Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC

Kirino weighed her options carefully. On one hand, she knew she could leave. Her skills were more than enough to fend off and moron that would come after her after that. But should she leave, she'd have to keep selling herself out as a killer, and be homeless. On the other hand, she could accept this contract. That would give her enough money to buy a decent house, all the equipment she could want, and even give her a village to call home. Hell, maybe she could even settle down. The wheels of fate were turning, but where would they lead?

"Alright. I'm in. I'd be stupid to leave now." The man who was walking around didn't seem to show any fear despite the tensions between the powerful ninja in the room. "You're a shinobi, aren't you?" asked the Kirigakure native as she took the pen and read over the contract. All the basic stuff was there. Disclaimers, Releases of Liability, Death Waivers, all of it. Kirino signed, of course. "So what are you? Tokubetsu? Chunin? A Genin would have crapped their pants given what almost happened." If this guy wasn't a shinobi, he had to have been under one hell of a Genjutsu.

And so the contract was signed... who else would join the cause?
The man did not answer Kirino when she asked him if he was a Shinobi. He remained equally silent when she continued to try guessing his possible rank. After she had signed and finished talking, he looked at her and said, "You are wrong. I am merely an actor, and guardian of Mikoto-sama. Nothing more than that, certainly no ninja." The man then moved on to the next person.

When the contract arrived at Ikari, he stamped it with his own utensil and left the villager actor a second later, or rather tried to. The man reached out with a quick hand and grasped Ikari's sleeve.

"Sign with this pen please." The man said gently, offering him the pen and contract. "You must do this to qualify for your reward." He added a second later. He would continue to insist on him writing with the pen, but if Ikari refused, the man would sigh and move on to the next ninja.
Ikari almost leapt a mile when the actor touched his sleeve, and yelped with surprise in the process. In a swift act of paranoia, he swiped the man's hand from his sleeve. After realizing that the man was not one of other ninja in the room, he relaxed and bowed in apology. "Sorry, man. Thought you were one of those guys over there. Gave me quite the scare, you did." Ikari laughed nervously as the actor spoke his due. Ikari scratched his head at the actor's request and pondered over his options. Well, the dude WAS holding the pen with his bare hands, so there shouldn't be anything suspect about the pen. Ikari nodded and took the pen from the actor and placed the nib on the paper, before realizing that he never signed anything with a pen before. He had always used that stamp as a signature.

"Uh...." he gave a look of helplessness before scribbling a flowery spiral next to his stamp. "Does that count?"
The villager looked at it and nodded with a small sigh, taking the paper away to the other people. Soon the paper came to the Moe, and he took the pen and with his enhanced chakra control, drew his chakra away from his hand, keeping any of it from actually touching the pen. The act made his hand a little numb but otherwise had no other detectable effect. He tried to write with the pen, but found that it would not write, no ink coming out. Moe grimaced as villager shot him a look, and he shook the pen for effect, letting the chakra return to his hand as he did. When he tried again, the pen wrote, and he wrote out "Medicine Man" across the bottom where he had to sign.

~Oh well.~ He thought. He did not feel like he had been bound or cursed, but one could never really know. Still, he had never heard of a pen which bound or cursed the writer, though to be fair he had never heard of a pen which refused to write if you were lying. Clearly it was chakra sensitive, but that much would be true in both cases.
Asuna let others squabble, sighing to herself. She believed too many people were on their nerves in this room, and that was coming from her. The girl simply kept to herself behind her straw hat. As people rose to sign, she awaited for her own turn, rose to her feet to quietly did what was asked. She felt no need to exclaim opinions, knowing that 12 nin can easily answer each other if need be. The time seemed to drag on for her as this had nothing to please her tastes. Nonetheless, she signed her name, Asuna Kaguya, on the contract and looked up to Mikoto. "Bet you already know what I'd want. If you don't, you'll figure it out soon enough." She simply said with a shrug and returned to her place in the far back left of the theater. Once in her seat, she began to idly fiddle with the bone pendant.
Kurage refocused his self, realizing that the Uzumaki was a missing-nin too and brought here specifically through the machinations of Mikoto.

'The chances he harbored ill will have to be slim, unless he seeks to redeem his name and place in his clan, and sees me as the offering...'

-Kurage thought. Regardless, the room was a cage stuffed tight with beasts of terrifying caliber, all on the tips of their blades in awareness.

'The Uzumaki stepping out of line would cause the others to react... Unless... They ALL wanted to snag the bounty on me... Mikoto's offer is grand, but... All that work and mystery when a fat bounty like me is here... What was my bounty again? Do I HAVE the highest bounty?!?!'

