lag behind and be support. We actually wants his squad on the front line. He could kill 1 or 2 of them if he wants to. All that we ask is that he follow our lead or your lead, Jinsoka. The goal is to drive the ninja to a certain destination so we will need all the ninja to flank them in a V like formation to drive them to the meeting point. We need them to be scared of us so that they could flee in the first place, so tell Yogan that you want him to incinerate the first ninja he sees, with most intensive flame he can produce, to strike fear into their hearts. You can tell Asuna and the Aburame to kill with a flashy move as well. The more flamboyant, the better. If possible, I would like to put up a genjutsu as well, to make it seem like we have more people with us. I can do such a thing, but not on a large scale to affect all the ninja at once. I can target maybe 3 of them if they are close enough. You don't have to say it word for word, but say something along these lines. Hopefully it will work, if not then we will dismiss the issue and see how everything plans out,"
ninbinz said:
Hogo grinned, his mirth sincere. "Hunting." The exhilaration of being on the move and on a mission was almost euphoric, he didn't even know how much he had missed having an objective but now wasn't the time to go giggling of like a school girl, he couldn't help but snigger a little enthusiastically though. Hogo began to consider a strategy, there were several things they needed to consider; what sort of techniques these ninja were going to use, their mental state and how they'd react to any act of hostility.
Though he was deep in thought, Hogo managed to keep pace with Shinzo and his team members, he considered each of the ninja's powers and how they'd work in concert to each other, he had to consider how each of the instruments would play before writing the music. The drew closer and closer to their targets and Hogo had an epiphany, it could possibly work, these chunin and genin would be looking for a fight from anyone, perhaps that could be used as an advantage.

Carefully he chose his path and made his way towards Jinsoka, he nodded; a gesture for the rest to indicate he had something to say and filled his mask with chakra to further utilise this silent means of communication. "I have an idea on how to deal with these ninja that could provide a win, win situation." He began with noe intention of waiting to see if anyone actually wanted to hear his strategy. "First off Yuki, I know about the Aburame clans' abilities, rest assured I will not divulge them to anyone else without your permission. Secondly Yogan-san, you will perhaps get some action regardless of whether we are leading or not." He addressed the two issues he thought might arise in the future.

"Yuki, Asuna and I will be the bait. Yuki and I are most likely the slowest among us and will prove to be a most tempting target, while Asuna's clans' reputation leads me to believe that she can repel anyone with a little too much hubris and keep them off our backs. Yogan, Jinsoka and Ryuzoji will flank us to the left and right and quietly handle any enemy stragglers. He stopped momentarily to take a deep breath and allow this first lot of information to sink in.

"Yuki, Asuna and I will be team B, while Jinsoka, Yogan nd Ryuzoji will be team A. Team B; Yuki and I must appear to be weak (possible opportunity for a jab there Yogan Sama) while Asuna must act as our guardian. First off however we will need Yuki to create a path for us and our soon to be victims by weakening the branches along wither side, be sure to leave intervals to allow team A to move in and out as they please, mark each interval with an explosive tag, should any of our enemies find an interval they will be summarily blown up.

Hogo paused once more before continuing.

"Team A will retrieve the planted and un-exploded tags as we go along so as not to waste resources. I have heard of your amazing speed Jinsoka-san, would you mind moving a head to scout out our enemy, the rest of us except for Yuki who will preparing our path will move along as normally, we will meet at 10 meters away from the enemy camp. This is only a suggestion, feel free to reject it (though it was a bastard to write out in full).

Hogo finished making sure everyone heard what he was saying.
TagochiRein said:
After Ryuzoji said his bit about his idea to get them to follow our lead. Hogo spoke out for the first time, giving us a well thought out strategy.

His plan was well thought out. Another capable one I see.

"We will need to combine our two idea. We need to give the other squad incentive to listen to us. We can come up with a millions plans that are 200% full proof, but the variables of team Shinzo is what would topple that. Yukagakure ninja will be off-guard due to their mission success and even if they were to be cautious, they wouldn't be able to react fast enough to our swift attack, besides, we can't waste too much time on that set-up. We are almost out of it. Judging by how far our destination is and the movement speed that we are currently moving at, we will only have about 20 minutes to drive the enemy ninja to the set-up point."

Ryuzoji vanished before Hogo eyes and reappeared again after about 4 seconds on his opposite side of his body ( lets say he was on the left then he moved to the right).

"I will go with Jinsoka if she agrees to Scout the area. 2 eyes are better than one." he said as he jumped over a large branch.
Wiseman said:
Jinsoka would blow out a breath but nod and laughed when Ryuzoji offered to accompany her.
"Thanks but no thanks, I move much faster on my own, so if you came with me it would just slow me down." She would then disappear, gone in a gust of wind. None of them would have eyes keen enough to keep up with the suddenness of her movement, leaving the others to make the plan work with Shinzo.

If the plan was explained to Yogan, he would rub his head and groan.

"Too confusing." He would whine. "Why cant we just attack them, kill a few, and then lure them back to the killy spot? They wont just let us go if we turn tail and run in the middle of the fight!"
HaruAketchi said:
Jinsoka moved in a wave of white dust until she was completely out of sight. He knew of her speed, but it was still amazing to see it again in person. He thought of using his lighting release armor to prove her theory wrong and to see how he fared in speed against her. He knew he wouldn't be as fast as she was, but he knew he would be able to keep up with her. Looking back Hogo, he realized it would be a pointless endeavor. He already revealed his Hiding in Camouflage technique. He couldn't show off all of his abilities. He knew his time will come when he will use it.
"I don't know if you can still hear us Jinsoka, but we need to have a finished strategy right now. I think going with my plan....

will be the quickest thing to do. If they run in fear, then we will assume the V- formation to direct them to the kill spot. If they chase us, then we will lead them to the Kill spot. If we build off of this plan then I believe everybody will be satisfied. The other squad doesn't have the patience for a high formulated strategy and we are low on time. I don't want our squad to be the reason that we fail because we blew our time frame. The simplest the better. We still have to wait for Jinsoka's return to decide anything.
ninbinz said:
(I hadn't realised that initialy, either way I stated that Hogo moved towards Jinsoka who is also with Shinzo squad so everyone should hear, and I didn't here Wise say anything about that.)
Hogo smiled at in amazement at how fast Jinsoka truly was, he lifted his voice so everyone could hear what he said next. "Look Yogan san, I know it's not the big smash and chase you want but we've got to put on a show for Mikoto, who's most likely watching us right now and just imagine the scared little faces when you snuff them out." He said with a devilish grin wrapped around his face, some would say he looked like the cheshire cat who grins from ear to ear.

Hogo dropped back a little so he wouldn't have to yell at Yuki "I'll leave the method to your discretion Yuki, the limbs simply need to appear untouched so as to fool any of our unruly prey should they decide to step out of line." Hogo liked these two groups, despite Shinzo squads' explosive and unrestricted approach to missions he kinda liked Yogan's manic attitude towards everything, it made him feel like he hadn't fallen so far and that he could get up any tie he pleased.

"Attacking them outright will force them to go on the defensive and I think Mikoto wants most of the bodies to drop at the rendezvous site.
Wiseman said:
"Damn it, fine!" Yogan yelled in frustration. "Fine, fine, fine. We will do it your way. Just tell me what you want me to do, and when. But if I dont get two burn up at least two of these steam ninja f*ckers, I'm taking a finger, no, a finger and a half'! You remember that while your ordering me around, Hono." Yogan threatened. He then looked over at Asuna, who had been silent despite the fact that he had already called on her once. Annoyance ran through his skull as he considered that he was being ignored.
"Hey, Kagaya, or whatever backwards clan it is your supposed to come form, are you fine with this? I thought that maybe one of Shinzo should be running the show, but your awfully f*cken quite over there....Are you ignoring me b*tch?" The more she ignored him, the more obvious frustration would pour into his features.

"You are nearing the ambush point." Senryaka would say into their masks, warning them of the proximity of the mission. If the plan was going to be explained to Yogan in a way he could understand it, then it would need to be done quickly, and simply.

What was the first stage of the plan, the second stage, and the third stage?
[QUOTE="Sweet Revenge]Asuna threw the kunai held held with her right hand at the steam. She was aware it wouldn't disperse it, but it was a good way to hide the deadly shot as she aimed straight for the middle ninja's heart. She quickly hopped down to the forest floor afterwards, not waiting to see how the kunai would react as she slid her hands in her short sleeves while she fell. From her torso, she pushed out the rows of senbon she had made back in the theater and grabbed 4 in each hand. Upon her landing she threw them if a swift movement, sending them towards the other 2 she had not aimed yet. She was surprised her first strike had barely hit anyone, and frustration began boiling in her veins. Her blood lust rose as a ninja screamed and flailed around, being eaten by bugs, only making things harder as the yells reminded her of her past with the Kaguya clan.
The girl waited for the next move from her opponents, ready to pounce aside to dodge the next attack and began building her chakra in her right forearm, making the short sword that she would require for her next dance. The preparation would take a few seconds before she could begin pushing the blade out, hiding her arm behind her back once more. She had no intention on revealing her secrets to these yu nins. The advantage of keeping her ability secret was easy to understand for her. If they would decide to get close to her, it would only be to their demise.

Wiseman said:
The gas from Yuki's jutsu hit the large steam cloud created by the ninja, and he clacked his Kunai together, creating a spark which ignited the gas into a large fireball. The gas did not burn when it reached the cloud however, and it was evident that the steam either neutralized the gas naturally, not allowing it to ignite, or this was chakra infused steam, and was actively counteracting fire Jutsu.
The Yugakure ninja were a general mix of fire and water natures, with a heavier lean on water than fire, and steam techniques were clearly water nature, which counteracted fire nature techniques. Still the blast easily blew away the remaining steam, revealing the two ninja that had been hiding there. They were slightly burnt from Yuki's Jutsu, but clearly they were far from beaten. They stood on a thick branch defiantly.

They both began to make hand signs then, and they both finished at the same time, five signs in.

"Steam Style!" They both shouted, and one, the ninja standing to the right wearing an eyepatch with the symbol of his village printed into it, placed his hands around his mouth, while the other, a long haired youth who almost looked like a girl, pressed his hands against the wood of the branch they were standing on.

"Searing Stream blade!" called the first, firing a jet of searing hot steam out of his mouth and at Yuki. If Yuki tried to dodge, he would find that the stream would move to follow him once before he was able to lose the attack. The stream cut and burned through wood and trees like a hot chain saw through ice.

"Steaming Escape cloud!" Cried the second, and from his hands exploded a cloud of cool steam, larger than the previous clouds, and clearly meant to shroud their movements. These ninja may not be Jonin, but they were used to fighting together, and had a team pattern set down. Aside from that, they knew they had a few more tricks up their sleeves.

Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the right side of the battle field as Hogo's High Yield (How many did you use) explosive tags were triggered by one of the fleeing ninja. A burnt corpse was thrown back into the kill zone, and several trees fell.

Hogo's trap had caught at least one of the ninja, and his wave diverted the others that looked like they were coming for him. Then Hogo would hear a slight rustle behind him, and have seconds to turn and see one of the Chunin, one who had not been with the main group, dropped down from just above him holding a steaming Kunai. The attack was swift and already inside Hogo's attack range, and he had to make decision fast, whether to block or dodge the blade that was speeding towards his head.

Yogan was fighting another Chunin, this one also seeming to have gotten the drop on him. It should have been evident from how many ninja actually entered the kill zone that there were s0me mission, after all, the count was twelve, and Senryaka had said there could be as many as ten genin, and six chunin. He was having a hard time fighting off the determined ninja, who was using a steaming saber to attack as Yogan stumbled out of the way.

Jensoka was fighting the two Chunin at once, and was holding her own, using her advanced speed to easily keep them occupied. Meanwhile, Asuna made the right choice, dropping down to the forest floor instead of hiding behind the tree or jumping over the ball, as was evident when the steam hit the tree. At once the bark splintered and cracked as it boiled, and the whole tree groaned from being cooked. The Steam dispersed into a cloud which traveled up, and would have caught her in its ascension.

Her kunai, which she threw through the steam, came out the other side, red hot, and planted itself firmly in the chest of the first young ninja, a red haired youth. He clutched at the wound and began to fall but was grabbed by his team mates and taken to another branch.

"Nam! Nam!" One of the other ninja said, a young girl with bluish hair. She carefully removed the kunai, but not before Asuna threw two senbon at her and the remaing ninja, a green eyed, black haired boy with a shield on his arm. He blocked both needles, letting the girl work on their injured comrade, and he shot a powerful glare at Asuna.

