Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Tariella wandered around the woods nearby, hoping to find a town nearby since the last one she had been to was two days ago and she already was running low on supplies. She whistled lowly for Jule, her hawk. Jule then swooped down from her flight next to Tariella and flew higher, above the trees in search for either a town or food.

She walks into town and looks around she signs the night was a little cold and lonely she signs holding her surf bored in her arm she bit her lip
I wake up. Mother of Lylimark, just let me sleep! I grab the pillow and put it over my head, groaning. "Ughhh.. Well.. I guess I'll look for food tonight.." (She's a succubus. :D ) I sigh and put the pillow back, sitting up and kicking the blankets off, putting on my attire. I slipped the dress on easily and put on some heels, smiling. Tonight would be a good night. Just like always.
Ooc: Meet and greet nimmytheladyofthelake and KrystalAida, who I have accepted! =D And yes, I will do this to every new member from now on.

Nerrezza: She looks across from her perch higher up in the tree and lets out a snicker. She couldn't believe that Serefon was looking for her and that he would be most threatened by her. She lets herself have a moment of pride and her high ego goes a bit more higher. It would make sense that she would be the most threatening, because she was; Nerrezza, after all, was the most wanted and dangerous criminal out there. Wanting to have a bit more fun she goes up higher into the tree without making a sound this time either. She doesn't go all the way to the top but enough so she could jump from tree to tree, making a semi-circle; and without making any sound. Until she was in the tree that was directly behind Serefon. She slowly lowers herself from each branch until she was on the lowest one and wraps her legs around the branch before letting go. So now she was upside-down and facing the back of Serefon's head. She tilts her head slightly before opening her mouth to speak. "Who are you looking for?" She asks Serefon in a creepy way but also in a whisper. It wasn't a complete whisper, loud enough for Serefon to hear, but not loud enough for the rest to hear her.

Damn, there she was. On the upside, if she'd wanted him dead he would be. With a quick angry glance at Wolf, he lowers the bow and turns around. She was really close...and if she was going to sneak up on him like that then it was time to surprise her. Serefon took one half step forward and planted his lips on hers.
Nerrezza: For the first time in her life, she was 100% surprised by what Serefon did; at least, she was surprised what he did in his type of situation. In an ordinary situation she wouldn't be surprised, since she had a beauty and an aura to automatically attract men, either on their own, or by a spell of her own sort. She wasn't sure if Serefon was only trying to use this as a distraction while he pulled another move of his own and killed her instead of her killing him---though she had no initial plans to kill him. So from the corner of her eye she watched him and kept a half tensed up posture, so she would be ready to defend herself if Serefon attacked. But other than that she enjoyed the kiss and kissed him back, letting Serefon decide how long the kiss would last.
He was a little shocked! He kept expecting a knife at his throat or something but never a return kiss. He realized that the kiss had now lasted a long time and pulled away, seizing the chance to answer her question, "You" was all he replied.

OOC: Sorry, it apparently didn't show all of what I typed...or I spaced and hit post before I meant too...that sounds more likely.

Serefon then turned back to Wolf and gave him a quick pet to let him know he wasn't holding a grudge and too(to?) apologize, he let Wolf have the last of their meat. Unsure of how he should now handle the angry tree girl that he just kissed he simply held his hand out to offer her some help down, knowing full well that she didn't need it.
Nightsworn: It's okay, stuff like that happens xP

Nimmytheladyofthelake: First, may I call you Nimmy or Lady of the Lake for short? Second, go for it. Just as long as you make up the name of the village/town/city really, and don't just call it "The Village"(or other options), if you get what I'm saying xP.

