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Fantasy mythical high school/ life rp

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drea and drake yawned at the same time

Alex glanced at them, then leaned back and closed her eyes.
Mayumi said:
Alex glanced at them, then leaned back and closed her eyes.
Drea woke up to a fuzzy little tail tickling his nose "well hello little guy" drea looked at the time "alex you wanna feed him first?" He said realizing it was breakfast time for the little guy
Mateus leans on a wall thinking of he will do he looks up to the sky imagining something interesting.

(I'm so sorry for my absence I was really busy)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drea woke up to a fuzzy little tail tickling his nose "well hello little guy" drea looked at the time "alex you wanna feed him first?" He said realizing it was breakfast time for the little guy

Alex looked at him and nodded.
Mayumi said:
Alex looked at him and nodded.
He picked up drake and set him on Alex's stomach and went to get the bottle for her. He heated it up and brought it back to Alex. "Here you go"
raidou arrived at the shool,he jumped the gate and then landing with both of his feets.he just overexcited that he could enter a hunter school."so this is the school...pretty good...hehe" he look at the school building fo a sec,then walk toward it."let see if i can find somebody there...."he smiles brightly as he walk toward the building.he carrying a sword on his waist and a backpack at his back,since he just arrived he still carrying his stuff with him.

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He picked up drake and set him on Alex's stomach and went to get the bottle for her. He heated it up and brought it back to Alex. "Here you go"

Alex smiled and took the bottle gently. She then petted Drake gently before holding him like a baby and fed him by holding the bottle to his mouth.
Mayumi said:
Alex smiled and took the bottle gently. She then petted Drake gently before holding him like a baby and fed him by holding the bottle to his mouth.
Drake drank fast his little paws clawing at the air

Drea kissed her forehead and sat back in his seat
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drake drank fast his little paws clawing at the air
Drea kissed her forehead and sat back in his seat

Alex blinked and glanced at Drea, then turned her eyes to Drake.
Alice walked to a spot and shifted to human form and made her eyes her human color and listened for any sign of somewhere near she knew she had heard something in wolf form but what.

((Someone include Ella/Kitty/Alice so she doesn't seem crazy.)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Oh ha! I don't play that but my friends do)
"What is that suppose to mean princess?" He lays next to her wrapping his arms around the small of her back

"Oh, nothing." Abby said rolling around turning her back to him and giggling.
Mayumi said:
Alex blinked and glanced at Drea, then turned her eyes to Drake.
drea traced hearts on her leg with his finger

TheMADQ said:
"Oh, nothing." Abby said rolling around turning her back to him and giggling.
avriare kissed her neck and slid his hand under her shirt placing his hands on her sides feeling her skin (fade to black or no?)
(no ima let you redo that post because she is not going to appreciate that. like that would ruin everything. xD I don't think we want that kind of drama)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]drea traced hearts on her leg with his finger
avriare kissed her neck and slid his hand under her shirt placing his hands on her sides feeling her skin (fade to black or no?)

Alex shuddered and looked at the bottle.
TheMADQ said:
(no ima let you redo that post because she is not going to appreciate that. like that would ruin everything. xD I don't think we want that kind of drama)
Avriare tickled her stomach sand kissed her neck (just to be clear avriare is the make love not war type if you catch my drift)

Mayumi said:
Alex shuddered and looked at the bottle.
Drea noticed this and kept doing it over and over again just to bug her
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Avriare tickled her stomach sand kissed her neck (just to be clear avriare is the make love not war type if you catch my drift)
Drea noticed this and kept doing it over and over again just to bug her

Alex shrieked and tried to pull her legs towards her body. "That tickles!"
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drea laughed and kisses her leg before leaning back in his seat laughing

Alex scowled and then sighs and glances at the bottle again.
Mateus walks around the halls of the school, he yawns and pulls out his mirror "ahh eye bags I should've slept last night" he said and keeps walking.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Drake finished the bottle and drea was resting "so what do you wanna do today?"

Alex put the bottle down and looked at Drea thoughtfully.
"Well we should probably get you a doctors appointment...I know a good place they're sympathizers with us. I always go to them when I got something wrong" he sat up looking at her
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Well we should probably get you a doctors appointment...I know a good place they're sympathizers with us. I always go to them when I got something wrong" he sat up looking at her

"What for?"

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