Suddenly, he smiled, and Asuna may have found this puzzling before feeling a sharp pain in her shoulder as three Kunai dug deep into her flesh and hit her bones. A surprise attack from behind. The Chunin who had thrown the Kunai clearly expected her to drop, but they had not severed anything vital, and she would not bleed out from such wounds. Her bones bore the brunt of the shock, and were unharmed by the blades, hard as they were. Still, these ninja were showing excellent coordination, and now Asuna had to react to this new opponent before he got close enough to attack her back.
ninbinz said:
(Equipment used: 20 explosive tags. Remaining: 10.)
Hogo smiled delightedly, he should have known that these ninja weren't going to yield their entire numbers at once his explosion of (20) explosive tags rocked the battlefield. He saw the burnt form of a Yugakure ninja fall to the forest floor, it would be a rather hard fight if Hogo kept letting himself be surprised, he'd worry about growling himself later, for the moment however he had a rather plucky ninja to deal with. The Yugakure ninja's attack was rather linear and despite the short amount time he had to react.

Hogo stretched out his left arm towards the steaming kunai wielding ninja and grabbed their arm, with a tight grip and a simple twist of his leg he redirected the attack to where he saw the other Yugakure ninja. In his right hand he brandished several kunai and sent it flying to where he would have thrown the attacking ninja.

Next he'd use the Wild Bubble Wave Jutsu to cover his retreat higher into the trees. His face would be covered in sweat behind his as yet unmarked mask. He smiled t how much fun he was having.The Yugakure ninja were up to par and making the show more and more entertaining. Were it not for the specialised cloak Mikoto had given him, Hogo would be dead from that last attack.
Mieyo Squad Mission Part 1

Wiseman said:
(OK, here is where the three of us will conduct our mission. At the end of the mission, one of you will post what we have done so far in the IC thread for records sake.)
Upon walking through the double doors, team Mieyo would be greeted by the sight of a long hallway lined with doors. Most of the doors were stone, and seemed old, while some had been replaced with wood replicas. At the end of the hallway was a single man tube elevator that led up. It looked as though Kurage might have trouble using it, but with a little bit of effort and a sucked in gut, everyone would get up relatively quickly. The elevator lead to street level, and came out in a phone booth which was actually a hidden entrance out of the base. They would each come out of the booth, one by one, and then would be free to begin their mission.

It would take nearly two hours and forty minutes for them to reach their appointed area, a dark forest miles outside of Amegakure. They would be led there by directions if need be, and once there they would be instructed to wait until they could see the Caravan approaching down the road. They still had some time to prepare and make a plan to stall the caravan, or share any plans they already had with the rest of their team. But time was fleeting, if there was any preparation to be done, it would need to be done quickly.
Ineffectivd said:
"Oh, man, look at all these doors!" Ikari excitedly ran across the hallway, his fingers brushing past the and stone panels. "Wonder where they all lead, huh?" he bounced excitedly from side to side of the hallway, peering into every lock, but only seeing darkness in them. He strayed away from them and turned his focus onto the bigger picture. The place was ancient, probably build years ago. The stone doors were a dead give-away. For some reason, though, these guys bothered replacing the broken doors with wooden ones. This place must be vital to some point.
His inattentive state smacked him in the back of the head in the form of a tube elevator. Spinning around, he stumbled back in surprise as he looked at the invention in front of him. "Is this...only for one person?" he circled the tube elevator and rapped the side of it. He looked at Genzai, then back at the elevator, then back at Genzai. He dashed over to the rotund man, placed his hands on the sides of the man and measured his diameter, before rushing back to the elevator and checking the maximum width. He turned back and said through his mask, "Yo, Genzai-san! This thing is a bit too narrow for ya. Gotta..." Ikari compressed his gut and sucked in his breath, before releasing. "Ya know?"
SongBird said:
"Ladies first, gentlemen..." Sumire moved forward slowly, her heels tapping against the floor of the elevator as she boarded. There was a sudden sound of whirring mechanisms, the elevator ascending to what would be Sumire's next destination. "Hmm..." The kunoichi would wait as she crossed her arms about her busty chest.
While waiting to arrive at her destination, the Sakuragakure woman would take the time to suit up, donning her robe and mask. Indeed, the mask was an incredibly beautiful work of art, one that would prove to be quite useful in having her identity be a secret well kept. Sumire fixed her hair into a high ponytail so as to keep her long and flowing locks from getting in the way of her vision.

The sound of the elevator's mechanisms began to intensify, letting off a high pitched whistle as it increased greatly in speed. Sumire could spot a faint light up ahead, showing through the cracks of what seemed to be a trapdoor. As the door opened, the kunoichi would find herself within a phone booth on the streets of Amegakure, this being the end of the ride. "Mission Coordinator, Senryaka, where to from here?" Sumire stepped out of the booth, examining her surroundings while waiting on further instruction.
Wiseman said:
(Let me remind the both of you that you can not simply state that you successful complete and attack, or Successfully Dodge the attack. You may state your intent, and I will Arbitrate what happens between the two of you, as I am about to. You may both pick up from where I post)
Kurage unexpectedly spewed water out of his mouth in a torrent, soaking the unsuspecting Ikari, who was standing only a few feet from the large Ninja. He quickly began to form Hand signs, but Ikari's hands were slightly faster, and he had fewer characters to complete, and so he just managed to avoid being caught in the water globe, his Substitution(?) jutsu kicking in just fast enough to avoid the trap.

That left Ikari completely soaked, but free, and Kurage standing in a puddle of water he had created with a globe of water and sand before him. Ikari would be wise to remember this man's reputation from the Bingo Book, as slaughtering an entire ninja clan was not something that made a man less dangerous.
Wisdom said:
After Kurage attempted to use his Water Prison Technique, he stepped back and crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.
"Don't ever forget that you are by far the weakest, possibly most useless individual in here. Nah, I won't even call you a shinobi... We all see you clenching on to those explosive tags, which wont do much good wet like they may be now. All you are, are a bag of tricks full of schemes that'll never pass against anything all us real shinobi prepare for. You might as well be a genin, and even that might be too generous."

Kurage pressed a finger to his right nostril to blow and clear out the left nostril.

"So remember this... You're a peon... a squirt... an ant. When ants march out of line, they get stepped on..."

Kurage would then walk towards the elevator, to which he would struggle desperately to get inside of until he would look over back at Ikari with a grimmace and suck in his own gut to fit in the elevator.


-Kurage said as the door closed on his love handle and caused him to yelp. He would then suck in even harder so as the door could close fully, and he could take his cramped ride all the way to it's destination. When the lift had made it to where Sumire had reached, Kurage burst out from the portal, nearly shattering the device in the process due to his girth.
Wisdom said:
Kurage watched with a smile and squinted eyes as Sumire made the first descent, waving playfully and uttering-

He then turned to Ikari who was patting Kurage's stomach, and within a split second summoned a stream of water from his mouth, followed by several hand signs...

Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare → Snake → Ox → Clap Hands

-utilizing the Water Prison Technique, yet missing entirely.


After Kurage attempted to use his Water Prison Technique, he stepped back and crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Don't ever forget that you are by far the weakest, possibly most useless individual in here. Nah, I won't even call you a shinobi... We all see you clenching on to those explosive tags, which wont do much good wet like they may be now. All you are, are a bag of tricks full of schemes that'll never pass against anything all us real shinobi prepare for. You might as well be a genin, and even that might be too generous."

Kurage pressed a finger to his right nostril to blow and clear out the left nostril.

"So remember this... You're a peon... a squirt... an ant. When ants march out of line, they get stepped on..."

Kurage would then walk towards the elevator, to which he would struggle desperately to get inside of until he would look over back at Ikari with a grimmace and suck in his own gut to fit in the elevator.


-Kurage said as the door closed on his love handle and caused him to yelp. He would then suck in even harder so as the door could close fully, and he could take his cramped ride all the way to it's destination. When the lift had made it to where Sumire had reached, Kurage burst out from the portal, nearly shattering the device in the process due to his girth.

( I wrote this to serve as final edited version of that post to clean up the page, but the sites being wonky and posting things unfinished. If OP has the power to delete original post, its respective reply and the second accidental post, please do so. )
Wiseman said:
Senryaka would begin to give the team directions after they had left the base, filling in whatever information they needed. Being the first one up, Sumire would have to wait awhile before she found Kurage squeezing out of the booth. Now they were just waiting on Ikari, who was still below and soaked in water after being threatened by the reputed clan killing Kurage Genzai.
After he joined them, it would take nearly two hours and forty five minutes to reach the appointed spot, after which they would have a little bit of time to prepare what they were going to do and exchange ideas, though most of that should be taken care of during their trip to the location.
Wisdom said:
-Kurage said as he glanced towards his kunoichi companion.

"Do what you need to do... I feel like I should take position nearby yet concealed. With one of my Man-o-War style techniques, I can move tendrils under the ground to the feet of any one that may need a quick jolt. That's right... If it gets hot, I'll wiggle those under to where each of them stand, and pop them out for a leg wrap or something. Then, I can send any amount of electric voltage necessary..."

Kurage pinched his fingers in the air and made a 'bzzzt' sound.

"But I'll go for the stun, just for you..."

Kurage then looked to Ikari for his input.
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari simply shrugged, and squeezed the side of his uniform dry of water. "I'll do whatever you guys need me to do, though an idea of stalling them doesn't mean to assault them. A good ol' landslide or at least some distraction would stop them right on track." He took out of his kunais and spun it in one finger. "Blow out the road, disable the wheels, or just simple far off explosions that slow them down due to their human wariness." Once more, Ikari shrugged.
"But whatever, dudes. Your call. Just let me have a good look at the wares before you completely wreck anything though."
Wisdom said:
Kurage snorted at Ikari, then looked to Sumire.
"What is it exactly you're looking to do sexy-lady?"

-Kurage said with a hint of innocense.

"Me and Ikari can throw out support roles all night, but it'd be better off if we knew your plan and how to work around or with it, since you seem confident in it."

Kurage stretched his arms up to crack some back muscles before staring blankly at Sumire.

"Please tell me it has somethin to do with you getting naked..."
SongBird said:
"I appreciate the admiration, but cool it Kurage" Sumire shook her head as the team pressed onward, making their way as speedily as possible while traveling on foot to their mission site. She would go on to discuss her plan. "I have a jutsu that is completely harmless. It will stop that caravan dead in its tracks. I can assure you, Ikari, no precious loot will go damaged. Assuming that all goes according to plan, we should be able to avoid conflict altogether. All I'm asking from you two is to stay hidden. Should something happen, you two are more than welcome to wreak havoc."
It wouldn't be too long before Team Meiyo would arrive, and on an early schedule at that. The group would have another thirty minutes to get set up at the most. This mission would require very little planning, though. Sumire would find a spot high above atop a cherry blossom tree. She'd signal for both Ikari and Kurage to wait here. "The moment the caravan comes close enough, I will swoop down, fire off my jutsu, and that will be that will be the end of my part in all of this..."
Wisdom said:
Kurage nodded as he ran alongside Sumire and Ikari.
"Alright... I'll get in that position and initiate my jutsu as soon as I know you've done your thing. We have to be aware of sensory shinobi too; no doubt one may be in that caravan or scouting ahead for it. I'll keep my pressence low and initiate my jutsu simultaneously with yours. I'll send tendrils under the ground to the feet of the targets as you use your technique. That way if they do sense you or us, they'll have two jutsus to worry about snuffing; one from above and the other below."

Kurage looked ahead in though before looking over his shoulder to Ikari.

"Whattya' think shrimp? Are you a good scout? Maybe one of us should scout the spot ahead of time before we set up shop..."
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari adjusted his leather headband and continued to squeeze water from his uniform, the water from Genzai's jutsu earlier dripping all over the area. "Sure. My chakra levels are below detectable by default, so I should be fine. 'Sides, I wanna be there when the action starts. Chaos and my thievery come hand -in-hand." Ikari nodded to both Sumire and Genzai, before breaking off from the party to scout ahead, delving into nearby foliage to hide his presence further.
Whether or not he would find a scouting party or a sensory ninja, he would decide to prop himself up in a nearby tree and inform the team of the situation.
Wiseman said:
Ikari would spot the Caravan as it came down the road, being pulled steadily along by oxen and the people tending to them. It appeared to be a normal peasant caravan, eight wagons long, all carrying large barrels of rice on their open cargo holds. In total, there seemed to be around thirty people in the Caravan. Aside from six villagers holding spears, the caravan did not seem to pose any kind of threat, and they were moving along at an unhurried pace.
Ikari would have time to report what he had seen, and then they would have only a little while before the Caravan was upon them. Whatever their plan was, now was the time to initiate it.
Wisdom said:
Kurage listened to Ikari's report then gave his contemplation to the group.
"I'm going to go the spot and conceal myself. I'll stay in position and work my tendrils under the ground to which they'll be trotting. I'll be looking for Sumire's jutsu. If things go bad, do we have a warning signal?"

