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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

Oops. I meant Cayde. I have several games running here at the moment, I looked at the first sheet posted and it was Sherwood's, not mine.
I immediately jumped to the conclusion that Sherwood and pyschie are the same person.
Ok, on a serous note, are we going to post in any particular order, or just post our actions?
Hey All. Way to go on warning everyone DragonSlayer, that means the monsters do not get a surprise round on the group.

Now I do want initiative rolls, there really isn't a reason for a turn order in text based rp. Lets roll initiative and see if anyone can beat the monster's 10. anyone that rolls higher than a 10 can take their turn now.

So as long as you initiative is over 10, you can start taking your turn before the baddies do.

Rolled a 21, so I'm going to write my post right away with Sylvestra going full-support for the team.
I am guessing that Athaclenna freezes at the sight of the monsters. Lets hope she's able to get through the fight ok.
Question for our illustrious Storyteller. The Invisibility spell my sword can cast; if I attack with it up, will it void my invisibility or can I strike while hidden?
Question for our illustrious Storyteller. The Invisibility spell my sword can cast; if I attack with it up, will it void my invisibility or can I strike while hidden?
Yes to both. You can use it to strike while hidden as well as it deactivates invisibility after you attack.

I will also let you trigger it before the monsters reach you.
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Just let me know when I can post for Athaclenna and see how badly she gets ripped up.
You can go ahead and post since you said you were going to use your invisibility. I'll see how you use it and go from there.
I was only wondering if I could stay invisible and attack without dropping the spell. I will wait to see how effective these things are and reevaluate as time goes on.
The invisibility spells says it ends when you attack so I can't really swing that.
You could go invisible after the monsters take their turn? Or hang back while invisible to observe?

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