Kurage broke into a head sweat, while watching as a villager actor appeared from the stage with a scroll and pen. He watched as the nin settled their spats and made way to the signature sheet. Kurage decided that he would maintain his guard, but go with the flow of things and see where that brought him. He sauntered up towards the front of the stage behind the others aching to ink the ledger. While waiting his turn he noticed the older looking gentleman, one of the first few to sign, having difficulty with his signature. Upon closer inspection he reconciled that it was more than just a matter of ink being dry that stopped the old man from signing on his first attempt. This was because his second attempt was successful, but he did not take his pen to the ink well for a refresher.

'No... The pen neglected to write due to something else... Chakra? Has to be... Or? Is the paper whats important? The paper may hold traces of Mikoto's chakra, and the pen could be a bridge of sorts?'

Kurage was not sure how to top off his theory, but saw that no one else immediately stood before him to sign, so he approached thussly. Kurage grabbed the pen, and as he signed his mark he tried to feel if the pen would drain him of his chakra or not. After that test, if he did feel some sort of pull from the pen, then he would be inclined to ask:

"Can I... touch the paper?"
It seemed that his speech had its intended effect. He wanted to kill the tension and force them to make up their minds. Taunting them with the right words would be the only way to do so. He didn't want to give off his presence so easily. The less presence you have, the easier you are able to disappear into the shadows without anyone noticing. Watching from a far, not drawing any attention to himself would have been ideal since he knew nothing of these ninjas abilities, but he couldn't idly sit by while things got out of hand.

He returned to his original spot on the wall in the back of the room. He watched as the other ninja got up one by one, signing the paper. Even the red haired Kunoichi who had her doubts before. She made a provoking comment to get the others to sign as well. His speech went better than he thought it would have.

Standing in the back of the room, he inspected all of the ninja that were in the room. He wondered who will climb to the top of the food chain. Every group had somebody that they respected and/or feared more than the other. Even though Mikoto will be pulling the strings from behind the stage, somebody will rise to be our leader or the front man for our team. If not, their will be constant internal conflict that will hinder our performance. A central command will be needed to keep moral up and keep conflict resolutions unbiased. There is another possibility that could arise as well. Two ninja who has opposite ideals will clash, causing a division in the team. Each ninja will then have to choose between either side to follow.

He made basic observations of each of the ninja that sat in the room. Who would rise to claim the top of the throne he asked himself.

Red and black Haired Kunoichi: Loud and Hot tempered, Speaks her mind freely with no restraints, Ready to fight in a moments notice

Kurage Genzai: Seems Socially Awkward, his actions are way too big to be a ninja,

Odd man who speaks to himself: Kept to himself, strange, Talks to himself,

Red haired Make: Has an arrogant air to him, Killing isn't an issue for him, He is straight forward as well

Orange haired male: seems cunning, choosing words that play to the mentality of the people around him, he walks lightly, not making any sounds

Black Haired Kunoichi: Lacks resolve, Naive way of thinking, not suited to kill, strong value of human life

Kunoichi with the straw hat: Quiet, Seems reserved

Elderly man in the middle: He acts like a common old man, wanting to keep peace, He must be hiding something, his comment to Mikoto about the Ryo and the meeting showed hidden intentions, Scheming

Older Male with the straw hat: unable to give a proper analysis, his speech gives off a carefree demeanor, need further observation,

3 Shrouded ninja: Shady, Mustn't take my eye off of them, Why haven't they revealed their faces?

He came to the conclusion that all the ninja in the room were odd. The only one that came close to having leader qualities is the male ninja with the straw hat and the black and red haired kunoichi. The kunoichi will need somebody to keep her calm and the straw hat man seems way too lax.

It was still too early to tell. His analysis up to this point are only rough sketches. He could be completely wrong about all of them. A lot of factors are to be taken into consideration.
Eyeing all the men and women that were signing the paper ahead of him waiting for his turn he noticed someone. Wait is that Fugu? No no that wasn't it.... hmmmm I cant remember his name.

Kirato clicked his kunai back in his holder knowing that everything had died down. His threat had caused quite the stir within this little room. Kirato debated getting up out of the cushioned seat that he was relaxing in. As he slowly stood up from his seat he watched the depression that was once comfort rise up and reform. He let out a sigh as he slumped his shoulders and made his way to the actor holding the contract and pen.

Kirato kept watching the fat man that seemed oddly familiar. The actor held out the pen as Kirato lifted his arm lazily and took it placing it on the paper he signed it. "Thank you." Kirato said as he handed back the pen to the man his gaze never wavering from the fat man in the room now. He moved his left hand and nestled his chin in between the nook of his thumb and index finger. "Hmmmmmmmmmmm." Kirato walked slowly never losing vision of the man as he slowly made his way back to the seat. That armor, that ugly face...

