I personally think a week or two after the groups officially meet. It gives them some time to get to know each other and possibly train together. Knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses take time, but going in knowing nothing about others would be suicide.
Kingsman is just.... Too funny. It was hard for me to breath at many parts.
Well I'm in your boat Lazygout. School is just about to end in like a month, and while I know schoolwork will be letting up I still have to actually put effort in and not slack off.
But, I'll still be able to roleplay, I just have to manage my time
I'm just lucky my sport ended before I came back, otherwise I'd never be on. >.>
I think I'm getting out last week of May or first week of June. Normally we get out like May 23rd, but we've had some snow days so we're wondering if we're getting out later.