Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC

"Kurage Genzai...." The man was a veritable walking mound of ryo and if it were only that easy Kurage Genzai would be dead but a man with that kind of bounty on his head and reputation behind his name? No. The price of trying to take that mound of gold would mean his life and he wasn't truly ready to let that go yet, there were still things he had to do and perhaps if he achieved his goal then he would be content to die. Hogo scanned the room and took note of every person there from the three women to the newest arrivals. So many variables to consider, This Mikoto was staging a show but it was definitely not on the stage.

Hogo folded his arms into his sleeves and folded his hands around a pair of shuriken that were strapped to his arm. He sat a little to the right of the room, he may have been in the open but he would not be caught unawares or without a plan of action. He settled into his position and tried to get comfortable, this was going to get some sort of interesting sometime soon. When invisible drums began to sound from some unknown location and the lights dimmed considerably he sniffed, "A play? I was hoping for dancers." He thought as the curtains hissed open revealing a village and two cloaked and hooded ninja at opposite ends of the stage.

He leaned back slightly and tilted his head left and right, if it were a trap, this play was an obvious ploy to distract them. He couldn't find a thing, he sniffed again and returned his suspicious eyes back to the play still unsure as to its purpose. "These are actors?" He thought as the two onstage ninja engaged in a mock battle "I've seen children play 'pretend' more believably than this." A third ninja appeared now and the fight seemed to be causing collateral damage now and the scenery caught alight.

Fire burned the cherry blossoms and the buildings behind, the scene was cut off by closing curtains and Hogo was left unimpressed by the caliber of the play. The overall show that lead them along strings like puppets. Finally after a quick shuffle of feet the curtains reopened, this time the stage was empty except for a single screen, behind it sat a vague silhouette. This he thought was simply a representation of Mikoto, it would not be wise for him to have left himself so open to attack no matter how many venues of protection he had. The disguise voice that resounded through the room simply assured Hogo that the offer in itself was genuine, however there was always a catch with these things beyond the obvious.

One of the other ninjas stood up and queried the voice, his concerns though valid were ultimately pointless for all would discovered through the course of this 'affair'. Hogo's eyes narrowed however his mind settled upon one unvoiced question "What happens if we fail?" The answer could be simple but he doubted it, a man this thorough would never let a useful tool go to waste. So in reality his task was to be 'of use'. Were it appropriate he would laugh at that moment but it seemed now was not necessarily the moment, he laughed anyway.

Mikoto waited as two of the ninja asked questions, and quickly replied to them.

"Each of you will be completing ten missions, this is true, but we have not gathered you together merely to split you apart. You will, at times, work in groups that I and my coordinators assign for specific missions. These groups may employ all of you, or it may use only three of you. Either way, if a group completes a mission, then it counts as one mission completed for everyone involved in the group.

"As for why I hide my identity, there are a number of reasons. For one, I don't know if I can trust any of you yet, and for another, dont you think it would be best for my village, in the event that you are discovered, that me and my village be anonymous? The things you will be doing will no doubt alter the course of the current war, and so I fear what would happen if the other villages learned that we were using Rogue ninja to accomplish our goals. There is a reason only your kind were chosen for this, and it is not only because you are skilled. As missing nin, if you are recognized, you have no affiliation to any known side, and so the other ninja will not know who to attack for reprisal.

"And rest assured, me and the village I represent will offer you amnesty and a place to live, I do not lie when I say this. As for your survivability, well I am sure that you all know what S rank missions mean, and how likely shinobi are to survive them even during the best of times. But you are all powerful and not idly chosen, I have no doubt that most of you will survive to gain your reward. Now, if you fail, and for some reason you do not die, then that mission will not count towards your ten, and you will have to leave on another mission to complete your contract. If you should start failing every mission given to you, then you may be released from the contract."
The lights dimmed while the drums were playing. He notice 3 other people covered in black cloak enter the room and have a seat, making a total of 13 people. Their existence didn't give off the same vibes as everybody else did. Maybe it was because he wasn't able to see their faces. Why did they enter as soon as the play started? The curtains opened with music playing. A play began to start on stage.

Ryuzoji had his concealed knifes on the ready as he constantly looked back an forth between the play and cloaked people.

After the play was done, the curtain closed. He thought the play was full of meaning despite the exaggerated actions. When ninjas battle, not only they are involved, but everybody and anything around them. Each time they clash, sows the seed of destruction, leaving the world in chaos. He wondered if a world where ninjas live could ever be peaceful. As long as there is a blade, then there will be battle.

Soon after Mikoto revealed himself and gave a speech. He was shrouded. Obviously he didn't trust us. Who would?

