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Fandom Naruto - Back to basics


Pull my devil trigger
And now everything not with the big group goes to second tab
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Pick an animal any and that will be the species you're contracted and of which will be your summon. However if you're too lazy or indecisive roll your lake +breath skill and using my scientific and objective method I will arrange you a species

In a great clearing the instructor was assembled with the children as he taught them the techniques that would help them to succeed in future missions. "Wonderful," Soujiro said, "You have all quickly mastered the wilting lettuce technique remember to use it in moments of great danger. Now we will move to the next lesson, summoning. Hopefully you all have done your homework and found the type of animal you wish to enter a contract with."

Stand up straight he grabbed a stick and onto the bare earth he drew a circle. He then indicated to the students to enter it one at a time. He then said, "Much like with the process of forming bread with the dough in one's hands. You must knead and roll your chakra as if it were a ball and continue to do so with occasional punches. Failure to do so will result in a sloppy summon; conversely doing too much will damage chakra and result in an even weaker summon. Now who will go first?"
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Isamu Takahashi sat down in the great clearing as he finished learning the wilting lettuce technique. To celebrate his success he quickly chugged a Nin-pop he had brought with him. Sweet, delicious, crisp Nin-pop. He eagerly smiled as he waved his hand frantically, "Ooooh! Ooooh! SENSEI-DONO! Pick me!" He said as he jumped up and began waving his hands frantically.

Isamu knew what animal he'd enter the contract with, the tenacious cockroach. They were truly the most heroic of animals with their undying spirit, and Isamu was heroic. So clearly, he needed to summon the cockroach so they could be twice as heroic. "Can I go first!? Can I!?"
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Roll lake and breath for summoning

Soujiro merely stepped aside and let the youth enter the circle and attempt to summon his contracted species.

"Very well Isamu. Remember to concentrate your chakra for optimum results."
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He paused for a brief moment, as he took in Sensei's words. He gave a deep bow to him, "You honor me Sensei." As he got up he then rushed into the summoning circle. "FOR GREAT JUSTICE!"

In the circle he sat down, and concentrated. He focused hard on the nature of cockroaches. They liked walls, and food. They were small, and tenacious. And more importantly, they were heroic. Isamu clapped his hands as he smirked.

He summoned his chakra as a ball and began kneading it, as his wise sensei said to do. He would summon his ally, and it would be awesome. As he kneaded he began beating it, while yelling out "ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!"

This, was sure to be a good summon. He could feel it; Or maybe that was the sugar rush of the Nin-Pop he felt. It was probably the sugar rush of the Nin-pop, but he was sure this was going to be a great summon.


18 + 10 Confidence as Courtier Breath = 28
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"Shut up Takahashi. No one goes first before a Lampere." Using an armored fore-arm to push him off to the side, a death glare was sent his way with the words, "back off," dropped in. The ninja was already upset upon enrolling in the school, and learning something so useless such as the wilting lettuce technique made her temper rise even more so.

"Excuse me Sensei. I came to learn how to kill. I came to see what the world has to offer; not tend to vegetables. I have no need for that. This summoning technique of yours better be useful or I'm going to take things into my own hands."

Stupid. All of them. If they wanted to have fun wishing on flowers, then so be it. It just proves the superiority of the Lampere name. She'd demolish each and every one of them in their customs, and then once graduated, destroy them too. But her protest went ignored as Soujiro let the boy take it on first.

With a clenched fist, she merely scowled, hoping the male entering the ritual fell flat on his face.

"I hope your summon messes up and you die Takahashi."
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Soujiro merely nodded his head coolly at the impetuous girl. Such was the flame of youth with all its folly and virtue. Pointing at her face with a deliberate and weighty air to him he said to her, "Grandmother said this: men must be cool, boiling water is but vapor."

Meanwhile the young man continued to mold and concentrate his chakra until the seal appeared and from the aether stepped an insect squatting low "Gimme a break. Is this the pipsqueak I've been assigned to? How lame..." said an incredibly surly voice coming from this insect. It was a man-sized cockroach clothed in dark pants that looked somewhat used along with a two sleeved button up jacket and a scuffed black cap it also had bandages wrapped along its dark slick carapace.
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"Awwww.... Love you too Lampere-kun!" Isamu said with a smarmy grin on his face, as she wished death upon him. He continued to beat at the chakra as the seal finally appeared. He stared at it with his eyes brimming with joy.

