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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"Do I have to?" Katsumi asked her father.

"Yes, Kat, you have no choice, you can't be home schooled forever." He advised her.

Her father was a very powerful man, in fact, he was the Grim Reaper.

Katsumi groaned and got out of the car, she fixed her neko ears, her skirt and her tail.

She closed the car door and walked to the huge school.

She walked through the busy halls and made her way to her locker.
Nikolai was literally surfing on the eletricity wires , as he reach the school, he drop down from them, entering his new school and going around, trying to find his locker.

He walk towards a girl in one of the halls.

"Hey...can you help? I lost my locker...." He asked, smiling weakly.

(Infamous referenceeeeeeee)
She turned to the boy speaking to her, she felt the redness crawling up her neck, she doesn't do well with talking to people.

"Uh... Yeah, of course. What do you need help with?" She asked him politely, giving him a small smile.

{Goodnight ^^}
"I...can't....find...my locker...." Nikolai said with a dreamy tone before looking away, his face slightly red.

He look back at her.

"C-can you help me...?" Nikolai asked, gently.
"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you properly the first time.. Do you know your locker number? I-I'm new here so, maybe yours is the empty one on my left?" She pointed at the black locker next to her and looked at the ground, trying to hide her embarrassment.
"Thank you... anyways... im Nikolai, nice to meet you." Nikolai walked over to the locker , opening. It and he put his stuff inside, his face still red, when he finish with the locker, he walked over to where she was again.
"My name is Katsumi, but you can just call me Kat," she smiled at him. "What species are you?" She asked him, trying to continue the conversation.
"I-I'm a Grim Reaper," she looked at the floor, making her hair cover her red face. She wanted to hit herself because of how nervous she was, her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty.
She looked up at him and looked into his eyes and calmed down a little bit, "I-I'm just really shy.. I've been home schooled my whole life." She told him.
"I've been hated my whole life because i am a conduit..." Nikolai said. "But anyways...if you need water or something else... just tell me, ok?" He said, looking clearly worried.
"Well, I don't see why anyone would hate you because of who you are, you can't control that. Thank you for your concern, by the way. What class do you have first?" She asked him, feeling more comfortable around him.
"Let's go and get it then, it should be at the office." She smiled at him kindly and grabbed his arm softly. She led him up the stairs to the third floor and stopped by the principal's office. "Here," she gestured to the office.
"Oh..yep...here we are..." Nikolai said, as he look at the principal office, looking at every detail on the room, then looking back at the principal.

"Hey...umm...we are here to get our schedules..." He said to the principal.
He handed us our schedules and said, "tell your father I said hi." I smiled at him and exited the office. "I have Science first, what do you have?" I asked Nikolai with an excited tone in my voice, hoping he'd be in my class but, knowing my luck, I'd be in a different class.
[K] Nai walks into class, late [ I Presume?] and sits in the only empty seat, not paying attention to the teacher. [ I just wanna know, are neko's counted as Fantasy?]
She grabbed his hand gently and led him to a class she thought was the right one, she looked at the name tag of the teacher teaching the class next to the door, the gold plate said, "Mr. Robinson." She looked down at her scheduel and saw that, that was her Science teacher's name. "Wow, we made it," she told him looking surprised, "I thought we would get lost and be late!" She giggled. She opened the tall, heavy, black door and walked into the classroom.

Nai said:
[K] Nai walks into class, late [ I Presume?] and sits in the only empty seat, not paying attention to the teacher. [ I just wanna know, are neko's counted as Fantasy?]
{I wouldn't consider them fantasy, but considering I'm a neko girl myself, I'll accept them. I am rping as one however, I do have a dominant power.}

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