He then asked if we had any questions. People asked and he answered. The risk and the reward were extremely high, but he wasn't concerned about it. What he was concerned about was how capable were his soon to be allies. Ryuzoji was not a cocky man, but he had confidence in his skill. Working on a team with people you can't trust trust is never a good thing no matter how good he was, especially since the rank of the mission was extremely high.

A smile crept on his face as it was his turn to sign the contract. He wondered how this would play out. He did have one question however....

"When do we start?"
Ikari was too engrossed with watching the theatre itself rather than the play. To his surprise, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There was nothing that he could've pinpointed as a trap or otherwise. As ninjas, villagers, guards clashed in a sea of red, both of fire and blood, Ikari relaxed on his seat, one leg hoisted over the other. He was only aroused from his thoughts when the Uzumaki turned to him and asked him a question. Something about the play. Ikari want listening, so he just nodded enthusiastically, plastering a cheery smile on his face as he did.

This Mikoto came upon the stage, a figure hidden in a shroud. Ikari gazed upon the physique, attenpting to locate telltale signs of either gender: the presence of broad shoulders or wider hips, the poise...anything at all. Ikari gave up- Mikoto was well-hidden. The voice was most probably not Mikoto's, maybe a pre-programmed vocalization of a script. But then, how did Mikoto answer those questions? Maybe a voice-changer of some sort. Odd. This signified that Mikoto didn't trust them. Very well done. Ikari's smile widened. This entire thing was well thought out. The figure on stage might also just be a puppet of sorts, there to distract others as the true Mikoto watched and listened elsewhere. Or even a clone. Ikari chuckled softly. The Uzumaki stood up, asking about how true their contract's deal was, the Fukujin showed his brazeness by asking on conditions of failure, and the Takadori made a brave, but oh so reckless stand. Ikari supposed he should get to work on trying to get people to underestimate him, so he pulled the most natural question for that sort of situation.

"Hey! Hey, Mikoto-san!" Ikari waved from his seat, drawing much of the attention to him. "Are you a dude or a girl? If you're the latter, would you go on one date with me after I've earned this amnesty?"
"You will begin immediately after signing the contract, which I shall send out to all of you once I have finished answering your questions." Mikoto answered as it was asked when they would begin. Then another voice called out, this one calling him informally, and one could just make out the movement of Mikoto's head silhouette as he turned to look towards Ikari.

"I do not feel compelled to answer that." Mikoto said simply and without emotion. "Though perhaps you will ask your coordinator this question. She, surely, will have a more receptive answer. Are there anymore questions?" The shrouded figure waited for more people to call out their concerns or questions.
"Altering the course of war is killing important heads of a side and destroying garrisons razing and looting strategic points and scouting. As well as bolstering troops, holding points of interest, spying and sabotage. One man can change a war in all these respects.... Kirato trailed off at the end as he leaned back in his chair absorbing everything Makoto had said. Kirato's brow furrowed as he went deeper in thought... He said his village that he represents, does that mean he is not from Amegakure? No matter what to offer amnesty and a home to forsaken shinobi, you would have to either be a high ranking official or Kage... Hiding his identity makes this even more peculiar. If we have no body or face to tie with the promise we can easily all be lied to, to take on ridiculous missions that will have us take on tasks for a no named individual.

Kirato started to talk loudly again. "Mikoto... I have some requests if we are to sign up that should seem fair to you." Kirato narrowed in on the figure as he continued in a serious tone. "We should all have a hard time believing this deal as you hide your face behind a shroud, forgive me for being skeptical at the validity of this deal. I would like to ensure the legitimacy of this deal that after 5 missions upon receiving the 6th you shall show us your face and give us your name.... I know what war is and all the hands that must be dirtied for one to be won. I personally request I receive no missions that partake in the killing of civilians as all those will be failed by me none the less. Last before you hand us the tenth and final mission we want signed and documented paperwork that shows proof that we have been accepted as a full members of the village. You should find these to be quite fair."
Mikoto shifted slightly behind the shroud as Kirato spoke his concerns. They were legitimate worries and Mikoto had been anticipating these questions from the very beginning.

"I shall reveal my face and name to you, as well as the village you are working for, at the proper time. For most of you that will be around the seventh mission, if you prove to be trust worthy and not a liability. If any of you knew who I was or where I come from, then it would be all to easy for you to betray my entire cause, even accidentally or upon your capture if you should fail and be taken by the enemy. This I can not allow. So rest assured, you will be told of me and my village in time, but only when I know that you either wont do us any harm, or cant.

