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Fantasy Mystic People

"even if you try to turn on me I could kill you instantly" He said and smirked "so yea I will help you" he turned and started walking in a random direction hoping he could catch the aura of a witch or warlock "this is going to be difficult you know we are in new york and there are millions of people here" he stated while trying to read the auras of the people around him

"Not if you are a witch, trust me, besides they always gossip at the only safe place," she looked at him and raised an eyebrow "You do realize your heading toward demon territory, right?" she asked and then sighed, muttering under her breath "clueless angel" and grabbed his hand, "Come on, you don't want to go that way even if you Are an angel, to many of those bastards to keep up with unless you have a death wish, make one sense you, before you know it a whole flock of them are after you, now come along, we need to head to the bad side of town, well to humans it's the bad side, to witches it's the best"

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Plaematio glared at the girl but let her Drag him "it's my first day here don't judge me" he huffed and looked away still allowing the girl to lead him towards the right area
"I don't judge, just tease, come along, they hang out in a bar somewhere around here, hopefully the place is still here and not torn down, anyways all I can hope is that someone knows where the Coven is, and they best not know your an angel, hope we can distract them from your species, otherwise were toast, or hopeless" she said walking toward a bar "Yup, still here, how nostalgic" she said and shooed the cats away, sending them back to there everyday routines

she looks at the tattered signs and rotting walls. She then studies the chipped paint on the door and smiles, it looks as run down and abandoned as ever, "Shall we?" she asks raising her eyebrows at the angel next to her

He suppressed his aura making him seem like a normal human "lets go" he walks into the bar and takes a seat he looked to the bartender "just a beer please" he stated and looked at the girl motioning for her to come over the bartender gave him a beer and he downed it in a couple of gulps waving at her for another beer
Walks to the bartender "Scotch on the rocks with a twist" she ordered and grabbed the glass and walked to a corner where a group of girls were laughing and sits by them and starts to ask a few questions, the mood got serious in the corner and she picked up her drink walking towards the counter, drinking it quickly and paying. "So... seems like a incident happened while I was gone, a few witches died and the Coven scattered all around the city, which makes my job more difficult" she said and rubbed the temples on her forehead "Why do witches have to be such cowards and cant own up to their own crimes?" she asked that question to no one in particular, but just felt like saying it

Fennik walked around the streets of NY.

He then looked at a skyscraper, an odd light coming from it.

He didn't care about it at first.

Some time later.

He saw a blinding light coming from a person.

He looked at it for a moment.

It was clear, that had to ba an angel, no, an archangel.

After his eyes got back to normal, he started to follow them in the shadows.

Whoevar had such an aura started following a hooded lady.

The two apparently went onto a bar, so he followed them.

"Well..Well..Look's like im not the only "Freak" around"

he said with a demonic voice only people he was looking at could hear, to others it was just normal.

It would then stop.

"Name's Fennik."

He REALLY didn't know how to present himself to other people.

He sat down by the angel, gesturing the bartender to get him a soda.

"So, what brings such a powerfull entity to this sinful world ?"

He stopped for a moment.

"And...why are you with a witch ?.."



Can I join (Better late than never.)
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Sawako flinched realizing that the girl had seen her. She walked just a bit closer to her and pointed upward towards the building she was once on. Her stomach growled once more and she felt one of her teeth grow slightly in size. She quickly put her hand over her mouth and her face turned red. "Do you have food?" she mumbled. The use of her blood manipulation was really wearing her down and her beastly form was starting to take over.

((Sorry for not responding quickly))

@creamy cat​
"The building?" She asked softly. Maybe all humans travel the way. She noted to keep that in mind.

Skylar shook her head at the question. Food. what a silly term. Wary of the girl, she looked around, and saw an unoccupied table with 'food' sitting on it, in front of some building that people got 'food' from to sit down and eat. What a waste of time. She grabbed a small portion of it off the table and gestured it to the mystery girl, ignoring the looks from customers.

Skylar got a better look at her. She seemed to be about 16 or 17, and tired. Did jumping off a building take that much energy?

Skylar decided not to ask.