After Kurage said his part and waited for a response, he would then make the move to take his position and set his stance up. He would make sure to open a scroll and release his water early, but instead leave it in the ground until it needed to be used so that chakra would not be flowing through it until the right moment. If the situation escelated he would attempt to suck up and manipulate said water, and initiate his jutsu.
Ineffectivd said:
"Expect the usual." was Ikari's reply, as he allowed an explosive tag to snake its way down to the ground and towards the frontmost wagon's rear wheel. In the event of an unprecedented attack, Ikari would detonate the tag, both disabling the caravan further and knocking away any threat in the immediate area at the same time. "I'll just stay here for the mean time and keep watch. It seems a bit too quiet for my taste. You guys should probably watch your backs as well."
It was in his thieving blood that made him suspect of the caravan's defenselessness. If it was indeed important, then why the hell wasn't it guarded more properly? He had learned the hard way when trying to steal a few vital documents from warring clans that usually, these things had hidden traps or hidden guardians somewhere in the midst of it all. Unless...the villagers...or the passengers of the wagons?

After a moment of silence and observing the slow-moving caravan, he still couldn't be sure. "Just watch your own backs, Sumire-san, Genzai-san," he repeated.
SongBird said:
"Given Ikari's report, I'm not planning for things to go bad. I'll release my jutsu, and then retreat upon it being finished, making my way back to our vantage point here. If there are any surprises, I should be able to avoid them given that the caravan will be stalled and those aboard will be stunned for a short while, long enough for me to get away unseen..."
Sumire's ears twitched as the caravan drew closer. Before long, it was in plain sight. The female kunoichi would wait for it to get a little closer being moving in. "Get ready..." she'd whisper. The closer the caravan got, the more tense Sumire's body became. Just before the target was directly under her nose, Sumire leapt from her spot of safety, performing the ram and tiger hand seal while still in mid air. She'd hold on to it for as long as possible, her jutsu building as she descended. Sumire's heels would stomp down hard on the earth beneath them, the kunoichi landing in a crouched position, being a mere ten feet away from the approaching caravan.

"WATER STYLE: SYRUP TRAP!" Sumire would lift her mask enough to reveal the bottom half of her face, opening her mouth slightly as a stream of water shot forth, coating the ground and moving under the caravan. In mere seconds, the approaching oxen would come to a halt, the wagon wheels slowly stalling, the entire caravan now trapped in a pond of sticky mess.

Upon finishing her task, the kunoichi would then retreat back to Team Meiyo's vantage point, standing from her crouched position and sending her body spiraling upward in the air, disappearing beyond the cherry blossoms trees that surrounded the area.
Wiseman said:
The Caravan guards, most of which were near the front or back, balked as they saw the white garbed kunoichi drop from one of the trees whose branches hung over the road, and were too stunned to do anything as she spat out her trap, stopping the first wagon in its tracks. The men shouted in alarm, and those with spears began to move forward, but before anyone could really do anything else, the mysterious figure was gone, and the wagon trapped.
The men began working on it right away, but many got stuck in the viscus substance themselves, and though it became evident that they would eventually be able to move the wagon through the stuff, and then move the others around it, it would take time to accomplish. Meanwhile, while the villagers worked to free the wagon, the guards stood with their spears pointed out at the trees, calling warnings out and watching for the ninja. It was clear that everyone in the caravan clearly expected that they would be attacked, and many murmured worriedly amongst themselves.

They had no idea that their little wagon train was about the become the sight of not one, but two major battles between enemy ninja, not to mention the fact that by the end of the mission, all their wagons would be smashed and burning at best. The chances of all the villagers escaping with their lives was slim at best...unless they were all gone before the other ninja arrived at the meeting point.

As it was, they seemed scared, but far from deterred, and worked hard to move their wagon. Meiyo squad could now wait to see if their plan would stall for long enough, scare the villagers away one way or another, or steal from the carts before they were to be destroyed.
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari shrugged and decided to stay in his own lookout point. If the wagons started moving again, he would have no choice but to blow up the explosive tag to disable the first wagon and Ikari would need to inform his team of the cause of explosion. If it came to it, Ikari would reveal himself and detonate a few more tags to block the road entirely.
Wisdom said:
The Man-o-War smirked as he saw Sumire's seemingly artistic endeavor.
"That's my girl..."

-Kurage whispered under his breath. In that instant Genzai would activate the Current Release, his clan's kekkei genkai of the dual elemental nature of water and lightning, and also shift into the Man-o-War stance that would animate the water he left in the ground to float around him. From within the stance, the watery globe surrounding him would shrink as the many tendrils below made their way to the soles of the targets. Kurage would have his tendrils run under the feet of both the civilians and their guards; a tendril for every head Kurage counted plus ten other reserve tendrils in waiting for back-up.

"That looks like a water based jutsu... I can take advantage of that for a group wide shock n' stun lock."

Kurage ran his tongue across his teeth as his tendrils would come close to the surface, either to be used to electrify the syrup or wrap around the targets.

"I'll see how this bodes... If they get to actin' up, I'll put them all down for a short nap..."
Wisdom said:
Kurage took a moment to also peer into the carts a bit closer, thinking to his self-
"Now, we all know rice is good for holding more than just flavor..."

-his stomach beginning to churn a tad at the thought.

"Maybe there's something special in the rice... Maybe I should scare these fools away with a tendril show... or toss them all in bushes... I wan't food."

Kurage waited in the shadows from a reaction from his prey, his insides beginning to thin.
Wiseman said:
After about five minutes of struggling with the wagon, the lead man gave a signal to the others, and the other wagons began to move around the first, squeezing past and avoiding the water. They would need to do something else to stall the carts, and Kurage did not have enough water to grasp every one of the villagers, though he could still grasp a few of them. It was their move.
Ineffectivd said:
"They're moving, guys." Ikari reported through his mask. "I'm deploying explosives to intercept. First charge, detonating!" Ikari placed his hands in the Snake sign and detonated the first tag attached to the wheel of the first wagon, aiming to knock the wagons that passed by the right (as in left/right) side of the wagon over from the impact.
Whether the detonation worked or not, Ikari would take the opportunity to dash through the smog caused by the explosion to attach a tag to each of the surviving and leading wagons. In the chaos, he would escape the scene as soon as he was detected or done with his sabotaging.


Tags left (after detonation; before attaching more): 48
Wisdom said:
Depending on the composition of Sumire's jutsu, Kurage would either:
A: Fuse his water with the water-base syrup on the ground to gain extra mass. He would then initiate the hand signals Ox~Snake~Rabbit~Tiger~Boar for his Zerī-ō no enkai (Banquet of the Jelly King) in which the watery mass would manifest a swarm of tendrils that would grab all of the crewmen and toss them to safety before the carts exploded. (He can send a small electrical pulse through the tendrils that reacts to the vibrations of the crewmen, thus being able to grab them from out of Ikari's smog.)


B: Kurage would take the spare tendrils he had to tactfully grab and throw to the side the crewmen nearest to the carts first, then the one's that stood farther away next; this is unless his throws happen to be in the path of said distant crewman who could then be pushed back from the force. He would have his tendrils working double-time as to pick up a crewman to toss him aside, but then come back to grab another like clockwork. (Imagine a hyperactive flailing tendril just grabbing a man, lobbing him and in the same instant flailing back for another.)

Kurage, regardless of the path taken, would break into a sweat of intense concentration. This, he thought, was some sort of hybrid operation between surgery and picking ticks from a friend's mane. Kurage would lick the salt sweat as it rolled down his cheek.
Wisdom said:
Should either of these succeed, once Kurage had removed all of the men from the explosive radius, he would sic the tendrils on the men that were not knocked out and give them a light stun. This jolt would be solely for the purpose of knocking them out and not executing them. This hopefully would help paint the picture of chaos that Ikari's explosions initiated.
Wiseman said:
The sudden explosion blew the first wagon to smithereens, sending bodies, blood, and rice flying through the air. With so many packed around the first wagon when it exploded, many were caught in the ignition. Ikari then ran out and began slapping tags onto the other carts, causing a panic as people reacted to the explosion and the sight of strange, black and white figure in a mask running down the wagon line.
Kurager's tentacles, now bolstered by the syrup, began to fling bodies and people away from the wagons, and many began to flee and run away, trying to save themselves. Suddenly, three of the larger bails of rice exploded open, and thee Konoha ninja revealed themselves.

The first was a large, fat man in heavy armor, and it was clear that he must have been using a transformation technique to hide inside his rice bail, as he stood fully a head taller than the other two ninja. The second was a hooded man with black, round glasses and a high, concealing collar. The last was a bald man who looked to be in his mid twenties. He had his arms crossed and wore a loose black Gi with sandals. His goatee was dark black and sharp, but by far his most distinguishing feature were his eyes, red as blood, ringed unnaturally with three Tomoe in each eye, like extra, misshaped, orbiting pupils.

It appeared that Konoha had taken measure to protect their weapons, and these three ninja, lead by one of the infamous Uchiha themselves. The man with the Sharingan's immediately began jumping over the wagons towards Ikari, drawing a thin sword as he did. The other two would look around, trying to figure out if there were any other threats, noticing the tentacles as they flailed and tossed villagers around.
Wisdom said:
-Kurage said under his breath. The Man-o-War had succefully used his Zerī-ō no enkai (Banquet of the Jelly King) technique after fusing his ability with Sumire's syrup. A myriad tendrils manifested from the giant glob, now taking time to pick and pluck civilians out of the way of the explosions. Then suddenly, the barrels of rice burst open to reveal hidden shinobi within.

"Knew it! Damnit!"

Kurage's focus now peaked as the three shinobi revealed were not only identified to be atleast chunin or possibly jonin of Konoha, but they seemed to be organized by a Uchiha. Kurage had heard scant tales about the Red-Eyed Dogs of Konoha, the Uchiha. While some identified them for their character traits, most knew of them from their terrifying eyes and the capabilities they held. Kurage's eye also honed in on Ikari who potentially was in serious danger

"Gotta' cover this squirt..."

Kurage' tentacles were done tossing civilians and had moved on to stunning them. Now, Kurage wouldshift his hands in order to manipulate the large quantity tentacles now produced. Kurage would attempt to send out at least TEN tendrils to surround Ikari and stay with him until he could escape or find a vantage point.

"Now for you fools..."

The Man-o-War began to sweat again, as he swiftly attempt to translocate a large portion of his tendrils to the ground of the enemy nin. The tendrils would individually surround each of the three shinobi and strike at them from various angles. While his tendrils would prove to be either effective or just a distraction, Kurage would have three special tendrils that had not been revealed and keep them under the ground, assigning them to one of each of the three Konoha shinobi. Kurage would use these personal tendrils as his "kill tendrils". A kill tendril was usually the tenctacle that was not revealed, since it would be used as a finisher while the target was being distracted by the other tendrils. The attacking tendrils would attack with caution and precision, but mostly served to absorb the shinobi's attention so an unaccounted tendril could appear from nowhere to hopefully end the conflict with a swift shock.

While that is going on, or if rather... Kurage would unlatch another water scroll from his back to create even more water. This water however would be added to the mass, then broken off to create a perimitter around the enemy. This perimitter upon completion would be a wall of electrically charged water initiated by the technique, Ryōshi no gyokaku-ryou (Fisherman's Catch). If all this was to go off soundly, the enemies should be enclosed in a wall of electrified water, while being attacked by tendrils and having a secret kill tendril waiting for a blind moment to strike.
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari leapt back as the explosion rocked the area, sending bodies flying. Clutching onto his mask in fear of it dropping off from the tremor, Ikari surveyed the new sight of carnage he spread. "Sumire-nee-san won't be pleased at the body count," he commented to himself, trying to seem aloof despite his shaken self. He knew what he was getting into from that last explosion and to sacrifice a few lives in the way was but normal. Ikari shuddered at the thought of becoming a monster like the rest of his team and looked, quite woefully at his metaphorically blood-stained hands. Did he really have the heart to continue? He was a weak-willed thief, not a bloody heartless killer.
His attention snapped back to the caravan as the bales of rice burst, revealing a squad of ninja. Ikari, out of reflex, turned tail and fled the moment they appeared, diving into the cover of the trees nearby. Not good. This wasn't good. Ikari took a glance back, and found, to his horror, a man with the funny red eyes that only the Uchiha had had departed from his crew to pursue him. Just a gutless thief and here he was, being hunted by an Uchiha.

-Attempt to set up the Barrier Encampment Method. Everything past this is an attempt-

Ikari spun around and tacked another tag on a nearby tree, his true intention disguised by a flick of a kunai towards the Uchiha, and sprang towards the left, about 8 paces, 5 yards and did the same to another tree. He then retreated further, facing the Uchiha and preparing to pull a Substitution Jutsu the moment anything came flying at him, about the same distance, tagging yet another tree, and finally dodged to the right in the same distance and tagged the final tree.