"As for documentation and paperwork, if it is your wish, I will have the paperwork made, signed, and authorized, though you also have the option of leaving no trace of your former life, if you wish. A False background, new appearance, and new identity can be created for each of you on request, after the missions have been completed of course. Now, Kirato, we have little to no interest in the civilian population, and will exclude them from our plans whenever possible, but some of your mission objectives may require that innocents be sacrificed in order to accomplish the task at hand. We did not come to your for your morality, we came to you for your effectiveness in combat and prowess in relevant skills. We expect you to complete your tasks regardless of whomever you must kill to do so. Failure to do so will result in a failed mission and all its consequences, and repeated failures will result in you being released from your contract."
Kirino's Shadow Clone had remained fairly silent throughout the play, and even as the others asked their questions she stayed quiet. But finally, the woman spoke up. "Alright, so here's the deal. We do ten missions, we get money and amnesty. Right now, we get a cool ten mil if we sign on the dotted line. Seems legitimate enough. But why must we sign with YOUR pen?" The air around Kirino grew warmer as she spoke, usually a sign she was agitated. "What kind of sealing jutsu do you have on it? We gonna die or get our chakra destroyed or something if we screw up or something?"

Most of the questions Kirino had let the others ask were answered well enough, but no one had yet questioned this. "Look at who we are, Mick. I've seen at least three of the faces here on wanted posters, and that's not including myself. Some of us have bounties higher than what you're giving us today. We're not going back with any enemy alive, that much I know is assured." The former Kusagakure Jounin looked around at the others in the theater. Some of them, including herself, had bounties in the tens of millions of Ryo. Others, she had never heard of. Not that it mattered, but it did serve to reinforce what she said.

"It's great that you don't want to involve civilians and all, because I'm not all for killing kids... but even that can be tossed aside if need be. Again, I'm sure everyone here agrees. Mister or Miss Mikoto, I'd really like to know what the hell you're trying to pull. I was a Jounin back in Kusagakure, so I know about the whole 'be obscure' thing when it comes to details. But this is just asinine." the air temperature had cooled down again, as Kirino's shadow clone calmed itself. After all, causing a scene and getting attacked would serve no purpose.

"Here's the thing. I'm all for signing these papers, but I want to do it with my own writing utensil. I'd also like to know what my first mission will be... BEFORE I sign. You give me those things, and I'll burn whoever or whatever you point me at to ashes."
"Ah, miss Takeda, I see your temper lives up to its name. Im afraid that I must insist that you use our pen, and I must also insist that you sign the contract before you know anything about the first mission you will embark upon. But do not fear the pen we use, it is not trapped and will place no sealing jutsu upon you should you sign using it, its function is quite simple. The pen we use detects your chakra as you are holding it, and can tell me whether you are trying to deceive me or not. If you are truthful, the pen will right out as normal, and you will be able to sign the contract. If you plan to betray me, the pen will refuse to write, and you will be unable to sign the contract. It is as simple as that.

"As for the mission, I must know that you will not betray me before I can trust you with that. Otherwise you might hear the mission, decline it, and then betray me and my plans to the enemy. No, we will be doing this my way. If you absolutely must have your way, then this contract is not for you, and you are free to leave at the end of this meeting." Mikoto's voice, despite the distortion, was firm and held no room for argument.
Ryuzoji listened to all the other questions and concerns. He thought it was trivial. A person who decides to hide himself away from the people he plans to employ wouldn't reveal their ultimate goal nor true intentions. He tells you what to do and you do it. If you don't then you will die because you've already seen to much and we would probably be the ones to kill you to show our allegiance. If you die, no would care. We are scum of the earth and hated by all. The bingo book or wanted list are full of people to replace you.

Ryuzoji was accustomed to the obscure information given for a mission or the daunting thought of betrayal. Before his falsified crimes, he was an intelligence agent with the group called Void from Iwagakure. All of his missions had the same vibes that this meeting was giving off now. He knew what to expect.

He touched his forehead where his sign of the Takadori clan laid. The thought of never seeing his kinsmen again was always heavy on his heart.

"Amnesty he says,..... Maybe I'm doing this for a place to call home," Ryuzoji said under his breath. Clenching his fist, he made a pact to not die before the mission was over. Constant running isn't fun. Being alone isn't fun. Dying alone isn't fun. Not fighting for anything isn't fun......
the young aburame just sat and listened, intruiged by the boldness of the kunochi that had just stood up. he hadnt looked up once, just listening, jotting down notes. 'mikoto seems trustworthy, the award he offers is pleasing, especially to be able to have a village to call home. and to be able to resume my studies.' he had second thoughts about coming to this place. and risking his life for others. nevertheless he had nothing to lose. death didnt seem like a punishment to him, just another scientific discovery.

