Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC

"Mieyo squad was ambushed by hostile leaf ninja during their diversion. We have confirmed the presences of an Aburame, an Akamichi, and an Uchiha, all Jonin level. Ikari froze up in the middle of combat and died as a result, and Sumire seems to be paralyzed by some sort of Jutsu. Kurage is fighting, but he had already expended most of his chakra in his struggle and is running on empty even as we speak. Take out the attacking ninja to allow Mieyo to continue their mission." Senryaka spoke quickly and evenly, relying all necessary information.
Hogo could almost see Senryaka's disappointed face and sighed once more before he finally cleared the forest to see the dispersed supply caravan, there were bodies strewn about and a fully flayed man seemed to take the majority of his attention. Hogo shivered at the destruction before his eyes, Senryaka's orders were for team Yuki to wait for team Domo and relieve them of their burden.

"Senryaka-san what direction is Domo Squad coming from?"

He stopped at the edge of the forest and sighed some more, he bit his thumb hard enough for the skin to split, a droplet of blood oozed from the small opening. Hogo knelt down to the ground and completed the seal necessary to summon Jurojin the Deer Prince and his best friend. He just hoped his friend would lay off long enough to help him fight first.

He watched as the ink black symbols scrawled across the face of the earth, in its center was the symbol for the Deer clan. Then the telltale puff of smoke, he wondered if the deer would turn up or send one of his subordinates in his stead.
"Senryaka, since Domo squad has not arrived yet, do we assist Team Meiyo as well or would you prefer us to just wait on Domo's arrival.?," said Ryuzoji as he stood on top of a branch that hanged above Hogo.

He started to meditate on the branch to help his flow of Chakra circulate. He didn't loose too much but he thought preparing for the unknown is always a good choice.
" the sounds of it, ikari may not be the only one dying today."a strong fear crept into yukis mind, he would have to to shake this feeling if he planned to take on three jonin. All from the same village as him, and one from the same clan. He pulled out his kunai and clutched it tightly as they came over a horizon of trees. As the battlefeild presented itself yuki becamw even more shaken up. He looked around,the uchiha and the akamichi clearly visible. But he did not see the aburame. "so I guess this is it..." Yuki then jumped past hogo and ryuzoji landing at the edge of the battlefeild, gripping his kunai eveen tighter and preparing for battle.
"Domo Squad is coming from the west. Good idea Ryuzoji. Squad Domo is being delayed, so help Kurage and the others. Be sure to keep them alive, and to redirect your attacks to the Hoshi ninja when they arrive with Rikato, Kirino, Absolith, and Tah'Moe Deel." Senryaka said quickly, advising their actions as best she could. A small distance away, a huge puff of smoke heralded the arrival of Jurojin Shikayo. The powerful, large Deer prince stood tall and proud, his antlers pointing dangerously up as he turned his head to survey his surroundings.

His limbs and back were wrapped in bright red and gold tassels which wavered wavered softly in the light wind, clearly made of the finest silk. His chest was covered in a hard, forged chest plate made to fit him personally, and on it was the crest of his clan. His eyes were utterly imperious, viewing the ninja around him as though he were viewing something lower than dirt, but less offensive than trash. His wandering eyes eventually settled on Hogo, and they narrowed dangerously.

"You have the nerve to summon me? Now, after all this time?!" He said in a booming voice which only grew louder as he spoke. He stabbed his foot on the tree branch he balanced on, nearly shaking it free.

"You and I have a reckoning to have out, boy!" He looked around again at the current situation, and sniffed the air, stomping his foot again. "But the battles field is no place for this show down, so I will help you, if only to kill you myself later! Now tell me, boy, what am I doing here!"

Meanwhile, the Akamichi closed in on his prey, choosing to go for Kurage while he was helpless and outside his water ball, leaving the still helpless Sumire for seconds. His fists grew again, and he charged, clasping both hands together as he jumped into the air and slammed his fists down at Kurage.

While his comrade charged, The Aburame quickly placed his hands on the uchiha's head and snapped him out of the genjutus, bringing the man back into his body. The Uchiha rubbed his head warily and began to stand, helped to his feet by the Bug User. Just then, Yuki appeared, choosing to reveal himself and prepare himself for an attack rather than using his chance to sneak attack the two of them. They couldnt recognize him with his mask on, but still, the Aburame and the Uchiha both seemed to recognize Yuki's stance, a stance he had learned in Konoha ninja academy.

Both ninja slowly began to move apart, side stepping to either side as they both watched Yuki carefully, shaded eyes and red spinning irises alike dissecting his movements. It was the Uchiha who struck first, driving forward with his sword while the Aburame filled the air behind him with insects.
Hogo stood beneath the intimidating shadow of his old friend and huffed out of nervousness, the years he spent struggling over that moment and what he was going to say to his angry friend. "Are we friends? Have I been a friend? I haven't" He thought sadly to himself.

"You have the nerve to summon me? Now, after all this time?!" The gargantuan animal asked, his voice so loud it shook leaves from branches and rattled the pebbles on the ground.

"You and I have a reckoning to have out, boy!" Hogo shifted his mask so it sat on the side of his face, he looked at his old friend and noticed how much he had changed and that no matter how much Jurojin had grown he was still somewhat the same.

"But the battles field is no place for this show down, so I will help you, if only to kill you myself later! Now tell me, boy, what am I doing here!" Hogo sighed out of relief and let out a small laugh as a giant weight lifted from his shoulders, at lest his former partner was a little wiser than he was when they were but child and foal.

"Right then, you can kill me later but for now we need to fight off this lot so you can have the chance." He said as his spirits returned along with his humor. Hogo nodded towards the two ninja from the Hidden Leaf and then once more at their comrade. "Akamichi over there, Uchiha and Aburame over there, my comrades and I need to get rid of them but their is another group coming from the East. For now we need to take care of the Akimichi." Hogo had laid out the battle field as simply as he could, Jinsoka was nowhere in sight and team Shinzo was undoubtedly an unpredictable squad.