Nerrezza: She smiles slightly when she senses that Serefon was surprised that she kissed him back. Her smile broadened as she realized that this day was just full of surprises, not really, but at least this moment; and surprises, for the most part, were good things. Especially if Nerrezza was the one to create the surprises. Surprises in general gave her an edge or made things interesting, even if they were meant to harm her; yet she always found a way to have the biggest surprise. Her smile however, stayed a smile, but became a bit more twisted when Serefon finally answered her question. Yet it completely disappeared and she lets out a slight growl when he offered his help. She lets out a huff and decides to prove him wrong. She didn't need any help. Nerrezza flips herself back upside so that her legs were still clinging onto the branch but now they were somewhat twisted. She then makes sure she is sitting on the branch and holds her arms there. She sets her legs right and lets them dangle from the branch, stretching them out first before letting go of the branch completely and dropping onto the forest floor below--landing on her feet and looking up at Serefon with a slight smile.
Well, he wasn't sure what to do with that. I mean, he knew she didn't need his help but why the growl? As confused as he was at her actions Serefon found himself in a strange situation, that is to say that he enjoyed this strange girl and her.....quirky nature. The last person whose company he enjoyed was Wolf and before that, his brother. That thought brought some unpleasant memories with it. He shook his head clear of the thought and gave a smile to the girl, knowing that he would never figure her out...which he figured would be much more enjoyable.
Nerrezza: She raises her eyebrows slightly and waits and sees if he was going to say something first. She lets out another short growl when he doesn't and hates to be the one that broke the silence, but does anyway. It's not like she couldn't handle the silence and usually she would keep it going until the other person talked first; but she actually had something to say and didn't feel like waiting for once. "What's your interest in me?" She could of just asked why he would kiss her in the first place, but she was straight forward enough; and hopefully Serefon got the hidden message. Beside, she already knew the obvious answer; and that answer was most likely for her looks--but she wanted to know the answer beyond that point, if there was even more beyond the point. If there wasn't then she would just walk away now and discard him--she wasn't in a playing mood. Usually she would let her victims do whatever they want with her and in the end she would just suck them dry of blood and kill them. However, she can still feel Erebus there and knew that he was there which stopped her, his presence and what he was doing was irritating her quite a bit.
"You're nothing like anyone I've ever met." That was strange, the words just came out. Normally he would've just shrugged or shook his head and walked off but this did she do that? He was also tempted to ask her why she hadn't just attacked him or even why she bothered approach him at all but these questions would yeild no vital information so there was no point in asking. He hoped that this was an answer that wouldn't upset her more.
.....Mhe .....


she gets to her place and puts her surf bored down and ets changed out of her wet sexy bikini and puts new Frey dry cloths on and she puts her fave old shose on. She had her fave worn out blue jeans on and a black singlet she walks into town
Nerrezza: She raises one eyebrow slightly and looks at Serefon for a few moments before letting out a laugh and a snort of amusement. Her laugh sounded delirious and adds more of the insane character she really was. Then as soon as she started laughed she quickly stopped laughing again. "Woo. I'm glad that you said that, because, you sir, are correct. I'm really not like anybody else that anybody has ever met, unless, of course, they have met me. The point in which I am saying is that I have a very mixed and complicated personality. I'm also quite infamous." She stops then and furrows her eyebrows together, frustrated at herself. She had started to ramble, though not as a sign of fear, how most people ramble when they are nervous. She was wondering to herself if she got off as annoying. Her eyes flashes a different color, but it was so quick, you could barely see it. Why should she care if she was annoying or not? Chances are if they thought that she was annoying, then she would just think that the other person was annoying as well. She stops again, but this time, her ramble of thoughts instead of words. "What's your name?" She asks the guy in front of her and didn't care if she was too straight forward or not. It wasn't like she was asking about his whole life story or whatever, not that she would care to know it anyhow, which gave her no reason to ask that.
"Serefon." At this Wolf nudged him with his snout and looked up at him, he then turned to the girl. Serefon leaned down and started petting the dog. He then realized what Wolf wanted, so he looked back at the girl and said "Wolf." He gave Wolf a final pat on the head and stood back up, and waited for her to introduce herself.
Nimmy: Haha, it's fine, I was a bit confused though. Heh.