he finished his notes then turned his attention toward the stage. there was what looked to be a man behind a bamboo curtain. the man was being barraged by questions, but seemed to have no problems answering them. after hearing some of the things that were being asked, yuki figured that he had nothing to lose. "you promise a village to call home, and ryo of incredible amount. but what if that is not of my intrest? i am searching for a place that i may continue my studies, may i be promised that? if so, my loyalty is yours..." yuki quietly said asking the man on the stage.
"Civilians are absolutely out of the question for me..." Sumire spoke from the back of the room, projecting her voice enough so that she'd be able to be heard up front. Throughout the entire performance, she paid little to no mind in it all, too busy lost within her own thoughts. She looked up towards the stage at Mikoto, blanketed in obscurity. "I don't kill innocents, and it's as simple as that! It couldn't be any simpler. While I have done my misdeeds, absolutely none of them have involved harming those that need not be harmed.." With this, Sumire stood from her seat, slowly approaching the stage.

"Understand that my resolve is absolute..." The kunoichi would come to a halt upon being only a few rows from the stage. "Still, up until only a few weeks ago, I had a purpose in life, and that purpose was to avenge my people. Being out of purpose and a means to live somewhat of a normal life, the promise of a place to call home has more than peaked my interest" Bowing her head again, Sumire thought for a second before continuing on. She wanted to make sure the next thing she would say was something that she absolutely wouldn't regret. Coming off too bold could end this deal for her in its entirety, assuming this Mikoto character wasn't lying. She would part her lips to speak again, now certain of the terms that she wished to present. "Mikoto,...I will gladly sign your contract. However, you must give me your vow that you will never have me go on a mission involving me having to carry out my duties in the presence of innocents. Should you accept, fine. If not, fine. I'll make my own way"

And so, the offer was on the table. Sumire had said her piece. Now, she'd wait...
While Ryuzoji sat in his thoughts, the kunoichi sitting near him shouted out her request. She then walked toward the stage, stopping a few rows shy of it. She continued with her plea. and then waited for Mikoto's response.

Ryuzoji thought it was quite pointless to make a demand. Everything has a cost. Law of equivalent exchange states that in order to receive something, you must give something of equal value worth, even if you don't want to. He isn't for killing innocents either, but his resolve wouldn't waiver for anything. He planned to see the whole thing through. No matter what it was. He wished his soon to be comrades would have the same resolve because going in half-heartily will get not only them killed but him as well.
Mikoto listened as the cloaked ninja spoke, asking for something more than was being offered. "You could buy yourself a nice installation with your reward money, and my village would provide you with a safe place for your studies to continue, so long as they do not endanger the other members of the village, as well as the surrounding lands. If you can follow the rules of the village, which are very normal and common sense, then you may set up whatever lab you wish. I will find a way for it personally."

Then suddenly, the Kunoichi from Sakuragakure rose and made her demand, walking towards Mikoto, who shifted uncomfortably as she came within a few rows of the stage and restated her obvious demand.

"You are ninja." The distorted voice said, speaking as though it were a matter of fact, which it was. "Like I said, we have no intention currently of targeting any civilians, but we expect you to carry out your missions regardless of what that may mean. Even if it means killing a thousand innocents, you must follow the contract. If not then you may be too soft for what we need, and should walk away now. We chose you, some of the more infamous missing nin, because we need ninja who know the meaning of survival, and can apply those skills to their job. We need ruthless ninja who will kill on command, and do what is required of them, nothing less."
That last bit echoed through her mind...

"We need ruthless ninja who will kill on command, and do what is required of them, nothing less."
"Puppets, then? Pawns?" Was that what she was here for? Did she even belong in this place? Sumire glanced in every direction. No doubt, from the very looks of these people, they were dangerous. So was she. But a heartless, mindless killing machine? Would she reduce herself to such filth? "No..." A single word. The silence after, it let off an unsteady echo throughout the room. "I'm sorry, but if that's what you're looking for, then I'm afraid my being here was a mistake. You have the wrong woman for the job. It's best that I am honest outright, both to you and myself. I couldn't afford to take a chance on stooping that low. What good would a fresh start be if I couldn't even stand to look at myself in the mirror afterwards, knowing what pain and anguish I've caused to those most undeserving?"

