Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

At that he turned back to his human form and they started to fall. He grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes implanting an image of a djinn coming out of a lamp into her head. He flipped her over and placed her ontop as they hit the ground and took the blow for her. Blood started coming out of his mouth as he was coughing and his back legs and left arm were broken.

She screams from shook the. Stops as he grabs her shoulders and she sees the image of the djinn and the lamp she the. Snaps bac into reality ,she screams as they hit the floor , she head was berried into his chest her eyes cloths shut tight. She opend them as he coughs up blood she sites up and gets off of him siting in um" OMG " she says she was a pixy so she had the power to heal him "stay steel dont movie " she says as her hand glows blue she put it onto his forehead
Layla grinned, swerving her wings and turning back around towards the Cerberus and the girl again. But instead of flying down right into front of them again, she swooped down a few feet away silently and shifted back into her human form. Since the two didn't know she was the dragon from earlier, they wouldn't even recognize her.

She ran in there direction, smelling a strong stench of blood. That worried her only at the slightest.

'I warned them earlier didn't I?' She thought to herself, but when she got to the scene, it was definitely not an attack from a wild animal. Her eyes widened slightly as the salty smell of blood filled her nose. She stared down at the girl, guessing she was a Pixie, and the Shifter who was now a human.

"Hey. Is everything alright? I saw you guys fall and I came over to check to see if you were okay." She lied, looking at them with worry on her face. She noticed that the Pixie wasn't hurt at all, but the Shifter was..

'He must of took the fall for her..' She thought in her head.

Layla watched as Lizzy healed the Shifter back to health. Waiting, she flinched nervously, trying to hide that she was the Dragon from before.

'They probably won't find out. It's not like they'll immediately know or anything.' She thought reassuringly to herself.

she looks up seeing the girl her eyes had tires in them this wasn't ment to happen she didn't exspect this at all he wasn't ment to get hort she thought he would just tell her not show her she golps looking at the girl " I-I-i think so " she mumbled looking down at the guy
"I have granted your wish so I will now leave you." he crossed his arms across his chest and closed his eyes. He didn't notice the other girl that was there.

no don't go ! I don't care for wishes ! U said u where going to help me get where I want to go ...PLZ " she says in a begging like say
Layla watched them curiously, her ice blue eyes glittering softly in the dark.

"I'm guessing you guys are okay now?" She asked, grinning slightly to herself as she watched the Shifter. Her abnormal eyes flicked back to Lizzy, a small evil smile on her face.

i heald u after u fell ? Ur arms leg back are no more brocken ? Dosnt that count ? Or I tryed to heal unfor nothing ? She looks up at the girl " I guess ..." she looks at her for a while then bac at him
Layla nodded a little, watching there every move curiously. If they looked closely at her eyes, they would find resemblance of her Dragon form. But they probably wouldn't notice unless someone had a strong enough smell to smell the dragon scent on her.

"My name's Layla by the way." She said, grinning mischievously.

shs smiles at the girl norvesly " I'm Lizzy and um I at holy don't know his name but her this is are him" she says suddenly feeling rarther sup!d
I'm back from vacation! =D

Nerrezza: One moment a metal bull was charging at her, going through the wall of fire--much to Erebus's annoyance and displeasure, the next minute it was gone. The bull had charged away and curses under her breathe. She was yearning for a fight and growls, ticked off of the bull for leaving; Erebus, of course, feeling the opposite. Her eyes shift and she sees a black vortex, but knew it was a trick. Her eyes flicker around and she saw Jackie, who was creating the vortex. What a dirty little trick, she liked it. Her eyes refocuses so she could see past the vortex and goes to the girl. "This is a nice trick you have here." Before she could do anything else, she heard a roar, that was only a roar of a dragon.

Erebus: He lets out a sigh and wished he could stop Nerrezza's yearn to fight. But that was impossible, it was asking him to stop his yearn to protect her. It was very contradictory in many ways and often caused fights. He hears the dragon roar when Nerrezza does and before she can say anything, he takes off, Nerrezza still on him; as follows the dragon--which ticks off Nerrezza even more. He follows Layla and drops back to he ground a few feet away from he rest so that they wouldn't be spotted straight away.
Yer ok cool


he was at his mates convincing them to help him get wht he needed to get his voice back he needing it his voice he hated basing silent his friends they signs and nod agreeinfg to Help him


she walks around bored she stops daring some noise she shrugs and walks she was close to wherenerebus and the chick is
"Well I guess I would count it if I couldn't have done that by myself. However seeing as your terrible wishing time did that to me I decline." he sat upright and looked up at the other girl "Well look at this tall glass of water." he stood up and kissed her hand. "what a beautiful gem of the galaxy."
Lizzy hay u said u would take me there so plz just help me and the. U can leave ok ?" she frowns and rolls her eyes
Layla grins at the Shifter and than gently pulled her hand away slightly.