At this point, he would dash back to just in front of the square set up by his tags, attempting to lure the Uchiha into the centre.
Mieyo Squad Mission Part 2

Wiseman said:
Ikari got as far as his reflexive jump towards the tree line, before Kurage's tentacles sprouted out around him, blocking off escape. It would take a tremendous leap to clear the flailing tentacles, though they would not grasp at Ikari if he did try to escape the circle. Still, the move was unexpected, not communicated, and Ikari was far from familiar with Kurage's Zerī-ō no enkai. To him, all he would see is a wall of tentacles suddenly explode from the ground around him, cutting off his escape. The Uchiha was in the air and landing within the circle only a few moments later.
The tentacles flailed and attacked the Uchiha, but with Kurage already shifting his primary attention to the other ninja, and the Uchiha already having use of both Sharingans, it was a simply matter for him to dodge around the whips and clubs of the tentacles, using his thin blade to cut many in half, destroying the tentacles, which would require more chakra and attention to reanimate.

"Interesting." The Uchiha said as he made his way towards Ikari. "I do not recognize you're uniform...Regardless, you are coming with me." He said, eyes wide, orbiting pupils rotating.

Meanwhile, the other two ninja had found where Kurage was hiding, one of them able to sense his chakra. They were like wise dodging and attacking tentacles, but their constant movement towards Kurage made it difficult for the tentacles to keep up. On top of that, he was already moving on to his next jutsu, a trap which would prevent the remaining villagers from escaping the combat zone.

The large ninja began to grow in size, jumped into the air, and became a massive ball, rolling an tumbling toward where Kurage stood, solid in his style. He did not have a protective bubble up, all his water was being used in tentacles or the wall he was creating, which meant he had no defense and would need to dodge, though dodging would end his technique and cause all the tentacles to turn back into water.
SongBird said:
Sumire watched from above as Ikari's explosive tag was detonated, killing a few innocents here and there in its wake. "No..." From her point of safety in the cherry blossoms, Sumire looked toward Ikari, a frown about her face and tears welling about. "That careless fool..." Suddenly, three large rice bags exploded open, revealing the Konoha ninja, one of which was heading directly for Ikari. Sumire had no time to mourn. She couldn't, not right now. She had to make haste. Quietly, she approached the situation from a distance, descending now and moving around the battlefield so as to position herself behind the ninja with the unusual eyes.
Sumire was now hidden behind the body of a cherry blossom tree, being at ground level and directly under Kurage and moving in for a surprise attack on the Uchiha. She readied herself to perform a hand seal before noticing the shadows of two other ninja almost just outside of her peripheral, ascending towards Kurage whilst dodging his attacks. Luckily, neither of them would notice her, but she would have to act swiftly before they could reach him. "First thing's first..."

"No, he's not..." the kunoichi whispered, her heart beating at an extremely fast pace at this point. She'd perform the Tiger hand seal before coming out of hiding, lifting her mask, and then opening her mouth wide. "WATER STYLE: LIQUID BULLET!!!" A massive ball of water would then be shot forth, being aimed directly at the back of the distracted Uchiha's head. If it connected, it would kill him instantly, therefore saving Ikari from capture.
Wisdom said:
At this point, Kurage should still have at least three "kill tentacles" chasing one of each of the three shinobi from under the ground. The tendrils that surrounded Ikari would be used to defend him against the Uchiha, though seeing as they appeared to slow Ikari down Kurage shifted the protective tendril barrier to instead a tendril wall; this way, Ikari would have the tendrils between him and the Uchiha but none at his back to block his own escape.

The Man-o-War's gaze snapped to the other Konohoa shinobi that had seemingly located him, as the other one executed a jutsu which grossly transformed his body into a rolling projectile.

"Another fat-boy?"

Kurage smirked, then locked eyes on Ikari's scenario. As Kurage saw Sumire appear behind him, shifting her fingers and raising her mask again to unleash a jutsu, he realized that in this time it was crucial that he not only defend his self but simultaneously counter through assault.

"Sumire! Shoot and shuck!"

Horse-Pig was the quick hand seal combo the Man-o-War attempted, initiating the Genzai no dansu ( Dance of the Current) technique that allowed Kurage travel inside and within range of his summoned tendrils at surprising speeds.

IF Kurage was able to successfully pull it off, Kurage would create two clones in the process of using this jutsu and executing his next move. One Current Clone (A clone comprised of electrically charged water) would take the place of Kurage where he stood for the purpose of being attacked and hopefully allowing the rolling-shinobi to crash into the clone and be electrified. The second Current Clone would appear at the tip of the kill tendril that was under the ground following the Uchiha, to which it would then come from behind and underground to grab and secure the Uchiha for the bullet that was coming his way (grabbing him where the Uchiha could be sustained and the clone not be hit instead). Kurage himself would travel up the kill tendril that was assigned to the appearant sensory shinobi. Upon appearing behind the shinobi Kurage would lead the attack with all fingers and a flat hand, picking up electricity along the way and using it to amplify his strike which was to where the shinobi's heart would be located.
Ineffectivd said:
"Wha-" Ikari stumbled into the wall of tendrils. Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit. Dammit, he shouldn't have taken this bloody contract in the first place. Ikari was obviously starting to lose it, and the pressure from the fact that he was going to die by the hand of some Uchiha jerk and then explode into flames was not relieving him of any stress at all.
"I...I don't want to die." Ikari prayed, his voice shaking. To what god he prayed to, he did not care any more. He needed to get out of this alive. He'll go back to stealing for people. He didn't want his amnesty any more. Screw that shit. It was simpler to steal from banks than to pull this off. At least there werent Uchihas and Uzumakis and whatchamallits guarding those banks most of the time.


If Genzai's shift of the wall is succesful and faster than the Uchiha, Ikari will immediately stumble to his feet and flee towards the group, half-crying and half-laughing at his misfortune.

If it fails, he will simply lay out his entire load of explosive tags, smiling under his mask, while whispering apologies, to whom it will never be known, and wait for the Uchiha to strike, before activating the explosions as soon as he is hit, causing a wide explosion in his immediate area that erases both him and the Uchiha from the world.
Wiseman said:
The Uchiha turned, just in time to meet the water bullet. In a mind bending display of speed and flexibility, he bent backwards, his eyes saving him, as he managed to narrowly avoid the water bullet. Or would have managed to.
Meanwhile, Kurgae disappeared into his underground water system, his body transforming into water and lightning, moving swiftly underground and away. The massive man crushed Kurage's current clone, smashing it flat, and splattering it everywhere. The shock the clone delivered managed to stun the giant, who transformed back into a man as it did, leaning heavily against a tree.

His water clone burst out of the ground beneath the Uchiha, though he was not positioned to anticipate the sudden bend, and though he grabbed the Uchiha and thrust him up to be hit by the bullet, he twisted in his grasp and took the shot to the arm instead, crying out sharply in pain. He would not miss a beat however, Grabbing the clone's head, swinging his body around Kurage's, and thrust his sword through the fat clone's back.

A shock would run up the sword as the clone was destroyed, but the Uchiha hardly seemed to notice. Instead he turned to face Sumire, eyes red and spinning, full of hate. His left arm bled, and he held his sword in his right, standing in a relaxed guard stance.

"I dont know who you are. But I will give you this last chance. Surrender, and I may let you live." He hissed through clenched teeth. He glared, and it was a hard thing to meet. His body told her that he was unafraid, despite his injury, told her he was unimpressed. His words told her that a fight could be avoided, though his tone revealed his lie. And his eyes, those glowing red spheres, they promised only death. His eyes were on her now, but the next move was hers.

While this was all happening, Ikari would be given plenty of time to escape, the wall of tentacles which blocked his path before now receding into the ground and forming a barrier behind him, sealing the Uchiha away with Sumire.

Meanwhile, Kurage's surprise attack on the sensor shinobi failed to kill. The sensor, already tracking Kurage's Chakra, could easily feel Kurage transform his body into water and chakra, and tracked its movement under ground. The clones did serve to confuse, and the tracking was a general thing, and he would have been unable to tell how deep or exactly where Kurage was, but when one of the signatures came right towards him, he did not care whether it was a clone or no ,and prepared to face it, extending his hands and using his jutsu like technique without any hand signs.

"Secret Technique: Insect Sphere." Insects flooded out of his cloak, and surrounded him, waiting for Kurage to emerge, and when he did, he would find himself quickly being covered in Insects. His strike, if he drove on without hesitation, would manage to graze the sensor, Kurage's aim going askew as his vision was cut off. They bit and itched and drained his chakra, and the man would have to do something quick if he wanted to keep control of his tentacles and survive the situation.
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari scrambled to his feet, displacing soil as he went, and stumbled a few times before successfully making his way to the trees."D-dammit, that was close." he breathed a sigh of relief, his voice shaking, aa his body convulsed with both laughter and sobbing. He can't survive this, not on the long run. He clambered up a nearby tree to watch the procession, attempting to calm his nerves by hiding within the shadows of the leaves, where he was much more at home, rather than be out in the open and being chased by elites.
As he watched, the sensor ninja proceeded to employ insects from his cloak. "Isn't Aburame?" Ikari wondered aloud. Oh god. He was very much facing elites. Cowardice flooded him again. He was torn between staying to help the situation or to run and flee the area, discarding the mask, cloak and the seal on his neck altogether. Dammit. Dammit all.


What of the caravan?

Cursing, and regaining most of his composure, Ikari leapt from tree to tree in an effort to skirt around the wall towards the wagons to inspect everything. Maybe these guys were just a distraction, a very extraordinary effort for a distraction though. He should've seen this coming. The panic of having an Uchiha charging at him was enough to make him lose his cool.
Wiseman said:
Ikari would find that this was no mere distraction, as the wagons were, at least at the moment, safely immobile. The villagers were trying to flee, but the wall Kurage erected around the battle field was keeping everyone inside, especially them. At that moment Ikari would spot something lying at his feet. A half burned scroll of red paper.
Looking around he would find blasted remains of many rice bales, and scattered with the rice were many scrolls, tons of them! Most were damaged, however, and useless because of it, but there were a few which had remain intact. If Ikari began to look for useable scrolls, it would only take him a few seconds to find a rather large scroll, protected in a gold case wrapped with a metal coil shaped like a dragon. It would not be hard for the thief to work his way into the case if he so desired.
Ineffectivd said:
"Hm? What's this?" Ikari bent down and picked up the burnt scroll. "Scrolls? What are these for?" The thief examined the ruined scroll. The explosion from earlier had torn the scroll apart and Sumire's jutsu had disrupted most of the text, rendering it useless and ineligible. Ikari tossed it aside and made his way around the bales of rice blown open by the impact from earlier, scanning the debris for anything of value. What were these elite nin doing, protecting this caravan?
His eye for gold caught something glinting in the mounds. His hands dived into the wreckage and pulled out a case, gold as he had predicted. A large scroll was safe inside the case, untouched by the explosion earlier. The metal coils that sealed the contents of the case were getting in his way, however. Ikari cast one more look at the raging battle, before laying the case on the ground and took out his lockpick. Within moments, the chains slithered away from the case and Ikari pocketed the lockpick, patting his pocket reassuredly. He took the scroll and examined the contents, while taking a few moments to look up from the scroll to check the tide of the battle.
Wiseman said:
Ikari was no scroll scripter, but he could see that the scroll was some kind of weapon scroll, and the whole thing was the one weapon somehow. To summon the weapon, one would have to apply their blood to the base of the scroll where indicated, and draw the weapon out. Ikari could take the weapon out, and see what it was, knowing that it would also be much more durable in its weapon state than its its vulnerable scroll state.
Wisdom said:
Kurage took the insect sphere to the face, spitting and spatting madly as he was heavily disgusted.

-the Man-o-War mumbled. Within that moment, Kurage smacked his hands together and the tendrils that had served as a wall for Ikari and the two other kill tendrils sucked back up to Kurage to cover his entire body with a tight liquid skin. Kurage would then send a short jolt through this outer layer in an attempt to zap any insects that had found a crevice on his body.

If that manuever had sufficed for removing the insects, then Kurage would push that skin tight liquid layer into the usual bubble of his Man-o-War stance and jump back a yard to ground his next move. Kurage would be displaying signs of exhaustion had it not been for his mask. The big ninja had thoughts of regret and anger towards his self for being so clunky and tired. The words his clan used to bestow upon him surfaced yet again, as throbs of air pattered in and out of Kurage. He saw that the shinobi before him were far more advanced than they had anticipated. Not only this, but the chances of the freshly formed Meiyo standing up against what appeared to be a unit that had more than just a few rehearsals in war under their belts, was desperately low.

"Now, Now, now... You mean to tell me that you walk into a country in the middle of a war and expect us NOT to defend outselves?"

The Man-o-War made an attempt at cunning, his usual tone masked by a somewhat deeper and darker facade.

"We are the elite of the nation that you are treading so very close to. We do not appreciate uninvited brigands simply trudging into our lands, and we CERTAINTLY do not appreciate said brigands hiding human weapons in their rice barrels; which I assume you fools thought we'd accept as a peace token..."

Kurage, in lieu of his exhaustion and declining chakra, made a bold attempt at a stall for time or an opening of any kind. He would try to see how far this farce would hold.


Kurage slapped his hands together again.

"You take those notorious eyes off of my comrade, and I promise that I won't make these tendrils char the entirety or your caravan to nothing but ash."