For the time being Hogo and Ryujin could only count on each other and Senryaka and only barely. Hogo's failure burned like a brand against his pride and he would not let it happen again. "Ryuzoji, Can you help Yuki with the Uchiha and Aburame clan members, Jurojin and I will try to fend off the Akimichi, if there's anything you need to know; just ask and I'll divulge as much as I know." He looked up at Jurojin one last time and in place of the giant and regal deer he saw now, Hogo saw the small, clumsy foal Jurojin had once been.

Hogo raced towards the Akimichi and sent two kunai flying ahead of himself to catch the ninja's attention. He expected Jurojin to argue against fighting Leaf ninja but Hogo had little choice, he was no longer a part of that village and held no lingering loyalty as he was well and truly a missing nin.
"Acknowledged, Senryaka. Jinsoka, I don't know where you are but you better get ready. We have our orders."

Ryuzoji stood up from his meditated position. Just outside of the trees, he noticed Yuki standing with his Kunai drawn in front of the Uchiha and Aburame by himself. He sighed out of disapproval. He wondered if the Aburame had some sort of plan or was he foolish enough to engage an Aburame and an Uchiha at the same time without taking the proper precautions. Either way, he received his orders and must execute them with the utmost care.

"I understand Hogo. I will assist Yuki.," Ryuzoji as he watched Hogo sprint out of the forest with atop of his summoned partner. Even though he just met all of these people, he saw them as comrades. He was shock to find out that Ikari had died and wished it wasn't so. He had been alone for a long while and slowly began to lose his reason to fight. Now that he had one, he wasn't going to let it go easily.

"Don't be the one dead Hogo. I wouldn't want to have to bury another comrade." He said as he quickly made an Earth Release Clone. His Earth Release Clone would then jump through the trees, already forming the needed hand seals to perform the Lightning Illusion: Flash of Lightning Pillar on the Uchiha and the Aburame. He didn't want the Uchiha to see him doing the hand seals for the jutsu. It would be a bad situation if the Uchiha learned the technique. If the technique worked, the Clone of Ryuzoji would add another layer of Genjutsu to the technique. The Aburame would see more Masked and cloaked people surrounding the Uchiha and the Aburame. The Uchiha would then stop in his tracks and it would seem that the Uchiha is thinking of something to do. The Mask People will not move, but seem as if they are read to attack at any moment. The Uchiha would see the same thing, but the Mask men would be rushing at him instead of standing still.

At the Same time........

"Yogan, get ready to burn the head of the Aburame clean off. I am going to need you to rush out at the Aburame and draw his attention. As soon as he is distracted, I will begin to pull him under the ground. Once that has started, use your strongest flame to disintegrate him off the face of this earth. I trust with your skill it wouldn't be a problem, unless I am overestimating you. There is no time to waste. We must be swift. Leave no hesitation in your movements. We already failed our last task. Lets not repeat our mistakes." said the real Ryuzoji right before he did his Hiding Like A Mole Technique to borough under the ground between the Aburame and the Uchiha.

He made sure to be extremely gentle and not disturb the earth. He didn't want to give away his hidden position. He also would have used his Chakra Suppression technique to hide his chakra signature. He didn't want the Uchiha or the Kikaichu to notice him.

The Ryuzoji had another plan. Yogan and Asuna following through with the plan was a bonus. It would make things easier, but his plan wasn't contingent on them completing the task given to them. The Earth Clone is meant for the Uchiha and the Aburame. He wanted to throw them off balance. Even if either one of them was caught in the Genjutsu, they would still be focused on the new opponent that just arrived on the Battlefield. With the new opponent on the field, the balance of the battlefield will tilt just a little and in that split second, Ryuzoji would then proceed to pull the Aburame under the ground for the Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique. He would then use a kunai, to cut the Achilles tendon on both of the Aburame legs to prevent him from moving at all. After that, he would go for the kill.
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"sharingan....interesting..." yuki began reaching for his journal when he noticed the uchiha lunging at him. he knew a counterattack would be pointless due to the uchiha's ability to read movements. he knew that a jutsu would also be meaningless because most of yuki's jutsu were defensive, which can easily be evaded. seeing this as his only option, yuki would go for a nimble dodge to the right, barely keeping his balance. he knew the uchiha was more then fast enough to keep up with him, so he secretly formed the hand-signs for an insect substitution jutsu. if the uchiha's attack landed on yuki, his body would explode into a cloud of insects and began to devour the chakra of the uchiha. yuki would then appear at the edge of the forest line, giving himself some distance from the two leaf nin.

if the uchiha managed to actually miss yuki rather than falling for his substitution, he would save the jutsu for another time and jump back toward the edge of the forest line.
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Kurage laid but for a moment, eyes in a daze as he was still rung from the last wallop that crashed against the bubble of Sumire and Kurage. Kurage could barely make out his own sights as he lay on his back, sound drowned out by a slight ringing. Objects in the Man-o-War's vision were spinning and this included the lump of flesh to his right that from afar appeared to be Sumire. Kurage felt a dimming in the sky as a shadow appeared to grow from right beneath his body. Once the shape had completely blocked all view of the sun it was apparent that it was a giant limb and that this terrifying Akimichi was seemingly on some sort of high dexterity, rabies induced assault. Despite being a fat lummox-like individual similar to Kurage, he was relentless in his pursuit and struck so precisely that it was more than impressive. To swing such huge masses of bows at an opponent within mere seconds of each other was bewildering in Kurage's mind. He was actually rather jealous that he himself proved such a failure at flexibility. Kurage had realized throughout the skirmish that his size was no excuse for failure, as his opponent had proven. Regrets and self-hatred for being too fat filled Kurage's thoughts. With little to no chakra left however, the Man-o-War could not afford too much thought on the matter. Kurage was rather envious of his fat rival; a mental note would be made on his own health and girth.


