Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Blake walked through the streets of the city, his white hair covering one side his face as he walked into a coffee shop. His white jacket and pants gleamed slightly as he entered, the heavenly aura hanging around him. Beside him walked a winged wolf, its feathered wings and silky fur white as snow. As they entered, the angel noticed immidiatly that there was a demon inside the shop but chose not to react and made his way to a seat before ording a simple dish for himself and a piece of meat for his companion. Looking around, Blake sighed and poked at his food as he waited to see anyone to talk to or interact with.
Hazel's attention immeadinatly was drawn to the angel in the room. A male, nice looking, seemed not to notice her. Was it her smell? She had heard that they could sense demons before, but want sure if it was true. She looked at him for a second, then back at her food, then repeated the process. It amazed her that they were in the same room and a fight hadent broken out. She shook her head and continued to sip her latte. She had about a fourth if a cup left, and no longer thirsty she went to throw her drink away. As she walked she glanced once again at the boy. Not noticing a smal piddle of water on the ground, there being no wet-floor sight, she slipped in it. Her latte flew off her tray and onto the boys table where the liquid came out and some spilled into his lap. Hazel got up and rubbed her hip, then realizing what happened ran over to the boy. "I am.. I am soo soo sorry sir.. I tripped and.. Oh I'm so sorry.." She said frantically. People were staring as she looked wide eyes at the boy. How could she have been so clumsy? She was making a fool of herself and now ruined her, and his day. She was so embarrassed, her cheeks bright Red."Sir.. I" She mumbled, stunned now.
Blake was surprised at first as the latte spilled all over him, but soon a friendly smile came upon his face soon after. "It is alright. It was an accident." He was not mad in any sense and with a quick spell, the stains were gone. "My name is Blake by the way, and this is my companion Amorik." The white winged wolf bowed his head in greeting, then returned to cleaning off his paws.

"Well that is lucky for you. I'm pretty jealous. I struggle usually, stupid spell makes it

difficult. Well, where do you want to go? I don't sleep much anyway." Eva smiled big,

she wasn't quite sure what to do, but that was ok.

he walks with her he rolls his eyes as she walks faster and then scared everyone off he friend she scared off all his food he could have had he then looks for her and sees she walks into an inn he walks in after her Glaring evily and darkly at everyone starting t her and him he sites next to her and frowns confused


no need to me jelly everyone is different anyway ... She looks around " idl there's not much to do want to see whats going on in the next town ? She asked

she looks at him and raises an eye brow " arrr yer what do u think we are stupid u can't be serious I'm no losser what's the catch " she smirks

She walks stealthily, using the shadows as her mask, down the empty street. Willow swings her fighting stave and conceals her pale blond hair under a black hat.

she wondered around bord as hell she frowns and yawns and when no one seas lookig she ducks behind a building and her winds appeared from no where she flys around for a whole
Autumn: Unless I am mistaken, though I'm looking and checking right now, you have not made a skelly for your character. It is required for you to make one, however, not on this page. If you go to the first page, the link to where you can join is there on my first post. I see that you are new on this site, so, it's no worries. The skellies just help the rest of us to know who/what you're character is(: Here is the link if you don't feel/can't find the link on the first page xP
Eva looked at the man who had appeared, confused. "Well, for one... Not mortal."

She opens her mouth and point at her descended fangs. "Two, what she said.

What is the catch? There is always some catch. Besides, what ARE you?"
The Bartender:

He watches as the chick walks into his own inn and lets out a slight gulp. He then steadies his breathe and realizes that there was nothing to be afraid off. He glances over at the wall and Wanted signs of this woman were posted there that the authorities forced upon every public shop there was, whether a small or large town. He had momentarily stopped cleaning out a beer glass when the woman walked in, but then he sets down the glass and gives her an award-winning smile. "What can I get for you, Miss Nerrezza?" Awhile ago he had made a slight deal with her and so far, it had done him some good, not for his business, but for staying alive.


She smiles back at the bartender and ignores the fact that Zac sat down next to him. She could see that the bartender slide his gaze to Zac but did not acknowledged him. "Ahhh, Johnathon, my favorite innkeeper!" She slides her gaze to the opposite wall and lets out a laugh. "Ha! Wanted posters, of me? Now, John, come on, you're not looking for the reward yourself, are you?" She had a slight smirk on her face and watches for John's reaction.