Sumire began to turn away, making her way toward the exit, then froze. "I'm assuming you're going to allow me to leave this room alive and well? If not, I'm more than happy to take a chance on fighting my way out..." Bold words left the kunoichi's lips as she peeked over her shoulder at the shadowy figure on stage. "Well...?"
"You are a fool and an idiot..." Kirato raised his head to look at the girl who was leaving. He had been listening to all the ninja's speak their piece. Asking the same questions and demanding the same things he did... No matter how many times you demand the same thing the answer will still be the same. This man had all the in cards his/her we were all just waiting for a hand to be dealt to us. "You have no where to go just like the rest of us... that is why we are here. He said if we don't like a mission we can fail it no harm no foul. It just means we must do another. I understand your principles but you would be stupid to turn your back here and now on a once in a lifetime deal..." Kirato's voice and tone smoothed out as he smirked at the young konoichi. "Besides you have all seen our faces. That is enough for Mikoto to make a mission for us to kill you... Or we may even take it upon ourselves to do so to ensure our future and safety. You are not innocent, you are not a civilian and you will die. I suggest like the rest of you... to sit down and shut up and sign the damn paper." Kirato did not want the girl to be killed. Many of the men here including him would be tempted to get rid of her if not for a bounty, but to make sure no one knew of this meeting. "The fact he gives us the option to fail is enough." He slowly moved his head back to the stage his voice changed back to the overly loud friendly one

"I think that about sums up the current situation. Now if you would Mikoto." Kirato gestured to him/her to signal that the negotiations were over. Turning back he faced towards the girl watch her next actions carefully. his hands crept into his belt and gripped onto a kunai hiding all his actions underneath his cloak he unsheathed it and held it in his lap. My future will not be in jeopardy due to your blind arrogance. Please... dont make me kill you. "You can leave... but i promise you wont make it out of this city alive."
The male with the red hair spoke words of truth. She could be slain at any moment if she did not hold her tongue. That naive way of the thinking should have gotten her killed along time ago. He wondered if she was even a ninja.

He had his concealed knifes at the ready and stood up to make a more balanced stance. He didn't want to be the only on caught of guard due to this unlikely situation. He didn't think somebody would outright refuse the contract. He then waited for Mikoto's response. What a good day he thought.
Kirino's Shadow Clone turned toward the man who just threatened the woman who refused the offer of employment and coughed into her right hand. "Hey hardass. We're all killers, yeah. She is, too. But guess what! I haven't seen HER picture in any Bingo Books or on any Wanted Posters. How about you back down before I reduce you to ashes, hmm? her attention turned to the rest of the room. "What about you all? We've all survived up until now? Who frigging cares if one person has seen our faces?" Kirino's keen eyes picked up the man known as Kirato reaching for something at his waist just before making a blatant threat. "Yeah, you're gonna want to back down..." A single orb of wind energy formed in her right hand as she spoke. Most would call this jutsu "Spiraling Wind Ball".

"Far as I can tell, This is supposed to be neutral ground, kid. And the first one to violate that is the person I will happily make dead. So what do you say you cut the bravado and calm your ass down before this turns into a giant jutsu clusterfuck? If people want to decline, I say let them." Of course, Kirino had not forgotten about Mikoto's comments. She had merely been waiting for other to voice more opinions. "Oh yeah, speaking of terms, Mick. I accept. Count me in. Better to have a home and money that to not." Tensions were high, and Kirino had not yet dispelled her jutsu. Unless something was done soon, this was likely to get rather ugly.
Ikari stretched in his seat, and started to fold his fan-explosive tag into a paper aeroplane. "Hey, guys, are we seriously gonna kill each other here?" He said, just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Geez, the missions haven't even started, and all of you are starting to kick up the fuss already. You really think we'll make it as a team?" Ikari stood up from his chair, his hands still working on his aeroplane. "I'm a honest-to-goodness thief, I dont kill either. But if it's the life of others pitted against my life, I say I'll choose mine over theirs. But I'm pretty sure we can do enough damage without killing anyome. Cripple them maybe, but not kill. No destruction of lives, maybe a bit of property lost, that's fine, right?"

He finished his origami and touched the nose of the paper plane. "Ojou-sama," Ikari said to the Takeda lady, "that jutsu in your hands might hurt someone. Would you kindly put it away for now? And you, Uzumaki-san," Ikari pointed the plane at Kirato. "Threatening a lady is no way to go. I thought you better than that. Let's settle this situation calmly and peacefully, huh? We can work this out." Ikari turned and looked back towards Mikoto, his signature cheeky grin on his face. "Ain't that right, Mikoto-sama?"
Up until all the commotion started Hogo had managed to simply ignore everyone as he idly toyed with the string on Benzaiten, he swept an uncaring eye over the silhouette of Mikoto their mysterious and somewhat unflappable benefactor. He didn't exactly know how Mikoto managed to track him down let alone know his name. He was almost anonymous beyond the hushed rumours of villagers that lived in the fire nation, they often spoke of a midnight melody the bespoke of an impending death and Hogo or 'Shichi' as he was called always managed to kill his targets well before sunrise.