Kirato plopped down in his seat again as the chair let out a little squeak from the sudden drop. If his eye's were flames he would have burned a whole in the fat man already. He searched the recesses of his mind applying his face to his known names. No, no, no... He did this as his face twisted slightly as he continued to try. The fat man could plainly see Kirato's actions. No... no... no.... Wait! Kirato's lips parted slightly and his eye's grew a centimeter larger. No way! it's...! "Odebu san..." Kirato mumbled to himself (Fatty) He had connected the dots from the color of his armor and the face like a fish. Kurage Genzai was something of the village idiot that everyone made fun of or used as a joke. Children would use his name to tease each other 'Hurry up or Kurage will eat you!' they would say as they ran through the streets of Uzushiogakure. Kirato and Kurage had come in contact many times throughout the trials and during even his prominence in the village. His uncle was a well known to the Uzumaki clan and came over often to meet with his father to talk of the future. "Oiy Fatty it's been a while." Kirato had a slight smirk on his face his hand that had once been on his chin gently fell to his lap. Kirato had just remembered the man's name and events of him knowing it. He did not remember the crime he committed.
"Things almost got out of hand," he said to his small friends as they crawled on his skin. He knew he would be at a disadvantage if it broke out into a free for all brawl so he was glad the tension died down. He wrote a couple of more notes on the comments and mannerisms of the ninja that stood in the room before getting up to sign the contract. He was satisfied with what the Mikoto fellow had to say. As long as he had a home and a place to finish his experiments, then nothing else mattered.

After signing the contract, he quietly returned to his seat. He then continued his notes. He wondered what would happen next.
Kirino scoffed at the obvious lie she was told by the so-called actor and walked to the back of the room. Everyone seemed to be finishing their signing and beginning to jack their jaws. That wasn't why she was here. She was here for the money and the amnesty, not to piss around with old men, little boys, and some fat lech. "So are we done here? Where are we going for our first mission? I'm itching to get going. All this pissing around is getting to me. Clearly, the Kusagakure Rogue was anxious to get things underway. Her passion for getting things done seemed to be as hot as her temper and jutsu.

In truth, many things here weren't sitting right with her, and she was anxious to get out of here and away from this place. Something was not kosher here and she wanted out.

(( Sorry for the short reply. Not much else I could really do or say. ))
Kurage would feel no pull from the pen at all, and if it did drain chakra, it drained a miniscule amount at most. Still, if he was still inclined to ask if he could touch the paper, the villager would stare at him suspiciously, an image of Kurage tearing the contracts to bits flashing through the man's head.

"No...I think its best if I hold onto it." The man would say before excusing himself and going to the next ninja.

The contract soon came to the three cloaked ninja, who only sat in the same vague area. The first completely tossed off his cloak as he took the contract, shaking his hair free and smiling broadly. He was Yogan Taka, and infamous missing nin from Moyagakure. He had no Kekkei Genkai, but was known for his "Fire Soul" hiden techniques, though very few knew anything about techniques themselves, as very few survived to tell of it. He was in the bingo book for assassinating the Village leader of Moyagakure, and throwing the whole village into disarray by removing the leader. His motives and reasons are still a secret only he is privy to. Either way, this was a dangerous man who had killed his village's equivalent to a Kage, and was known for his violent and brazen methods of attack.

One of the other cloaked ninja turned towards him and one could just make out what must have been a shake of the head. Yogan noticed, and shrugged.

"Hey, I've been dying to get out from under there this entire time, and its not like anyone else is keeping their identity a secret. Besides, we are all going to be working together soon. How fucking exciting!" He signed the paper and then handed it over to the next cloaked ninja, who pulled her cloak back to reveal that she was yet another infamous ninja. Jinsoka Gorudo, the famously infamous Gorudo Family defector.

The Gorudo's were sworn to defend the Feudal lord of the Land of lightning, and were feared for their deadly Kekkei Genkai, the Swift Release. Jinsoka, who had been born with the express purpose of defending the leader of country until death, rejected her path, burned down the temple where the Gorudo clan trained its youths, and killed several high ranking Gorudo members as she escaped. Ever since then she had been one of the most wanted in the land of Lightning, and one of the most dangerous Taijutsu fighters around due to her extreme speed. Reputation had it that her list of known jutsu was short, reflecting her incomplete training, but she is a prodigy in her skill, even faster than most of the masters at the temple. She was like a celebrity in the Bingo book, and had been around and wanted before most of the others in the room had been exiled from their clans.