He lets out a robust and loud laugh, getting some attention from his costumers. "Oh, of course not! I don't need the reward money, now, do I? With you on my side and keeping up good business? But, you know, what are ya to do when the 'thorities show up and force posters upon ya'?" He smiles back at Nerrezza and though he wasn't sure what Nerrezza wanted from him, he had learned by now to just wait, be patient, and for Nerrezza to tell him on her own time.

he looks around not saying a word even tho he couldn't say a word anyway he looked bored and confused but hids it he grabs a beer glass from the other sided of the counter and looks at it the started to throw it up and letting it fall catching it. He was letting nerrezza do what ever the hell she needed to do.


she looks at the girl and nods happily almost approving what she said in a way she also shows off her fangs to the wirred guy
Hazel sighed in relief as he snapped it clean. "Again I... I apologize. I'm usually more careful I..." She said, struggling to find the appropriate words. She looked at him. Angel. She knew that though. "I'm Hazel." She smiled a bit. She looked at his dog. It was beautiful, but, he was an Angel. "Your dog is.. Very beautiful." She stated. She looked into his eyes, mesmerized. Demon, angel? Wouldn't work. She blinked the thought out of her head. Maybe they could be just be friends then.

she looks at him " what's an arch Demond I-I never hour of u befor and where is this yore ?? (I acholy never hord of this befor.....)
"Arch-demon. It is a high level demon from what I have heard. Though I don't know

what he is meaning by Yore. I guess its a place or some thing," Eva looks at the girl

next to her as she spoke, then turned back to the man. "Well, sir, I am Eva. Vampire,

witch, and a psychic. And you, whatever-your-name-is, are quite odd."
Blake chuckled at the demon and shook his head. She was defiantly the most polite demon he had met in a long time. "Thank you. I have had my own life, both before becoming an angel and after." said the male as he scratched the top of thw winged wolf's head and smiled more. "You dont have to worry you know... You seem kind enough that I wont have a problem with you. We shpuld meet again sometime to talk some more, but for now I must get back to my tasks. Have a nice day Hazel." said teh angel before standing and exiting the coffee shop, walking down the street quietly with Amorik at his side.

Awww really that's cool ur a strong Demond then nice will I'm katrina and I'm also a vampire but everyone calls me kat ...
Nerrezza: She lets out a soft chuckle and smiles more, her smirk widening. This was why John was her favorite Inn Keeper. He wasn't afraid of her, which wasn't exactly a good thing, but not a bad thing either. Though she loved being feared, being feared all the time, could get somewhat annoying. However, she would know how to strike some fear into John if it ever came down to that. For the moment, there was no need, they had a good relationship without the fear. From the corner of her eye she sees Zac playing with a beer jug and she nudges his ribs, making him lose concentration. The beer jug started to fall and Nerrezza used her quick reflexes to grab it before it falls and slides it across to John. "Why don't you fill me up on my usual? Then we'll get around to talking, eh? I'm feeling a little thirsty." She glances at Zac and smiles at him before turning back to John. "Why not one for my friend too, eh?" She tilts her head to Zac and for the first time John actually looks at Zac. Though there was no hesitation and he got straight away to her order.
"No YOU FOOLS! " " Yore is a LOOONG Time ago" "Jeez, learn your history... and yes... an ArchDemon is a Powerfull Demon.." Seems to inflate a little.
Eva just sighs, "There are places named Yore silly. Learn your history. I knew yore

meant a long time ago, but still, considering your grand entrance, I thought it would

be a more interesting thing. To call someone a fool is quite rude. Can't you just calm

yourself and speak without yelling?" Eva glared at the man, annoyed with his attitude.

"I am not too good at magic, but tempt me, and I will make you shut your mouth. As

they say, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

he rolls his eyes and and and then gets a glass and started to throw thy up and down catching it.


she nods " yer show us what magic u hold and also as they say put ur money were ur moth is

mine wish on one one one with she smirks " I'll keep my wish untill I needs it" she laughs " idk what I want yet "

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