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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

Eh. More than likely I'm going to have to reject it so I'd prefer if you didn't waste your time on it.

Maybe later in the rp we can figure a way to get magnet release in if you want it so much.
Well, later in the RP would defeat the purpose. For one, using Magnet Release without being born with it or attaining it through something like having Shukaku inside of her would probably be pretty consuming of Chakra... Two, it'd be way out of the fighting style used by the character if it were obtained later, as without it they'd become trained in the Gentle Fist style of combat... Really, my aim was a Hyuga with basically no skills in the Byakugan department for a long while, thus adopting use of their Magnet Release as a primary combat style, later down the line possibly getting better with the Byakugan itself and winding up with a unique combat style rather than a common-use fighting style taught as a Hyuga :x
Yes. I see where you are coming from with that.

But here's the deal though: That'd be pretty powerful for a genin, considering all of our genin as of right now are pretty much fresh graduates. Magnet release is very powerful, which is why it could stand up to someone as fearsome as Gaara.

Would you be at all willing to keep this Hyuga idea but pursue something like one of the basic elements? That would keep things much more balanced, because I think it would be interesting to explore the relations a Hyuga who didn't pursue the path of the gentle fist would have with their clan.
Gilzar said:
Yes. I see where you are coming from with that.
But here's the deal though: That'd be pretty powerful for a genin, considering all of our genin as of right now are pretty much fresh graduates. Magnet release is very powerful, which is why it could stand up to someone as fearsome as Gaara.

Would you be at all willing to keep this Hyuga idea but pursue something like one of the basic elements? That would keep things much more balanced, because I think it would be interesting to explore the relations a Hyuga who didn't pursue the path of the gentle fist would have with their clan.
Quick question... Is there a specified character limit? If so then I'm probably blind and not seeing it anywhere so... >~<
In that case, I'll do two characters, potentially a third if I still want magnet release after my double-trouble main branch Hyuga shtuffs. One who pursues the traditional ways of the Hyuga, and another who pursues a path different then that of the Gentle Fist... Twins, probably sisters, and they get along pretty well but tend to have their disputes because of the differing paths and the way the rest of the Hyuga look at it all. Sound good? :x
Sounds good to me!

Magnet release just...tends to be something that generally Jonin characters have. Just balances better.
Oh yeah Infi, forgot to answer your questions earlier.

I must have missed an alert. D':

Anyway, I don't have a preference between training or mission.

Just whatever makes sense story-wise.

If anyone, I would want to know if Azalea had a preference.

and gilly has like ten characters at least
I think I tagged her when I posted that so we can wait and see.

I thought so xD

Within the next few days I'll write something up. Unless you want Hana to do/say something before hand.

Do we want to forgo a type of practice thing for now and go straight to mission?

It's an interesting situation because I don't think there's too much relationship to establish.

Hana hold a prejudice against them, then Ren/Satoru got their drama going on, then sensei doing the sensei thing.

But I'm thinking maybe she would want to test out how they work together as a team...?

I think it's plausible that she would try a team exercise for them first unless the mission in question is URGENT (which it probably isn't).
Hm...alright. I think I have an idea they could do. Involves lots of running
@Infinities Lover @Pine @Ghost @Atom @Azalea @Kiyoko Tomoe @LeSoraAmari @MemoriesUnknown @backlash @Kaine @Kinzu Hekmatyar @Tj Pomroy

(Holyshit that's alota names)

Alright. I haven't lectured you all in a while, and I've figured out that's why I've figured out I have this void. SO I'm going to get to business.

Today's lecture is about Ninjutsu and Rank!

I know I've lectured on this before, but we have some newcommers here and plus it's been a while so I just feel I should make a reminder. Basically, this mainly applies to the Genin. We need to make sure that our genin are staying at pre-chunin exam power levels, so this means that they have basically began to grasp the concepts of chakra control as well as Elemental Affiliation. You see, doing the heavy research on the lore that I've been doing this past week, to start most Genin don't even know offensive Ninjutsu with their elemental affiliation, and even if they do it's less than a handful. Like, one to two offensive Ninjutsu. SO, I want to make sure we're staying similar to this.

I know I've been enforcing this since like four months ago (I know, it's crazy it's been that long!) and I even made a small piece about it in the rules. Since I've done that we've all been following that wonderfully! Now I'm just doing this so we can make it more official, because I'm getting things organized just so it's easier. What I would like everyone to do, when they get the chance, is to create a move list for their characters! This just gives us all a guide to use incase we forget about moves in combat, as well as prevent the creation of techniques on the fly. It also lets me see power levels of characters pretty well.

So, when you all get the chance I would like for you to make a moves list for your characters. Most of the rules I have going are for jut our Genin characters, and that is a max of about 2-3 chakra affiliated techniques, as well as the use of just one Chakra afilliated element. (Specialized attacks and all that). Now before you go asking, you do not have to list the basic techniques and ninjutsu that all Shinobi are required to know.

I thank you all for coming this far in the roleplay, and form aking such wonderful characters! You have truly made my dream for this roleplay come to life, and I couldn't be happier with it! This past week you'll notice the introduction of a few new tabs and perhaps some BBcode in things.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

*Cough cough* Now might be a good time to make your introductory post.
Sooooo @Infinities Lover What am do i post since Ronin and hawk havent arrived at their hideout yet? It's not like she would wake up until then xD

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