The last cloaked ninja watched as she signed and shook his or her head again, but said nothing. She looked up, shrugged, and then handed the contract over to the last one, who signed it quickly and handed it back to the villager. The man took it and approached the last person in the room who had yet to sign the contract. Sumire. It was time to choose, sign and join, or leave and fade into obscurity. The choice was hers.
Ryuzoji eyes widened as the hooded ninja finally revealed themselves. He had been watching them since the beginning of the meeting. The first hooded person tossed away his black cloak. He was Yogan Taka, a fearsome ninja with an exceptional ability called "Fire Shadow". The details on the technique is unsubstantial, making them only rumors. Having a large bounty on his head, he is one of the ninja at a the top of the bingo book. To think that Mikoto summoned someone of his caliber for this contract means that this contract isn't going to be as easy as he thought it would be.

He then looked at the kunoichi who revealed herself.

"Jinsoka Gorudo....," he said as he watched her sign the contract. His blood began to boil and a smile crept on his face. He clenched his fist extremely tight, unknowingly cracking his knuckles in the process. A odd sensation was flowing through his body. It was as if he was an academy ninja ready for his fight against a rival ninja.He crossed paths with Jinsoka before, but he doubts the infamous kunoichi would remember the one who almost caught her. He was sent on a mission by void to track down Jinsoka and kill her for her betrayal. Out of all the units, his unit was the closes to capturing her, but that wasn't enough. He vowed to capture the traitor on his own for the sake of the village. He split up from his group and went on his own. He tracked her as far as the Land of Wind, but lost her in a sand storm. He returned to the village empty handed, blaming his inability as a ninja. He didn't make an excuse about her speed, only looking at his own faults to track her down properly. He labels all of his best mission with names so that he was able to remember the details of it. He called her mission "The one that got away".

He breathed in and out, making his high tension diminish into a calm state. It was a weird feeling for him. He didn't have the luxury of having a rival. She was his first one. Not being able to capture her, left a strong impression on his heart. He learned the lightning armor just for the sake of catching her. He thought maybe if he was a little faster then he would of caught her. He never had the chance to use it against her though.

"To think she would appear her," he said under his breath as Jinsoka handed the contract to the other hooded man. How ironic that fate would allow them to work together.

He then turned his attention to the hooded man, who now held the contract. He kept the cloak over his face as he signed, keeping his identity a secret.. Ryuzoji wondered who it could be. A lot of big names were at this meeting. Could he/she be another? 
(sorry a lot of typos. Really sleepy. i edited most of them though)
Kurage shot the villager a dirty glance before crossing his arms and stomping back unto the aisle. Like an adolescent, Kurage crossed his arms and slumped down into his chair with a look of boredom. A certain discernment fell over Kurage as he watched the fellow shinobi approach their contract. Kurage felt pressure on him; a heat almost. A sensation reminiscent of a concealed gaze, like an enemy in a trap or a predator to prey. Kurage used peripheral vision to analyze this source of tension, reconciling whether it was murderous intent, or heavy examni-

"Oiy Fatty it's been a while."

Kurage's hands flung to his far side, his lips quivering and his teeth clenched and he gasped in lieu of the Uzumaki's call.


Kurage jumped up out of his chair and into the aisle, pointing an accusatory finger at Kirato with a fat quivering lip. Before uttering another word, he collapsed within his self to regain composure, sucking up his gut and pumping out his chest as if that insisted stability.

"Pffft... Have you been under a rock, fool? It's Sensō... no Otoko..."

Kurage then lifted his fingers in the air and wiggled them, as if replicating a jellyfish.

Kurage looked to his side as the three concealed shinobi of the mob took their hands to the pen. As the three continued to take their turns, Kurage shot back at Kirato and examined him further, now seeing the entirety of his face. After an elongated stare, Kurage broke his trance with a snarky grin.

"Funny little Uzu-baka... You, are all too familiar. We called you, 'The Red-Dead Reject'. Fitting, seeing as you were the runt of the pups who showed his teeth so briefly, just to turn out as a rat. But... I can't complain. Your thievery, though your pompous clan doesn't want to admit it, is what inclined the importance of the Forbidden Technique Protectionary Unit. Oh yeah... I think you had just made a fool of yourself around the time my dumb-ass father left the clan for my Uncle to clean up. You didn't get to see me shine..."

Kurage then lifted his hands in front of his face, spreading them upwards in opposite arcs downwards while wiggling his fingers.

"So... Uzushiogakure's Fatty and Uzumaki's Failure."

Kurage turned around to sit back in his seat, waving a dismissive hand in the air and saying-

"I won't tell the others here about how bad you messed up, because let's just say it wasn't the best kept secret. Just don't be stupid around me, and you won't be stung."

Kurage leaned back his seat, kicking his feet up and feeling completely full of his self.
As Kurage insulted Kirato a flash of the memories of the crimes Kurage had committed flowed into his mind. The blood and dead bodies of a clan. Men who were tasked with protecting the village cut down by their own kind. The night Kirato watched a whole clan be torn asunder.