He then peered at the insect as he raised up his hands to the air. "I DID IT! I SUMMONED IT! YES! YES!" Isamu gave a deep bow to the Cockroach, "Takahashi, Isamu. I can tell we are going to be a great team! Trust me! I'm not as much as a pipsqueak as you may think!"
Ichigo, draped over a small tree on the sidelines, stared silently at the other girl, Kalimah or whoever. Such a sluggish, open defense, so much exploitable anger! Takahashi, he had speed enough for two men, and enthusiasm for three- a bit simple, but what could you expect from someone who didn't see the inherent value of taking it easy?

...And now he'd summoned a delinquent cockroach. Excellent, perhaps now Takahashi would stop bothering Ichigo with cat toys while she was trying to nap- which for Ichigo translated to "pretty much all the time". He probably wouldn't, though.
Lighting a cigarette and holding it in its mandibles the roach looked at the kid with annoyance. It managed to blow a large plume of smoke in the kid's direction. He hated the situation he was in but he couldn't do anything about it. A long silence ensued as it chained several smokes in a short span before it actually responded. He said to the boy, "Buh... A contracts a contract so I'll have to fight alongside you like it or not. However let me say this!" The roach stood up proudly and defiantly as its chitinous carapace also too shined in a proud and defiant manner. It then said, "I'll fight but I'll be damned if some kid bosses me around. I'll fight my way and my style got it?"

Soujiro then looked at the insect and said, "So what is your name?"

"They call me. Aian heddo..." the insect replied in cool sounding way. "Now can I leave unless needed?"

"Fine, Isamu release the seal if you're fine with your summon." Soujiro said as he looked at the other students. He was amused yet concerned for Isamu and his summon. For it was clear Isamu's partner looked to be obstinate and rude but on the other hand two seemingly disparate flavors could mix an interesting flavor. "So," he said, "Who will be next to summon their contracted species?"
"I shall be the next to do so!" Kazimah walked forward, waiting for the roach and his boy to step aside. "I already have what I want in mind. Is there anything else I have to do besides stand there and mold some chakra? It seems easy enough."

With folded arms, the child walked towards Takahashi, lowering her voice so only him at that close a range could hear. "Apply enough pressure with your foot, and even roaches can die."
Isamu stared at the man-sized roach as it lit a cigarette and held it in its mandibles. He coughed as the smoke was blown into his face and began waving the air around him. "Ah jeez!" He stared intensely at the cockroach as it began chain smoking, clearly impressed at its skills. He gave a huge beaming grin as the cockroach said that he'd have to fight with him due to a contract. Then the man-sized cockroach said his next phrase, and Isamu was drawn to staring at its glistening carapace.

Isamu pondered on the matter and gave a simple nod, "JUSTICE IS EVER-FLOWING WITH ITS STYLES! AND TOGETHER WE SHALL BRING HEROISM!" He said as he boldly stood up and clenched his hand into a fist. And when he learned the name of his comrade, Aian heddo, he gave a smile as he released the seal and went back to where he was sitting down before, as Kazimah walked towards him.

he immediately yelled in Kazimah's ears, as she said her speech. He didn't quite catch what she said, and responded in a much less loud tone. "I know my cockroach pal is awesome!" He gave her a thumbs up as he headed back to the clearing to sit down, "Best of luck!"
Focused. Mindless. Swarming. Tenacious. Stinging. Quick.

The attributes of a bee floated through her mind as a ball of chakra took shape in open hands. Mold it. Knead it. Shape it. Imbue the yellow terror's nature and bring it to life!

Hands steadily came together as Kazimah pushed the circle of light into what she hoped was perfect form. I'm gonna show you. I'm gonna show all of you. I'm gonna show you all why you should fear the Lampere name!