He was not a mercenary by any standards but he did take the odd bounty or two to buy supplies for himself, basically he spent much of his life dodging the Nin Hunters his former clan sent against him. The telltale crackle of violence in the air broke him from his reverie and he took a quick breath before he rose from his perch as well. He registered the argument being made and judged the words for himself, he hefted Benzaiten and began playing the

he'd play before killing someone.
"I don't see why you are all in such a huff, if you leave, you leave, if you sign the contract, you're hired. What's more is I can't understand why you all think to waylay progress with your futile mouthings."

He wore a fake smile as he played his music softly while walking towards the group.

"Now. Before the fireworks start prematurely, perhaps we could all take a seat make our choices as we see fit and then part ways or continue on with this venture, or you may make one of these other, more volatile ninja behind me a little jumpy, they may choose to take offense at this little sideshow."

He continued to smile but now he had changed the tune he played on Benzaiten initiating

all he needed to do was channel his chakra through the instrument and that would at the very least confuse some of them. He held back however, he didn't want to antagonize anyone more than he already was.
Kurage had stood in his pose for nearly two minutes as the room slowly filled itself with several other curious nin. Sweat rolled from his nose and dripped to the ground, Kurage's eyes hovering back and forth in an attempt to begin his scanning of the environment. Kurage's eyes stopped closest to his side, where he then calculated his next move. He lunged from his position into a sideways roll that he would end in a perfect standing formation to his left side. As he had intended, Kurage had popped up next to one of the other shinobi; one who had posted up on the wall to watch whatever was to occur from afar. The shinobi's distinctive trait, at least to Kurage, was his snow white hair.

"M-hm, M-hm... H-hmm..."

-Kurage mumbled, accompanied by several nods self-assurance. Kurage had taken an inquisitive stance, resting his chin in the fold of his thumb and pointer finger while nodding in some sort of secret agreement within his self on his findings. Before the shinobi could react passed the side-eyed glare he returned, Kurage had lunged away, this time unto the middle row and closer to a more traditionally dressed yet equally daunting man. This one seem to cover perpetually wicked eyes by a sedge hat. Kurage noted the bloodlust emanating from this one to be of note, though replied again with-

"Mmm? M-hmm... M-hm, m-hm."

-with the same chin-pose and nods. And not three seconds later again Kurage had lept, this time into a forward roll to a smaller individual who he could tell instantaneously was no real shinobi. Kurage simply nodded and 'M-hm'ed some more, not really making any differences in how he assessed these individuals and reacting identically.

And then he heard it... the sound of something far less ugly or ragged than a man... Yes, not a man at all... but, A WOMAN.

Kurage's nostrils sniffed five sniffs of the air before his heart skipped a beat. His eye widened with the truth of what his senses had revealed to him; there may be- no... there WAS a sexy lady in the room.

Kurage's nose turned towards the sight of a short little kunoichi with splotches of red within her mane, and glasses that cut an arc to her look. It was over; he had seen her. It did not matter how many women had seen in his lifetime, right now in this very place and time, this kunoichi before him appeared so sexually appetizing, that one would fathom her to be the last female on the planet. Kurage began to salivate as he was washed in a full-body blush.


'Wait... What?'

-Kurage thought. Did he smell something else? Was there another source of sweetness that rivaled what he saw before him? Kurage, already excited beyond belief, now peered the room as his brain took time to catch up to the magnitude of his own happiness.


Kurage's eyes had landed on yet another succulent delicacy that sat reserved and to the side. This one seemed to have even MORE bust than the other. Kurage, now sweating harder than he had before, could do nothing but snap his neck back and forth between the sight of these two beauties. Kurage looked down to both of his fists, each one with a finger sticking out as if they each represented one of the kunoichi.

As Kurage stared at the two separate fingers, he then slowly hovered the left had to the right, bumped it into the right had, and added another finger to the right while subtracting one of the left's. As Kurage peered into the right hand that now held two fingers, his eyes swelled as he had just physically realized that there were not just one, but TWO beauties sitting in this room along with him.

Kurage could barely contain his self, having to use his hands to count while his brain lagged behind due to disbelief. Kurage's legs began to shake and his lips puckered and quivered; a bewildering display to those who had watched him.

And then all of a sudden, Kurage froze in a death clasp of shock as he could barely fathom what he believed to be approaching. From behind Kurage gingerly crept a THIRD female who had made her way to her chair. Kurage's jaw dropped and his eyes burst open in wonderment. He then looked down at his hands again, this time with two fingers up on the right, and one on the left. Kurage watched as his hands were pulled together seemingly by gravitational force. As the hands crept close, the tension in Kurage's mind had reached its breaking-point.


