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Fantasy Mystical Academy


"Just came back from a job," Monobear said innocently, as that is what he was doing before hand, a grin coming across his face as he remembered the corpus of the teacher and murderer, as he put his hands to his face, as he would laugh a little "Upupupu~" He said as he laughed. He got back up as he would look at the male, again looking human, but as he saw before not many of these things truthfully are human. One example being Melody.


Insanity started to wander around the school, feeling much better after he died earlier today on the pole-vault, he would start to continue try to look for ways to get himself killed or let others killed him as he would walk towards what seem to be a man in a suit of gold and a girl, he didn't care much of the girl, but the man in gold seemed to be fun to talk to, "Hey there, I was wondering if you could kill me." He said with a evil grin on his face, Pain is absolutely ... Marvelous , he thought.
Melody, who had still been looking at the two, thought about what exactly she was doing there. There was never really a reason for being anywhere besides just... being. So as an answer she shrugged and said, "I was talking to Monokuma." She puzzled over something for a moment before adding, "It looks like you're smiling but you don't want to. Or perhaps it is difficult."
"When you are a snake... its hard to smile sometimes...." Luke said while rubbing his neck.

'I guess i should leave them...' He tought.

"So...umm...anyone going back to class? Im staying..." Luke said, looking around, then back at Monokuma and Melody.

'I think i will leave...' He tought again.


Monokuma then looked at Melody as she took a while to respond to the question, He would grin as he found what made him not human
, ah so he is a snake with a human form, he thought thinking of all of his fun that he could have with this one now, yet another person that he could have the pleasure of manipulating later, now two people that he figured out what they could do, although he did disliked he wasn't able to see a look that showed that they might kill, " And not really,"
Biology what a waste of time Ase thought to herself getting up.She started heading for the biology lab.
"See you later..." Luke said suddently, waving and walking off, heading towards the biology lab, walking side by side with one person.

"Hi..." Luke said.
Ase entered the lab and took her seat. Ase placed her physics book on the table and began reading it.


Monokuma would give a wave, oh biology study of life, I think I have seen a fair share of you now that I am dead. He wouldn't go to this class as well as he would starting to get back up in his bear form, "Now then, what fun can I create." He said snicking as he saw Discord walking by, and Depression doing what she does best...


Discord would walk into the school grounds, looking at the door to one of the empty classrooms he would duck tape a air horn so when the door would be opened all the way, the air horn would go off. He would whistle with a smirk on his face as he heard go off by the teacher, when they walked in some of the students inside they were each one by one interrogated as he laughed, when one of them got detention. "Oh this is oh so fun." He said, none of the humans and other beings inside there could hear them at the moment. Unless one of them was already dead or a god/goddess as they would. He would walk away whistling as he continued on his path.


Depression would walk into her new school grounds, noticing many people playing hooky, "Everything is so despicably happy, " she muttered as she would start to walk around the ends of the building, sadness almost following her as she would start the waterworks, although they were almost always there, wiping her eyes, some people crossing over her starting to cry themselves as they walked by, her insides smiling at their sadness.
The Twins

Artemis sighed as her brother protested. He was taking about how he, Ares, and Aphrodite wanted to explore. She shook her head and sighed. "Apollo," she snapped, stopping his words. "What is our next class?" Apollo took a step back, raising his hands in front of him. "Okay," he said, "you win. I dunno, I just got here!" Artemis smirked. "Thou does not know something?" she asked, turning to face the others. She walked away, lining up beside Hestia and Persephone. "Ugh," groaned Apollo as he walked with Ares and Aphrodite.


Aphrodite let go of Ares's hand, skipping in front of him. "It's cool," she said, "being in a school for the first time." Ares nodded, looking at each of the doors. "Where the hell are we going?" he asked. She shrugged, then looked to Apollo. "I have no idea," he said truthfully. "Could you use your power of prophecy, then?" asked Aphrodite as she skipped over to the girls. Ares looked to Apollo expectantly.


Hestia looked over to Artemis. "Thou does not know what class is coming?" she asked. Artemis shook her head. "Apollo does not know," she said, looking at her twin. Persephone tapped Hestia's shoulder. "What if he used his power?" she suggested quietly. When she saw Aphrodite coming, her attention turned to her. "Hey!" gasped Aphrodite "I haven't seen you in a while!" Persephone laughed


Athena stepped into the school, processing everything in her mind. She looked behind her to make sure Eris was still there. "No arguments," warned Athena as she walked deeper into the school. She glanced down the corridors, and saw her siblings. "Eris, follow me," she said, checking behind her. Eris followed, for Zeus had told her to stay with Athena and listen to her. Damn this place, I don't want to go to school. Ares turned around and saw her. She smiled brightly and poked his arm. "Hi," she said. "Haven't seen you in a long time." Ares laughed. "Yep," he said.
Mary entered the biology lab and grabbed a random seat, waiting for the class to start.
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Melody shook her head, clearing her mind as she had spaced out a bit. "I'm sorry, did he leave?" She asked Monokuma. Seeing as he might be ready to walk off too, she took a seat against the wall, not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. Shifting through songs within her head, she found one she didn't mind listening to and replaced one headphone.


Eise strode into school with dull eyes, blood stained hands, and a sweet smile. She dragged her small axe along the walls making a repetitive clinking and scraping sound. Most of the students turned to look at her in disgust and discomfort at the noise that assaulted their ears but she only continued, enjoying the sound herself. In her mind she was picking out which ones in the group looked the tastiest and which ones didn't look worth eating.
"HEY TEACHER!" Luke yelled while leaving the class, as he flip the bird to the teacher, walking around the school, eventually finding Melody again.

"Oh..hi again...".He said, smiling a bit.
Melody looked up from her sitting position, opening one eye as she had had them closed. Removing one headphone, she spoke. "Hello, again. What brings you back?" Mel pulled in her legs, in case her lanky form was taking up any of the hallway space.
"Nothing...i was just walking around....but...mind if i stay around? " Luke asked, sitting down right next to Melody, looking at her.

"If i bother you... just...tell me and i will leave..." He said.


Monokuma started to walk away to find another person he could talk to, so far I have two people that I can manipulate if I wanted still in his stuffed animal form

looking his next victim to meet his most despair inducing presents. As he would upupupupu~ all the way to somewhere.



Discord would start to continue in his endless whistling as he would then start to find some donuts in the teachers lounge, none of them able to see him as he got some spicy mayo and filled the donuts with that instead of jelly, putting his back against the door as he couldn't but laugh again at the sight of the teachers having to swallow the mayo filled donuts. He started to take some photos, they couldn't see him do so as well but people could see them eating these donuts now.



Depression would sit down by herself as she would continue to cause sadness everywhere she wept, for fun, she would smile this time as people would be walking by and instantly have a feeling of sadness as they walked by her, as she sat down on the entrance of the school. No matter how joyful they were they were always taken away by her sadness.



"So what do you say, up for killing me." He said unknowingly to the god of war, in a somewhat casual tone as he was actually quite giddy at the moment, putting his hands in his jacket and swaying, "If you don't I am happy enough to find someone else who is willing to kill me." He said shrugging, "Heck Ill even kill myself." He said pulling out a gun, and pointing it at his head.


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