Kurage gasp-er-shouted as he attempted a last minute barrel roll to the side to dodge the Akimichi's fist. The fist would smash down, Kurage missing the blow by seemingly centimeters but still be flung far away. Thankfully due to the direction of his roll, the Man-o-War practically flew towards Sumire from the massive impact of the blow. Kurage, now huffing and puffing direly, latched a hold of Sumire and attempted to shake the demons out of her.


Kurage couldn't help but notice that Sumire's breasts seemed to flop most elegantly as he shook her, and almost distracted him for a moment. Kurage was slightly excited by the fact that he held Sumire and she was seemingly unconscious. As Kurage peered into Sumires' breasts for inspiration he thus formulated an idea. Looking at a nearby tree, Kurage would pick up the unconscious Sumire, run to the tree and covertly place a few of his explosive tags on its trunk. He would then turn towards the Akimichi and attempt to lure him by holding Sumire in front of him and squeezing her breasts while attempting to mimic her voice and lift one breast up and the other down in repetition. He would then jump out of the way of an impending fist or body-roll and hopefully allow he Akimichi to strike it. IF the Akimichi trained on Kurage too fast for him to use Sumire as a lure, then he would just dodge; a counter measure just incase. If the Akimichi took the bait and happened to be stunned, Kurage would slap the rest of his explosive tags on the limb or body of the Akimichi and attempt to finish him off with attacks from his kunai to execution points on the body.
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Kurage just barely managed to role out of the way of the Akamichi's fists, but barely had the time to start shaking Sumire's breasts before the Akamichi was rolling at him. Hogo's Kunai clashed against the rolling spike ball, but they were merely deflected, and the Akamichi continued unhindered. Sumire's eyes snapped open then, and she heaved with all of her strength, tossing Kurage off of her, and turning to face the rolling ball. She began to form hand signs, but was too slow, and the ball collided with her, smashing her into the ground where it rolled against and crushed her. Her death was confirmed a moment later when the twisted limbs and bloody mess around the rolling Akamichi suddenly caught fire and began to burn away, her seal activating.

Meiyo Squad was down two people, and though Hogo was now in a place to aid Kurage, he had been too slow to save Sumire. Jurojin stomped the ground and flared his nostrils angrily but did not attack the Akamichi. To any other the Deer prince would seem a terrifying opponent preparing to strike, but to Hogo, the one human who knew him best, Jurojin was blatantly and obviously full of doubt. Clearly when he had agreed to forestall their reckoning, he had not intended to fight Ninja of the hidden leaf village. He turned an angry glance towards Hogo, but then kept his eyes focused on the Akamichi, who had come out of ball form, bloody and covered in small burns.

The Akamichi was eyeing them warily, and seemed to notice Hogo more than the others. He watched his shamisen (Is that how you say it?), warily, and then darted his eyes to the deer. a glimmer of recognition came entered into his stare.

"You're Hogo Fukujin arent you?" asked Chojin Akamichi, heir to the Akamichi clan, and Hogo's classmate back at the ninja Academy. The two had never gotten along terribly well, but neither had they been rivals or enemies. This was likely the first time Hogo was considering Chojin as anything more than another heir to another clan. Chojin stood with his guard up, waiting for a chance to strike at and finish off Kurage, who lay only a few feet away, spattered in Sumire's blood, some of which had caught fire. If Hogo seemed to drop his guard, or of Kurage stayed in his spot for too long, Chojin would preform a fast chop, enlarging his arm and smashing down on Kurage with terrible force.

Meanwhile, Ryuzoji's earth clone began to preform it's Jutsu, creating a bright light. The Aburame stared right into it, while the Uchiha shielded his eyes from the flash. The Uchiha was the first to recover, though his attack did miss Yuki and the flash put him on the defense. But after he reoriented his eyes seemed to move rapidly for a few moments, as though darting from one unseen target to the next, but he soon refocused his eyes on Ryuzoji and the others, unaffected by the Genjutsu.

Instead he went after Ryuzoji's earth clone, drawing his sword and whipping it forward, sending a sharp wave of chakra slicing through the air towards him. The Aburame was a little slower, but seemed to have fallen into the Genjutsu, falling into a defensive posture and tossing smoke pellets into the air. The shroud hid him from eyes, but not from Ryuzoji's senses as he tunneled, and soon he pulled the Aburame under the ground with him. But, when he sliced into the ninja's legs, bugs seemed to pour froth from the wounds, and it would not take long for Ryuzoji to recognize a bug clone. Even now the insects crawled and bit, trying to eat him and his chakra. Above, Yogan covered the ground in flames, baking the earth and making escape from the earth a suicidal endeavor.

Meanwhile, Yuki would recognize the Aburame, Senjin Aburame, a master of the Elemental Kikaichu. Yuki did not know exactly what those special Kikaichu did, but he would remember that Senjin had been a young up and comer with a large success record and many recommendations for future Anbu training. That had been years ago. Now what would Yuki do to aid his comrades?
After Yuki retreated to the forest line once again he noticed that the Uchiha missed him, and immediately began attack Ryuzoji's Clone. He then saw the real Ryuzoji attacking the Aburame, which seemed like a success at first; But then the Aburame's body exploded into a mass of insects, attacking Ryuzoji. Yuki surveyed the battle feild, trying to make a decision on what he should do.