"... We all have to be worried about getting stung Kurage Genzai... My crimes pales in comparison to yours jellyfish." Kirato glared at Kurage with a piercing stare his hands draped in front of his face as he leaned forward towards the fat man. "I don't have blood of the my loved ones and friends on my hand... A coward who kills those who trust him... I may be a failure Genzai but at least I'm no monster." Moving his arms behind his head he leaned back in the chair angling his head slightly to look at the ceiling. he placed he feet on top of the chair in front of him crossing them to relax as he waited for Mikoto's orders.

Kirato's emotionless face was now painted in a devilish smile "Speaking of that Uncle how is he doing these days?"

With every word Kirato tried to take pieces and chunks out of the man who so valued himself. If there was one thing Kirato despised it was a traitor, a man who destroys the trust between men. Killing and destroying the honor that was between them. A thief can steal for all reasons but a traitor betrays for only one. His own selfishness needing to be sated. Kirato didn't care about his answer to his question it didn't need to be answered both men knew that he was dead and Kurage was accused of killing him.

His gaze moved slowly back towards Kurage's direction as he clicked his tongue in disgust at the man. "May you live forever.... bakemono."
Two of the others in the room were now arguing with one another, creating tension that the hot-headed Kusagakure native did not want. Back and forth and back and forth. One stab, another stab, and another, and another. The both of them needed muzzled and bound. Kirino could take it no more. "Shut the hell up both of you!" the Shadow Clone clapped its hands together as it screamed. The young woman's body burst into flames and was soon completely covered. But then the flames flickered wildly and lifted from her body before rapidly circling her form. The flames were accompanied by strong winds, barely contained by chakra, rushing mere inches from Kirino's body. "If the two of you don't can it right now, I'll scatter your ashes to the winds! It's painfully obvious neither of you has the balls to do a damn thing to the other, so quit posturing!"

Kirino made sure to not make any sudden movements, as performing a jutsu would already have everyone on edge once more. But this incessant arguing was pure stupidity. If they couldn't get through one damn meeting without erupting into petty squabbles, then how the hell did any of them expect to complete ten missions and get the big money at the end of this proverbial rainbow? These so-called ninja were acting like punk genin, fresh out of the academy. That aside, Kirino never expected to be the voice of reason... but here she was, being just that.

Anyone who had looked her up in the Bingo Books would know this was one of Kirino's signature techniques. It was not something that could be learned by anyone that the world currently knew. This was her "Tempest Armor" jutsu, a special technique that harnessed the woman's incredibly destructive kekkei genkai. With the help of this jutsu, she had even bested Chogaku Atsushi, a skilled taijutsu specialist from Takigakure... worth a measly 2,000,000 ryo on the black market, but hey. A woman had to eat. "Here's a suggenstion if you're both going to keep spewing inane bullshit at the other. Get the hell out of here and go find a playground. If you'd rather shut up, get paid, and maybe see the one you're arguing with die with zero consequences... then zip it and take your damn mission!"

The jutsu was not disbanded just yet. She could only sustain it for a short time before it began to damage her, considering the weaker chakra of the shadow clone.... but it would be enough to get her point across. If the two took her jutsu as an attack, she'd need the armor up anyway. If they shut up, then she'd happily dispel it.
Kurage maintained his seated position, but rolled to his right as if to face away from Kirato in his chair. He then erected an arm with a pointed thumb towards Kirato and stated-

"Don't look at me hot cake; Uzumaki's always bum into things head first-"

-Kurage then turned back around towards Kirato, hands planted on the armrest and standing him up above the seats


-Kurage shouted with a final thrust up and a shaking fist in the air. The Man-o-War snorted before rolling out of his seat, now drenched in sweat from the heat of the kunoichi, and walked towards the door with a departing wave.

"I'll be by the door waiting for this other sexy-beautiful-busty babe to make up her mind."

-Kurage barked as he pointed towards Sumire. He then posted up against the wall, wiping sweat from his brow with his forearm and looked away.
Kirato raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the raging woman that was sticking her nose in other peoples business again. She was getting rather annoying with her loud mouth and shit of an attitude. Trying to be on the same team as these people.... There was the traitor, the coward, the girl freak, and now the fire crotch. Kirato moved his index finger as he twisted it in his ear. "Oiy... you're loud." Kirato said lazily as he took his finger out and looked at it. He blew the face contents off of it trying to show she was nothing more than a nuisance. "Why don't you take your own advice and zip it you seem to be the loudest one here. This was a conversation that you were not apart of." Kirato extended his hand towards the girl the back of his hand draped towards the floor. He flicked it up three times at her shooing her away. "Go stick your nose in someone else's business. You're bothering me." He said lackadaisically as his hand drifted back behind his head. Letting out a yawn he closed his eye's and resumed his comfortable posture.