Nerrezza: She narrowed her eyes slightly at Serefon, he was starting to bore her, he talked too little. She usually was annoyed with the talkative type, but this time she was getting annoyed since he was talking too little; yet again there was no true way to please here. She was quite bipolar actually at some times. Always at odd ends with herself and others. She realized then that the polite and proper and expected thing to say was what her name was back. But she wasn't polite and proper and so decides to wait for Serefon to ask personally, though she doubts that he will, and thus would make this exchange even more interesting. However, if she didn't tell him what her name was, she didn't really have anything else to say. So she could always let it go to awkward silence. "I couldn't help but notice earlier that you fed Wolf here some food. Are you in need of some more? And a proper place?" Instead of saying the obvious like what her name was, she asks even more about Serefon; and didn't give any information of herself away yet. She wasn't sure if she was being fair to Serefon by asking him information of himself and herself giving none, but then again, she never did--unless they asked first.
Serefon was a little thrown, but he supposed he hadn't yet given her much reason to trust him. Oh well, he couldn't just leave her question hanging in the air. He gave her a nod and Wolf started sniffing her for the aforementioned food. When he failed to find anything he licked her hand. A snap of the fingers from Serefon's hand sent Wolf to his side. He didn't want to anger her and Wolf wasn't being helpful.

OOC: I finally get to post a picture of Serefon, I'll go do that he's there.
OOC: Ok people, it's been over 24 hours since somebody posted and that somebody was me. It's actually been something like two days since one of you posted. If something doesn't happen with one of your characters soon then Serefon is just gonna go crazy. I mean it. He'll start setting people on fire, throwing knives at you or, most likely, pantsing each and every one of you. This is Nightsworn and you have been warned.
Nightsworn: Whoa! Slow down and calm down please. D= Sorry, sorry, I'll try my best to post at least once a day. Sometimes I need more brain thought is all.

Nerrezza: She flicks her eyes to Wolf when he licks her hand and knew that the prospect of food interested the wolf. She lets out a sigh and growls, her growl intent on Serefon though. "Honestly, I don't just take head nods for an answer. You have a mouth, so use it, and speak. Unless you don't want to have a mouth." Her eyes narrow at that thought and she had a sardonic tone, but continues. "If you start to talk too much and annoy me, I will silence you, in the most creative ways possible." She meant what she said and her eyes were slanted in a deadly way when she said this, making her look more angry then she really was. However, Serefon did nod his head and when she mentioned food, Wolf went up to her to confirm it. Besides, she didn't need any of them to confirm it, she could just tell by how they looked. Not bedraggled and starving but not plumped up either. She didn't technically have a house or a permanent residence, so was now debating whether to invite Serefon and Wolf to come and live with her. She didn't really like the thought or felt comfortable to think that somebody else was "living" in the woods with her, though there was tons of woods; and she didn't really "live" there.
For the first time ever Serefon made a real attempt at communication. After a short struggle to come with something, anything to say. Finally, what sprang from his mouth was "You're cute when you're angry." As soon as the last word left his mouth he froze. Having only rarely talked to other people before, he wasn't sure how his words would be construed. In response to his words Wolf laid down and covered his eyes.
Nerrezza: When Serefon actually tried talking a wide but evil grin spread across her face. What Serefon said next was like him putting his own foot in his mouth, that was at least, what she thought Serefon thought was going on. She got even angrier for him calling her cute, she wasn't cute, and didn't like to be called cute. But she had more more of the battle. "First of all, I'm not "cute", I'm many things, just not that. If anything, I'm smoking hot when I'm angry, I'll accept that, just not "cute" or "beautiful"--those are petty adjectives to call me. Don't call me that again. You should use the more flaming and spicy adjectives." She pauses and then thinks for a moment, her grin getting wider. "Oh, I see what's going on. Are you not talking because you just so overcome with my beauty?" She flips her hair valiantly and lets out a laugh, making it seem like she was joking, but, truly, she never joked and was always serious.
He pondered this for a second before deciding that it was better to agree. He started to nod out of habit but stopped himself and said "Yes...." He tried to find something to add and even tried to form a few words but ultimately ended up just closing his mouth. He wasn't sure if she'd prefer that he attempt to communicate and look like an idiot or stay quiet and look less like an idiot. But how could he ask her that without it coming out wierd?

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