The Man-o-War knew he had little to no tricks left. Even if he focused all of his chakra to flail his tendrils into the fleeing civilians to shock them, it would probably be his final move. Not to mention that the sensory shinobi may see through the words and reconcile them as a distraction from Kurage's plummeting chakra. If anything had been a plus in this situation, it was that Kurage had not made contact with the Uchiha's eyes, as that was still a factor that was unaccounted for. Was this scenario even happening? Did Kurage have any stakes?

"You three look prepared to die, no doubt. But when I look at all the others, I don't see shinbobi. So... are you going to make us take out the trash for a third time in just two days?"

Kurage's heart stopped at the end of his query.
SongBird said:
I don't have time for this...
Surrender was not an option. The kunoichi of Sakuragakure wouldn't have it, not for her or her teammates. Instead of lashing back verbally, Sumire would take advantage of the Uchiha's direct attention on her. He was fixed on her, and in her line of sight, which meant...

"Kurage, cover me. I'm ending this!" Quickly, she performed a series of hand seals before the area around both her and Ikari faded to black, the Uchiha's eyes growing hazy as reality began to shift before him. He had landed himself right in the middle of Sumire's web, and quite literally so. As her uniform tore away from her body, so did her skin, revealing a beautiful, yet deadly creature underneath. The gigantic spider queen. As the Uchiha stared upon this marvelous creature in disbelief, he wouldn't even notice that he was now trapped, bound in an extremely large web, as naked and as helpless as an insect. (Genjutsu: Black Widow)

The kunoichi moved in for the kill. The Uchiha was now her prey for the taking. She tore into him. The entire scene, it was quite gruesome, beyond horrific, bits of flesh being torn from the red-eyed ninja's body as the gigantic spider sapped the life from his bones for hours upon hours. In reality, this illusion would only last for a couple of minutes, and its end result causing Uchiha to either die from shock, or become completely paralyzed with fear and terror.
Ineffectivd said:
(Short post because I just woke up.)
Ikari muttered under his breath and his head snapped3d up when he realised the tendril wall was gone. Without another second wasted, the thief flipped out one of his kunai and pressed the blade against the skin of his fore-arm until blood dripped from it and onto the scroll and pulled out the summoned weapon, examining it to see if it could be of any use in this situation.
Wiseman said:
As Ikari spilled his own blood onto the scroll there would be a large puff of smoke and Ikari would feel a handle form in his hand. Grabbing it and pulling it from the smoke, he would feel a bit of an underwhelming sensation as far weight and size were concerned as he drew forth a Katar. The blade emanated with its own, pulsing chakra, and Ikari would feel it interacting with his own chakra network, slowly ingraining itself.
Suddenly, Ikari would feel a heat begin to run up his arms, and his hand muscles would become rigid, refusing to unclench despite the now painful grip on the weapon. The heat would steadily travel up his arm and into his chest, where it would begin to reach the rest of his body, making his heart race, and his muscles tense, and his vision blur as it reached his head.

Meanwhile, Kurage was flapping his gums and trying to buy time with his bluffs as Sumire stared down the Uchiha, most dangerous of their opponents. The Giant ninja recovered from his shock and the bug ninja pulled his remaining insects back, looking vexed at Kurage's water form. With water surrounding him like that, the insects were virtually useless, and since any melee attacks would be met with a shock, Taijutsu were not the best choice either.

The Aburame whispered something into his collar, possibly into a transmitter, and the others nodded and began to move, the giant moving towards Sumire while the Uchiha backed off a bit. They appeared ready to switch, though the Uchiha kept his eyes locked on Sumire.

When she cried out to Kurage to cover her, the Uchiha moved just as she did, having all the warning he needed, forming the signs for his own jutsu just as she made her own signs. Then, suddenly, they both stopped moving, holding the final sign of their jutsu, each a tiger sign, as they fixed each other with looks of concentration.

Suddenly the large Ninja was charging for Sumire, rolling into a ball and charging her way. The Aburame watched Kurage cautiously, his insects swarming around both of them, ready to dive in should a weakness be presented in the armor around the portly ninja.


The Uchiha watched in growing horror as Sumire transformed herself, ripping skin and cloth away to reveal the beast within. To his credit, he did not simply marvel at her transformation, and instead attempted to jump back, to flee, but found himself held fast in a web. He struggled, and fought, sword still in hand as Sumire approached him, ready to feast on her meal.

He managed to reserve his screams until he felt her fangs sink into his flesh, and the venom pour into his veins, dissolving his skin and tissue as she sucked away his vital juices and drained him empty. But the feeding would not last long, before Sumire noticed something was wrong. There was a pulse of some sort, a kind of ripple in the air, and then laughter.

The voice of the laughter was all to familiar, it was the same voice who had demanded her surrender only moments before, but it was not coming from the half dessicated corpse tangled in her web. Instead it came from all around her, and then, from behind her. As she turned to face the oddity in her Jutsu, she would find herself tangled in the very same web that, only moments before, had served to capture her prey for her.

Then, from the deep shadows of the obscured, genjutsu world around them, stepped the Uchiha, eyes glowing and spinning ominously. He laughed for a moment longer as he approached Sumire, who would find herself held fast within the Jutsu as strongly as if she had cast the thing upon herself.

"Demonic Illusion: Genjutsu Reversal." The uchiha said in the same way a teacher might scold a slow student.

"Never use Genjutsu against an Uchiha, I thought the whole ninja world knew that by now." He continued, circling her once, stepping lightly across the webs, completely unobstructed.

"Though, to be honest, it isnt really your fault. You've been under my spell since the moment I first laid eyes on you, and though it took you long enough, you could say that I...coaxed you, unconsciously, to use whatever Genjutsu you had, and though I must admit I was not expecting you to use such a...potent technique right off the bat, as always my enemies dance to my eyes. Now, I do believe..."

He suddenly twitched, and his body began to morph and change.

"That I already warned you what would happen if you didn't surrender." He leered, now as much a grotesque spider king as she had been a spider queen. "Dinner is served." He hissed, crawling towards her, fangs dripping venom and drool.
SongBird said:
Sumire went wide-eyed as she found herself morphing back into her human form, now trapped within the very web that she created. As the Uchiha appeared before her, gave his speech, and then began to morph into his take on the ghastly creature as well, Sumire would try to keep herself from smirking, but she simply couldn't help it, her face cracking anyway and her lips curving to give a look of satisfaction. Suddenly, she began to laugh, and her sound of glee was one most wicked indeed.
"Genjutsu: Cherry Blossom Escape" Suddenly, Sumire's body dissolved into thousands of cherry blossom petals, the web that she'd created dissolving in the same manner. The petals began to encircle the Uchiha ninja, eventually entrapping him in a vortex, a very harmless one at that. This was all merely for show. "Oh, silly little, man..." The voice presented itself again. It was that of the same woman who'd the ninja underestimated.

"Assuming I'd never done my homework on the Uchiha clan was your first mistake. Assuming I'd also throw out my most powerful genjutsu so carelessly was your second. Copying it was, indeed, your third and, if I must say, your most fatal mistake. A little info for you, dear: This technique is one that I, alone, created. To use it, one must be willing to have their body paralyzed for a full two minutes. Seeing as how I first activated my genjutsu quite some time ago, I'd say my two minutes are just about up. Your two minutes, however, are just getting started with. Outside of your mind, you are a sitting duck, paralyzed by a genjutsu that you were so eager to imitate in order to save your life. What you didn't realize, is that, whether you succumbed to the effects of my spider bite OR copied it in order to try and save your pathetic little life, you'd have done yourself in either way. Now, if you don't mind..."

The flower petals stopped spinning, falling to the invisible floor as Sumire's voice faded to black. The kunoichi's eyes would twitch from behind her mask as she snapped back to reality. She would look upon the Uchiha nin, still trapped within his own mind, unable to escape. She'd also notice the rather large hunk of mass that was his comrade rolling towards her. She had two choices: Either jump out of the way and let the wrecking ball of a ninja do her dirty work by reducing his red-eyed warrior buddy to nothing but a bloody pulp, or....

Sumire quickly removed one of the more potent injection shots from her robe, admiring the contents inside of the clear casing before giving another smirk. She'd quickly send it flying toward the Uchiha's neck, watching it meet its target before taking her leave from the scene and fleeing beyond the trees once more, leaving the large and rolling nin still heading on a path for direct contact with Meiyo's most troublesome red-eyed foe. The shot would further the Uchiha's paralysis, eventually halting his breathing and causing him to die due to asphyxiation. Between being choked to death and being crushed, the Uchiha nin was now faced with two options to meet his end, none of which were at all pleasant.
Wiseman said:
(OK, most your post is excellent, and I have no problem with it, its just as a Genjutsu fight should go. However there is one problem, that ninja started rolling towards two minutes ago, and it takes less than thirty seconds for him to cover that ground in his ball form.
I had also assumed, due to your description of the Jutsu, that time slowed down within the Genjutsu, thus why so much has happened in only a few seconds. Though Sumire can escape the Jutsu once it is done, She will have to rely on her team to save her life while she is paralyzed by the Jutsu.

Also, she will essentially have a thirty second head start, as he began activating his Jutsu very shortly after you did. So you will have a head start where he will be paralyzed, but you should not think that his team mate will simply crush him, as he is aiming for you and you alone and both of you are stand roughly twelve feet from each other.)
Wisdom said:
Despite Kurage's attempts at crowd control or setting his allies up for attacks, nothing seemed to manifest out of his efforts. Even Kurage's attempt at verbal manipulation was utterly neglected, seemingly by both his enemies and his allies. Sumire was trying too hard to previal in genjutsu against the Uchiha it seemed; a thing that is not really palpable in most situations. Ikari had gone out of Kurage's immediate vison, so the Man-o-War reconciled that the shrimpy thief could not take the heat of the current situation. Not only this, but while the kunoichi fought a naturally losing battle the Akimichi had began another death-roll and was hurdling towards the distracted kunoichi for a finishing blow.
"If I don't do something, were screwed..."

-thought Kurage. Kurage immediately attempted to execute a manuever that would allow him to attack, yet provide a defense for Sumire. This would be a last ditch attempt, as after this Kurage would be on the brink of being drained of chakra. In this manuever, Kurage would pull back ALL visible tendrils but leave the underground kill tendrils set to each of the three enemy shinobi:

1. Kurage would hope that the walls coming down would serve as a distraction to the sensor shinobi, who he would then attack with the tendrils on his bubble AND the kill tendril from underground which would come at the sensor from behind and below.

2. Kurage, while using the dismissal of the walls as a distraction, would relocate the wall tendrils to pop up behind Sumire, providing a wall between the Akimichi and her. Should the Akimichi be stunned by the wall or caught in it, Kurage would also have the kill tendril following him to raise out of the ground and strike him while he was stunned.

3. As for the third kill tendril that was under the Uchiha (the one Kurage's clone used to travel through and grab the Uchiha), that tendril would come out of the ground for a strike at the Uchiha's back.

Should any of these attempts connect, Kurage would either blow-out all of his chakra to electrify the enemies for a kill, or send just enough for a stun so that his partners could reply.
Ineffectivd said:
Ikari yelped from the Katar's reaction to him picking it up. The thief's natural response forced him todrop it immediately. Anything that hurt did not bide well for him. Kicking the Katar aside with a huff, he reaccessed the situation. His team was suffering badly, and he was not present to back them up. Not for long. The pain seemed to have cleared his mind a bit, and Ikari set about, walking past the frightened villagers, removing his tags from the wagons he had tagged earlier, and calmly counted his remaining tags. 48. Good. One on Kurage, one wasted on the first caravan. He sighed and drew his longsword. Looks like he had to break out the big guns now.
As he made his way towards the skirmish, Ikari taped the tags upon the blade of his sword, making sure not to waste any space on the steel, all the while muttering something under his breath. 10 tags on the blade, another 38 in his pockets. He sheathed the readied sword and dug into his pockets and withdrew more tags. He counted them again, striding by, unseen by the combatants. 19 of them. Not a sad amount of explosives. Good enough. He stopped behind a tree and took another look at the battleground. Kurage was deploying his jutsu again to intercept the Uchiha.

"Hm." was all Ikari said, and displayed his nineteen tags on the ground.


If Genzai's jutsu should fail to strike any of his targets, Ikari would deploy his Explosive Tag Technique, causing the nineteen tags to swarm the missed target. This prioritizes the Uchiha. If the jutsu misses both targets, Ikari would deploy the Explosive Tag Technique upon the Uchiha and then deploy his Gran Centurio on the Akimichi. Both would severely cripple their targets if they hit, and also cause a large enough distraction to allow his team-mates some breathing space.