Kurage transferred a finger from the left to the right, now showing three fingers on his right hand. Once it had been physically reconciled for Kurage that there were three separate females in the room with him, Kurage reciprocated by having blood spew from his nose like a bottle-rocket, tumbling back unto the ground in a dizzying collapse.

[bUM] [bUM] [bUM]

Kurage then (as if what he had just done didn't happen) sat right back up with a childlike stare pointed at the stage, which now provided the stimulus of drum beats and a changing in the lights. He sat with his legs crossed and folded over each other with his hands in his lap, drool starting to seep from the side of his lip as he was caught in the allure of what appeared to be a show starting to begin.

Kurage was the happiest he could recall being in quite awhile. Kurage had spent so long dreadfully alone in the wilderness, that being in the presence of beautiful women and having a show along with it was a reward in itself. Kurage's eyes did not leave the stage, as he was far too enchanted by the performance. Throughout the show, Kurage responded with cheers and boos, yelling at certain characters to whom he did not fair, and telling the citizens to run away in fear of being killed; and when someone was killed, Kurage would respond with a gasp or a cry.

The play had transitioned into its close, now setting the way for what appeared to be a shade of Mikoto that began to speak. Kurage snapped out of his daze, yet still kept his eyes on the stage and it's new speaker.

Kurage heard the initial banter, not having much to say but thinking on a lot. These thoughts that formulated began to disperse when Kurage's attention moved to that of the first individual to ask a question.

Kurage's eyes widened in discovering who had asked the question, his attitude shifting into something that had not yet been experienced by anyone in the room. The carefree questionable demeanor of Kurage vanished under the veil of a new personality. This one presented an even higher state of alarm, yet rendered absolutely no dramatic physical reactions. No sweat appeared in response to this particular tension, as Kurage glared into the back of a red haired devil; an Uzumaki. Does this Uzumaki realize who I am? Why is he so nonchalant?

Kurage's eyes were lost in the contemplation of the next move...
Moe stood up, standing a couple of feet away from the Takeda woman. One of his arms was in his robes, and it idly grasped one of his hidden Kunai, but he released it after a moments contemplation. The theater, though large enough to hold the scenes and characters, was only the size of a traditional Japanese theater, and such such was not too large. In addition, the audience section was clearly smaller than one would normally expect, probably due to small size of the expected gathering, and even with all thirteen ninja, there were still plenty of empty seats, though not much more room. If any of them began to preform large area Jutsu in here, it would become a killing field, and with the restricted amount of space in the room, those capable of taijutsu would be the very next to be well off.

He pulled out a pipe and packed it, using some chakra to ignite the dried dust he used in his pipe, and took a puff as the situation grew more and more volatile. He prepared his body to release his poisonous gasses, knowing that if this turned into a fight he would have to spray and run. In these close quarters, his gas would likely kill many of them before they managed to escape breathing in the lung dissolving gas, and he knew it was his best bet in clearing the room.

"Come now, surely we dont have to result to threats and violence do we? I'm sure there is a very easy way of deciding what would be most profitable. Mikoto, if I may ask, will we be rewarded for keeping this meeting confidential?" Kirino had been quick to Sumire's aid, and Hogo and maybe even Ikari seemed that they would aid the woman as well, but that may very well change if a large amount of Ryo were suddenly introduced into the equation. Killing to keep a secret? That may not be worth much to some ninja, but killing for a reward? As missing nin, most of the people here had made that their lives goal, and this mission proved it. Moe didn't know much about Sumire, but he knew she was the only one here, at least presumably, who was not actually in the bingo book, and as such, she could leave and start her own life somewhere else, peacefully if she so wished. But if that were truly true, then why had she risked this meeting at all? Perhaps Kirato was right, maybe she was a fool. After all, what more could she have expected from a mercenary job?


The tension continued to rise, Moe made his statement, and everyone now seemed tense, waiting for one of the ninja, or for Mikoto, to say something or make a move. It was Mikoto who acted first.

"Enough! I will not have battle break out at this meeting! As Kirino has said, this is neutral ground, and as I promised in the letter, you may walk away from this mission. Know this however, Sumire of Sakuragakure, though you may leave, and I shall not stop you, I can not guarantee that you will be safe after you have left our company. The secret you carry will prove to be a burden, one which may smother you unless you reconsider. I do not expect ninja to be puppets or tools. They are weapons, the very best, and weapons kill. You may deny it all you wish, but you should know the truth by now.