Ugh this is some team you got here...
Ikari brushed the side of the stage lightly with his fingers, as the crew silently moved across it clearing up the remnants of the play they had put on earlier. A theatre right at the basement of a tower that hadn't even been completed? That was complete bull. This theatre had been here for a while, fully furnished, and had pretty good air ventilation. This whole shebang was a prepared one, a premeditated meeting. And these dudes clearing up the place. What ensured their silence? Did they work for this Mikoto person, paid for their cooperation? That must be some sum of cash to keep their mouths from yammering away in public. And at work as well, Ikari added after watching the crew for a moment longer. There were sounds of people talking behind, Uzumaki and Genzai, and two more others he hadn't identified. It was a bit too loud for his preferences but if he had to keep this charade of being a useless ninja, he needed to keep his mouth shut and his explosives in his pockets. Speaking of explosives...

Ikari leapt to one side of the theatre and climbed up the stairs back to the entrance, out of sight of everyone else as they were engrossed in their own conversations and grandiose shows of pride and standing, noses upturned, casting cold looks and generally being quite insufferable. Also, there was thepresence of three new nin in the room, whom he hadn't noticed earlier. At this point, he could care less about them. They should be thinking him a fool and not anyone that would blow their feet from under them at a single notice. That should stay that way. He didn't want trouble and his explosives were rather limited. He slid across the wall and finally found the door. His adept fingers reached into the gap and plucked out his explosive tag. As soon as he did, though, his skin almost tore itself from his body when the Takeda lady's voice erupted from behind him. He spun around just in time to see her burst into flames. She continued to launch into a tirade aimed at both Uzumaki and Genzai. Ikari made a swift decision, deciding that he would regret it later, and pranced towards Takeda, quite oblivious to the flickering flames, and shoved past Genzai and Uzumaki.

"I got a perfect one for such a situation!" he cried out in a joy that should have been banned in situations like these. He slowed to a saunter and fanned himself with his recently recovered tag. "Is it getting hot in here, Ojou-sama, or is it just you?"

Oh, the humour, the puns, the pure idiocy of it. In his heart, Ikari crossed his metaphorical fingers and prayed he wouldn't regret this move.
As he was thinking about who the other ninja could be, a fight of words broke out between Kurage Genzai and the Uzamaki. They were barking at each other for while, before the hot-headed Kunoichi used her flames to calm the situation. It was a large flame that whirled around her small body. It was controlled, intense flame that she was able to summon. For her size, didn't expect her to able to muster up such a brilliant flame. He then realized she was the famed Kirino Takeda, The Tempest.

Despite her aggressive, intimidating flames, it only made the situation worst. By her spewing her flames, made the other ninja on edge, causing more conflict. She meant well he thought as he sighed. He concluded that she was not to be used on a mission needing diplomacy. She lacked finesse. Ryuzoji also concluded that the Uzamaki could not be paired with either the Kirino or Kurage. His personality conflicted with the kunoichi and he had past issues with the ninja known as "Sensō no Otoko" or "Man-of-War".

The orange haired man popped up in different places around the room, using the commotion to sneak around without being noticed. Ryuzoji wondered what this craft person was up to. He watched him as he crept up to the door, pulling something out of it. Ryuzoji acted not to notice. Misdirection is only good if nobody takes your eye off of you. He was trained in the art of observing so he didn't allow any detail to pass him by.

The orange haired man then used his ability to play on the mentality of others to make a comment to the blazing kunoichi as he fanned himself with an explosive tag. Ryuzoji wondered if that's what he pulled out of the door, but wasn't sure. If he did, then he is extremely skilled in infiltration. Maybe even better than he was.

Mikoto peaked his interest more than usual. He wanted to know more about him.

I wonder how this will play out he thought as he shifted his position on the wall.
yuki remained silent as he nervously tapped his fingers on his journal. he became even more on edge once the hot headed female ninja set ablaze that jutsu. he would be at a complete loss if a battle were to start. he was mainly a defensive ninja, actually only a defensive ninja. save a couple earth style techniques and his insects.

he wasnt the only one getting nervous, his insects were also acting up. they were begining to come out of his mouth and the sleeves of his jacket. "stop, if we remain calm, this will blow over." they were crawling all over his face and starting to swarm. his bugs were begining to act on his will, and disobeying his commands. truthfully he was dying to fight inside, wanting to test his skills against any of these ninja in this room. regardless of loss or win, he wanted to advance his findings, expand his knowledge on all of them.

he would have to do his research.