(( it's okay c: @Imagination)
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Sawako looked over to the food on the table. No that wouldn't do. She needed a feast. She frantically looked around the city for a restaurant or grocery store or something. If she didn't get anything to eat fast she would've gone berserk. She groaned feeling the pain of her transformation. She fell on her knees again losing balance. Claws started protruding from her hands as she attempted to stand.

@creamy cat​
Skylar stumbled back, holding back an audible gasp. The streets of New York were too busy to notice this as of now, but they would soon. she noticed her fingernails growing... Not that they were nails anymore.

The girl seemed to be painfully mutilating herself, and... Transforming? The girl struggled to get up, claws becoming more defined.

Skylar connected the dots. She's probably not human. Of course, she would never tell her that she knew--this was a rough world. She picked the girl up--she had fallen and was quickly gaining attention. Of course, Skylar probably couldn't actually pick her up, and she used her air manipulation powers to help carry her a bit. it wasn't that noticeable, and looked like Skylar was carrying her anyways.

Skylar ran.

They eventually both collapsed at an empty alleyway, both of them a mess. the girl seemed to have most control over herself. Skylar stood up and smoothed her hair. She had no food, and she was, admittedly, scared. She waited for the girl to gain full consciousness.


( I also apologize for controlling your character this is a bad response sorry :'( )

( also, I changed my username just now, so be careful of that ;0 @Imagination )


Sawako opened her eyes and saw her hands. She screamed and stumbled back a bit. "I...need...food.." she said struggling to gain control of her former self. Her pupils turned black and she suddenly fell back again. "Please, leave while you still can..." she said just before she closed her eyes once more. Her teeth grew in size. She opened her eyes again and she slowly stood up.

((It's okay. To be honest I didn't exactly have an idea of where I was going with this.))

@iridescent dreams
Plaematio looked at the girl "aren't you a witch he raised an eyebrow and took another swig of his beer, he turned his head to the demonic voice he growled and let a lot of his aura seep out filling the Bar with the smell of vanilla he heard the demon introduce himself "what are you a demon" he growled out he hated the demons more than humans. he took another gulp of his beer before signaling the bartender to give him another his aura still radiating ((anywhere you'd like I guess))
Joseph looked at the building and begans walking toward it "I've always had a feeling this would happen" he continues walking towards the building smiling

"Yeah, yeah, Im a demon."

Fennik sat by, taking a sip of the soda, he was too young for alcohol.

"You didn't awnser my question, what brings such a divinity as you here ? Maybe..Witch hunting ?"

A smile grew on his face, it was confusing, aren't demons supposed to be bad ? His smile had no bad intentions, that was noticeable.
She flinched at her scream and tried to keep calm as the girl's eyes turned black, and stifled a scream as the girl opened her eyes again. Skylar froze, nearly paralyzed.

It took a few moments for Skylar to grasp her senses, and after that, Skylar's mind was buzzing with decisions. Should she turn into her form and try to kill this monster? Or should she run off and get food? If she ran and got food, this... Thing might follow her, threatening many human lives.

Skylar swallowed as the monster advanced.

And she ran...

Into another alleyway--further away from human gaze. She started to softly murmur, and the air shifted. She hoped that the monster would follow her.

(LOL there are alleyways everywhere I guess @Imagination)
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"why im here is none of your business" he took a large gulp of his beer "And if you must know God sent me here on a mission if not I wouldn't be on this disgusting planet" he sneered and took another gulp he was hungry now but didn't want to admit it his human form needed food to survive "demon how long have you been on earth"


Sawako lifted her head and let out a boisterous scream. She walked slowly out of the alleyway and people were starting to notice. Some were running and others were calling the police. She had a bit of an arch in her spine and parts of her hair were sticking up. She saw a human and attacked it. She tore at its skin and mauled the human. Blood ran down her claws and mouth. She lifted her head up and her pupils shrank as she came to her senses. Her claws diminished as well as her teeth. Her pupils returned back to their original color. She saw her bloody hands and her eyes widened and she let out a horrified gasp.

@iridescent dreams

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