'Is that? Yes it is, Senjin Aburame. He was in the graduating class before mine, and was promoted to Jonin before i left the village. There definitely must have been something very valuable in that caravan.' Yuki thought to himself. 'No, no reminiscing. I have ninja to kill.' He then looked over to Hogo and Kurage. 'It seems as if their in no immediate danger.' He looked up at the deer prince. 'And theres no possible way they could lose with that thing.' He looked towards Senjin. 'It seems the real him is hidden, and Ryuzoji has fallen for his trap...quite a mess to get out of. Should i find him?' Yuki thought referring to the actual Senjin. 'No, i should leave that to Ryuzoji, he is also a sensor ninja, and with that Lightning Release of his he should have no problem finding him.' He looked to his right facing the Uchiha. 'Him? Yes him, he is the closest and has the highest probability of being defeated by me. But that Sharingan of his, what will i do about that. Hmmm....i just simply wont look into his eyes.'

Yuki would then turn to face the Uchiha. Seeing that Yuki was not in immediate sight or range of him, considering how he had just struck Ryuzoji's clone, he had an idea. He would spread his feet for balance and following that he would begin to form hand-signs. 'Earth Release: Earth Flow River!' He would think to himself, trying not to alert the ninja of his coming technique. Following the hand-signs a small river of mud would begin to form, spreading from wear Yuki was and trailing all the way to the Uchiha. If the Uchiha dodges this, Yuki would simply emit more Chakra, curving the river and causing it to follow him.

If the Uchiha managed to get caught in this jutsu Yuki would then preform a second string of hand-signs. The jutsu this time would be Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet. If this were to work a dragon of mud would form next to yuki, and began launching ten seperate blasts of Earth Style: Hidden Insect Grenade. The balls being launched would be hollow rocks filled with insects, flying toward the Uchiha. If this attack were to land, the rocks hitting the Uchiha would explode into clouds of insects, half of them devouring the Uchiha's chakra and returning it to yuki. While the other half would swarm him, slowly picking off his skin. If this attack were to miss, the blasts would hit the ground or a tree behind him, still acting in the same fashion that it would if it did land.

(Earth Release: Earth Flow River

Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet)
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The death of Sumire had done little to alter his intent to kill the Akamichi, her burnt body was of little consequence, he had not yet had the chance to further his bonds with the other groups. The realisation however that he was fighting the heir of the Akimichi family himself; Chojin was somewhat disconcerting. Hogo looked his erstwhile classmate up and down, he had become a great ninja that much was obvious. Hogo spared a glance at Jurojin and knew exactly what was happening, the Prince of Deers was full of doubt.

Hogo should have had the forethought but yet again he was carried away by the tide of battle. "Jurojin, I'll handle this, you move to the West and hold off our enemies, those wearing masks and clothes like mine are allies, those who are not are enemies. Deal with them like I know you can" Hogo knew his ally would perform, it would also waylay his doubt and he would be happy for the battle against the Star Nin who were making their way nearby.

He had not let down his guard and it took him seconds to formulate a plan, "I am indeed Hogo Fukujin. I would ask you to lay down your weapon and die for me but I know you would ask the same of me." With that Hogo threw down a smoke pellet and used the shadow clone jutsu to create six clones which then burst forth from the now billowing cloud of smoke to surround the Akimichi heir.

If Successful:

Hogo would remain in the cloud, he and his six clones would simultaneously cast the Blade of Wind jutsu, three blades would fly at Chojin Akimichi while a fourth would be sent into the air up above just in case the Akimichi had the forethought to jump and avoid the single real attack.

If Failed:

Hogo would simply use the Gale Palm jutsu to deflect any projectiles and soften the blow from any enlarged body parts sent to punch him and send him flying.
Ryuzoji's Earth Clone:

Ryuzoji's clone quickly jumped to the side and dodged the oncoming attack. He regained his stance and quickly dashed backed at the Uchiha to engage him in combat. He didn't know what Yuki was trying to do but decided that he will hold him off until Yuki made his move.

If Yuki's mud river worked

  • The Uchiha would dodged the large wave of mud coming at him. The clone would then jump into the mud wave and hid inside of it since his body was made of mud. He would then lie in wait for the Uchiha to lower his guard. Even if the eye can see it, he would make sure to strike swift enough that the Uchiha's body wouldn't be able to keep up with it.

Ryuzoji's Real Body:

Ryuzoji's first phase of his plan worked out just fine and he immediately went into the second phase of his plan. With Yogan bathing the ground with his flames, he quickly pulled the Aburame under to make sure escape was not an option for him. He then cut into the legs of the Aburame when he noticed bugs spewing out of his wound.

"Damn, a clone." said Ryuozji. He was about to shoot out of the ground to get away from the bugs, but, he remembered that Yogan baked the Earth with his Violent flames. He then tunneled east, out of the effected flame zone and came out of the ground.

"To think that I didn't plan for a clone," said Ryuzoji as he brushed off the kikaichū that crawled down his arms. He then coated his body with a small jolt of electricity to knock off the remaining kikaichū that he missed.

"I must be loosing my edge. Now where are you?," said Ryuzoji as he did his Chakra Sensing Technique . He surveyed the entire battlefield. He had to get the upper hand before the Aburame did.
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Kurage had swayed upon four limbs; his elbows shaking as his palms lay pressed in the earth and his knees faintly maintaining his balance. His senses had never snapped from a full daze and being rocked about further set his world a sunder.

-sound of a heavy rolling mass, followed by the cracking of a tree and a snuffed shrill from a familiar kunoichi-

The Man-o-War's eyes widened as his veins clenched tight, heart ceasing to flow. He had heard a series of sounds that despite his current positioning, he instantly surmised the summary of the event. Standing to his feet whilst huffing hot breathes, Kurage's back and shoulder's had begun to rise aflame. The blaze of the blood of Sumire carved the image of a sweltering beast, Kurage baffled with rage so far as to ignore the burn. The kunoichi he had daydreams of as he leaped to her side earlier that day now painted a sundered tree and a burning husk. He had the fortune of seeing her face, it still barely discernible amongst the flame with shape succumbing to ash.