"Now, if there are no more questions, I will proceed with the contract." One of the actors, a villager, came out from behind the stage holding a scroll and a special, feathered pen. The scroll would outline the contract, containing everything Mikoto had said, and all the other obvious things, such as being forbidden from betraying the contract, the rewards for completing ten missions, and doing your best to complete a mission. He would walk to each ninja, giving them the pen and showing them where to sign on the contract.
Hogo new that the situation was simply waiting for a further spark before the fireworks went off and that it would have become a race to set off the first jutsu. The whole situation in itself was laughable and he was only in it for the fun. He sighed and giggled to himself "Discipline Hogo, that's what you were taught. Why are you now so eager for violence?" He thought to himself while he fingered Benzaiten's strings. He shook his head in regret, he wasn't sure when he began to be so.....

"Enough! I will not have battle break out at this meeting! As Kirino has said, this is neutral ground, and as I promised in the letter, you may walk away from this mission. Know this however, Sumire of Sakuragakure, though you may leave, and I shall not stop you, I can not guarantee that you will be safe after you have left our company. The secret you carry will prove to be a burden, one which may smother you unless you reconsider. I do not expect ninja to be puppets or tools. They are weapons, the very best, and weapons kill. You may deny it all you wish, but you should know the truth by now."

The speech itself was simply reiterating what he had plainly stated when the play finished and he disappeared. For a moment he wondered why people liked making a fuss over stupid things but he shrugged it off, people did what they wanted despite whatever they're told. He sniffed slightly and took the pen from the villager who he recognised was one of the actors in the show. "You need to work on your characterization a bit more if you want to make it in show biz." He walked forward, took the quill and signed where indicated before turning and taking his seat to the right of the room.

He took his seat and watched interestedly at everyone else waiting for them to sign the contract as he did. Perhaps some wouldn't but to be honest he didn't much care, that was their choice and he hadn't divulged any secrets to anyone though he suspected that Mikoto had done his fair share of research into each and everyone of them. Hogo placed a hand into the folds of his clothes and withdrew his bingo book. He flipped idly through the pages until he came to the entry about himself. The book didn't state his real name and instead used his monicker; Shichi. He snorted in amusement and returned it to it's spot.
Ikari held his paper plane aimed at the Uzumaki boy, listening in to Mikoto's speech. Danger outside these walls if you carry the secret with you, huh? He'd been running from danger since a bounty had been placed on his head, so this shouldn't be any problem. Besides, he might just get exiled and hunted again because he can't keep his kleptomania in check. But a home would be nice, somewhere to stash his goods once in a while. He'd have reason to steal for himself now, just to decorate his living room. His hand dropped, paper plane still clutched in it. He gave a long, drawn out sigh, and began to unfold the paper plane. When the explosive tag returned to its original form, he looked up, his cheery and rather aggravating smile returning.

"Alrighty, guys. You heard Mikoto-san. No tantrum-throwing, no squabbling and definitely no destroying the place. Let's just finish this and go to our new homes, huh?" Ikari inclined his head towards the lady whom Mikoto had addressed as Sumire, and nodded slightly. "Sumire-san, right? I get your perspective. I doubt any of us here wish to end lives of innocents so carelessly. Though 'doubt' is a bit subjective as of now," Ikari cast a look around at the rest of them, laughter in his eyes. He returned his gaze to Sumire. "Just this once, and you'll never come close to killing innocents again, alright?" he reassured her with a surprising lack of jokes.

With that, he spun around and slid to Mikoto's side, his hand diving into his pocket and pulled out a small wooden block and a thin metal box. He opened the box, revealing a cushion soaked with red ink and depressed the block on it, before stamping it on the contract. His full name in Kanji dried and stayed on the paper. Satisfied at his stamp's ability to still function, he wiped the rest of the ink off with his shoulder-guard and stuffed everything back in his pocket, before departing to examine the stage with childish curiousity.
He wondered when Mikoto would finally stop this nonsense that was going on. It seemed as if I stood among immature children who enjoyed arguments. He walked to the villager who was held the scroll in his hand.

"I have faith in your skill Mikoto. You were able to track down a ghost. One who leaves no hints nor tracks. I will follow your lead," he said as he signed the contract. He respected Mikoto's skill.

He then turned to face the audience.

" If you lack the resolve then do me a favor and leave. I want capable comrades who won't faulter when in tight situations. Mikoto hand picked all of us for this contract so I know that you are all capable, but even the best ninja can die as easily as an unarmed child if you lack resolve. Please leave if you are even the slightest hesitant of the contract guidelines." He said with a calm, emotionless tone. His cold, yellow eyes looked at each eye before walking back to his spot in the back of the room.

He didn't care what they thought and he was willing to kill any one of them if they approached him. The weak willed had no place here.

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