Naruto - Back to Basics - OOC

Yes since Duwang is AWOL yet again and I don't feel like waiting.

I think I'm gonna delete all the demo fight posts but leave the duwang game intact and if he comes back on again just move it to a separate tab.
Yeah I'm gonna shunt that off to its own tab.

Since I'm hoping with you four there will be more activity and less waiting overall

Awesome and now I cleaned up the IC and transferred everything else to the other one.

Thanks Ghoul now we can start with a clean thread
Right so first thing besides getting another post up would be the lore sheets which is fun. I think for now we should stick to collabing on the Village itself and then maybe branch out to clans and stuff.
Yeah everyone pitches in about crap the village and then you get that lore sheet and I can start adding in the buyables within that loresheet which might be free to some extent so you can get goodies in the form of bonuses and stuff like the Eagle claw thing that makes your unarmed count as sabers and plot points

Yeah we're just discussing beginning the with four people but first going through a lore making session.
Yeah kinda.

Keep in mind it can also be people and organizations and not just locations. Feel free to skim through the wulin book for examples on how they set things up. Mind you the village will probably be kinda large because main town/hub and all that
Well I guess there's my characters clan of jerkwad cat ninjas, the Catulets, who are all named after fruits because I couldn't think of a better naming scheme. They're lead by Ranbutan, who I guess is Ichigo's dad or something.

They have a generations-long blood feud with a clan of samurai dogs two provinces over, the Muttague. Ichigo has a mutual crush on one of the samurai from said clan, San Chow, who is a Chow in tiny samurai armor and he's probably voiced by Norio Wakamoto making dog noises. Also, everyone understands him and thinks of him as a noble samurai, despite the fact that it is a dog who cannot speak english/japanese/ninja-code-language/whatever they use. Yes, I have intentionally made this romance subplot as stupid as possible.
Still better written than how the sauce and cherries got together and made a salad who's pretty cool. Also I can see several free lore things being associated with both Clans. Don't forget to choose Chow San's eventual involvement rate who'll be a fun character to write-up.

Also this level of detail is good for starting up a lore sheet.

Anyway in less related news I'm gonna do another system rp but in a different and much simpler system.
Alright. Details. For stuff. I'mma do oh... Some tavern.

The Rusty Shiv Tavern was founded by Former Convict Maki Miki, a Kunoichi who laundered much ninja dollars, and was rather cruel to other prisoners, routinely beating them up. She is not a pretty woman, and is commonly mistaken to be a man. She does not take kindly to that. It is an open secret that pretty much everyone in the tavern is either a Ninja Cop or a Criminal Ninja. The Tavern is well known for being a source of much scuffles, (which include being a 'licensed' arena spot for the Underground Ninja Wrestlers), and in general being a rowdy environment. It is also where the Red Leaf Triad frequently holds meetings, primarily to mock the Ninja Cops who they know are 'undercover' there.

The Red Leaf Triad, is a criminal organization that operates in the village. It was named due to the original leader, who was fan of poetical descriptions, thought of the leafs that were covered in blood after a ninja would strike. Others say that it was called Red Leaf because he formed the organization with the inner circle under a tree with red leafs. They primarily operate in smuggling people and drugs, as their main source of income.

Also by pretty you mean anime ugly with like implied ugliness but the art style doesn't actually show it or actually ugly?

Or just delicious christmas cake?

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