Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

"Oh wow." Jackie was holding tight to his mane. "Now this..This is pretty cool." she looked around and narrowed her eyes, looking through the clouds to see far down into the forest they had just left. "You're lucky, Wish. You can be whatever you want...right?" she took a deep breath. "And then there's me."
"Well not anything i cant be a girl. Not that i could look at myself in a mirror anyways." he laughed and took a steep fall and just above the tree line steadied.
Nerrezza: She slowly turns her head to Zac and narrowed her eyes at him. He didn't seem to care about what she was saying at all and knew that he didn't hear one word of it. He didn't even care or seemed to want her help at all. She lets out a low growl. That was fine by her, she didn't like to help people anyway. It was their lost if they didn't want her help. It was the best help that they would ever get. Yet that wasn't want infuriated her. So if he didn't want her help, then she wouldn't give it; and would make sure that no one would help him. In Nerrezza's fury, she raises her arm and slashes Zac across the mouth. "Hecter cam' mi tello cotker!" (those are totally words that I made up, just by the way). She spoke in the ancient tongue that not many people knew--but they were dark words, and those were words of a curse. Leaving Zac by himself, she hops onto Erebus and makes him take to the skies. She forces him to go to where the fallen trees were. On the way there she sees a Pegasus but doesn't make Erebus go out of his way to move; so instead he skids to a halt. Nerrezza rolls her eyes and sighs, waiting for the Pegasus to move first.

she growls every time she tryed to speak some one elce did stoping her she growls then they where gorn she then started to cry feeling the pain of the trees she went over to one and tuched it feeling its pain shoot throw her her hands tornt green as she hild the tree she maded it torn into leaves and makes a new tree grow in its plce with a seas making t grow big in 5 seconds flat

@ coccobean : why the ... Did u haft to do that put a cure on my zac he was going to get her help in the next post after ong of it >.< and that's not far he need peoples help to kill the sized so this ant helpfull now I need to think of a new plane sorry of this sounds rued or anything I'm not trying to be that just saying know that plane in the bin need new one
Wish looks at the girl cocking his head as he turns into Khalkotauroi (A metal bull that breathes fire) he scraped his hoof on the ground and snorted staring the girl down. After she didnt move he charged her pointing his horns at her chest.
Kat: I sent you a private message.

Nerrezza: She watches the Pegasus change into something else, a creature that looked familiar, but she couldn't put her name on it. She was only slightly surprised though when the Pegasus did change, guessing that it really wasn't a Pegasus at all. Not that it made much difference at all. She watches the bull like creature charge at her and smirked slightly. The bull aimed right for her chest. She had a bored expression on her face and wasn't afraid of the bull creature at all. Before she got a chance to decide anything though, Erebus puts up a wall of fire between the two of them. Nerrezza couldn't help but roll her eyes when Erebus protects her again. It didn't really matter what happened to her. Not like she would of felt the pain of the horns anyway. She lost the feeling of pain a long time ago, having too many scars and feeling too much pain, she was numb to it now. And she could also defend herself or just simply jump out of the way at the last time.
The metal bull ran strait threw the wall of fire then looked back at the girl and scraped the ground again snorting. He charged at her again. Once he got close to her he tried to flip her so that she would land on his back and he kept running forward.
Man what to post


he rolls his eyes and walks off bored to death of this shirt he also hated just getting throw to the sided and not when noticed he thinks and smirks he knows who to go to his to best friend they will help him get what he needed
Jackie simply pushed off the bulls back. She sat on a cloud that immediately turned black as soon as she touched it. She watched in amusement as the two fought. "Now now now...What do we have here?" she smiled devilishly, and stared at Nerrezza, giggling.

When she became bored, she snapped her fingers and created an illusion of some sort. An abyss it looked like. She thought this would be a perfect place for the two to brawl carelessly. 'How immature.' She thought to herself with a giggle, which seemed to be echoing in the 'abyss'. She'd join into the fight, but for now she absorbed the knowledge it took to figure out how these two fight. 'If only the lord of Gahenna were here...' ​She thought again with sheer amusement.

she finished the trees saving the. And was week she claps to her knees breathing hard she looks up " I wander where Jackie is I hope she ok "
I just wanted to let everybody know that I won't be on for a few days, I'm going on vacation. And sorry that I didn't get to post before I left. I don't really have much time. So..try to continue on without me. /:


she finished the trees saving the. And was week she claps to her knees breathing hard she looks up " I wander where Jackie is I hope she ok "

After running threw the fire he couldnt see so he ran into the woods almost running into a girl but tripped himself landing beside her.
Lizzy She stands up and looks down at the guy (or what ever he is at the Moment ) she helped him up brushing the gust off of him " are u ok"

what?" she looks at him " it's no big deal really I just helped u up " she says moving her hair out of her face she looks at him with ice blue eyes
He changes back into his djinn form and smiles. “Yes it was small but it is the fact that you choose to act. So how might i be able to help you.” stares into her eyes anylitically
Layla sighs, walking through the dark forest with her silver eyes glowing brightly. She hated being alone. But she got used after a while.

Animals scurried away from her in every direction, sensing she was a great danger to them and could easily tear them to shreds.

"Stupid animals.." She spat out loud, not caring who heard her. She huffed, causing a white fog to surround near her face, but it quickly dispersed after a second.

she thinks and thinks but couldn't think of a thing she wanted help with but counldnt think of one thing at all " I'm sorry I can't think of one thing u can help me with " she says sadly

she looks at him and sees him as a Cerberus she pats one of the heads " ur really going to follow me around ? Ok then " she started to walk

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