"We are the Genzai. We are the ever churning tide; violent and swift."

-Onikasago Genzai (Kurage's father and ex-clan head) sits cross-armed and legged, peering from an elevated seat into the eyes of his clansmen who stood in perfect order amongst the war room-

"We are shaded blade of Uzushiogakure; watching from our cliff and leaving only to mince vermin."

A teenaged Kurage stumped stilted on his knees in tears, a single scar jutting down from the end of his left lip. Onikasago sprung from his own perch and gently graced the floor with his tabi. He walked up to Kurage and grabbed his face from under his chin, squeezing it hard before turning it to look at the scar Kurage had so foolishly attempted to boast about not two minutes ago at the closing of a completed mission briefing. Fugu (a member of the clan) had just finished relinquishing the details of their success. Kurage, mistaking the idea that being Onikasago's son mattered, thought it would gain him honor if he showed his father the scar he had acquired during the skirmish.

"Foolish, fat idiot. It is hideous and misplaced. It is dishonorable and further solidifies how much of a wide targeted pudgy dunce you are."

Onikasago propped Kurage's face up, then looked at it with a tilted glare.

"Let me compliment it so that the world may always know how much of a slow and easy target you are."

Onikasago in what seemed to be an instant sliced a kunai right across Kurage's fresh scar.


-Kurage cried as his hands covered his wound.

"Shut up!"

-said Onikasago as he kicked Kurage's face and knocked him to his back.

"An X... So that everyone knows who to kill first; the one who's too slow... the one who just can't move in time."

Onikasago spat on Kurage.


Kurage's heel twisted as his toes dug into the ground. The memory flashed in his mind in a mere two seconds, anxiety amassing in his brow as he hated his incapability of protecting Sumire. With a furious burst, Kurage would shoot a bubble from his frame and soak away the flames. Psychotic tendrils began to wriggle from the orb and crackle as Kurage made a charge towards the Akimichi. Kurage would then leap unto the air and spread his tendrils out so as to encompass any escape from the Leaf fatty. Kurage would then attempt to have all tendrils pierce the shinobi and electrocute him before smashing him with an electric body slam.
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The Uchiha saw the mud river coming long before it was upon him, and quickly dodged to the side. He saw also that the Clone had jumped into the mud stream, and kept that in mind as he ran away from it. Despite Yuki's ability to control the mud and dirt and curve to his liking, it was simply not fast enough to keep up with the Uchiha. The ninja ran far ahead of the river, turning as he did and heading straight for Yuki, he would have to flee and end his Jutsu or stay and face the Uchiha's sword.

Suddenly, Asuna Burst forth from the trees, spinning and dancing like a crazed Dervish, her bone blades protruding from her torn uniform as she launched herself at the Uchiha. The leaf ninja blocked the sudden attack and was tossed away, colliding with a tree a moment later.

"Sorry Im late." Asuna said simply, turning and facing the Uchiha as she did. "I had to take out the trash..."

The Uchiha was on his feet a moment later and up a tree a second after that, standing above the mud river. He fell into a defensive stance, his eyes bouncing and darting beteween the three of them, the mud river, Yuki, and Asuna. The odds were quickly turning against them. Still, though he seemed daunted, he was still ready to fight, and had taken surprisingly little wounds. His eyes began to spin then, and he prepared to attack again.

As Ryuzoji began to focus his senses and push out with them, he would have only a mili second to realize that he had not been the first one to use a sensor technique.

"Right here." Came the answer to Ryuzoji's rhetorical questions, as the Aburame, dove down atop him, body and hands coated in bugs. He punched, landing several itching, burning blows on Ryuzoji, and already he would feel his chakra being leached away. He had to counter with something, fast, or he would be in really deep trouble.

Suddenly it was out of the frying pan into the fire for Ryuzoji, as he heard a Triumphant cry come from Yogan, who was now moving his barrage of fire attacks towards him and the insect user. Something had to be done or Yogan would finish them both off!

Meanwhile, Kurage and Hogo began their synchronized attack on Chojin Akamichi as the deer prince left to find the others. Kurage Threw himself in with a blind rage, headless to Hogo's unspoken plan. The tentacles came down to impale the Akamichi, and had limited Success and Chojin blocked the attacks with his armored forearms. The metal cracked and snapped, and he cried out as he was electrocuted, but despite the pain, he grabbed the tendrils piercing his Forearms and spun, swinging Kurage's electrofied body and throwing it into the clones as they formed their circle, creating a gap which the Akamichi quickly ran through, avoiding the wind blades which were sent after him. He turned into a spike ball and rolled around, trampling three of Hogo's clones as he did, and nearly running Kurage over. He unrolled, sweating, wounded, but still very much alive.

"Ugh...this are a Genzai, perhaps even...Kurage Genzai? What are all of you criminals doing together?" Chojin growled, as he cracked his knuckles.
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Kurage tumbled on the ground about two yards before he hopped right back up into a new stance. The Man-o-War whispered a deep, agitated order into his mask:

"Hogo... I'm going to keep beating him into the ground. When he attempts to dodge my assault or counter again, you follow through and catch him off of his guard. After rush in again, I'll stop and extend my tendrils. Look for opportunity..."

Kurage then roared so as to remind the Akimichi of who his opponent was as well as gain his attention. Kurage charged in, but before making body contact stopped just short of a yard to attempt to extend his tendrils out for a strike. He would spread the tendrils so that it covered overhead in an arc and would force the Akimichi to either jump back in limited direction, or dig into the dirt. That however would be checked, as Kurage shifted a newly formed kill-tendril into the ground just as he would slide to stop before the Akimichi.