Murata leaned against nothing in particular, looking over the circle. He had studied summoning, but he never did figure out a good creature. A scorpion might work, with their tail being kind of like a spear. Maybe a hedgehog, they have a lot of little spears on their body. He watched the summons as he pondered.
A very visually striking and memorizing pattern emerged from the girl completed the summoning ritual. In the puff of magically charged smoke there was a tentative moment of silence as everyone awaited to see the next creature step out. The smoke still stood there and nothing emerged nor was there any silhouette as the smoke got lighter. Rather something had gone horribly wrong as when it dispersed there was only a bee. A very small bee. Which crashed into the ground and burst into flames and then dissipated.

Sighing Soujiro simply said, "Insufficient. Regroup your thoughts for the moment and lets see who will go next and you can try again after them."
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"Stupid sensei." The girl swore that she did everything perfect! Where the heck did she mess up?? Returning to her original position behind the troupe, Kazimah pouted and further swore to get her revenge. Maybe she could convince her clan to invade this land? No. No. That's stupid. They'd never agree to that.

But someway, somehow, there had to be a tit for tat. Ah. Whatever. Avoiding Takahashi's gaze, she called out to the other students. "Hey! Hurry up you slowpokes! Time's wasting here. I need to try this again!"

Where the heck was that cat anyway? Probably off rubbing itself against a tree..

With visible agitation the girl began to pace; hands behind back.
Relax. Relax. No need to get in a tizzy Kazimah.
Takahashi glanced at Kazimah as he waved at her. "I think you tried! That's always good! Maybe you just need another demonstration?" He gave a smile and a nod to her. "Come! Sit down near me, I have a great spot for viewing Sensei and the demonstrations!"
"Ha. Ha. Okay Takahashi. I'll humor you for a bit." Traipsing over to his direction, Kazimah stood close but did not sit. "Tell me Takahashi. How did you make it this far? In our previous classes you had no aptitude for the work...yet you still managed to get through. Is this cockroach a symbol of your tenacity? Is that the secret?"

Sighing, the young ninja shrugged.
"Seeing as I failed. There must be some truth to your way. However, don't think that's it. I still plan too outclass you every way. It's due to the special prowess of my clan. Did you have to do anything crazy back at home?"
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Takahashi turned his head to glance at Kazimah who did not sit, and began asking him how he made it this far. His eyes gleamed with true excitement, as he boldly stood up. "Heroism! A devotion to bringing JUSTICE! That, is what I strove for!" He said as he flung his right arm to the sky as he clenched it in a fist.

He dramatically dropped to his knees as he gazed up to the sky, "The brilliant blue hues, they hold the se- Wait, no." He dropped down to his stomach as he glanced around the field as he picked up his empty Nin-pop can, "Blue Raspberry Nin-pop! Did I fi- yes, damn." He grabbed it and shook the can to be sure he drank it all, which he did.

He stood back up as he scratched at his dreadlocks, "Back home? Sometimes Mom makes me help out in the bar, serving stuff. And sometimes Dad tells me to go get his tools if he accidentally left them somewhere."
"Hang on, let me just..." Murata pulled a coin out of a pouch and flipped it. "Alright, I'll go next." He walked into the middle of the circle, sat down, and began concentrating on the ball of chakra he would summon. Eight legs, large graspers, a tail with a venomous stinger. Hold that thought in your mind. Nothing else matters at this point in time.


20 + 10 Tactics = 30, accepting Interesting Times
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These triple tens shall alter thing even further. Gain 4 Joss points of your distribution choice and some entanglement

The seal's pattern erupted in a mesmerizing pattern as the energies flowed strongly and quickly from Endou. Everything seemed to be going according to plan as the ninja magical gate bullshit was summoning the creature from some undisclosed location. However like a worn clothing item with a preexisting tear getting torn again it quickly unraveled into a mess.

"AWWWW YEAAAAAH. I'M HERE!" said a youthful masculine voice from the clouds. The animal quickly jumped into plain view making a a very flashy entrance as it flourished one of the many blades strapped to its back. Despite lacking the finger and thumbs to do so it managed to sheath the blade and strike a pose.