((honestly im sorry for the short post, my comp is broken and wont be fixed for a while so i had to post from my phone. hope nobody minds. but im going to try to be as active as possible))
Wiseman said:
It was time to choose, sign and join, or leave and fade into obscurity. The choice was hers.
Sumire thought long and hard. She wanted to convince herself that signing was't the right thing to do. In the midst of all the bickering as the other ninja carried on, Sumire would glance at the faces of her would-be teammates. She could tell that some of them had already cast judgement upon her. False judgement. Her compassion for the innocent did not make her weak, a coward, or anything of the like. It made her a woman that was still in touch with her humanity, and she valued this. If anything, she had pride in herself for having the proverbial balls to speak up for what she'd believed in instead of reacting to this contract like a mindless mongrel to poisoned puppy-chow.

As the stage actor and servant offered Sumire the writing utensil, she took it in hand. A tingling sensation ran through her fingers, one that almost went completely unnoticed by the kunoichi, still deep in thought. "Fine..." Putting the pen to paper, Sumire wrote out her full name. "It's done!" She handed the pen back over to the actor, hanging her head once again. "Whenever you're ready,...I'd simply like to get this over with" the kunoichi said as she looked up toward Mikoto once again.
Kirino's sudden aggression and Jutsu was enough to put most of the room back into full tension. Luckily, both Kurage and Kirato did not overreact to her challenge, and were content to say their final bits and part ways without giving Kirino a reason to keep her flames burning. And though the tension was high because of her, none of the ninja in the room seemed like they were ready to start a fight. Well, most of the ninja in the room.

"Ya, fuck ya, I like that!" Yogan said as he watched Kirino's body become enveloped in flame. His eyes seemed to shine, he smiled unnervingly, and took a step towards the blazing Kunoichi. The cloaked ninja and Jinsoka shared a look.

"Uh, Yogan, remember what we said before coming here?" The woman asked. Yogan acted as though he did not hear, taking another two steps toward Kirino.

"Yogan stop." Jinsoka said more firmly. No reaction, three more steps.

"Oh by Jashin's stones!" She said in an exasperated voice before she ran towards him, moving at a normal speed one might note, and grabbed him by the arm. The cloaked figure did the same, grabbing his other arm, and the both of them pulled back, trying to keep Yogan from approaching Kirino any further.

"Hey baby!" Yogan yelled as he struggled against the two of them.

"Couldnt help but notice your on fucking fire! Thats hot, Ha! Get it?! HOT!" Together both Jinsoka and the other ninja managed to pull him back several steps. Still, his eyes were glossy and aside from how he pulled against them, it was like he did not notice the two holding him back.

"Kirino, please halt your Jutsu!" Jinsoka yelled, and if Kirino put the fire out herself, then all three would lurch backwards as Yogan stopped resisting all at once. The man would look dazed, and a little confused, but he would smile when he saw that he was being held by the two others and would say,

"Aww, I didnt think you guys cared so much." None of them would fall over, though Jinsoka would have were it not for the steadiness of the other ninja, and they would release Yogan letting him shake his arms and smile to himself, acting as though nothing had happened. The bingo book did say he was allegedly insane, though it said that about most ninja, and it was difficult to tell when such a claim was justified. With Yogan, it seemed pretty justified.

If she did not Jinsoka she would curse and whisper something to Yogan. The man would freeze, literally halting all movement and remaining exactly as he had been, as though frozen suddenly in mid action. Then he would slump and close his eyes, the two would haul him to a chair where he would smile and snooze, muttering nonsensical things to himself.

Either way, Mikoto would say nothing, though one watching his silhouette might have noticed him paying close attention to the developing scene. Then the Sumire signed her contract, and despite the veil and the voice distortion, it would not be hard to imagine a smile on Mikoto's face as Sumire agreed.

"Excellent, then it is time to move on." Mikoto would say, and then the curtains would close and Mikoto would disappear behind them. A few seconds later, t he curtains opened again, revealing an empty stage. Mikoto was gone.

"Step onto the stage. We can only move on once you are all on the stage." Mikoto's distorted voice said from the walls. If the ninja threw decoys or Kunai into the wall, then they would find no traps, and no nasty surprises awaiting them, or at least the objects they used. Two of the three ninja would be cautious, while Yogan would probably be the first one, jumping onto the center and then playing air guitar while shaking his head. Nothing seemed to happen to him. If Yogan was asleep, then the two other ninja would toss his body onto the stage, and nothing would happen.

Once everyone was one the stage, however long that took, the stage would suddenly move, and then begin to sink into the ground. It turned out to be more than a stage, it was also an elevator, and it was taking them to a level lower than the basement.