If successful, the tendrils should spread out above and to the side of the Akimichi, his back hopefully exposed to Hogo. The kill-tendril would shoot up almost immediately after his main tendril strike to attempt a kill. All of these aggressive efforts again however, were meant to give Hogo an opportunity to attack.
Real Ryuzoji

As soon as Ryuzoji started his sensory jutsu, he started to push off the ground to jump out the way of the Aburame's lunge. He was not quick enough, however. The Aburame fell on top of him and pinned him down to the ground, making sure to restrict his movements. The Aburame then began to pound Ryuzoji with his kikaichū infused punches. With the external damage being done, he could also feel his chakra being drained by the insects.

Ryuzoji has been in this position many times before. Being an ex-Void member, he knew what it was like to be tortured and beaten. They would use any technique possible to harden one's mind and create the focus needed to carry out their missions.

Ryuzoji would then take a couple of punches before he would be able wiggle his first available arm free to deliver a Shock Fist Style • Heart Twisting Touch to the chest, crippling his heart functions, making it almost impossible to operate. He would then finish it off by breaking his neck.

If he missed his first strike, he would then coat his entire body with lighting chakra, in hope to destroy the enemy in one blow.

As he was about to commence his counter attack, his uncanny ally, Yogan, came to Ryuzoji's aid with a shower of murderous flames. Ryuzoji then revised his counter attack. Ryuzoji would then make an attempt to use his Shock Fist Style • Heart Twisting Touch to cause his opponent heart a lot of pain. He would then grab the enemy and make sure that he isn't able to move, waiting until the last second to slightly go underground, not leaving his enemy room to come under with him. Ryuzoji factored in the cloaks resistant to fire and he knew that he wouldn't suffer any burns with his exact timing.

If Ryuzoji figured that he would not be able to use his Shock Fist Style • Heart Twisting Touch on his enemy, he would simple clench the enemy tight and not let go until the last second, he would then proceed slightly under the ground, not leaving any room for his enemy to come under with him.

Ryuzoji also calculated that this could be another clone, so in the instance that the clone disperse, Ryuzoji would simply get jump out the way if he had time or go under ground. He would then pop out behind Yogan. He would then send a small bolt of lightning chakra over his body to take off the rest of the kikaichū.

Ryuzoji's Clone

Ryuzoji would then use the appropriate hand signs while in the mud river and make the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet , launching it at the Uchiha.

( *note. Shock Fist Style • Heart Twisting Touch- The user will flood one hand with electric chakra that focuses on the opponent's heart muscles. A well placed blow to the chest will cause their heart to convulse, making it skip a few beats. This will cause excruciating pain.)
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Yuki's eyes grew large as he saw the Uchiha close in to land the finishing attack. He was simply too fast for Yuki to keep up, but Yuki had realized this far too late. Thoughts raced through his head, so many scientific advancements that he had never made. The moment that the Uchiha was about to take his life, Yuki's squadmate Asuna, blasted out of the treeline. Many sharp blades made of bone were pretruding from her chest and back as she flew into the Uchiha, knocking him into a nearby tree and saving Yuki's life. He didn't like how obnoxious she was about her arrival, she could of easily snuck behind him and ended his life with a few senbon, just as she did with those genin; But nevertheless he was still thankful.

He then surveyed the field once again. It was now three on one, or at least the Uchiha thought so. Yuki was sure that he had no idea that this clone wasn't the real Ryuzoji. For the moment that the Uchiha was charging at Yuki, he had lost focus, And his Mud River began to fade. He redid the handsigns and emitted more chakra, in order to keep the mud clone hidden. At the moment Yuki tried to cover for the clone, it revealed it self while using Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet. The same Technique that Yuki had planned to use. At that moment an idea came to him, he formed a string of handsigns, while still maintaining the mud river. Once the handsigns were complete he inhaled with a deep breath, when he exhaled a stream of fire was expelled from his mouth, lighting the flying mud bullets on fire. Thus, forming the Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet. Whether this technique were to land or not, it would still prove to be a deadly technique to dodge.
Hogo watched as every single one of his insubstantial clones was dissipated into smoke by the scuffle between Chojin and Kurage. His wind swords were dodged with little to no effort by the Akimichi since he was no longer there but instead rolling about with Kurage. When the two ninja finally split Kurage gathered himself together while Hogo tried to formulate another plan that wouldn't fall apart. No matter how hard he tried though, Kurage was a wild card, much like Yogan, Asuna and Yuki.

Hogo couldn't afford to look around the battlefield for his comrades, should he let his guard down even a little it the Akimichi heir would take his life with nary a second thought. Through some act of divine providence it appeared that Kurage himself would provide the strategy and give him an opening to boot. Taking a deep breath Hogo dispelled his surviving clone and regulated his chakra flow in his body, he armed himself with two kunai, one in each hand and tightened the cinch that held his Shamisen pulling it in closer to his back so it wouldn't get in his way.

He Imbued the kunai with his wind nature and their length, cutting ability and piercing ability increased in an almost blue corona of life. All Hogo had to do was wait patiently for the Akimichi to fall prey to their combined skill. The tension in the air was thick and Hogo was tempted to make a stupid remark instead he channeled more chakra into his cracked mask "Jinsoka, I have no idea where you are but we need you to get your but out here and help us!!" he yelled while keeping his eyes on the Akimihci ninja.
"Little Busy!" Jinsoka replied through her mask, though she still did not appear. Meanwhile, Kurage's plan was in motion, and his tendrils attacked. The Akamichi jumped back, noticed the sudden bulge in the ground, and swatted the kill tendril away with a large hand, smashing it to rain droplets, though he took another debilitating shock.

The opening was exactly what Hogo was waiting for, and as he dove in to strike the Akamichi, the large man would swing around and grab Hogo's shoulders with his huge hands. But it was too late, and Hogo's chakra infused blade bit deeply into the Akamichi heir, and the wound was clearly a terrible one. Still, the Akamichi raised his arms and would try to smash Hogo if he remained in front of him. After pulling away or being smashed into the ground, Hogo and Kurage would see that Akamichi was losing strength fast. He collapsed to one knee, blood trickling down from his lips.