Upon deploying the Explosive Tag Technique, however, Ikari would make sure to inform Sumire over the mask's telecommunication to ask her to retreat asap before detonating the charges.
Wiseman said:
Kurage's attempts went into effect mere moments before Sumire was crushed beneath a rolling ball of spikes and fat, his wall coming up just in time to impede the Akimichi. As he did, his kill tendrils short forward, and he attacked with the ball surrounding him, striking out at the Aburame, The Aburame Managed to avoid his head on strike, but the kill tendril behind him managed to pierce his shoulder when it emerged from the ground, causing the ninja to cry out in pain as he was electrocuted and stabbed.
That, however, was as far as Kurage was able to go with his Jutsu, and once again Kurage found his focus and power spread too thin, and his Chakra simply couldnt hold against the strain. The wall keeping the spinning Akimichi at bay held for a whole three seconds before collapsing in a huge wave of water which burst out from beneath the Akimichi, blasting away both Sumire and the Uchiha. The water was uncharged, as Kurage could not maintain the chakra reserves to keep it charged, and the Akimichi quickly unrolled and prepared to finish the still prone Sumire off, all of one minute having passed since her Jutsu began.

Suddenly, explosive paper tags were sipping around the soaked ground, and the Akimichi had to jump back to avoid the small paper swarm six tags, nearly tripping up as he did. The Uchiha, laying still only so far away, was utterly helpless as the six tags stuck themselves to his body and face, still trapped in the Jutsu as he was.

The Aburame, despite being injured, only intesified his focus and guard, but quickly saw that, with Kurage's sphere of water up, there was little he could do. Even after the rest of his Jutsu failed, Kurage could still maintain the ball around, and provided he did not overexert his focus and chakra, he could maintain it for awhile still. This was why the bug used switched his attention, jumping away and whispering something into the collar of his shirt before jumping away towards Sumire. As he did, the Akimichi turned to reengage Kurage, moving on front of him to cover the Aburame's swift escape.

now, one minute and twenty seconds after the start of Sumire's technique, the Aburame sent a swarm of devouring insects to cover Sumire's body. Being entirely unable to dodge, with Kurage now running close to under 30% of his total chakra, and Ikari baring little more than explosives and his own trepidation, the likely hood of Sumire avoiding the attack was nearly nil. Even if Ikari leaped out from his hiding place as fast as he could to pick her up, there was a good chance he would end up getting caught in the Jutsu as well, and that chance was clearly visible too him.

Meanwhile the Akimichi's fists grew to the size of cars, and he reared back to strike at Kurage, who may have been wondering how much like a water balloon he and his Jutsu might look if the huge man began to point away at his water bubble.
Wisdom said:
Seeing Sumire covered in insects, Kurage was in a heated panic as to determining her outcomes. The Akimichi had set his fist on Kurage, though Kurage had not the chakra to successfully strike back with a stopping blow. It wouldn't be worth the exertion if Sumire was still in danger, as she would fall sacrifice to the Uchiha or his mate's insects either way. Speaking softly but assuredly into his communicative mask:
"Ikari, I'm going to grab Sumire! Cover my flank with the big boy!"

In a last ditch effort, Kurage would attempt to dash towards Sumire with his globe of water activated and then grab her, the globe of water slowly pushing all of the insects off of her as she was enveloped inside Kurage's sphere alongside him.

If this move had worked, Kurage would continue to take her steps away where he could possibly wake her up, if not place her away out of danger.
Wisdom said:
As Kurage attempted his other move, he would also attempt to throw several of his kunai at the Uchiha in order to detonate the explosive tags stuck to him. As he did this, he would try and move all of the tentacles on his bubble to cushion the space between him and the Akimichi while having his kill tendrils for both the Akimichi and the sensor shinobi go in for another strike. All of this would be executed in delicate desperation.
Wiseman said:
As Kurage began his attempt to turn around and save Sumire, as well as Kill the Uchiha, attack the Akamichi and the Aburame, and absorb the blows of the Akamichi, he would find himself trapped in the midst of many of these actions when the first punch of the Akamichi landed on the backside of his globe of water. Ikari, for whatever reason, appeared to be completely paralyzed, not so much as moving to preform the snake hand sign which would detonate all of the explosive tags on the literally paralyzed Uchiha, and certainly not heeding his comrades call for cover.
Perhaps it was too much for the thief, and despite the fact that he had preformed dangerous, life threatening heists in the past, actually fighting was beyond his limited capacity. Maybe he was just a coward, and the sight of three dangerous and prominent ninja appearing in a mission that was meant to be easy had shorted out his nerve, and perhaps even now a hot piss stain slowly grew behind his long white cloak. Maybe his sanity had been what had given out in the stress of the moment, and now he watched his comrades, one comatose, and one exhausted and outnumbered, struggle desperately and vainly to stay alive without his help in delight, laughing at them as their fate befell them, ignoring the many things he could have done to prevent what was about to happen.

The enormous, boulder sized fist, easily as large if not larger than Kurage's water sphere, collided with said sphere, and it took all of Kurage's will power to keep it from popping like a water balloon. The drain on his chakra reserves was severe, given what he had to work with, and he was still knocked away like a bouncing ball of water, toward Sumire. He would bounce right on top of her, and if he was still aware of what was happening, Kurage could envelope her in the ball instead of crush her beneath his weight. His counter attack came next, now while Kurage had the chance to concentrate on it, Sending chakra to the kill tentacles underground and also throwing Kunai at the Uchiha. The Kunai struck the prone man, but the three blades did not seem to inflect mortal wounds, though the man was certainly stabbed up now. His kill tentacles moved in but put the Sensor Ninja was wise to this ploy already, and had been waiting to feel Kurage use those hidden water lines again.

"Chojin! Behind you!" The bug user yelled before skidding to the side to avoid his own tentacle. The giant ninja, turned and smacked the tentacles with the back of his huge hand, smashing it to water and absorbing only a little of the shock. Without any distractions, the kill tentacles both failed to make contact. The Akamichi kept spinning with his back hand and then jumped towards Kurage the moment he had spun back around, growing larger again and releasing an enormous haymaker which surely would pop Kurage's sphere like a balloon if it hit.

At the same time, the Aburame would turn his attention on Ikari, quickly sending out swarms of insects to surround Ikari with the intention of closing them in all at once and devouring him in the swarm. If he did nothing then surely his fate would be sealed, and even if he did act, it would not be easy to escape the Aburame.

2 minutes since start of Sumire's Jutsu.
Wisdom said:
Kurage heaved as he flew practically through Sumire, grabbing her then rolling forward in a tumble before chance lifted him to his feet for a moment. Seeing the Akimichi coming in strong, the Man-o-War used the opportunity to dodge then try to spring into the trees. The sensor's focus would be primarily on Ikari, and the Akimichi was already on a locked tempest towards Kurage. The Man-o-War would aim to jump unto the limbs of the trees and hide so that Sumire had time to recuperate herself. While running away towards the woods, Kurage would attempt to summon a water clone from the remaining kill-tendril chakra channel under the Uchiha's feet. If executed properly the clone would appear from the kill-tendril, take to the surface and grab one of the kunai lodged in the Uchiha, take out his eyes and run the kunai deep across his neck and stabbing his sides to finish the job.

If by some miracle the water clone succeeded, it would take any eyes attained and hide in the woods where it could reconnect with Kurage. Kurage meanwhile would be hiding in the lofts of the trees until the next move.
Wiseman said:
Kurage tried to move out of the way of the speeding fist, but alas, while still encapsulated inside his Man-o-war style water ball, movement and agility wear at a sever deficit, and try as he might, he could not roll out of the way in time. The Akamichi's fist collided with the ball of water, sending a massive ripple through out the sphere before bursting it in a spray of water, tossing Kurage and Sumire, both soaked, against the trees at the side of the road.
Meanwhile, Ikari's dying screams filled the air, his flesh stripped off his body by the swarms of blood thirsty insects which now covered him from head to foot. The Aburame did not even dean to stay and watch the grisly death of the thief, instead moving quickly to the Uchiha's side, and swiftly tearing off the explosive tags which had wrapped themselves around him.

The plan was falling apart, and Kurage was now scraping the bottom of 20% as far as his remaining chakra went. Sumire would now start to awaken, her Jutsu long disturbed, and her mind now reorienting to reality. She still had most of her chakra left, but would soon be facing all three opponents virtually on her own. Ikari was dead, weapons and scrolls were scattered around the floor, and the Akamichi was closing in for the kill.

Suddenly, there was a rustling from the trees, and Shinzo and Yuki Squad suddenly appeared from the leaves, no ninja following them. The odds had just swung like a pendulum, back in their favor.
End of Mieyo Squad Mission 
Domo Squad Mission

Wiseman said:
As the squad entered through the double doors, they would be greeted by the sight of stone hallway, intricately carved from pale stone like the rest of the strange temple base. Lining the walls were doors, and at the far end of the hallway was a single man elevator. Going up through it one at a time, they would find themselves emerging on the surface from a phone booth, secretly an entrance to the base. It would not take them long to exit, the elevator being exceptionally fast, and soon they would both be headed out of the city and into the surrounding forest.
As they ran and jumped, Senryaka's voice would play through their masks and give them directions. It would taken nearly two hours and forty minutes to get to the appointed ambush spot. They had time, in the meanwhile, to make a plan, choose a leader, or otherwise ask questions.

Absolith and Moe would be silent for the first part of the trip, though Moe would eventually begin talking if no one else did.
Humor said:
The elevator gave a low click as it quickly ascended up to the surface. Rikato moved the mask up on his face letting it rest eschewed slightly atop his head. As it came to a firm stop at the top he moved the door to the phone booth open and stepped out into the new world. This time he was not alone, and he had a purpose to fight other than to live. He wanted a home... A place where someone is thinking of you. His foot was met with the familiar wet stone underfoot as he flashed from view as he headed for the direction of the mission. He was the first of the Domo squad to ride the elevator up. As he sailed through the air the cold wind moving along his new found garments there was a sense of peace in all this. He waited on the outskirts of town for his fellow team members to arrive. They would need a plan of attack in order for this mission to go off without a hitch.
As an ANBU working with others and caring for their comrades safety was one of the lowest priorities. ANBU were wolves leaving the weak to die and only complete the mission. He may have tactical skills but working with others was never a priority. He tried to sum up his current partners. Kirino is a hot mess of anger and tension as she relies on Jitsu's that seem to be of a medium to low range, but as she was quite confident spouting her flames off it seems that she has an area of effect. Moe on the other hand had used bandages and cut with surgical precision so he is a medical ninja. Absolith is still a mystery and a variable that i can not calculate into a plan without knowing some things. I will ask simple yes or no questions that he can answer with a head shake... since i doubt he will talk. He moved his hand under his cloak to his chin as he rested it within the nook of his index and thumb.
Wiseman said:
Before Rikato could reach the elevator first, Kirino shoved her way in front of him, getting into the small elevator first.
"Ladies first." she said with a smirk before the doors closed and she went up. As she did, Moe sighed and looked at Rikato. "I sure hope she knows what shes doing, eh?" He said, letting Rikato go in next, following after, with Absolith last.

They would soon exit the city and be on their way, jumping through the forest, each man(and woman), a blue of white and black. Moe looked around at his team mates and considered each one. Absolith, the name was familiar to Moe, but for some reason, he could not place it, and the man remained an enigma to him. Rikato was obviously Anbu, or had at least killed an anbu and taken his mask. He was also an Uzumaki, something that was hidden now by the mask and cloak, provided he wore the hood up. Moe had seen his red hair, and listened to his conversations with Kurage, and knew the truth.

Then there was Kirino, fiery and hostile, perhaps the most obvious liability on the team, after all Moe knew what her Kekke Genkai was best used for. Burning, burning everything in its path, even allies. The thought sent a shiver down Moe's back, but even then he knew he would need to bring up the fact that they needed a plan, sooner rather than later.

"So." He said, approaching Rikato. "Do you have a plan, sonny? I mean, this team wont work well if we dont go in with some kind of basic plan dont you think?"
Humor said:
"I do have a plan... There will be three elites and there are four of us. As far as I can surmise Kirino and Absolith are not used to having partners or anything of that sort. Although I may be underestimating you old man but you are a medical ninja whose combat strength to me is completely unknown you seem to be a high liability in this by yourself. The obvious choice would be to break up into 1 on ones with the enemy with one of us on support of the others. That may work but no one here knows anything about the others. Fire crotch over here is a ticking time bomb and Absolith seems like a man who does not value any sort of camaraderie. Stop me if I am wrong Abby." Rikato let out a slight grin as he called him Abbey again. Rikato moved his hands quickly and flicked up his hood the fox mask sticking out from the rim of the hood resting on his forehead. The ANBU was not there to hide his presence only give Rikato a sense of calmness as it reminded him of his old status of a killer devoid of emotion. Rikato moved his gaze to Moe the old man. "As we are right now, you as a medical ninja you have worked the most with other shinobi and must be able to easily adapt to their skills to fill in gaps." He turned back to look at Kirino "You.... do not like anything it seems so you can fight one on your own and Absolith... I know nothing about you so there must be a reason for that, so I believe you are more than capable of a one on one fight."
"The part where we engage and get the shinobi to follow will be tricky... Moe i feel with you asking of a plan you have thought of one yourself... I do not believe in leaders as everyone should have an equal decision in their fate so please." Rikato made a slight gesture for Moe to take the floor to speak.
Wiseman said:
"Well, I can tell you that you should not underestimate me Young man, I may be the only thing keeping you from an early death." Moe said, acting dignified.
"In any event, I do have a plan." He said, this time speaking to them all through the masks instead of just out loud. "We can use these masks to communicate, so we should. I say we keep the Hoshi Ninja off balance by tactically switching between targets at certain times. I will move between you, providing support and healing where I can, and more intesive care if need be.

