Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

As she started walking he jumped up and ran circles around her putting his paws on her back jumping down. His heads were all panting walking beside her looking up at her.

she laughs and pats his heads again she smiles "ur an playful one arn't u that's so cute !" she smiles and thinks " come lets go to the river " she started to run laughing a cute giggile
He started running beside her with their sticking out of the side. The left head was looking at her the one in the middle was watching where they were going and the other was looking at the scenery.
Layla looked down into her feet, and than suddenly shifted into a giant silver dragon with glowing patches of blue fog following wherever she went. Her blue eyes scanned the clearing before launching into the air. She spread her long, silver wings and than flapped slowly, shooting through the air.

She watched the ground below, looking for any patch of movement or sound. She huffed, opening her mouth and letting out a huge, ferocious roar. It echoed around, alerting every animal or human.
Layla continued to flap her wings, leaving a trail of glowing blue fog behind her. She continued to search the ground below, watching for movement. She finally found someone and she roared. It was a girl, and a Cerberus.

She roared again, her blue teeth gleaming as she huffed and swooped down. She skidded out in front of them, tearing up the earth as she gripped it to slow herself down.

She stopped and gave them a look before letting out a fierce low growl.

"Well.. I didn't expect to see anybody out here at this time of day." She said, baring her long teeth and taking a few steps towards them. She swung her long tail and folded her wings on her back slowly. She eyed the Cerberus, sensing he was a Shifter of some sort.
He runs around the dragon wagging his tail. He got down on his front haunches barking at her with there tongues hanging out. He licked the dragon on the front and both sides of her face.
Layla growled, pushing the Cerberus out of the way and giving him a fierce glare.

"You've got a lot of nerve doin' that.." She growled, huffing out a blue fog irritably.

She looked at the Cerberus and than grinned slightly.

"Your a Shifter." She said, flicking her long tail and making her eyes glow brightly.
The three heads stare up at her in an effort to play dumb. Then lays on his back and starts to shake. He stands up and walks around the dragon sniffing it.

she golps and grabs the 3 headed dog and pulls him away from the dragon " I'm sorry um um um " she was a little freckled out now she bit her lip hard " um um do u need something are we in ur way we can go " she says
Layla, sensing Lizzy's fear, extended her long silver claws and huffed out again fiercely.

"No. I was just passing by." She took a few steps forward and bent her head down close to Lizzy's face so she was staring her directly in the eyes.

"Thought I would, ya know.. Drop by and say hello." She said with an evil edge to her voice. She smirked, her long glowing blue teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

She suddenly sat up straight and spread her long, blue and silver wings.

"I would watch yourselves. You never know what could be out here." She said, and than with a huge flap of her wings, took off into the air and vanished over the horizon.

she froze as she meet eye to eye with the dragon she didn't say a thing and didn't move her heart was betting fast pownding in her chest when the layla left she finaly breaths " wow .. " she thinks " I never been do scared in my life what's wrong with me ".
As she leaves he turns into a Giant cobra. As his heads combine making on. He slithers around her and covers the hole with his head to protect her.

she golps and she slowly tuched the cobras head she was a tilt scared of snakes up she know he wouldn't hort her she has to get over her fears
After she had the dragon was out of sight he unwrapped from her. He then slithered between her legs so she was on his back and he turned into the metal bull again and started running with her on his back.

she looks down and see the thing torn from a snake into a metal bull she grabs on as he started to run she feel the wind hitting them she smiles liking it "were are we going " she asked hopping she spoke loud enought for him to hear
He said in a low grovlly tone. "I'm just running is there some place you wish to go" he started to pick up speed

she hds onto him " um will there is one place it's gose throw the deeps of the forest intill u getntothenother sided think u can go that far ?
At those words he turns into a griffin and takes of into the air " I can make it eventually" his sounder like that of someone thought highly of themselves.

what are anyway ... Ur not a shape shifter but u can change into things ... So what are u I'm confused ?!

ahe looks around she never been this high up befor she tuched the clouds as they fly along she thinks " um I guess so" she says

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