"Missing Nin Trash!" He growled, but as he tried to stand he staggered and fell back to one knee.

Meanwhile, the Uchiha was jumping from tree to tree, dodging the fiery projectiles as they exploded against the trees he was using. The forest quickly caught fire with such techniques being used, and the blaze began to steadily spread. Asuna dove in to fight the Uchiha, head on, but she was far from as quick as he was, and had trouble keeping up. All the while, the Uchiha danced and dodged flaming projectiles, it was quite an impressive display of skill.

Meanwhile, Ryuzoji's plan succeeded as he jabbed his fist into the Aburame's chest, stunning him and holding him still as he pulled him in and held him still while Yogan rained hell from above. The heat would force Ryuzoji away, but the damage would seem to be done. Then the smoke cleared, and the Aburame was revealed to be still standing. The more the smoke cleared, the more it became apparent that he was not unharmed, badly burnt and holding his arm, but he was certainly more intact than he should have been.

"You're probably wondering why I'm still alive." The Aburame Guessed as he saw Ryuzoji emerge not far away. "My Elemental kikaichū are unique, they can absorb elemental chakra so fast, they can act as a shield against such attacks." He stood up straight, his Kikaichu swarming and frothing with power. "And the chakra they absorb is mine to use!" He declared, pointing towards Ryuzoji and Yogan. Four enormous streams of bugs flew out of his hands and towards the two of them, two streams for each. The Kikaichu seemed more active, fast moving, and vigorous. Clearly they had just absorbed a lot of chakra, and were powered up.

Suddenly, two figures burst from the trees. The First was Jinsoka, carrying a bloody and Beaten Rikato, and the second was Moe, carrying a similarly beaten Kirino. The ground shook and trembled behind them. They arrived and lay both ninja down, and Moe got straight to healing them.

"Where is Sumire? I could use a hand!" He shouted into his mask as he leaned over Rikato and tried to resuscitate him. Jinsoka got back on her feet the moment she laid down her injured and turned to face the way she had come. "I hope those two are doing all right..." She murmured as the ground shook again.

"Everyone listen up, the Star Ninja are on their way and they are a handful." Jinsoka said into her mask. "I dont know if we can beat em..."
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As the Uchiha, dodged and manuvered away from their attack Yuki released the jutsu, stopping the dragon flame bullets. Not wanting to use excess chakra, or exhaust the reserves of Ryuzoji's mud clone. He ran forward, watching as Asuna was viciously outmaneuvered by the Uchiha. However, Yuki was not impressed. He knew that his speed and agility were only the product of that sharingan, and without it, he probably would be finished by now. Yuki looked toward the chase and noticed that it was beginning to lead into the forest. He thought this would be a perfect time to try one of his new jutsus. He began forming hand signs and was stopped when the ground began to tremor. Suddenly Jinsoka and that Moe appeared, carrying what looked to be Rikato, and Kirino. He was then greeted by a second tremor when he heard Jinsoka come through the mask, saying something about more ninja coming. "What is that....?" Yuki said to himself, disregarding what Jinsoka said.

Yuki then pushed the tremors from his mind and looked back toward the chase. He slowly started to force chakra into his mask, planning to speak to Asuna. "Listen......your being embarrassed by that Uchiha. Give it up...or at least try some long range attacks." He pushed his glasses up onto his nose and began speaking. "Regardless of what you do....I advise that you get out of there...or get roasted in the process." He was very curt when addressing her, due the reason that it was entirely her fault that his team has failed their section of the mission. Yuki stopped speaking to Asuna and began smiling as he formed a string of handsigns. "It's not complete...but this will have to do. Fire Release: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" He would then go to spew a large flame out of his mouth, slightly resembling a dragon. The flame would be aimed at the group of trees that the Uchiha was now using to evade his previous jutsu. The flame usually needs a wire or something of the sort in order to conduct the flame, launching it at its target. And once it does hit the conductor it spreads much quicker, burning all in its path.

With Yuki's lack of resources and time to plant a wire, he used the trees. Seeing as the Uchiha was already flying through them, he decided to light the whole forest ablaze, hoping to slow the star ninja in the process too. The technique only required a small amount of chakra to use, and the rest of the skill depended upon the flame's ability to spread from tree to tree. Yuki was sure this would work.
"Hogo, now! I'm going all out and hitting his left side! Grab his flank!"

-Kurage hissed again silently through the mask. The Akimichi seemed to take moderate damage but was still on his guard. Kurage coiled his self on all fours to the ground before lunging up and charging the Akimichi full sprint. With the Akimichi taking a knee, Kurage knew they had to act on his faltering while opportunity presented itself. Kurage would attempt to use Current Release: Man-o-War Style - Furious Dancing Jelly. The tendrils upon Kurage's bubble would begin to spin around rapidly, causing a wide range of tentacle thwacking while he homed in on the Akimichi. Kurage's goal was less to damage the Akimichi, (though he wouldn't mind the easy way) and more to force him to dodge into Hogo or simply attack Kurage and leave his self exposed.
Ryuzoji quickly pushed off and dashed off in the other direction, trying evade the bugs. As he jumped over one of the Caravans, Jinsoka's voice rang in his ear.

"More enemies? hahah. What a day." said Ryuzoji as he laughing. The rush of being in a battle of this scale amped him up. He hadn't been in a situation where his life was on the line in a while and it made his blood boil from excitement. Sliding over a large stone, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He realized that this mission could no longer be saved and that they failed, losing a lot of man power in the process. Despite his excitement from this fight, he knew that chances of surviving this mission was not likely. We had to leave now if we wanted to live to fight another day.