"Thank you. But you didn't recognize who I am yet?" She asked with her icy eyes glimmering. He had to recognize her. Her voice and eyes are the exact same as the Dragon they saw earlier.

"Take a wild guess, Shifter."
He squinted at her and smiled "Are you my mother?" he laughed and turned into the Cerberus and licked her face with all three heads to see how she would react.

she golps " u are the dragon ? " she says in a cold scared voice her saphiore blue eyes look at her and rolls her eyes at the jynne " ur a real real .....person "
Erebus: He watches Drunken Wishes and Layla from where he stood in the shadows of the trees in which he was hiding in. He felt his shoulders tense and lets out a growl. Even when Layla was in her human form, Erebus automatically knew who she was, and she was just as beautiful. It was time for him to be known and he steps out of the trees, making a lot of rustling noises, and stands there, facing the group--with Nerrezza still on his back.

Nerrezza: She lets out a growl and hisses as well. She then says a ton of words that only Erebus could decipher and she says them quickly, but none the kindly. She then stands up, jumps in the air, does a back-flip, and lands in the tree that was above the others. She doesn't look at Erebus but her message was clear, even if she didn't like it.

Erebus: He lets out a rumbling noise, meant as a sigh, but doesn't waste any more time. In front of the others, he changes back into his human form and looks at Layla. He slowly walks up to her and bows to her. "I heard your call, and it was too irresistible not to follow. You are just as beautiful as human as you are dragon." He takes Layla's hand and kisses it, the whole time, looking from the corner of his eye at Drunken Wishes.

his friends gave him everything he needed all he had to do is find the wizard but had no ideas where he frowns
Slowly he peeks around the tree, whoever these people are they just scared away his dinner with their pet dragons. He feels a wetness on his hand and looks down to see Wolf. He knows what Wolf is asking. He shakes his head and Wolf knows that there will be no meat for dinner tonight.

Sarafon looks back at the scene behind the tree and what he gathers is this: There are two dragons now in human form, one three-headed dog, some girl intent on getting somewhere that she can't find on her own and a very pissed off girl in a tree. Unsure of whether or not the situation is dangerous, he slowly prepares an arrow and waits where he is.
Ooc: Sorry that I've haven't been on lately, I was away camping. Also, meet Nightsworn, who I have accepted. ^.^

Nerrezza: She was glaring at Erebus and she smirks and knew that Erebus knew that she was glaring at her. He kept on twitching, the twitches were hardly noticeable; you would have to pay attention to him closely to see the slight little twitches. She couldn't help but widen her smirk. It was amusing to see that making her mad always made Erebus upset. Erebus hated to make Nerrezza mad and seeing that he hated to do so always worked out in her advantage. It was easier to control him this way. Yet she didn't want to watch Erebus swoon over any woman beside her so she turns away and tries to focus on something else. She takes a deep breathe but would make sure that she was never too far into her thoughts to make sure she was aware of Erebus and if he decided to do something inappropriate to her standards. Since she was just listening and decided not to pay attention to Erebus for the moment, at this exact moment, she might of not heard it. But she did hear which made her more interested in her surroundings. The group below her wasn't the only ones that were in the in forest near them. She heard the slight swoosh sound and knew what it was in almost a heartbeat. It was a lovely sound and a sound that meant that whoever was there was threatened. As silent as a snake she slithers up the tree and not even the leaves rustle. She overlooks and sweeps the ground and then smiles when she sees Sarafon; and as Nerrezza guessed, he had a bow and an arrow ready to shoot and fire.
Enter Florence

I sit up in the small hut I was staying at, cold sweats on my forehead.

I had another nightmare about my father again.. I sighed and looked out the window. It was (time here) and I was just waking up? Florence.. You need better sleeping habits. I scratch my head and take the nearest book and start reading. Legend of Clymara, huh? Odd books I have. I stretch and yawn, turning the page and continuing to read. I shut the book. Today, I'd speak with my father. Or try to. I mumble something unaudible and put down the book, trying to go back to sleep. I drift off quickly. I'm a heavy sleeper, what can I say? I see a swinging pendulum. "Florence, it is time.."

A sudden chill ran up his spine. He glanced around looking for the source....something was off. It took a second before he realized that the one in the tree was gone. A quick signal to Wolf sent him to sniffing for her scent, which would've helped, were they not upwind of the group! Too late, the girl was watching him and he had no idea where she was. Now he looked to Wolf, back slowly away or stay and let things unfold as they would? His companion sat down, stay then, very well. He signaled wolf to keep searching for the girl and focused his attention back on the rest of them.

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