"If I pull one of you out of the fight for a healing, however, then one of you must take on double the load to hold the enemy off while I finish my treatments. While you do not believe in a leader, I am sure that you do believe in a coordinator, let me be that coordinator, since I will be able to view the whole battle, instead of just one fight at a time. I will give the signal to switch, and in that way will keep them off balance and unable to adapt to our strategies."

When Moe finished, Kirino smirked behind her mask, and Absolith said nothing.

"I don't know. Will we even need to do that to keep up with Hoshi ninja? I certainly havent heard anything special about Hoshigakure or their ninja, and besides, I Could probably handle two, maybe all three just with my Flames alone. I dont know if we need to go through the trouble of a plan like that." Kirino said doubtfully. Absolith was silent.
Humor said:
"I would ask if there were any complaints in this plan, but we don't have the time or enough energy to deal with Kirino right now. And I doubt Abbey would even say anything..." Rikato stretched a little letting his muscles loosen up. "Alright old man call the shots. We will take up position with the three of us in front and Moe in the back. He will be our eye's and ears. Do not let them come together their coordination and team training will put us at an extreme disadvantage. Now let's go I feel we are already falling behind." Rikato lept from the ground and made his way to the ambush site.
His body calmed itself as he took position on his branch awaiting his prey to fall into their net they had set. He looked to his left and then to his right his new found comrades were in a position 10 meters away from him and Moe was behind them ready to survey the battle field. Rikato closed his eye's as he controlled his breathing and chakra as it became a peaceful flow throughout his body. He was suppressing his presence to an invisible level. ANBU had taught him that the element of surprise is the most powerful ally a ninja can have.
Wiseman said:
"Hey!" Kirino growled as Rikato talked about ignoring her. "Fine, I wont be the stick in the mud when it comes to the plan, but you wait and see, these "star" ninja are toast one way or the other." She promised in a huff before moving on. Absolith said nothing.
Moe couldnt help but feel that Absolith was a dangerous man, someone who HAD heard about before. He reached into his cloak to withdraw a small black book and quickly began flipping through it, seeing as they would be traveling for over two hours before they reached the ambush site. Just as he remembered, he could not find the name "Absolith" in the bingo book. How very strange.

Later they all arrived and took their respective positions, hiding, and getting ready for a sneak attack. For a few minutes, all they did was wait, and it to0k a little while before some figures could be seen walking down the road towards the ambush site. Three, shrouded in thick, purple cloaks, their heads covered by traditional conical straw Sugegasas, which was lined with trailing lines of paper which served to further conceal what they looked like.

The group walked at a relaxed pace, and they said nothing to each other as they continued toward the ambush. Looking at them from the direction they were heading in, one could see that the man on the far left was the shortest, and seemed a bit plump, his belly pressing against the cloak to show his girth. The next man, the one in the middle, was the tallest of the three, a willow of a man, who was clearly too thin for the robes he wore. The last was a woman, short, though not as short as the first man, and with enough of a figure to define her gender. Aside from that they were all dressed the same and looked the same.

"OK, wait until they are between all of us." Moe whispered into his mask, sending the message to the others.

"When I give the signal, we all attack with at once with a ranged barrage, and then move in to engage individually. Wait for my signal." The three entered their perimeter then, and continued to walk forward. They did not seem to sense the ninja lying in wait. They got closer to the center, and then closer still. Moe was patient, he knew that a ninja's best weapon was the element of surprise, and in truth he hopes that they would not simply kill the three star ninja in their initial attack.

Suddenly, five feet from the center, they all stopped walking. Moe's blood ran cold, and he quickly whispered, "Now! Now!" into the masks, starting their attack. Kirino was the first to actually launch her attack. To her credit, she did not shout the name of her attack out as she preformed it, though she did leap out of her hiding place with a gleeful cry before launching her Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb right into the midst of the ninja. The dragon shaped projectile roared into life and drove its way towards the Hoshi elites, while from the opposite end, Absolith jumped up and formed his hand signs, Firing his Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu.
Humor said:
Rikato could feel the smooth edges of the weapon release scroll as he pinched and rolled the corner between his thumb and index finger watching the group of three ninja walking closer and closer. The sounds of the area stopped completely as time stood still. The three nin stopped in their tracks before the allotted ambush spot. Rikato's eye's locked onto their target.
"Now! Now!" The sound of Moe's voice filled his mind as Rikato watched the fire tyrannt of Kirino let loose flames as well as Absolith. Rikato's legs bent as he crouched lower in the tree his fingers ceased the frivolous play on the edge of the scroll's paper. Rikato inhaled as he sprung up from his perch and into the air above the three ninja. with a light tug and flick of the wrist the parchment of the scroll unraveled 4 feet as it fluttered in the wind, A slight puff of smoke revealed a hail of black steel shot out as it soared down upon the enemy ninja a deadly rain of kunai.
Wiseman said:
The fire techniques and the Kunai all collided near the center of their formation, and unless the Ninja were too fast too see, they did not dodge out of the way of the techniques. Indeed Kirino's words seemed prophetic, the star ninja now likely dead and their mission technically failed.
But then the smoke cleared, and it revealed a different reality. The willowy star ninja who stood in the center had dropped to his knees and placed both hands on the ground, and a purple dome of energy had risen up around both him and his two companions. The dome was a shimmering display of powerful chakra made manifest, and from the looks of it, the technique had succeeded in stopping both fire techniques and the Kunai.

"Mysterious Peacock Method," The tall man said as he stood up, straightening his back and dispersing the Jutsu. "Star Dome Shield." Bright purple plumes of chakra energy suddenly rose up at his back, and the same thing happened with the other two, their chakra manifesting itself physically. Hoshi ninja were generally unknown to the populace at large, but those who did see them in action tended to remember the moment. To ninja unfamiliar with their method of training, one might even assume that their chakra must be the result of a tailed beast, and indeed it would appear that way to most as the plumes of chakra which extended from their backs did indeed resemble tails. Eleven each.

"Attack them now!" Moe ordered into his mask, And Kirino obliged, jumping to engage the woman in the group. Absolith, moved opposite her, engaging the short man to the left, which left the tall man in the center for Rikato.
Humor said:
A slight annoyed look came across Rikato's face as he softly landed on the ground. Why couldn't you just die easily so I can get on to the next task. Rikato gave a quick pop of his right wrist three black knives slid from the confines of his robe and into the palm of his hand. Three kunai's slipped in between his fingers as he readied to throw them. As Rikato placed his left foot slightly forward and lowered his body slightly. He closed his eye's just for a moment soaking in the moment before a battle between life and death. The peace found before a fight is said to have the most harmony in all of life. his left hand moved slowly behind his back as he released the kunai and chain scroll. the raveled chain and leather wrapped handle of the kama filled his open hand as he gripped to hold them both.
Here we go... Rikato was not a fool and found jumping head long into an unknown enemy was great way to find yourself the victim of your on hubris. moving his right hand across his body to his left hip as he swung it in an upward angle as he released the kunai at the mans left shoulder just off center of his body. The kunais were not meant to hit the target just force him into dodging right a movement Rikato wanted. As the kunai sailed from his hand Rikato brought his left arm around from behind his back the chain in full swing. The howl of the metal cut through the air as Rikato wrenched his wrist to his body making the chain move even faster. Today is not your day...
Wiseman said:
The star ninja would form a unique hand signs and create four large Chakra arms, as well as enveloping his own arms inside of powerful Chakra gauntlets.
"Mysterious Peacock Method: Asura Constellation."The man said as his arms closed in a tight block and stopped the Shuriken as they collided with the solid chakra. The willowy man put up his arms to block the scything chain Rikato sent after him, catching it one of the large hands and pulling it tightly, trying to draw Rikato into range of his other arms. The tough chakra the arms were made out of were clearly resistant to weapons at the very least, and if he was drawn into close combat he would most certainly be at a disadvantage. However, he was only supposed to keep the star ninja distracted, not actually kill him yet, so what measure to take was still his choice.
Humor said:
those extra arms are a little troubling. Sustaining that must take a bit of chakra though. Rikato released the chain letting it fall with a thud to the floor. Eyeing his opponent the purple strands from his chakra emitting from his back. Letting out a whistle of slight admiration Rikato moved tapped the toe end of his shoe on the dirt floor in a rhythmic fashion. He was finding a beat to follow for one of his many fighting styles. As he locked it in his body began to bob slightly with tiny hops keeping to the rhythm he had set in his head. his eye's never strayed from the man as Rikato readied his muscles and mind for a quick leap away. He was merely meant to stall the man engaging in close range would be silly.
Humor said:
The chain had the purpose of holding the man up if he had just been captured all this would be a lot easier. Rikato knew that this was just the beginning and underestimating his foe would we a costly mistake.
Wiseman said:
The man waited for Rikato to make his move, and when it became clear that the white and black clad ninja was not advancing, the hoshi ninja took the initiative and jumped forward, swinging his man arms as he did. Unlike Rikato, the Hoshi ninja was not using a particular martial art, and his attacks were much less calculated than Rikato's own movements.
This, however, did not mean the man was easy to dodge and move around. His many arms made each swing a barrage of fists, and as the man spun and turned, his chakra arms were brought about in a wave, smashing anything in their path.

If Rikato attempted to trade in his own attacks, the man would became slightly more defensive, using two of his six arms to guard his body and head while the other two attacked with impunity.
Humor said:
As the Hoshi ninja sprung forward at Rikato's face behind the mask held a slight smirk as he shot back in the prepared movement he had made. his left hand forced its way into the cloak and brought out a small sized scroll. snatching the corner with his thumb and index of his right hand he threw the paper open of the scroll as the sound of the papers friction and release all conjoined into one sound. a flury of senbon shot out from the small puff of smoke a hail of jet black needles struck through the air towards Rikato's attacker. As Rikato flicked the scroll to the side of him it poofed into a tiny cloud of smoke disappearing from the area. Rikato's left hand jerked in a fast motion as a kunai blade dropped into the palm of his hand. As his feet touched on the floor a few feet away from his attacker, Rikato twirled the kunai using the hoop on the end of it rolling it around on his index finger tip.
"Moe status report." he whispered into the mask. Rikato was worried about the other two as he did not know how they would fair against there targets they both jumped headlong into the fight without surmising their enemies talents. If worse got to worse Rikato would have to prepare himself for a two on one, him and the old man versus the three ninja elites. Rikato clicked his tongue at the troublesome proposition of that fight.
Wiseman said:
The Star ninja feel back and used its over sized Chakra arms to cover most of its body, though it did not react quite fast enough to avoid getting hit by a few stray needles. The distraction worked and Rikato was able to pull back and survey the battle field.
Kirino and her enemy had purposefully moved away from the others, going far to the east, though they were still visible enough, even from that distance. Their battle was one of large jutsu colliding with large jutsu, Kirino having stopped holding back a small time ago. Her enemy, the woman, was enveloped within a sphere of purple chakra, and was darting about in the air, flying around the three Whirling, burning vortexes which struggled to keep up with the agile Hoshi ninja.

On the other side, to the West, Absolith and the smaller, fatter hoshi ninja faced off. The Hoshi ninja had divided its tails into four beasts, and the beasts were busy circling and barking at the cloaked man, trying to find openings as he fended them off. He seemed to be having trouble, and was not counter attacking almost at all, at times throwing shuriken or a flame bullet in the enemy's direction, but never more. This could mean that Absolith was not nearly as impressive as his mystery would suggest, or perhaps this was all an act, stalling the ninja for when they were pulled back.