"Senryaka, I am requesting a retreat. Please give us the best route of escape. I challenge you to hurry as well. I don't think my allies can take anymore." he said as he looked around the battlefield. Things were taking a turn for the worst he thought.
Asuna growled through her mask, a growl that promised Yuki a painful experience, but reluctantly, she backed off, letting the Uchiha gain some distance. He quickly began forming his own hand signs and as Yuki launched his attack, the Uchiha fired an enormous stream of fire from his mouth, aiming it directly at Asuna. The fire stream only grew more and more massive, and in the end all Asuna could do was lift her arms in a ineffectual block, as the flames ran completely over her. She did not scream. The fire also consumed several trees, which kept Yuki's jutsu from reaching the Uchiha quickly. But it did reach him. He attempted to jump as his jutsu ended, but a smaking trail of fire spiraled up his tree and hot red flames bit deeply into his ankle.

At the same time, knowing he would be ablaze in a second, the Uchiha looked right at where Yuki was and spat a needle, aiming it with all the skill and precession of his fully mature Sharingans. The needle was small, but carried on a stream of hard wind chakra, and it was aimed squarely for Yuki's forehead, which it would pierce completely if Yuki was not looking at the Uchiha's head and continued his Jutsu, burning the man alive as he himself was killed in the process. But if he did notice the attack, he would have a chance to jump away from it, though it would end his jutsu partway, leaving only the flames he had managed to spread before the jutsu ended.

Meanwhile, Kurage dove in and Chojin was ready for him. He stood as Kurage charged, far from fast while encased in his bubble, and quickly formed his clan's hand sign.

"Expansion Jutsu!" He yelled, grow five times as large as he had been, and kicking Kurage's spinning jelly ball right at Hogo, intending to neutralize both attacks. The shock and pain from the kick was evident on Chojin's face, and such a move may have even proved lethal had Kurage not used up most of his chakra earlier. Hogo would have time to dodge Kurage and his bubble, but then he would have to face the Akamichi alone until Kurage could recover. Chojin seemed badly hurt already, twitching from all the shocks and stings of Kurage's kekkei genkai, and the bleeding badly from the wound Hogo had inflicted. Still, he was a true ninja, and would not die easy, especially not now that he was taking them both seriously.

Then there was Yogan and Ryuzoji, who were both running away from streams of insects. Ryuzoji requested a retreat a moment later.

"Negative. You will not retreat, the mission is far from complete, and you still have a chance at victory. These three can barely hold you all back. Besides, would Void allow a retreat when victory is so close? No retreat, but your reinforcements should be arriving any second now." As she spoke, some new, white clothed ninja jumped out from the trees, joining the battle on the side of the Sosa masks. Yogan turned and began blasting his stream of insects with fire, making the stream swell and buzz more loudly.

"They wont burn!" He cried out in near panic, acting as though he had never encountered nonflammable enemies before. It would not be long before they caught him. Moe looked up from his healing, sighed, and ran out into the battlefield. He quickly began to form his hand signs, speaking to Ryuzoji as he did.

"Head towards me. I've got a power up to give you." He said to the fleeing Ninja, having run out near his path anyway. He would finish the body release sign and then breath in. "Forbidden Dream Art: Mind Body Attunement."

Blue smoke would then pour out of the older looking ninja's mouth, and if Ryuzoji had heeded him and come back, he would find himself running through this haze. If he took a few breaths of it, the effects would begin to take place.

Effects of Forbidden Dream Art: Mind Body Attunement:

Using advanced knowledge of chemical make up of a good ninja's brain, Moe exhales blue fumes which, when breathed in will cause a change in the chemical make up of the person's brain. The fumes cause the person to enter a peaceful, serene state where panic is impossible and every decision can be made calmly and clearly. But more than that, it attunes the mind and body so that the person affected has perfect bodily control, from being able to slow or stop their own heart beat, to calculating exactly how a movement should be produced, thus augmenting taijutsu quite well. Indeed, time seems to slow for the subject of the technique, allowing them enhanced grace and control on the battle field. This Jutsu greatly increases mental and physical capacity at the expense of a the Chakra used to create the effect.
The incoming Kurage Missile launched at him by the now gigantic Akimichi ninja left Hogo with few options that he found desirable. First he could soften the blow and angle himself so he would avoid the tentacles of the jellyfish torpedo and in the process leave himself and Kurage with little chance of further survival or he could dodge and try to fend off or defeat the giant ninja on his own. Wounded dogs were not beasts to trifle with no matter how severe the injury may or may not be, sharp teeth were sharp teeth after all.

With little time left Hogo dived forward onto the ground just in time to miss Kurage and his flailing, poisonous appendages. It was a miracle in itself he had not been stung yet by the man's undisciplined attacks. Hogo rolled to his feet and was sprinting towards the Akimichi within moments, he could not take the time to recover for it would allow his foe to recover also. Chojin was a prodigy even as a young child and Hogo knew his former classmate would rocket through the ranks with little trouble, he didn't want to admit it but he was dealing with a great ninja irregardless of their current predicament he could respect that.

While he ran Hogo rifled through the folds of his clothes for the last remaining explosion tags, he tide two to a pair of kunai which he launched ahead of himself at the nearing Chojin. He readied himself for an attack that could happen at any moment and when it did he'd cushion the blow with the Water Encampent Wall Jutsu and when the attack blows through his jutsu he would be free to plant 13 explosive tags on the offending limb.

With his plan of action in full actualization Hogo began to regulate his chakra once more in preparation for his coming jutsu. At first he would simply regulate the chakra so that it was distributed evenly throughout his body before pouring it through his mouth and using nature manipulation to change his flowing chakra into a wall of pressurised water. He would take a bit of damage but at least he would cause equally ass much.

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