(Will wait until everyone posts and other wise dictates getting on the elevator)
As the concealed elevator appeared on the floor of the stage, Kurage raised a brow and grunted as he realized after a few seconds that the door he had posted up by had long served its purpose. But... 'Another door down?' Kurage thought to himself. The shinobi kicked off the wall with his leg and meandered over to the stage again.

"You know, Sexy-beautiful-busty babe, I'm kinda super very glad you'll be sticking with us."

-Kurage blurted as he approached the new portal and passed by Sumire.

"A woman with a warm heart? I notice these things... Just like I notice those child-bearing hips."

Kurage ran the tip of his tongue along the skin of his teeth.

"But I'm a gentleman, first and foremost! But I'm also a big-boy... and I need someone who could maintain some big babies, feel me?"

-the Man-o-War squinted his eyes and puckered his lips as he blushed towards Sumire.

"I'm really, really glad you're coming... The other one's too hot... and the other other one hasn't shown me any goods yet. But buckin' back to a bunch a missing-nin? Grit... Lady. I want the mother of my children to have that grit!"

Kurage then began to squirm as he blushed, revealing that he was actually more bashful than confident. He then continued his squirm, until he almost seemingly wiggled his self to the mouth of the decline where he awaited the others, if not several smacks.
Sumire began to approach the stage just as one the day's attendees came rushing past her. "Wha--?" The lady ninja was compelled to take a step back as Kurage managed to stop her dead in her tracks and began to shower her with awkward compliments. He was an odd soul, indeed, and a womanizer no doubt. Of course, womanizers were something Sumire was all too familiar with, so having come across one in a group of dangerous missing nin didn't surprise her in the least. As Kurage puckered lips, the kunoichi tried her absolute best to keep a straight face, only going partially wide-eyed instead of twisting her visage into one filled with utter disgust. "I..." Kurage continued on.

Wisdom said:
"I'm really, really glad you're coming... The other one's too hot... and the other other one hasn't shown me any goods yet. But buckin' back to a bunch a missing-nin? Grit... Lady. I want the mother of my children to have that grit!"
This was by far Sumire's favorite of Kurage's ongoing commentary. At least someone had gone to notice that the woman was no pushover, and she appreciated that most of all. That particular comment alone managed to turn the tide of the rather awkward situation, Kurage's obsession with the female nin mothering his children aside. " you..." she responded. Kurage blushed, turning as red as the sweetest cherry. This reminded Sumire of home. Many of the men that had arrived to Sakuragakure had never felt a woman's warmth before. They would turn just as red when she'd help her sister attend to their wounds, even worse if they shared a bed with her for the night.

As Kurage trotted toward the stage, Sumire followed. While his back was turned, she managed to smirk slightly, amused by his bashfulness. He's blunt for sure, and a bit clueless. Still...

Sumire moved to join the "Man of War" on stage. She would stand closely to him, being only a few mere inches away from him. This was odd, given the fact that there was so much room left on the platform. Maybe she was warming up to him somewhat.

...there's an awkward charm to him....
"We finally begin," he said walking to the stage. Kurage and the hesitant Kunoichi beat him to the stage. What are the odds he thought as he approached the stage. He looked over to his right and noticed Kirino still had her fire a blaze. The one known as Yogan approached her in a crazed state, ignoring his comrades call to stop. He seemed to be drawn to the flame itself instead of her. Maybe he wanted to test his flame against hers? He seemed like another hot-headed brawler.

After Yogan didn't stop his march toward Kirino, Jinsoka and the other hooded ninja held the crazed Yogan back, pulling him in the opposite direction. Yogan didn't stop his march however. He ignored them. Jinsoka told her to put her flame out, but it seemed that the kunoichi was thinking on what to do.

"I'm going to have quite the troublesome teammates," he said as he climbed the small stairs to get onto the stage. He was the 3rd to do so and they awaited 10 more. He stood near the lip of the stage and looked at the other 2 on the stage. He nodded in approval of them.

He turned back to face the ninja in the audience. This meeting was dragged on long enough and he was ready to get the next step. This whole mystery intrigued him, making him want to find out more on Mikoto's ultimate goal. He stood on the stage in a casual, non-uptight way. His face nor body showed any sign of hesitation. He didn't feel the need to check for traps. This Mikoto person wouldn't have done all of this just to trap us. He had faith in this and he hoped that he didn't make the wrong choice.

"Please, let us not waste anymore time," he called out to the ninja that stood in the theater," save killing each other for after the meeting at least. We don't want to keep our generous employer waiting, now do we?"

He looked into the eyes of all the ninja that stood to the room with a cold, emotionless stare. Maybe he would have to be the leader figure he thought. He stood their waiting for a response from the 10 ninja.

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