It was immediate obvious this was not the contracted summon. It was a dog. A dog with swords. Dressed in guady cloth such as the odd googles strapped to its head and the sideways red baseball cap that was carefully tilted to expose a poof of fluffy flame patterned dyed hair that was spiked with really stiff gel and screamed "cool wild & crazy dude" . The chain necklace with a dog tag, the odd paw version of a fingerless glove on only one leg, the stylish red trench coat hoodie, and the satchel of Mt. Chill Xtreme only added to the weirdness.

The dog despite spending a moment seemingly confused took it in stride and said, " The names Taiyo San of the San clan don't wear it out. You may have heard of them or more exactly me the Crimson Fang of the Seven Blade Twist! And I guess you're my partner." The dog then offered Murata some slaps as he called it.
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Ichigo perked up. She knew that voice. That voice that she had heard at many a skirmish. That voice, that made each and every one of her hairs stand on end, that set her instincts on edge! The voice of a common foe, but more importantly- more than anything- it was the voice of one of her in-laws. Ichigo stared, wide-eyed and in disbelief, as her fiance's younger brother sort of... existed at her. Her body tensed, eyes wide, flicking between Takahashi and Taiyo, and she came to the sudden and horrible realization: By my father's father, there's two of them now.
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Something was very wrong with this situation. This was clearly not the creature he had intended to summon. Murata glanced at the instructor, who simply watched. Clearing his throat, he offered a hand to Taiyo. "Uh. Endou Murata, at your service."
Takahashi immediately turned his head to glance at the summoning being performed by his peer Murata. And he watched with awe as the ritual went exactly as intended. Murata summoned a new champion of justice, he was sure of it.

He reached over to grab Kazimah's shoulder. Flailing his free hand as he pointed at Taiyo San, as he knew he could no longer hide his excitement. "LOOK Kazimah-chan! Another CHAMPION OF JUSTICE!" He howled out.

Quickly turning his head to face her, "Now that you've seen two Champions summoned, I'm sure you can do it! I believe in you!" He said beaming a heroic grin, with only the pearliest of white teeth. "Oh! Also remember to think Heroic Thoughts while you are doing it." He said with a nod.

He paused for a moment in reflection as he cupped his chin in thought. Then, as to be expected really, a thought occurred to him.

Speaking to nobody and everyone in particular he announced the thought he ha recently come across. "We need to practice out our HEROIC POSES!!!" Takahashi raised his free hand to the sky and clenched into a fist. Staring into the blue sky above he gave a smirk as he quickly glanced around at the group as he spoke again. "Our Villainous Foes, we are sure to encounter, must be mesmerized by our finely tuned Heroic Choreography! We must let Justice and Heroism flow through us and our poses must be in synch, as while Justice and Heroism has many forms, UNITED JUSTICE IN ONE GLORIOUS, WELL PRACTICED STYLE BRINGS ALL EVIL TO ITS KNEES!!!"

Takahashi lowered his free hand back to his side and removed his grip from Kazimah as he adjusted the collar of his oversized jacket. "Yes, we must practice the choreography with each other."
Haha would you look at that..It was gaudy-looking dog with swords on it's back. This is what Murata was going for? Really? A dog? A dog with swords? Jeez. These guys were on a whole nother' level, and not in a good way. Especially that one boy Takahashi...

"Don't touch me," she breathed, as he placed a hand on her shoulder. What's this Champion of Justice he keeps yelling about? It's kind of annoying.

Simply turning head away and saying, "shut up," at his vocalized belief in her, Kazimah internally huffed. What was wrong with this kid? What was he doing to her? As much as she loathed his silly presence over the many training sessions, him not being there otherwise, couldn't be imagined.

Realizing for some reason she was staring back at him, the girl quickly reached to adjust the whips attached to her hips.
"Heroic thoughts? Pass. I know what I did wrong, and it wasn't that. I'll show the skill I have over you in due time Takahashi."

As his tirade continued into more heroics, ebony eyes glazed over.
What was I thinking? The kid was an idiot. There was nothing there. Absolutely nothing there.

"Ninjas don't dance Takashi. They kill." Over the next few years, she'd try her best to set him on the straight and narrow, but if that didn't work...then once they graduated...she had no qualms about persuading him to her way of things with a little force.
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