"Status is that a switch is near." Moe said through the mask. "So get read to fight that tubby one." As Moe was saying this, the tall thin ninja which Rikato had been engaging looked around and began to run towards Absolith, not seeing were Rikato had retreated too, and choosing a new target.
Humor said:
"Doesn't work like that." holstering the kunai. Rikato's fingers and hands moved swiftly as a shadow clone sprouted up next to him. The clone grabbed Rikato's wrists as he grabbed the clones. In a violent torrent the clone spun once, twice, then a third time flinging Rikato like a missle in the sky towards the skinny man the clone popped and vanished. After being being thrown Rikato's hands jerked against his chest as a violent gust of wind propelled him at towards the man. He flew closer and closer as Rikato released a mini scroll he had swapped the kunai for. Releasing one of his Naginata's he took the metal tip and stabbed it into the ground violently halting his flight as he flipped over the pole and planted his feet with a loud thump on the floor below. Rikato's back was arched back as he continued using the inertia of his movements throwing his whole body forward. The naginata still in hand moved jerked out of the ground and out as the bladed tip swung 270 degrees before Rikato released it from his hand shooting it out at the back of the tall man.
Wiseman said:
The man did not see Rikato as he leaped out and began his attack, but he did notice when he landed nearby, planting the top of his long, spear like blade into the ground, and launching himself into the attack. The Ninja blocked easily with one of his six, large chakra arms, but the blade bit deeply into it, and remained lodged there when he turned to face Rikato. A switch was soon to occur, and Rikato had to get ready for it, but he couldnt tip the ninja off to their strategy, he had to engage him in some way or risk looking suspicious.
Humor said:
Those arms are going to be a problem. Rikato began racing towards the man signing for a shadow clone that popped up next to him running in tandem with the the rogue ANBU. Rikato retrieved a grip of kunai's from inside the cloak as he pulled out the 6 three in each hand separating each between his fingers. The clone sped up in front of Rikato, as the clone released the katana scroll gripping the handle of the newly appeared blade firmly in hand. Rikato lept just overhead of the clone and threw the shower of kunai's down at the opponent from overhead. If Rikato's foe went to block the kunai's in the air the clone would aim for the mans left leg and stab the blade through it. If the man went to block the blade surely one of the kunai's would hit the targets shoulder or arms.
Wiseman said:
The enemy ninja stood his ground for a moment before pushing off from the ground with all six of his arms, thrusting himself away from the Kunai and the slash. He smirked, and bounced on his feet, the Chakra apparently being very light despite its strength and power. These were no doubt the elites of the Hoshi village, and looking around, Rikato would find the others having equal trouble with their own ninjas.
"Switch!" came the call suddenly, and then, in a moment, Absolith was launching himself over the six armed man and towards the Floating woman, while Kirino turned and moved her Tornadoes to intercept the six armed man. They would only have to fight for a little bit longer before the call to pull back would come, and then the real fight would begin.
Humor said:
Rikato and his clone moved quickly as they switched to the girthier ninja. This one summons creatures using his chakra, from what I have seen with the arms they are tangible and looks like free thinking. They pack a punch and seem to take no damage... Let's give it a shot. The clone nodded to Rikato as they ran towards there target with about 20 yards between them Rikato stopped and surveyed the condition of his opponent.
tsch his health can come a little later right now i gotta think of a way to distract those chakra beasts. The clone began running far to the right of Rikato as it reached inside the cloak as it retrieved a medium scroll taking the edge and reeling it open with the low howl of the paper splitting the clone flicked the paper slightly as 30 shurikens descended upon the new man he was about to distract.

"Moe... time." Rikato whispered into his mask he was concerned about the others. Kirino was probably using chakra frivolously and Absolith might snap at any moment and just try and kill his target. Rikato's clone was just using a light rain of shurikens trying to suppress the target. Stopping 20 feet away from Rikato and continued to send it at the man.
Wiseman said:
As the Shuriken fell two of the beasts moved to intercept, one blocking he Kunai with its impervious body, while the other rushed after the clone itself. The third and forth turned to face the real Rikato, and rushed him, though one stayed behind the other, insuring that it stood between Rikato and its master. The fat Hoshi ninja laughed loudly as he watched his beasts attack, all too eager for them to tear into either one of the ninjas.
"I dont know. Senryaka says to just keep holding them, that it wont be much longer." Moe said through the mask. "I think we have a problem. Kirino is using up a lot of her Chakra, and the man you just departed is harrying her pretty bad."
Humor said:
Tsch. Rikato clicked his tongue in his mouth as he heard the last part about Kirino. Damn that hot head. "Moe... if worst case scenario happens. I will move to defend against the two, while you recover Kirino's body. We will then move to the final stage and bring them to the last area. Are we understood?" Rikato's eye's glanced at the approaching beasts. This just isn't your day. He retrieved 3 exploding talismans holding two in the left hand and one in the right hand. He surged an ounce of chakra into them to stiffen them like blades. With the two chakra he threw them with a 2 meter spread and sent the last one sailing through the middle. Rikato would activate the seals when they reached the first beast. He then quickly moved his hand onto a Kunai and retrieved it for close range fighting.
The clone on the other hand grabbed the edge of the scroll and gave it a heavy flick as a rain or black sailed through the air towards the target. Rikato would have to make the man re enforce his defense as to hold him away. The Clone would spend the entire medium scroll of shurikens on the man and switch over to suppressing him with senbon (steel needles.)
Wiseman said:
(How many did you use and how many do you have left?)
The high yield Talismans exploded, blowing the first beast back over the second beast, which continued its charge towards Rikato. It would leap at him, trying to take him down in a flurry of claws and teeth, though Rikato was agile enough to dodge the attack if he so chose. Even if he did dodge, the beast would still land on its feet and come around for another attack, forcing Rikato into close range combat.

The Third beast, the one that had taken the kunai for its master continued to intercede as the fat man blocked and dodged the shuriken, and the fourth beast swiftly ran beneath Rikato's airborne clone and leaped upon him, bringing him down and interrupting his attacks at the same time. Rikato's clone had taken no measures against the beast, and now it had used his distraction to take him down. The clone could struggle, but after a few seconds fangs would find his throat and the clone would disappear into a puff of smoke.
Wiseman said:
(I get the feeling that you want to rejoin the others soon, so just one or two more posts after this one, and I will give the order to pull back.)
The beast which took down the earth clone (Specify earth clone next time, not earth shadow clone, makes it a little less confusing for me), and was soon covered in the sludgy mud that the clone produced, causing it to fall to the ground and roll as it struggled to free itself from the quickly hardening substance. As for the other beast, it took the tonfa straight to the face and yowled in annoyance, but did not pause its attack, keeping Rikato on his toes as he was forced to dodge or parry the creatures vicious strikes.

The battle would continue as such for a time, and it would seem that, despite some trouble with the star ninja, the plan was going accordingly, and soon they would be free to pull back. All but Kirino seemed to be handling the situation well. Kirino, now alight in her blaze armor, was trying to keep up with the six armed ninja in a straight taijutsu contest.
Humor said:
Keep laughing you chunky bastard. Rikato noticed when the mans body rippled with his light chuckles. I'll kill you and your friends soon enough. With that Rikato continued to dance with the beast with each lunge towards him met with a side step and parry. I need to find a way to get rid of these beasts or else this will be a problem later on. With that Rikato bit his lower lip underneath the mask pondering his predicament. If surging your own chakra through another techniques cancels it... would that not make these beasts who are made out of it susceptible to it as well. With that he narrowed his vision on the nape of the neck. The beasts claws tensed as the earth below began to surge with from its energy. Its about to lunge again... with that the back legs coiled down then quickly shot up at it the front two paws swiping down at Rikato in a animalistic fury.
Rikato gave a light huff as he slide his left leg out and pressed off with his right foot shooting him leftward away from the beasts claws. He moved his left hand as he released the tonfa from the palm of his hand as it slowly fell towards the ground. Using his right forearm and the help of the steel body from the tonfa he pressed into the beasts head and neck to hold it back from turning. While trying to suppress the beast he would move his free left hand quickly to the nape of the neck. Press down upon it and surge his chakra through the beast to try to destroy it. If the plan back fired he would have to leap back quickly and ready himself for more defense and to come up with a new plan.
Wiseman said:
Rikato's agile movements and precise actions had him on the back of one of the chakra beasts in no time, the vicious construct thrashing and snapping beneath him. As he pressed his hand against the nape of its neck, the ninja would feel its hard, burning skin, which was much like touching a flexible, heated light bulb, bristling with energy and the chakra used to contain it. As he focused to pour his own chakra into the beast, he would feel resistance, his chakra building up in his hand as he tried to inject it into the beast itself.
The chakra beast howled and thrashed harder, acting as though it were actually being hurt while Rikato continued to push his chakra into the beast. Finally, the chakra he was attempting to force into the howling beast broke through and flooded into its system. Immediately its body became less distinct, its previously defined edges, limbs, and body shape now fuzzing and going out of focus.

Its thrashing began to diminish, but by then the two other Chakra beasts, one still coated in gunky mud, began to close in, the faster clean beast leaping into the air to dive down on him, not caring that the beast beneath him would also be caught in the pounce. Rikato had enough time to jump off the creatures back and too safety, but in doing so he would find his work incomplete, the beast he had been assaulting still remaining intact, though a little destabilized thanks to Rikato's efforts. If he did dodge, the two world like creatures would crash into each other in a heap that they would struggle to free themselves from for several moments, though the dirtied beast was still bounding towards Rikato with the intent to kill.

Absolith and Kirino were maintaining their battles at the same time, but it was clear that even Absolith was starting to tire of diversionary tactics. Suddenly, they all her Senryaka's voice in their ears.

"Pull back, lead the enemy to the kill zone." was the command they received, and Absolith began to his retreat right away.

(Post a retreat post and then I will reunite you with the rest of the group)
Humor said:
Rikato's focus was placed on ridding the beast only as its fellow kin moved leaping and bounding towards him only a few feet away did he take notice. Just a few more seconds and this thing will die. His gaze moved from the diminishing beast as he locked with the flying lunge of the coming near his head and chest. Shit! He pressed on the ground dropping his knees slightly as he shot backwards, to avoid the probably fatal attack on him. As the two chakra created beasts collided ontop of one another. His pupils moved to the side of his eye to see the muddied creature surging towards him.
"Pull back, lead the enemy to the kill zone."

About damn time. Rikato slipped his hands into his cloak retrieving an explosive tag flinging it onto the piled up creatures he shot backwards towards the final point in the mission. As he sailed through the air he moved his hand out towards the chubby man raising his middle finger to him to try and provoke him. With the other hand he released the explosive charge and continued on to retreat.
Wiseman said:
The others pulled back, and the Star Ninja Pursued angrily, chasing them back towards the kill zone. They were difficult to stay ahead of, but Domo Squad fulfilled their purpose masterfully, and soon they were upon the Caravan, After appearing in the clearing where the road split the forest, Rikato and the others would have just a few seconds to prepare the opening attacks of the real fight.
End of Domo Squad Mission
Ryuzoji was slightly disappointed in the failed mission. There was no reason to have not completed our task. He specifically requested for Team Shinzo to Retreat to the kill zone and let team Yuki complete our task, but Jinsoka and Hogo decided against it. Since they did stay, He had wished jinsoka held a tighter leash on Team Shinzo. He kept a mental note not to have faith in Jinsoka's leadership ability.

"Senryaka, give us a full analysis on team Meiyo's current situation. I would like to know what we are getting into." Ryuzoji said as he swung under a branch and flipped over another.
Hogo was pissed, his plans were useless and he had let himself get carried away with the chunin he killed. He knew he was partly responsible for the failure, he also knew who else was responsible but his own failure mattered the most to him. For a moment pondered on whether he should return to the scene of the battle and carry their dead enemies back with them. Running through the trees he sighed as the wind blew through the crack in his broken mask.

He heard Ryuzoji's request to Senryaka and nodded, the man still had his wits about him which was good from that point it was obvious that Jinsoka was not the type to lead others and his suggestion to have them rotate until finding a good squad leader was a smart idea. While he moved through the trees he checked his inventory for a moment and then ran his fingers over his beloved shamisen to check for cracks or other such after effects of battle. Everything seemed in order and he focused his mind while channeling chakra into his mask.

"I have to apologise for losing my cool in battle back there, sorry. Thanks Ryuzoji san; you kept your head out there and had you not already begun the retreat I'm not sure all of us would have made it out. Senryaka san, is there any chance we can redeem ourselves and still get a mission success?" He said dejectedly as his spirits sunk. The trees began thinning out and the area ahead became more and more visible.
Senryaka pointedly ignored Hogo, instead answering Ryuzoji and speaking into all of their masks.

"Mieyo Squad is in sever trouble at the moment. Shinzo Squad, back up Mieyo and attempt to save the surviving members of the team. Yuki Squad, prepare to back up Domo when they appear." She was curt but professional, her feelings towards the failed mission clear in her tone. Yogan howled with delight, all too happy to kill more ninja, and Jinsoka remained strangely silent, disappearing from sight the moment the order was given.
Yuki Trailed closely behind hogo and ryuzoji, feeling defended since they had so readily saved him before. he then heard senrayaka give a status report through the mask. By the sound of it team meiyo had also failed their mission, he began not to feel so bad about his own squad failing. "we should make a plan before we get there....if meiyo is stuggling, then it wont be easy for us....." He shoved both his hands in his coat pockets and contined running. "and senrayaka, can you give us specifics or guidelines on how to assist meiyo...?"
"What do you mean surviving members, Senryaka? Who died?" said Ryuzoji into the mask. He was quite disturbed by this bit of information. For somebody to die, means that he overestimated some of the skill that these ninja had. With his failed mission and team Meiyo's squad backed into a corner, he hoped Mikoto Wasn't too displeased.

He looked over at where Jinsoka was and noticed her absence. He wondered where she went off to.

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